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Happy Holidays!


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<p><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/24850e662d4042338e6c518c36fab0de/tumblr_inline_nh0hve6zht1rr2wit.png"/></p>

<p><span>Happy holidays, everyone, no matter what you’re celebrating today. Us? We’re celebrating the fact that an aero overhaul and deep space refueling will be in the next update. What would you call that holiday?</span></p>

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So that's how Santa can make it all the way around Kerbin in one night! You removed the souposphere! :D

And I notice you're still calling it "Deep Space Refueling" which means ISRU is still possibly NOT what it'll be.

Yes, and considering that we can already deliver fuel by our selves, this makes me wonder... :(

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Yes, and considering that we can already deliver fuel by our selves, this makes me wonder... :(

Honestly I'd be happy with a captured asteroid being turned into a gas station. Assume another space agency is doing all the busy work, and all you have to do is dock with the asteroid, fill up, and go.

It's how cars work and I don't feel like I'm cheating by not going to an oil field and processing it myself.

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Honestly I'd be happy with a captured asteroid being turned into a gas station. Assume another space agency is doing all the busy work, and all you have to do is dock with the asteroid, fill up, and go.

It's how cars work and I don't feel like I'm cheating by not going to an oil field and processing it myself.

True, but I'd rather not have any space agency out there who's more established than the player's one. It takes away any pioneering thrill. That said, if some sort of subcontracted delivery system could be handy if bases and stuff had more of a role (and takes time/must be planned ahead, and only became available after you'd been further out than its range.):


But I'd rather there was some way of collecting fuel from planets. Even if it was just a single, large collection + processing plant that you have to land in the right terrain*, that would be fine.

*Calling geological regions on probably abiotic planets 'biomes' is a little silly, and I have decided I'm going to call them terrains for the foreseeable future.

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True, but I'd rather not have any space agency out there who's more established than the player's one. It takes away any pioneering thrill.

Well, they already figured out EVA (but not rendezvous) before I did. Who knows what else they can do? :D

But if you're the one getting the asteroid and putting it in a certain orbit (as per a contract) the really, you're the one doing the pioneering. They're just ferrying up the fuel.

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You just were pissed off I had finally update my SPH section, and wanted to bring it down again, didn't you Squad? But seriously, thanks for the present, those were the two top additions in my mind! Yay!

Rune. So next update Kethane leave my install. It was a long ride together!

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Happy New Year, KSP! And thanks for all great work that you did in last year.

<p><span>We’re celebrating the fact that an aero overhaul and deep space refueling will be in the next update.</span></p>

That would be great if FAR/NEAR would be stock aero(with possibility to choose what to use in options).

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Since you are gonna be redoing the aero, can you try to include a toggle for mouse pilot controls for us folks that have some trouble flying with the keyboard? I can manage rolling with the keyboard and flying with the mouse, but doing all the flying with the keyboard is extremely difficult for me. Its been one of the hardest parts of playing KSP.

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Huh refueling, guess that's already some sort of in the game. I saw some bogey from the Dinkelstein construction emporium in mun orbit in my .90 career save, but since my tracking station is just some tinfoil and toothpicks, I had a hard time getting closer.

I hope everyone can enjoy their festivities and calm as much as I do.

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