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[0.90] KSP Interstellar port maintance thread


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  Absurdist said:
Then I think that's the cause. 0.768 is four times the 0.192 exitArea value of the 1.25m plasma engine. It shouldn't be 90.768.

Confirmed. The exitArea value is indeed 90.768 in WarpPlugin/Parts/Engines/MPD/part2.cfg. Seems like it was a typo. Good catch, Absurdist!

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  Halaberiel said:
I can't seem to get the magnetic nozzles to work. I fitted my ship with the 1.25m nozzle, attached to an upgraded fusion reactor & electric generator + liquid fuel. I've tried all different combinations of KTEC, direct conversion, all 3 different fuel types on the reactor & I can't get it to work. This isn't necessarily a bug, perhaps I'm doing something wrong I don't know. I thought they ran on charged particles so ideally the best setup would be fusion in he3 mode + KTEC generator but that seems to produce 0 thrust.

OK, I haven't played with KSPI much recently, but I seem to remember that the magnetic nozzle doesn't work well in atmosphere. Try it in vacuum and see if it still produces 0 thrust.

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  EvilGeorge said:
Confirmed. The exitArea value is indeed 90.768 in WarpPlugin/Parts/Engines/MPD/part2.cfg. Seems like it was a typo. Good catch, Absurdist!

This oversight must have been there for several weeks now. This example proves why testability is difficult for parts in multiple sizes and why it would be better to offer a single part which can be rescaled to multiple sizes

- - - Updated - - -

  Patupi said:
OK, I haven't played with KSPI much recently, but I seem to remember that the magnetic nozzle doesn't work well in atmosphere. Try it in vacuum and see if it still produces 0 thrust.

Also make sure you got a charge particle storage (resource) and producer (Dusty Plasma / Fusion)

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  Absurdist said:
So I was snooping around the source...

double actual_max_thrust = Math.Max(max_thrust_in_space - (exitArea * GameConstants.EarthAthmospherePresureAsSeaLevel * part.vessel.atmDensity), 0.0);

What's the normal value for atmDensity and the pressure at the launch pad? The value computed for the first argument could've been negative so max is returning zero. The exitArea's for the 1.25m and 2.5m are 0.192 and 90.768 respectively, right?

You are correct sir. The Thrust can potentially reach zero (what happens when the calculation turns out negative if atmospheric pressure is high enough relative to engine/nozzle size and Vacuum Thrust). This is (close) to realistic- ion engines don't work at sea-level in real life for precisely this reason- their Exhaust Pressure is much too low relative to Ambient Pressure.

Normal atmospheric pressure at Earth sea-level is 101.325 kPa (which is unit-wise the same as kN/square-meter). However Kerbin's atmosphere is a little bit thicker- maximum atmospheric pressure reaches as high as 120% of that at sea-level...

IF you want to figure out your approximate thrust at sea-level for a 2.5 meter Plasma Engine, figure out the difference between the Vacuum Thrust and Sea-Level Thrust of a 1.25 meter Plasma Thruster running at the same power-level. Then multiply this number by 4 (the relative increase in ExitArea) and subtract THAT from the Vacuum Thrust figure. IF the result is less than or equal to zero, the thruster will produce no Thrust at sea-level.

It's entirely possible that is what is going on with the 2.5 meter Plasma Thruster, and it's not a bug at all. It would be hard to know without the player trying the thruster out in vacuum, or at least telling us how much power he's putting into it. Alternatively, if he uses a heavier fuel (such as Ammonia or CO2) he should get higher Thrust/MW and better atmospheric performance. I would be more concerned if the thruster is still producing no Thrust in vacuum...



- - - Updated - - -

  EvilGeorge said:
Confirmed. The exitArea value is indeed 90.768 in WarpPlugin/Parts/Engines/MPD/part2.cfg. Seems like it was a typo. Good catch, Absurdist!

Just saw this. So apparently there was a typo in the ExitArea for the 2.5 meter Plasma Thruster, and that's why no Thrust was observed at sea-level. Keep in mind that even with a correct ExitArea, you WILL see low Atmospheric ISP if your Vacuum Thrust isn't high enough for the Ambient Pressure... Be grateful that you can even use a Plasma Thruster at all near sea-level in KSP: in real life the requisite power-levels are rather absurd without Microwave Beamed Power or a nuclear reactor...



Edited by Northstar1989
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  Halaberiel said:

I can't seem to get the magnetic nozzles to work. I fitted my ship with the 1.25m nozzle, attached to an upgraded fusion reactor & electric generator + liquid fuel. I've tried all different combinations of KTEC, direct conversion, all 3 different fuel types on the reactor & I can't get it to work. This isn't necessarily a bug, perhaps I'm doing something wrong I don't know. I thought they ran on charged particles so ideally the best setup would be fusion in he3 mode + KTEC generator but that seems to produce 0 thrust.

OK, I haven't played with KSPI much recently, but I seem to remember that the magnetic nozzle doesn't work well in atmosphere. Try it in vacuum and see if it still produces 0 thrust.

  Patupi said:
OK, I haven't played with KSPI much recently, but I seem to remember that the magnetic nozzle doesn't work well in atmosphere. Try it in vacuum and see if it still produces 0 thrust.
I have similiar issues:

The only engines that produces thrust on the ground is the vista, attila and thermal rockets . I have enough power, charged particles, thermal, and fuels.... I hyper edit to orbit and the plasma thruster works now (by design?), but not the magnetic nozzles( bugged?) I am using a 3.75 fusion reactor and generator to test parts.

The Methane rocket causes some kind of error when attached, where the game reports that the runway can't support the weight (must be a bug.)

I only have kspi and extended installed. I'm not quite sure what is happening here.

Sorry to bug you folks if this is all known, I did try to search and have been reading through the thread. I've re-d/l and re-installed with the same results. Any thoughts?

Ok. Dummy mistake on my part. Magnetic nozzles worked once I attached to the other side of the reactor, and only out of atmosphere.

Still leaves the methane rocket part having issues. Plasma thrusters used to work in atmosphere. I imagine this was changed, which is fine as the attila works.

Edited by somewhatcasual
moar tests
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  somewhatcasual said:
I have similiar issues:

The only engines that produces thrust on the ground is the vista and thermal rockets . I have enough power, charged particles, thermal, and fuels.... I hyper edit to orbit and the plasma thruster works now (by design?), but not the magnetic nozzles( bugged?)

We didn't touch the code for the Magnetic Nozzle yet, so you can blame Fractal_UK if that's not working. But the plasma thrusters appear to be working as intended- with the sole exception that the 2.5 meter Plasma Thruster has an Exit Area of 90.768 instead of 0.768 - thanks for catching that Absurdist!)

The 0.625 and 1.25 meter Plasma Thrusters WILL produce Thrust at sea-level if you give them enough electricity. Remember that they can potentially accept GIGAWATTS of electrical power. Most likely, the power you were giving them just wasn't as high as impressive as you thought it was. :)

  somewhatcasual said:
I am using a 3.75 fusion reactor and generator to test parts.

The Methane rocket causes some kind of error when attached, where the game reports that the runway can't support the weight (must be a bug.)

I only have kspi and extended installed. I'm not quite sure what is happening here.

Now I sympathize with the modders I used to bug before I came one...

NOT A BUG. Or our fault. That's part of the stock game- the Runway has mass-limits hardcoded into it (meaning mods CANNOT change those values due to legal restrictions), and the ONLY way to get around them is to not play on Career Mode, or to upgrade the Runway to level 3. You can't launch a 200 ton spaceplane from a dirt runway. :D

  somewhatcasual said:
Sorry to bug you folks if this is all known, I did try to search and have been reading through the thread. I've re-d/l and re-installed with the same results. Any thoughts?

Use more power. Don't expect Plasma Thrusters to produce any Thrust at sea-level using Hydrogen (LiquidFuel) at much less than a GIGAWATT of power, and you won't be disappointed quite so often... Try using a heavier fuel (such as CarbonDioxide- currently the heaviest fuel in KSP-Interstellar) as heavier fuels produce more Thrust/MW at the expense of ISP... (in rocket science terms, they have higher Exhaust Pressure due to greater Mass Flow Rate proportional to Exhaust Velocity)

And, if it's not an issue with the Plasma Thruster, ATTILA Thruster, or Thermal Rocket Nozzle, it's NOT our fault- we haven't touched the code for any of the other engines.



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So I tried fixing the plasma engine (yeah this again) UI bug (post #457, I'm experiencing it too)..

At ElectricEngineControllerFX.cs, I think the fault is with modifiedEngineBaseISP. It's uninitialized and only assigned at the function OnStart. Does OnStart get called before/at the VAB?

I don't know C#, I'm just "grokking" it based on other languages. But based on this:


uninitialized variables are set to zero? If I'm correct and it's modifiedEngineBaseISP's fault, this would explain why thrust is infinity and isp is zero.

At line 333,

[COLOR=#0000ff]double[/COLOR] thrust_per_mw = ([COLOR=#ffd700]2e6[/COLOR] * powerTrustMultiplier) / g0 / modifiedEngineBaseISP / [COLOR=#ffd700]1000.0[/COLOR];

division by zero makes thrust_per_mw infinity which carries on to thrustProp at line 338 and then to the ToString method, I think? Same with ispProp at line 337.

I dunno, can't compile it myself since I don't have visual studio installed. :confused:

Edited by Absurdist
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  Drakoflame said:
@Boris-Barboris, do you think it would be possible (not asking you, asking if it is) to stip everything away from the Interstellar mod, so that just the Waste Heat function is left? I'd love to know how hard it would be to do that?

If you don't use any of the KSPI part (only use the warpplugin.dll), the only thing left is KSPI wasteheat and modified solar power

Edited by FreeThinker
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  Absurdist said:
Can anyone verify for me if the alcubierre drive is working properly? It's warping at fixed angles in my game.

Also, FreeThinker, I think the thermal rocket is ignoring the thrust limiter set at the VAB.

Happening to me too, now that I checked (the warp drive thing, at least).

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  FreeThinker said:
If you don't use any of the KSPI part (only use the warpplugin.dll), the only thing left is KSPI wasteheat and modified solar power

Alright, I've been messing with it last night, I have the wastheat parts, the dll, and the seismometer science edit, and the seismometer works as intended, and the wasteheat parts apear to be working, as they generage megajewls and claim to be radiating heat, but when I put JUST a solar panel on the craft, the panel itself is either super efficient at removing heat, or it doesn't actually store it in itself like it does with regular KSPI

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  Northstar1989 said:
We didn't touch the code for the Magnetic Nozzle yet, so you can blame Fractal_UK if that's not working. But the plasma thrusters appear to be working as intended- with the sole exception that the 2.5 meter Plasma Thruster has an Exit Area of 90.768 instead of 0.768 - thanks for catching that Absurdist!)

The 0.625 and 1.25 meter Plasma Thrusters WILL produce Thrust at sea-level if you give them enough electricity. Remember that they can potentially accept GIGAWATTS of electrical power. Most likely, the power you were giving them just wasn't as high as impressive as you thought it was. :)

Now I sympathize with the modders I used to bug before I came one...

NOT A BUG. Or our fault. That's part of the stock game- the Runway has mass-limits hardcoded into it (meaning mods CANNOT change those values due to legal restrictions), and the ONLY way to get around them is to not play on Career Mode, or to upgrade the Runway to level 3. You can't launch a 200 ton spaceplane from a dirt runway. :D

Use more power. Don't expect Plasma Thrusters to produce any Thrust at sea-level using Hydrogen (LiquidFuel) at much less than a GIGAWATT of power, and you won't be disappointed quite so often... Try using a heavier fuel (such as CarbonDioxide- currently the heaviest fuel in KSP-Interstellar) as heavier fuels produce more Thrust/MW at the expense of ISP... (in rocket science terms, they have higher Exhaust Pressure due to greater Mass Flow Rate proportional to Exhaust Velocity)

And, if it's not an issue with the Plasma Thruster, ATTILA Thruster, or Thermal Rocket Nozzle, it's NOT our fault- we haven't touched the code for any of the other engines.



Thanks for the response. The large fusion reactor put out high teens in gw, but I take your point. I'll try it with an antimatter reactor. Previously I mainly used monoprop and the 2.5m plasma thruster (I think).

Regarding the methane rocket part. I've had craft heavier then than the one which gave issue. When I took the part off and flipped it 180 so it attached incorrectly to the fuel tank, it gave no issue. Just a weird bug I think. I never liked that part anyways, so not a problem really, just an observation.

Glad I stuck with the mod. I've gotten enough sorted out again that I can play. I like the higher output changes that are being made and look forward to what is to come down the line.

I saw a post somewhere back there about multiple attachment nodes/options for thermal output on reactors. I think it would be great if we weren't limited to directly attaching to the reactor linearly. Perhaps a modified fuel line that could link parts and transfer thermal energy, call it a heat pipe? Maybe not a realistic approach.

Anyways...thanks for all the work.

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  somewhatcasual said:

I saw a post somewhere back there about multiple attachment nodes/options for thermal output on reactors. I think it would be great if we weren't limited to directly attaching to the reactor linearly. Perhaps a modified fuel line that could link parts and transfer thermal energy, call it a heat pipe? Maybe not a realistic approach.

Anyways...thanks for all the work.

I would like to be able to run the thermal and magnetic nozzle engine modules on radial-attach engines - in particular for the star-trek inspired simian endeavors engines.

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A new version of KSPI Extended, which fixes the reported bugs, can be download from KerbalStuff



  • Improved Compatibility with RealFuels
  • Significantly Increased Thermal Noozle trust
  • Adjusted Power output & Temperature Kiwi, Aegletes, Sethlans and Akula Reacors to realworld Timberwind reactors data
  • Made ISP/Trust performance of Plasma Thruster in atmosphere depend on exitArea and atmospheric pressure
  • Added support for other Techtrees
  • Added ability of Atmospheric Scoop to function as Propulsive fluid accumulator which can be achieved by placing a vessel in a circular orbit at the edge of space with access to KSPI plasma engines and enough power.
  • Electric engines power usage is limited by available power (optional)
  • Added support for Community Tech Tree (CTT KSPI Config made by Olympic1)
  • Added many new configuration settings including MaxThermalNozzleIsp, RadiationMechanicsDisabled
  • Added Liquid Nitrogen en (RealFuels) Nitrogen as a resource which can be used for Thermal/Magnetic/Electric Rockets
  • Added Cryotank which stores Liquid Nitrogen at low temperature, requiring electric power to maintain
  • Added Integrated Nitrogen Radiator which stores Nitrogen gas and can perform Active cooling with Liquid Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen can be scooped from the atmosphere with Atmospheric Scoop
  • Improved Science Lab research : Profession & Skill now matter (+/- 50%) , effect of stupidity reduced (+/- 10%)
  • Improved Science Lab feedback, it will at real time show how much science is already collected


  • Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Computer Core would only give 1/4 of the research it should when unfocused
  • Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Reactors Retrofit(upgrade) button would not function
  • Fixed KSPI Legacy issue where stupid Kerbals would actually improve research output in the Lab
  • Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Athmospheric scoop would not reset flow to 0 when flying out of atmosphere
  • Fixes KSPI Legacy issue where Double Pivoted Solar Power generators could not be converted to Microwave power


  • step 1: remove any existing KSPI installation (GameData\WarpPlugin folder)
  • step 2: install KSPI 0.90
  • step 3: extract this patch into Your GameData folder.
  • step 4: (optional but recommended) Download Community TechTree and activate it with Techmanager (exclusively)

Version 0.6.3

  • Fixed Electric Engines Infinite energy requirement in Part Info screen
  • Fixed type in 2.5m MPD, causing it to be non functional in atmosphere
  • Reactor displays required upgradeTech

Version 0.6.2

  • Fixed LiquidCO2 propellant definition for NTR and electric engines
  • Fixed Compatibility with RealFuels

Edited by FreeThinker
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AlcubierreDrive.cs, in ActivateWarpDrive, this change looks suspicious


[COLOR=#0000ff]Vector3d[/COLOR] heading = part.transform.up;
[COLOR=#0000ff]double[/COLOR] temp1 = heading.y;
heading.y = heading.z;
heading.z = temp1;


[COLOR=#0000ff]Vector3d[/COLOR] heading = part.transform.up;
heading.y = heading.z;
heading.z = heading.y; [COLOR=#00ff00]// I think this does nothing[/COLOR]

In the old code, heading.y and heading.z was switched while the newer code sets both to be equal to heading.z (I mean the old value of heading.y was not saved and lost).

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  Absurdist said:
AlcubierreDrive.cs, in ActivateWarpDrive, this change looks suspicious


[COLOR=#0000ff]Vector3d[/COLOR] heading = part.transform.up;
[COLOR=#0000ff]double[/COLOR] temp1 = heading.y;
heading.y = heading.z;
heading.z = temp1;


[COLOR=#0000ff]Vector3d[/COLOR] heading = part.transform.up;
heading.y = heading.z;
heading.z = heading.y; [COLOR=#00ff00]// I think this does nothing[/COLOR]

In the old code, heading.y and heading.z was switched while the newer code sets both to be equal to heading.z (I mean the old value of heading.y was not saved and lost).

You are correct, good find!

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Arlight, so I read in the comments around January, that Boris changed the way that waste heat is produced... I was, to be honest, disappointed to find out that solar panels don't actually start making waste heat until you get closer to Kerbol... I was hoping that I could get my panels to overheat while in orbit around kerbin, like they did back in a version that I used in .24... How can I change the value so that the panels start to overheat while in orbit around kerbin? (and still overheat while around Dres)


Okay... so maybe not sending a probe into space was my fault... but I honestly thought that a solar panel on the ground would also generate waste heat... guess not... I sent a small Ore Scanner (using DMagic orbital science Magnotometer, and SCANsat) into space to do a quick scan of kerbin (didn't show anything... may need to use Karbonites) into space, and noticed that while durring my timewarp, the waste heat was eeeever so slowly (the indicator read -0.00) going up, and at 100% scanned, my WE was up to 304! So I am very happy with my frankenedit to KSPI!

Also... now I have to kinda worry about irradiating my poor kerbals when I throw launch then into near Jool... Oh well! just a bit harder now!~~ Thank you FreeThinker and Tellion (over on Near Futuer thread where I brought this idea up actually XD) for helping me out!

Edited by Drakoflame
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I've found that my tech tree has recently started removing the Structural Wing Type A, and the Wing Connector Type A, I've readded it to the save manually about 3 times, but it gets removed whenever I open up the science building. I even tried adding them into the KSPI_techtree_0.90.cfg to no avail.

The mods I have installed are: This, Farram Aerospace, Deadly Reentry, Kerbal Alarm Clock, KW rocketry, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Tac Life Support, Kerbal Attachment System, KW Rocketry, Procedural Fairings, Remote Tech, and SCANsat. Oh and basic Texture Management. And the modual manager dll in my gamedata is 2.5.8

I also noticed the Kerbal Alarm Clock has made some backup persistent files, which I noticed still have the Type A parts in them...

I also haven't updated for about a month so, this could be fixed already, possibly.

Nevermind, found them in the advanced aerodynamics node, seems a little far along for such a vital wing part, oh well.

Edited by MarkTheRabidCat
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What does this entry in the Changelog mean?

"Reactor displays required upgradeTech"

Also, when are you planning on adding in the Thrust/MW fixes to the Thermal Rocket Nozzles you presented before?

The Thrust still needs to be about 2x what it is in the current release, and the ISP multiplier is a bit high. Earlier you presented a fix that reduced reactor-temperature (to lower ISP) as well as increased the Thrust multiplier, but I haven't seen it make it into the releases yet...

Here's the post where you presented the needed re-balance that still hasn't made it into the releases:




Edited by Northstar1989
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  Northstar1989 said:
What does this entry in the Changelog mean?
Currently It's nothing but making the upgradeTech visible. It's mainly ment for debugging purposes but can also give player an indication with which Tech a part can be upgraded. I'm thinking about making this universal as a help for players

- - - Updated - - -

  Northstar1989 said:
Also, when are you planning on adding in the Thrust/MW fixes to the Thermal Rocket Nozzles you presented before?

The Thrust still needs to be about 2x what it is in the current release, and the ISP multiplier is a bit high. Earlier you presented a fix that reduced reactor-temperature (to lower ISP) as well as increased the Thrust multiplier, but I haven't seen it make it into the releases yet...

I hope to implement this in 0.7 durring the weekend. It requires quite some time to test everything and bug fixes alway have priority.

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Also, here's a list of possibilities for future growth of the Extension Config:

(1) The ability to manufacture N2O4, Nitrous Oxide, and Hydrogen Peroxide from the Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen gasses. You already mentioned wanting to do this HERE and I got back to you about it HERE. In stock KSP-I you simply use LiquidFuel to represent Hydrogen and Monopropellant to represent Hydrazine, in keeping with existing conventions. Hydrogen Peroxide can already be manufactured in KSP-I, but not directly from Hydrogen and Oxygen as is BY FAR the most common cycle in real life (in KSP-Interstellar it instead requires Oxygen/Oxidizer and Water). Hydrazine/Monopropellant can be manufactured from Ammonia and Hydrogen Peroxide in KSP-Interstellar, like in real life, but IIRC there is still no way to manufacture the requisite Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen in KSP-Interstellar (like in the Haber process)

(2) Various additional RealFuels-related fixes. Specifically, the ISRU Refinery needs to have CRYOGENIC rather than Default built-in fuel tanks for its resources (to reduce boil-off to reasonable levels), the ISRU Refinery needs to produce "Hydrazine" instead of "Monopropellant" with the RealFuels module ModuleRCSFX installed (it comes in a separate folder from the main install, and is an optional addition that replaces Monoprop with realistic RCS fuels the same way the base mod replaces LF/O with realistic rocket fuels...), and the dedicated Ammonia tank needs to have its resource-capacity increased approximately 5-fold when RealFuels is installed (generally speaking, most fuel tanks require a 5-fold increase in capacity when RealFuels is installed, as stock resource-capacities are approximately 18% of the volume of their tanks in liters due to the VERY high density of stock resources) when holding RealFuels "LqdAmmonia" instead of KSP-I "Ammonia"... Finally, last but not least, some code is needed to stop RealFuels "Stockalike" engine config from replacing ChardedParticles with KEROSENE for the Magnetic Nozzles, as shown HERE.

(3) Introduction of the Haber Process, and allowing the Sabatier Reaction to be carried out using the new CO2 resource in combination with Hydrogen/LiquidFuel (I provided the mass-fractions you requested for this HERE)

(4) Fixing the display of the ISP multiplier in the VAB/SPH so that players see the CORRECT isp multiplier instead of the archaic (and inaccurate) value of 17... Fiing the display of Thrust/MW so it is also accurate to the currently-set Thrust multiplier value from the config (or at least to the default value, which was already up-rated from the original KSP-I). Also, keep in mind that to achieve the *CORRECT* sea-level performance for a Timberwind-style Nuclear Thermal Rocket of around kN/MW when using Liquid Hydrogen, we still need to uprate the Thrust/MW for the Thermal Rocket Nozzles approximately 2-fold.

The Sethlans-family reactors are currently *COMPLETELY USELESS* as launch-engines due to their low Thrust-Weight Ratio (currently only about 4 for the "Sethlans" in the release), and as I explained HERE even with the CORRECT Thrust/MW for the Thermal Rocket Nozzles of about 1 kN/MW at 3000K, you would still only get a TWR of about 8 (compared to 30 for the Timberwind NTR's) due to the reactors weight 4x what they should for their size (volume) and power-production...

Achieving the correct Thrust/MW for the Thermal Rocket Nozzles is *ESSENTIAL* to proper simulation of Microwave Thermal Rockets, which also rely on the Thermal Rocket nozzles. How else am I supposed to demonstrate to naysayers that Microwave Thermal Rocketry is indeed possible in real life by showing them an accurate simulation of it in KSP-Interstellar if the Microwave Thermal Rockets require 2x the Microwave Power in order to produce the same Thrust as in real life? (I've been in some extensive discussions about the viability of Microwave Thermal Spaceplanes in THIS thread, for instance...)


The current density of the LiquidCO2 resource is off by a factor of 1000x (YIKES!)

It is currently: 0.000001200

It *SHOULD* be: 0.001200

The current density of the LiquidCO2 resource is THREE orders of magnitude off! For reference, the current density of LiquidNitrogen is 0.000824907 (which is accurate), and LiquidCO2 is supposed to be around 50% denser than LiquidNitrogen! (just think about the relative Molecular Masses: 44 vs. 28)

I originally provided the correct density figure HERE (note that in KSP, resource-density is in mT/liter, i.e. a resource of density "2" would weigh two tons for ever unit of the resource... 1000 liters of Liquid CO2 *should* weigh 1.2 tons, not 1.2 kilograms as you currently have it configured)



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  Absurdist said:
0.6.3 broke interstellar parts for me. :(

Not sure what to report.. the parts just plain don't work.

And about the thermal rocket nozzles,


Then in the launch pad it's back to 100


Weird, can anyone confirm, seems to work with me (I use a differnt pc than my dev pc)

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