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How did YOU find KSP?


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For me it was watching a youtuber named oneFjef. I was actually downloading another game while I watched his first couple videos and went "oh this looks fun let me check out what it costs on steam." It was only $20 something so I picked it up and ended up playing it a billion times more than the $60 title I had been downloading...

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I heard about it from XKCD- not once, but twice. I got bored during Chem Class, and I downloaded the demo (.18). Pretty soon, I had discovered the joys of strapping Jeb to an SRB and trying to send him to the Mun. (I remember fondly the days of putting a LVT-45 on the bottom of the RT-10. It didn't work very well.) My friends and I had some competitions about who could build the biggest rocket. Once, I even landed Jeb on the Mun, but I EVA'd him into the ground.

Eventually, a friend bought the game and gave me a copy. I liked it, but only bought it myself before the ARM patch (yes, I know- shame shame...:blush:).

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Saw it on Steam a couple times, and briefly checked it out. IIRC, when I first started seeing it on there, the price was huge... like $100! Maybe I'm imagining that (does anyone know?), but I'm pretty sure it was some ridiculous amount... anywho when it went on sale for about $20 or so, I figured "screw it" and bought it. Sooo glad I did.

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I found it in either August or September 2011 from Kurtjmac's videos, specifically the ones where he did planes. Downloaded the demo, failed miserably at getting into orbit, bought .16 about a week later, and I still haven't gotten to and back from Duna or any other planet.

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Way back when, I had a potato. Well, a PCtato. So I played old games like FreeAllegiance. Eventually, someone on their forums posted about this, back in v. 14. I thought "hey it looks sucky, will run great on my PC!" I thought the same about MC...

And here I am! I remember seeing the old trailer and thinking "ha, career mode? That's gonna be so long away!" and now its here.

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I first heard of KSP from NerdCubed (god bless that guy), but, surprisingly, wasn't interested. Then I first discovered HOCgaming (love that guy, too!) and realized how unique and different KSP was from other space games. The feature that amazed me most was the docking and orbital spacecraft construction. the first thing I wanted to do in KSP when I first bought it was to build a space station with artificial gravity. Then I realized how hard going to space is...

Same NerdCubed first ksp video so funny I baught it on the spot dint go on the community till this summer only. Also why isn't Nerdcubed on the ksp forums I bet he'd love it!!! (Or not)

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Saw it on Steam a couple times, and briefly checked it out. IIRC, when I first started seeing it on there, the price was huge... like $100! Maybe I'm imagining that (does anyone know?), but I'm pretty sure it was some ridiculous amount... anywho when it went on sale for about $20 or so, I figured "screw it" and bought it. Sooo glad I did.

You're imagining it.

I first heard of it on spacebattles.com circa July 2011 and grabbed it pretty much right away, a decision I've never regretted.

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I found out about Kerbal Space Program when Markiplier began making videos about it, but I wasn't much interested in this kind of stuff when he started playing, but then I went to NASA Kennedy Space Center and set my life goal to become an astronaut, picked up the game, and started learning rocket science pretty much right away. As of right now my goal to becoming an astronaut is going well.

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Funny story actually: I first found it on Google images looking for the space shuttle, but I skipped over it thinking "No! I want the actual Space shuttle; not some animation"

I then found it (again) when KSP was in 0.20, from simplerockets. The demo for KSP was too crappy, so I pirated it (just so I could see what the actual game was like) After 1-2 months, since I just loved KSP, I purchased it!

BTW, I think that it's OK to pirate a game just to try it out, then Support the developers if you like it. Unless it's EA. Nobody Likes EA.

Edited by NeatCrown
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Hmm, there was an article in a dutch computer magazine I'm subscribed to round 18 month ago talking about little green men shooting rockets in the sky attempting to conquer their solar system. It was stated as a very original unlike any other space game called KSP. Downloaded the demo, bought it a week later and the rest is history. :D



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I simply looked up on youtube, how to build a rocket, expecting to find instructions on how to build a real rocket, ended up finding an old video for ksp. This was back in .13, around 3 years ago, when the full game was free. I went back to school the next day, and had it passed around my entire class on our school computers. But then our tech support had gotten a better security system, and was able to block the opening the application. I downloaded the game for my home computer, and payed for it when it reached .14, the first pay version of the game.

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