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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, NASA recruits you for their hyper-realistic spaceflight training simulator, however, an unfortunate simulated piloting mistake cases a very real hull breach in the cabin. NASA, being very forward thinking, was kind enough to provide a real vacuum outside the cabin for added immersion.

I wish for millions of skyscrapers to be built across the entire globe and connected via cables to allow for a near infinite building height as you are essentially building new artificial layers onto the Earth.

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Granted. Goodbye, physics!

@Dman You do know what the great attraction is, right? Well, technically the attract"or", but that sounds improper to me.

I wish I could comprehend the number of Planck distances the stretch across Ic11o1. Three octodectillion one hundred twenty five septendectillion. That's 3125000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, or 3.125 • 1057

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Granted, except now you get eaten by a Titan (can't have the invention without the purpose, no?)

I wish we could turn off the sun at night

Edited by Fel
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Granted. But now possessing the mind, memories and body of Elon Musk, you lose your former mind, memories and body, essentially resulting in the death of Spacepetscompany (or whoever you really are).

I wish that I would always win any intentional gamble.

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Granted. It doesn't seem random, though. Like back in the late 2000's when fans of Apple complained that the Imusic app randomizer wasn't truely random (even though it was) and seemed to loop over and over again. Steve Jobs directed to development of a less random randomizer and more people thought it was truely random afterwards!

I wish for the knowledge to building and flying planes in 1.0!

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Granted. You have the knowledge to build and fly the most efficient planes, and they are gorgeous at that. Your hands, however, are at a total discoordination with your brain, so you cannot build or fly any of them. Or pick up and manipulate anything. Oops.

I wish my back would stop hurting (and nothing else started to hurt).

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Granted. However, the painkillers used to make it stop hurting give you an addiction, rendering you a shaking, thoughtless blob unable to engage in your favorite activity: reverts!

I wish you would tell me what you have in store, b/c you haven't been posting there...

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