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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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  bac9 said:
- Tiny buttons to the left and right of the sliders no longer move values in steps (they were introduced to make fixed width stuff like 2m, 3m, 7m pieces easier to configure) and instead ram into min/max values with a single click

Oops, looks like I forgot to normalise the large increment (when I added the right click stuff to that function I also changed the sliders to be <0-1> range for some reason I can't recall. Probably because I needed the range variable anyway and dealing with percentages is much easier). Fix is to divide increment large by range (for left click only, right click is already accounted for in increment01).


Derp. Sometimes I amaze myself with my own stupidity. Right click buttons can just do one normal increment

  bac9 said:
- Stock drag cubes are recalculated on every geometry change - unless they directly affect CoL, with the absence of any drag visualization tools in stock it might be better to keep that laggy process running just once, on flight scene startup

I already have a function to not update some FAR stuff until geometry editing has finished (half second delay), can just use the same thing for stock. Fix is to move drag cube calculation to the same function and make sure it gets called for both stock and FAR.

E: Actually, the whole "calculate aero" could be shifted into that function. Would reduce complexity a bit. Tentative change to achieve this (testing now. E: Seems to work just fine)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Another thing that may want to be considered, according to NathanKell stock lift coefficient (edit: and PorkJet says mass as well) should be purely based on surface area (area / 3.52 if his number is correct). Stock makes a lot of handwavy assumptions about part shape on it's own so doing it twice may not be a good idea.

- - - Updated - - -

This should do it (assemblyFARmass, is there a way to use FAR without it? This doesn't cover that possibility because I don't believe it to be the case. Edit: it isn't. If FAR can't find the value it uses a default)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Alright, I have improved the default material settings to be exactly in line with stock parts (in terms of shininess and specular color) and changed gloss output of the shader to generate a specular map consistent with stock specular maps on the fly, using some tricks. Results look like this:


This fixes the issue of wings becoming washed out and overly bright under lighting in comparison to other parts.


- - - Updated - - -

Crzyrndm, sounds great, thanks for fixing it so fast!

To keep the things on your side in sync, can you replace the two following lines in your WingProcedural.cs?

private float materialPropertyShininess = 0.4f; // old value: 0.078125f
private Color materialPropertySpecular = new Color (0.62109375f, 0.62109375f, 0.62109375f, 1.0f); // old values: 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f

I'll upload new textures and SpecularLayered to the repo shortly.

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Found small issues with dev version of FAR.

- place wing on craft. Right click on attached wing to open menu (stock one, not B9 that is activated with "J" key). As long as menu stay open it forcing FAR voxelization evrey few sec, making serious FPS drops each time voxelization is made

- adjust desired wing mass/strength, configure wing to hold fuel. Change thiknes of wing tip while shape ramin the same. Volume of fuel is reduced properly, but wing mass is not changed(structural part without fuel)

- reshaping B9 control surfaces cause memory leaks, I think it is related with crossfeed enabler somehow

Sorry, don't have time to upload screenshots right now, I will upload it if reproduction steps was not enough

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FAR repeated voxelisation with right click menu open is a known FAR issue

FAR is entirely in control of wing mass, not much to be done there (craft mass should be changing though, I don't think the FAR readout accounts for resources)

I still can't reproduce this memory leak with the control surfaces.

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Bac9, one more little fix for the buttons (seriously, I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that bit). The RMB section should be +/- increment01 (ie. LMB >> increment large, RMB >> standard increment).

I really should make a bitbucket account so I can just make pulls for this stuff >.>

- - - Updated - - -

kcs, I can't reproduce FAR repeatedly voxelising with just PWings and FAR installed

Edited by Crzyrndm
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Version 0.40


  • Includes all changes from the maintenance fork by Crzyrndm (lots of bugfixes and improvements to the code)
  • Full compatibility with KSP 1.0.2
  • Full compatibility with development version of FAR 0.15.x
  • Aerodynamics calculations no longer restart on every slider change, editor performance is improved
  • New stock-alike texture (old texture is available optionally)
  • Textures converted to .dds
  • Improved shader and material settings

Edited by bac9
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  bac9 said:
[*]Full compatibility with FAR 0.15.2
  \ said:
Full compatibility with the latest version of FAR (release 0.15.2 is NOT SUPPORTED, use the development version from the repository)

So what exactly version of FAR do we need?

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  Crzyrndm said:
Bac9, one more little fix for the buttons (seriously, I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that bit). The RMB section should be +/- increment01 (ie. LMB >> increment large, RMB >> standard increment).

I really should make a bitbucket account so I can just make pulls for this stuff >.>

- - - Updated - - -

kcs, I can't reproduce FAR repeatedly voxelising with just PWings and FAR installed

Sorry, I didn't have enough time to make more tests, it happened in my heavy modifided instance of KSP where lot of other mods are updated lately.

I have seen that you are coming to release mod, so I wrote observations from last gameplay session, without having time to make additional test with only few mods enabled.

I have suspicion on few mods: stockbug fixes, crossfeed enabler, adjustable landing gear. Perhaps something else is also interfered that triggered strange behaviour.

I will try to pinpoint exact reasons behind it ASAP, so at least if it can't be fixed it will be known what kind of mod combo need to be avoided.

Last time when I was checking memory leaks inside editor it was with updated crossfeed enabler mod, while with older version that comes with B9PW was working fine. I need to double check that to uncover true mod combo that trigger memory leaks - all inside SPH editor, not that known stock bug on scene change.

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I forgot to mention that in the changelog, but CrossfeedEnabler was updated to the latest version in 0.40. Just mentioning in case it will turn out to be relevant later.

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  bac9 said:
I forgot to mention that in the changelog, but CrossfeedEnabler was updated to the latest version in 0.40. Just mentioning in case it will turn out to be relevant later.

Sweet. I was getting a bit tired of the warning for CrossFeedEnabler, and putting fuel ducts on to compensate just looked wrong somehow...

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Some quick test with official 0.40 release - I was not able to reproduce memory leak in SPH editor. That is prommising news, I hope that will not going to pop up again.

Though I still have those repeatable voxelizations with right click menu on part opened, but that could be entirely FAR issue, still need to do more testing before bothering anyone with this.

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  kcs123 said:
Some quick test with official 0.40 release - I was not able to reproduce memory leak in SPH editor. That is prommising news, I hope that will not going to pop up again.

Though I still have those repeatable voxelizations with right click menu on part opened, but that could be entirely FAR issue, still need to do more testing before bothering anyone with this.

Do you have tweakable everything installed? I think that was (one of) the mod(s) causing FAR to have that issue, could be wrong/probably more. Could you put your MM Cache file somewhere, I should be able to narrow down potential suspects by which extra modules the control surface has

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