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[0.90] KSP Interstellar port maintance thread


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Hi guys, loving the mod. One question though - is there any plan to support also the stock toolbar? Without the toolbar mod, I don't get the thermal helper icons etc, plus the options in the right click context menu of parts are also gone. This being the only mod that requires the toolbar mod (that I use), it's a bit annoying. Thanks for the answer!

Edited by acino
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I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Interstellar and KSPI Extended but I keep running into this problem, I have an Attila engine connected directly to either a Liquid Fuel tank or an Argon Tank, and everytime the engine flames out due to "LiquidFuel Fuel Deprived" or "ArgonGas Fuel Deprived". My reactors are generating Megajoules correctly, so I'm pretty sure its not a power issue.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

I am experiencing the exact same issue and have yet to find a solution.

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Hi there are some parts with the infinitely zoom bug in the editor.

There's a mod called modulefixer that should fix that. On phone, so can't link to it. You might have to dig around in its thread to find the latest version.

FYI - I've read some people say it's a bad idea to rely on that mod, but I can't say why.

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Yeah, I had the same problem with the CKAN install as well, and it also was fixed with manual install

I took a look at the CKAN/Downloads folder - turns out that choosing KSP Interstellar in CKAN promps the installation of Interstellar Light 0.90.

At least, that's what I found when I looked through there. I checked to make sure I hadn't checked Interstellar light by mistake. I didn't; CKAN just has teh wrong file listed under KSP Interstellar.:mad:

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The problem seems is that you play without a techtree. The game is desigined to play either with the clasic KSPI techtree or the new CTT techtree. If you don't play with either one, you might find that parts are missing all together because you are not supposed to get access to them without additional technodes. That's because KSPI parts are significantly more advanced and therefore require additional research

The parts don't seem to be available in sandbox mode. But they do show up in career when the tech nodes are unlocked. Why is that? How can I use KSPI extended in sandbox? Thanks!

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can I ask you what "DC Electrical System" is?


It is sucking all the electric charge of some of my ships with no apparent reason.

All the ships I experienced this odd behaviour on are space probes equipped with solar panels. When the solar panels are retracted the

DC Electrical System is not using any MJ. But as soon as I deploy the panels this uses all the charge up.

Since this doesn't happen every time or on every ship I am not sure it is a bug, but most probably only something I don't understand yet.

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Yes, would be great to see an implementation of "stock" KSP-I for 1.0... The good news is that the major stumbling block last time (the tech tree) should be dead easy to fix this time as the tech tree is now defined through a .cfg file. Not sure how much work the new aerodynamics would entail though. Anyone out there up to the task? Boris, are you still out there?

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Yes, would be great to see an implementation of "stock" KSP-I for 1.0... The good news is that the major stumbling block last time (the tech tree) should be dead easy to fix this time as the tech tree is now defined through a .cfg file. Not sure how much work the new aerodynamics would entail though. Anyone out there up to the task? Boris, are you still out there?

Well technically, I made KSPI Extended open enough for anyone to create a Modification of KSPI-E. That was initialy the whole Idea, I made KSPI-E to create KSPI -NFT. Why else do you think the mods fullname is KSPI Extended Configuration? It was to make it open for madification in the first place because many of it's settings were constants. Many of the variable are now accesible where they weren't before. If you want you could create a KSP-I Classic Mod which tries to restore the original balance without writing a single line of code.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Well technically, I made KSPI Extended open enough for anyone to create a Modification of KSPI-E. That was initialy the whole Idea, I made KSPI-E to create KSPI -NFT. Why else do you think the mods fullname is KSPI Extended Configuration? It was to make it open for madification in the first place because many of it's variable were constants. Many of the variable are now accesible where they weren't before. If you want you could create a KSP-I Classic Mod which tries to restore the original balance without writing a single line of code.

You're assuming that everybody knows how to do that... most of us don't... Hence the call for volunteers :)

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Have the waste heat radiators been updated to deal with the new thermals in the stock game. I have already had a experience of a orbital station exploding because of heat build up in Stock no mods.

Yes, Radiator have their thermal effect upgraded, especialy the upgraded radiators.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1.0 update or ROIT /o/

I'm waiting patiently. I still haven't done 100% science in the K3 area... I'm waiting for KIS/KAS and Remote Tech to get to 100% for 1.0 anyways.

I'm actually hoping for a much more slimmed down version... since now KSP has built in ISRUs, miners, etc. Seems to me we can cut a few parts and merge a few.

I'm guessing the thermal rocket nozzles will be the horrible nerfed ones that were the last version officially released?


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Oh hey... was that Tritium breeding issue ever fixed with fusion reactors in the back round?

I intentionally avoided KSP from 0.9-1.0 in order to keep my hype up. I'm having to re-learn a lot of the mods I use. I'm also sad that Fractal_UK never returned.


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