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Rate The Spaceship Above You

Engineer of Stuff

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8/10 Good ol' satellites, and also buggy antennas. But one thing, though... If it's live, then who's talking about the news? It's a probe, not a capsule. And if it's overlayed at Kerbin, then it's not from Jool, it just has a nice Joolian background...


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10/10 Is that a Pakled vessel!? If so then you sir are amazing.

It's a relay satellite, and the surrounding vessel's only way of communicating from Jool, hence the Joolian orbit. The news is relayed back to base, where it is broadcasted worldwide.

EDIT: Oh, you're required to have a picture up!? Oh crap, I didn't think this one through. I just wanted to get that reference out there. Umm... Can you excuse me for just a moment? *Door shuts*

No no no! I don't have anything right now! Okay... Alright, calmly look through the file cabinets and maybe you'll find something. *Rustling through papers* Nothing!!? Oh no, I'm in for it now. Uhh... Here! This looks good!


I panicked, alright!?

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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Meh, never really liked the way the Reapers look. For some weird reason, for me the Leviathans pull off the gigantic cuttlefish look better. Talking bout the ME Leviathans, this thing down here is an organid.


Edited by DestinyPlayer
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