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[1.8.x+] Waypoint Manager [v2.8.1] [2019-10-22]


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Just came up with another use-case for Waypoint Manager that I wanted to share:

You know when you're launching a lander from the surface of a celestial body and despite having it targeted, you're uncertain of the direction the vessel you wish to dock with is in, and which way it's going on the nav ball? I'm talking about stuff like pulling an Apollo style Munar rendezvous with the CM.

Well, it just occurred to me you go into map view and plop down a waypoint with WM along the path of travel of the CM, and then use that as a navigation aid to guide your launch trajectory.

Too cool. Definitely going to give it a try on my next landing :)

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That is pretty cool. Better than the method I've been using which is to wait for the orbiter to pass over you and then aim at it. :)

Hehe...yeah, that tends to decrease the efficiency of your rendezvous just a tad ;)

I've become somewhat skilled at guestimating the direction based on the compass headings on the nav-ball, but still will sometimes wind up flipping the desired heading 180 degrees in a real "doh!" moment that I only notice once the trajectory is established enough to show up on the map. Just occurred to me earlier that Waypoint Manager provides a much better way that is likely less prone to error :)

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Hehe...yeah, that tends to decrease the efficiency of your rendezvous just a tad ;)

Oh it's not that bad. I should have been more clear. I aim at the ship in the same way you aim at the waypoint. I use it as a cardinal direction but still burn to orbit in the same way. It's still fuel efficient, but not very time efficient as I then have to wait multiple orbits before I can burn to rendezvous.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Oh it's not that bad. I should have been more clear. I aim at the ship in the same way you aim at the waypoint. I use it as a cardinal direction but still burn to orbit in the same way. It's still fuel efficient, but not very time efficient as I then have to wait multiple orbits before I can burn to rendezvous.

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that just wouldn't be feasible in BTSM (which is pretty much all I play) given that you're usually operating under tight time constraints for energy and/or life support for the rendezvous, hence why I thought that you must be burning like crazy at some point to catch up to the CM, and hence why I'm so keen on having a better way of plotting my initial trajectory through Waypoint Manager :)

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New release, finally got around to doing some of the bug fixes and enhancements that have been requested over the last little while. Download now!

Waypoint Manager 2.4.0

  • Added glide slope angle to assist with landing planes.
  • Added option to change waypoint opacity.
  • Made waypoints fade when they get occluded instead of just instantly becoming invisible.
  • Corrected order of latitude/longitude boxes in custom waypoint editor.
  • Allow custom waypoints to be placed in the map view on bodies other than the one the active vessel is on.

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Thank you so much for that once again, nightingale! Really. :)

Now, I'm very curious about this glide slope angle. *launches KSP immediately*

I meant to call this out in the release notes, but forgot - the glide slope angle is off by default and needs to be turned on in the settings menu (I didn't want to clutter the screen too much).

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Waypoint Manager 2.4.0

  • Added glide slope angle to assist with landing planes.
  • Added option to change waypoint opacity.
  • Made waypoints fade when they get occluded instead of just instantly becoming invisible.
  • Corrected order of latitude/longitude boxes in custom waypoint editor.
  • Allow custom waypoints to be placed in the map view on bodies other than the one the active vessel is on.

OMG wow I wanted to come on here to post just these requests after (blindly) using WaypointManager for the first half of my 1.0.4 career and then I saw the features all magically appeared in today's updates.


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I meant to call this out in the release notes, but forgot - the glide slope angle is off by default and needs to be turned on in the settings menu (I didn't want to clutter the screen too much).

Works beautifully! Great tool to aid the line-up for the runway, thanks a lot for taking the time to implement this!

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Last edition of this magnificient mod has an issue. Waypoints don't disappear from list when you fail or decline contract and still are shown as if you have it.

Also waypoints are saved in "No contract" list after completion. That is not much of an issue, but they are not needed anymore and just clutter the list.

P.S. Using "CapCom" for contract managing if that matters.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Last edition of this magnificient mod has an issue. Waypoints don't disappear from list when you fail or decline contract and still are shown as if you have it.

Also waypoints are saved in "No contract" list after completion. That is not much of an issue, but they are not needed anymore and just clutter the list.

Those are probably the same issue. Can you confirm that the waypoints disappear if you do any of the following?

  1. Save/Load
  2. Change scenes

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Persist both on save/load and scene change.

BUT! They sometimes start to be deleted properly on mission completion after save/load. This won't affect waypoints already stuck from previously completed missions.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Persist both on save/load and scene change.

BUT! They sometimes start to be deleted properly on mission completion after save/load. This won't affect waypoints already stuck from previously completed missions.

Oh one last question - are the waypoints in question coming from Contract Configurator, or stock contracts? Also, are you able to provide a log file?

The reason I ask is that Waypoint Manager *shouldn't* really have anything to do with the waypoints being removed... but if it's throwing an error it could prevent them from being removed.

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"Atmospheric scanning" - that's not a CC mission, right? Waypoints mainly stuck on those and "Visual surveys".

Log is messy now as I tried downgrading mod to 2.3.2. Will install 2.4 back and post a new log after something stuck again.

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How it looks:

I performed two tasks of one mission.


See that on the left? There are two identical sets of waypoints in list. One was properly cleared of 2 tasks, second was not.

And when I complete all three...


...bugged list is still there. Waypoints too.

Archived logs here. (If you see scary russian interface - chose "ENG" at the top or just press arrow down below timer - it will be a download link.)

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It seems that contract duplication bug was succesfully squished!


Thank you!

But... other, very similar one remains. :(

As I said, I'm using CapCom for mission management. That means grabbing missions during flight. KSP won't count waypoints as visited until I switch to KSC and back to flight (and that's a pity), but this is how Waypoint Manager react to such actions:

- When I grab a new mission from CapCom, it immediately puts new waypoints to "No contract" list. Then I switch to KSC and back to enable grabbed mission and...


... waypoints are duplicated as contract ones, remaining as "no contract".


And not only list items are duplicated, but waypoints themself - see that double writing on mouseover?

Waypoint is then properly deleted from contract list on task completion, but duplicated one stays in "no contract" and cannot be deleted by means available.

It seems that either a check for contract attribute is missing somewhere or a duplicate cleaning needed on list load.

New logs.

Edited by Dr. Jet
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Random praise for your mod, being used for something it was not intended but for which it served admirably.

I am using regex's KSCSwitcher mod but I wanted to put KSC *exactly* where it is in the stock game. I got it close enough to eyeball and say "yup, nobody'd notice" but I just couldn't TELL FOR SURE and it was DRIVING ME NUTS.

So I plopped a waypoint down and using the waypoint editor and moved it around in a "stock" (Non-KSCSwitcher) game (I'd love an "apply" button there so I didn't have to save and re-edit every iteration, BTW :D) until it was exactly on the NW corner of the runway. Then I did another at exactly the SW corner of the runway. Then I loaded the same save with KSCSwitcher installed and - sure enough - was way off. I then dropped two NEW waypoints, and using the editor got the lat/long of each, and in one go modified the config file to put my KSC *exactly* where the stock one is.

And now when I load my save I can breathe easy :D

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It seems that contract duplication bug was succesfully squished!


Thank you!

But... other, very similar one remains. :(

As I said, I'm using CapCom for mission management. That means grabbing missions during flight. KSP won't count waypoints as visited until I switch to KSC and back to flight (and that's a pity), but this is how Waypoint Manager react to such actions:

- When I grab a new mission from CapCom, it immediately puts new waypoints to "No contract" list. Then I switch to KSC and back to enable grabbed mission and...


... waypoints are duplicated as contract ones, remaining as "no contract".


And not only list items are duplicated, but waypoints themself - see that double writing on mouseover?

Waypoint is then properly deleted from contract list on task completion, but duplicated one stays in "no contract" and cannot be deleted by means available.

It seems that either a check for contract attribute is missing somewhere or a duplicate cleaning needed on list load.

New logs.

I can see how CapCom would cause trouble... I'm guessing I'm picking up the waypoints before they are added to the contract, and I'm caching it for performance... at least that's my guess. Try this dev dll again and let me know if it resolves the issue.

Random praise for your mod, being used for something it was not intended but for which it served admirably.

I am using regex's KSCSwitcher mod but I wanted to put KSC *exactly* where it is in the stock game. I got it close enough to eyeball and say "yup, nobody'd notice" but I just couldn't TELL FOR SURE and it was DRIVING ME NUTS.

So I plopped a waypoint down and using the waypoint editor and moved it around in a "stock" (Non-KSCSwitcher) game (I'd love an "apply" button there so I didn't have to save and re-edit every iteration, BTW :D) until it was exactly on the NW corner of the runway. Then I did another at exactly the SW corner of the runway. Then I loaded the same save with KSCSwitcher installed and - sure enough - was way off. I then dropped two NEW waypoints, and using the editor got the lat/long of each, and in one go modified the config file to put my KSC *exactly* where the stock one is.

And now when I load my save I can breathe easy :D

Cool! May regex needs a "restore to original" button or something though, that sounds like a lot of work to get it back. :D

Anyway, you've got an apply button coming in 2.4.1. ;)

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