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[1.0]CactEye 2 Orbital Telescope BETA 5.2


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Today I figure out that CactEye didnt support RemoteTech. Sad day... ;.;

%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {
%TechRequired = unmannedTech
%OmniRange = 3000

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

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Interesting. These are both errors typically associated with running out of memory. How many mods are you running, and are you using any memory management mod?

Hello, I have solved the problem with the game/mod crashing.

To make a long story short I removed all of my mods and only used squad stock parts and cacteye 2 parts. But the game still crash.

Then I had the idea to remove cacteye and re-download and install it again.

After doing that I saw a popup during loading where Cacteye ask if I wish to use auto update, I do not think I saw this popup before..

After saying yes autoupdate and load my savegame everything seem to work,

I am now able to do science/photos of the mum ect.

So I think that cacteye 5.2 somehow had become corrupted/damaged after I installed the mod.

I have afterwards "installed" the other mods that i am using, and I have not had any crash.

So I think problem is solved..

( I updated all installed mods 04-05-2015 )

Active texture management aggressive release

cacteye 2 beta 5.2

chatter 0.9.1

final frontier 07.15-1047

jsi rasterpropmonitor 0.19.0

kerbal alarm clock


module manager 2.6.1.dll


rasterpropmonitor 0.19.1


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Hello, I have solved the problem with the game/mod crashing.

To make a long story short I removed all of my mods and only used squad stock parts and cacteye 2 parts. But the game still crash.

Then I had the idea to remove cacteye and re-download and install it again.

After doing that I saw a popup during loading where Cacteye ask if I wish to use auto update, I do not think I saw this popup before..

After saying yes autoupdate and load my savegame everything seem to work,

I am now able to do science/photos of the mum ect.

So I think that cacteye 5.2 somehow had become corrupted/damaged after I installed the mod.

I have afterwards "installed" the other mods that i am using, and I have not had any crash.

So I think problem is solved..

( I updated all installed mods 04-05-2015 )

Active texture management aggressive release

cacteye 2 beta 5.2

chatter 0.9.1

final frontier 07.15-1047

jsi rasterpropmonitor 0.19.0

kerbal alarm clock


module manager 2.6.1.dll


rasterpropmonitor 0.19.1


I had another person through pm who had to do the same thing; a delete and re-install of the whole thing fixed a lot of the issues he had. I'm curious, where did you download it from? I'm wondering if I don't have a corrupt archive up somewhere.

On an unrelated note, BETA 6 is nearing a state of which I would be happy to release sometime this week, provided that there's no major game break bugs. BETA 6, at this point will feature:

-A fixed skybox; the skybox will actually render correctly in screenshots and the telescope control menu!

-A configuration menu in the Space Center, which will allows players to enable/disable the sun damage to the scopes and the decay of gyroscopes.

-A fixed FungEye telescope, that, if SunDamage is enabled, will now properly explode when pointed at the time. Also, like the original CactEye, the FungEye will have a one-time aperture that will need to be permanently opened before the scope can be used.

-New contracts implemented using Contract Configurator; BETA 6 will feature both the New Telescope contract type and the Planetary Observation contract.

-A Fixed MiniAVC version file, which won't complain at the user the next time Squad releases a hot fix.

-A fixed Remote Tech MM file.

-Example craft of both the CactEye and FungEye telescopes.

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I had another person through pm who had to do the same thing; a delete and re-install of the whole thing fixed a lot of the issues he had. I'm curious, where did you download it from? I'm wondering if I don't have a corrupt archive up somewhere.

On an unrelated note, BETA 6 is nearing a state of which I would be happy to release sometime this week, provided that there's no major game break bugs. BETA 6, at this point will feature:

-A fixed skybox; the skybox will actually render correctly in screenshots and the telescope control menu!

-A configuration menu in the Space Center, which will allows players to enable/disable the sun damage to the scopes and the decay of gyroscopes.

-A fixed FungEye telescope, that, if SunDamage is enabled, will now properly explode when pointed at the time. Also, like the original CactEye, the FungEye will have a one-time aperture that will need to be permanently opened before the scope can be used.

-New contracts implemented using Contract Configurator; BETA 6 will feature both the New Telescope contract type and the Planetary Observation contract.

-A Fixed MiniAVC version file, which won't complain at the user the next time Squad releases a hot fix.

-A fixed Remote Tech MM file.

-Example craft of both the CactEye and FungEye telescopes.

This mod is a staple of my career games can't wait for the update!

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%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {
%TechRequired = unmannedTech
%OmniRange = 3000

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

Thx dude! I'm happy now :)

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I had another person through pm who had to do the same thing; a delete and re-install of the whole thing fixed a lot of the issues he had. I'm curious, where did you download it from? I'm wondering if I don't have a corrupt archive up somewhere.



Unfortunatly I cant excactly remember where i download cacteye the first time.

So I have now downloaded the mod from the 3 locations I could find and tested if I could make ksp crash.

Kerbal Stuff: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/720/Cact...al%20Telescope

Curse: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mod...ital-telescope

Github: https://github.com/Raven45/CactEye-2/releases

I can also confirm that all 3 files I downloaded from the 3 different places are the excact same file size.

I delete the cacteye mod and instead install cacteye from each different file location listed above.

I was not able to make ksp crash and pinpoint what "file" might be the problem.

I did not see the automatic update popup screen the 3 times I uninstall/install cacteye and ran ksp.

Maybe ksp somehow remember my choice though I deleted cacteye every time and unzip/install cacteye again.

I tested with all my mods installed by the way. ( I think the ksp addon-version checker mod might block the popup auto update screen but im not sure ).

Anyway looking forward to trying version 6 of the mod, and I let you know if the problem return. Thank you for your efford and hard work ;-)

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Would it be possible for the DOE fix to be bundled with DOE? It gets updated more frequently and leads to this mod being incompatible due to version numbering. I wanted to play with cacteye, but DOE is at 1.5.5 and now i get 100s of errors in my log about the wrong version just from launching any craft not even using cacteye parts. Thanks!

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I'm glad we got your situation straightened out through pm. :)

You should be able to right click the telescope body and click "Toggle GUI." If the right-click menu isn't showing that option, then you might need to reinstall Cacteye.

Can you share the fix which you provided over PM ?

I am having trouble to make this work actually - i have the "Toggle GUI" button but it is not opening any GUI ;)

Any quick-fix for this or log-digging required ? ;)

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Can you share the fix which you provided over PM ?

I am having trouble to make this work actually - i have the "Toggle GUI" button but it is not opening any GUI ;)

Any quick-fix for this or log-digging required ? ;)

Downloaded this mod yesterday and looks like I might be having the same problem with opening the GUI.

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Downloaded this mod yesterday and looks like I might be having the same problem with opening the GUI.

I'm going have to triple that by saying I have the same issue. I think It has something to do with The lastest 1.02 patches that were released. Anyone know what's up?:(

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Can you share the fix which you provided over PM ?

I am having trouble to make this work actually - i have the "Toggle GUI" button but it is not opening any GUI ;)

Any quick-fix for this or log-digging required ? ;)

The fix for the person was to completely re-install KSP, and then re-install mods. Something about his install, either the mod or the game itself, was corrupted. Which was why earlier I was asking where he got his download files, in case there's a corrupted download, which does not appear to be the case. So, I would try to delete the CactEye directory, re-download it, and then reinstall it. Do not just simply overwrite the folder, delete it first. If that doesn't work, then delete and reinstall KSP, and try Cacteye with no other mods installed.

Downloaded this mod yesterday and looks like I might be having the same problem with opening the GUI.
I'm going have to triple that by saying I have the same issue. I think It has something to do with The lastest 1.02 patches that were released. Anyone know what's up?:(

Not at the moment, simply because I am unable to reproduce the issue with KSP 1.02 and CactEye 2 BETA 5.2 with no other mods installed. Like I told the person above, the issue is likely corruption of either the game or the mod files. Deleting and re-installing the CactEye mod should clear the issue up. If not, I've had another player report that completely re-installing KSP fixed the issue.

The other thing is that without a KSP.log file, I really cannot get to the bottom of what's going on. I've purposely programmed CactEye 2, when it's in a failure state, to write error messages to the KSP.log file, which help tremendously in tracking down illusive bugs such as this. The CactEye entries are easy to find, as it writes "CactEye 2" to every log entry it makes, that way it can easily be word searched. Also, with the KSP.log file, it would be nice to get a list of what other mods are installed, so that way I can track a potential incompatibility if there is one.

I will also say that BETA 5, 5.1 are buggy (they are betas after all). You should had already noticed the skybox bug in BETA 5.2. In fact, I'm extremely surprised that people aren't complaining about it more. My point being is that BETA 6, which I am currently working on, will have a truck-load of bug fixes.

Edited by Raven.
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Oh... Just a heads up.

Just noticed a tiny incompatibility with Remote Tech mod. The mod fundamentally effects how probes work, so Smobodobodyne Probe core doesn't fit there well...

I guess compatibility should be added to remote tech plugin side, since it's the plugin that changes gameplay dynamics. Also it feels like a really easy cfg addition. But I'm reluctant to mess & play with what I don't know... Also the technical side should be handled by the modders if they choose to.

Just giving a heads up for fellow users / authorities.. Will post the same thing on their board.


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This is probably a dumb question, but is there a way to fix the orientation/controls of my telescope? When I'm using the GUI, WASD controls are all messed up. A+D move up and down, and S+W move left and right. Doesn't seem to matter how I orient the craft itself. It's confusing. Have I done something retarded, or is this a known issue?

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This is probably a dumb question, but is there a way to fix the orientation/controls of my telescope? When I'm using the GUI, WASD controls are all messed up. A+D move up and down, and S+W move left and right. Doesn't seem to matter how I orient the craft itself. It's confusing. Have I done something retarded, or is this a known issue?

Select "Control from here" on the main telescope.

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I am having the issue where the telescopes GUI wont open. Here is a log:


Of note in the log that I could see was this message:

"CactEye 2: Exception 1: Was not able to create the Telescope Control Menu object. You should try re-installing CactEye2 and ensure that old versions of CactEye are deleted."

and this message (seen a couple of times):

"CactEye 2: Exception 3: Was not able to bring up the Telescope Control Menu. The Telescope Control Menu returned a null reference."

along with a great deal of:

"NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

CactEye2.CactEyeOptics.OnUpdate ()

Part.ModulesOnUpdate ()

Part.Update ()"

This was a new install of CactEye 2 Beta 5.2, with several other mods. I have also converted the CactEye 2 texture to DDS using DDS4KSP. Could this be the issue?

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RemoteTech DOES work with CactEye (as default) slim probe, there is however mistake in config:



name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive

OmniRange = 3000

Transmitter {

PacketInterval = 0.3

PacketSize = 2

PacketResourceCost = 15



If author can fix the MODUKE into MODULE (K lettter instead of L, if You still cant see it), and add the missing MODULE[ModuleSPU] dozens of posts about incompatibility with RT should be gone.

Edited by koksny
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Are there any contracts for beta 5.2? I've been playing anew career for quite some time, unlocked several cacteye parts but so far no contract. If I shift+f12 I can see 2 contract rows for cacteye but they're both red.

Edit: in fact I saw them with shift+f10

Edited by Qigon
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