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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: RemoteTech [v2.1.4] [2017-08-27]


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Hi, ty for this great mod/contracts!

Will it have a release for RSS? I saw it has a module manager file for 6.4 version, but i believe that vanilla RSS is 10x instead of 6.4, tweaking the cfg file to:








@minApA *= 10

@maxApA *= 10

@minPeA *= 10

@maxPeA *= 10




would make it work?

Ty and regards, i'll test it now :)

edit: well it works http://prntscr.com/640e3a

time to make some comm satellites! :)

Edited by Rakird
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  Rakird said:
Hi, ty for this great mod/contracts!

Will it have a release for RSS? I saw it has a module manager file for 6.4 version, but i believe that vanilla RSS is 10x instead of 6.4, tweaking the cfg file to:








@minApA *= 10

@maxApA *= 10

@minPeA *= 10

@maxPeA *= 10




would make it work?

Ty and regards, i'll test it now :)

edit: well it works http://prntscr.com/640e3a

time to make some comm satellites! :)

Good stuff! For Contract Configurator 0.7.0 I'm hoping to improve the RSS integration so providing a user-specified MM config isn't necessary (ie. it'll just work whether you're on 6.4x, 10x, or 3.14x).

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Awesome, that will make it alot easier. This user file affects all contracts for now yes?

(all i need now is a 19k deltv rocket :P)

edit: CommSat I in orbit, 6000km, deployed with a 17.5k Dv Rocket, a 16.5k would have been enough



http://prntscr.com/644p1e, http://prntscr.com/644psw - CommSat II launch!


Edited by Rakird
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  Rakird said:
Awesome, that will make it alot easier. This user file affects all contracts for now yes?

All contracts in this contract pack, although the first one is the only one that has a prescribed altitude - the other one leave it up to the player to figure out how they want to get coverage.

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I'm having trouble completing the first contact and would love any input. I have apparently completed all the objectives, but they aren't turning green. They all have Antennas, 4 powered dishes (one aimed at both other satellites) the other 2 are not being used yet. They are named CommSat I, II, III.


Any ideas?

*edit* Ok, I feel like an idiot. I didn't know I had to have each satellite transmitting to itself as well. I Just wasn't getting what it meant by Target : Active Vessel. Once I did that on all 3 everything turned green and completed. It even makes sense, because the test is basically making sure the satellite has the power to run enough dishes.

Edited by Glumrug
Figured it out
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I'm having problems doing the first contract because the game keeps freezing when I hover the mouse over the Applauncher toolbar to bring up the contract parameters. Sometimes the game freezes for about 10 seconds then comes back to life and other times it freezes for good and I lose my progress because I have to kill it and re-run the game.

This only happens when I've accepted that first commsat contract (the one where you have you put up 3 equidistant satellites > 600,000m all in contact with each other. If I hover my mouse over the contracts button when that contract is not currently active and thus not in the list, it doesn't freeze.

Newcomm_02 Debris Unloaded

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findLocalCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ProtoVessel..ctor (.Vessel VesselRef) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.Unload () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I keep getting that message over and over and over at about the time there's a hang. I should point out that Newcomm_02 has not crashed, and is not "debris" so I don't understand where that first message is coming from.

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Sounds potentially like two unrelated issues.

  Steven Mading said:
I'm having problems doing the first contract because the game keeps freezing when I hover the mouse over the Applauncher toolbar to bring up the contract parameters. Sometimes the game freezes for about 10 seconds then comes back to life and other times it freezes for good and I lose my progress because I have to kill it and re-run the game.

This only happens when I've accepted that first commsat contract (the one where you have you put up 3 equidistant satellites > 600,000m all in contact with each other. If I hover my mouse over the contracts button when that contract is not currently active and thus not in the list, it doesn't freeze.

This one is the bane of Contract Configurator. There's two major issues with the stock contracts app:

  1. If it's hidden it will queue up "updates" from parameters changing. When you open it, for each update it will fully refresh itself. I have a semi-workaround for this in Contract Configurator (it used to be worse). Raised bug #3964 on Squad's bugtracker, which is being completely ignored.
  2. If the contract is big, refreshing it even once in the contract app can be expensive.

What CPU do you have on your machine? That'll help me determine if your primary problem is #1 or #2. That being said, I can't guarantee any more workarounds - it's Squad's problem and my best suggestion is to go use DMagic's Contracts Window+.

  Steven Mading said:

Newcomm_02 Debris Unloaded

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findLocalCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ProtoVessel..ctor (.Vessel VesselRef) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.Unload () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject ()
at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.recurseCoMs (.Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.findWorldCenterOfMass () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Vessel.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I keep getting that message over and over and over at about the time there's a hang. I should point out that Newcomm_02 has not crashed, and is not "debris" so I don't understand where that first message is coming from.

What's the first error in the log before this starts happening? There's nothing modded about that error, so it's not directly Contract Configurator - although it's possible Contract Configurator makes some assumption that causes an exception, which puts the game into a bad state, which then causes that error to occur over and over...

The "debris" could be a spent stage or piece of your vessel that "fell" off (I'm sure it wasn't an important piece) and then went out of physics range (~2km).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should it be possible to fail the EverythingSat mission? I couldn't see a timer in the config so I figured it wouldn't fail due to expiring?

I just got my second sat up for it and it now shows as Failed in the Archive view in mission control. Bug or did I miss something?

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  Eiktyrner said:
Should it be possible to fail the EverythingSat mission? I couldn't see a timer in the config so I figured it wouldn't fail due to expiring?

I just got my second sat up for it and it now shows as Failed in the Archive view in mission control. Bug or did I miss something?

Possible bug, but hard to say. What happens is that when a contracts requirements (the pre-requisites for the contract to show up) become unmet when the contract has already been accepted, the stock behaviour is to just make it disappear (which is dumb). I changed that to at least fail (so there's some feedback), but it doesn't say way.

From looking at it, none of the requirements that I saw should cause this, but I have run into some cases where there can be issues. Don't suppose you did a module manager reload when it disappeared? Can you think of anything even slightly out of the ordinary you were doing when it disappeared? Are you running any... odd mods? Not sure what would quality for an "odd mod", though. :P

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  nightingale said:
Possible bug, but hard to say. What happens is that when a contracts requirements (the pre-requisites for the contract to show up) become unmet when the contract has already been accepted, the stock behaviour is to just make it disappear (which is dumb). I changed that to at least fail (so there's some feedback), but it doesn't say way.

From looking at it, none of the requirements that I saw should cause this, but I have run into some cases where there can be issues. Don't suppose you did a module manager reload when it disappeared? Can you think of anything even slightly out of the ordinary you were doing when it disappeared? Are you running any... odd mods? Not sure what would quality for an "odd mod", though. :P

Now that I think about it, I updated the tech tree (ADIOS) and if that changed my unlocked antennas I guess it would fail on the requirements of the contract maybe.

I don't have a very well formatted list of mods but you can take a look at my GameData folder to see if you notice anything standing out.


EDIT: It wasn't the antenna requirement. I've got plenty of them including the default ones.

But it seems something is weird with the contracts. I get many entry level ones now like 'Enter Mun SOI', 'Land on Minmus' etc

Edited by Eiktyrner
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  Eiktyrner said:
Now that I think about it, I updated the tech tree (ADIOS) and if that changed my unlocked antennas I guess it would fail on the requirements of the contract maybe.

I don't have a very well formatted list of mods but you can take a look at my GameData folder to see if you notice anything standing out.


EDIT: It wasn't the antenna requirement. I've got plenty of them including the default ones.

But it seems something is weird with the contracts. I get many entry level ones now like 'Enter Mun SOI', 'Land on Minmus' etc

That sounds like it may do it. You need either of the two top tier antennaes unlocked (I think they are the KR-7 or GX-128). If you do have those, hopefully the contract should come up again. I assume that while shuffling stuff around from switching trees that stuff can get temporarily disabled - so that alone may explain why it it got dropped.

For the next version of Contract Configurator I'll somehow change the message to give some idea of why the contract was "revoked".

If you're still having issues (ie. that contract is not coming up again), please send me your save file and I'll take a peek.

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  TCFirebird said:
I submitted a pull request to allow flexibility for a 3 satellite or 4 satellite network for the initial Kerbin network. Let me know what you think.

Good stuff, thanks! After the next version of contract configurator comes out I'm going to do a balance pass for the contract rewards, and I'll release your changes then.

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That's a coincidence. I was literally coming to this thread to ask for a four-satellite option, as I *launched* a four-satellite constellation in one simultaneous launch, not realizing that I was spending most of my money on a network that wouldn't fulfill the contract.

Is there any chance that the referenced changes would apply retroactively, or am I going to have to build another network (or restore an earlier save file)? (And is there a way I can get my hands on this change right now? I'm poking github with a stick as I type.)

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  Moleculor said:
That's a coincidence. I was literally coming to this thread to ask for a four-satellite option, as I *launched* a four-satellite constellation in one simultaneous launch, not realizing that I was spending most of my money on a network that wouldn't fulfill the contract.

Is there any chance that the referenced changes would apply retroactively, or am I going to have to build another network (or restore an earlier save file)? (And is there a way I can get my hands on this change right now? I'm poking github with a stick as I type.)

You can download the file directly from github and put it in GameData/ContractPacks/RemoteTech/. You'll have to cancel the current contract, and get it to regenerate (if it's not regenerating, try turning off the "active vessel" antennae on your satellites temporarily and timewarping for a bit). If you're really stuck, hit alt-f10 to go into the Contract Configurator debug window (this will void your warranty).

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  SwGustav said:
Hey, any news on early network contract split up you talked about in SETI thread??

After Contract Configurator 0.7.0 (and a new contract pack) come out, my next step will be some fixes for this contract pack (including the one you mentioned). Probably looking at 2-3 weeks, depending on whether I hit any snags in the 0.7.0 development (or real life constraints).

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  nightingale said:
You can download the file directly from github and put it in GameData/ContractPacks/RemoteTech/. You'll have to cancel the current contract, and get it to regenerate (if it's not regenerating, try turning off the "active vessel" antennae on your satellites temporarily and timewarping for a bit). If you're really stuck, hit alt-f10 to go into the Contract Configurator debug window (this will void your warranty).

I've got the file, dropped it into the relevant area... but I've had a thought: Won't regenerating the contract make the currently launched satellites invalid for this contract? Contracts generally require the ships to be constructed after the contract is accepted, yes? Or are these RT contracts different?

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  Moleculor said:
I've got the file, dropped it into the relevant area... but I've had a thought: Won't regenerating the contract make the currently launched satellites invalid for this contract? Contracts generally require the ships to be constructed after the contract is accepted, yes? Or are these RT contracts different?

I personally don't agree with that approach that is generally used of disallowing "old" ships from meeting new contracts. The reasons it's generally done is to prevent a lot of "farming" (like using one satellite and just moving it to meet all your "orbit" contracts). Anyway, for these contract the restriction just doesn't make sense - if you already have the RT network from before you installed the contract packs, the contract just generally won't be offered based on the contract requirements.

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Kay. That makes sense with KAS in existence anyway. Well, I've made two different attempts. I've been backing up the persistent.sfs file and restoring it after each attempt.

Attempt one:

1. Cancel the contract.

2. Immediately see contract available for setting up Minmus network (I don't have a Mun or Minmus network yet, just those four satellites in Kerbin orbit).

3. 100x time acceleration, seeing if the Kerbin relay contract comes back. It doesn't.

4. Visit each satellite and disable and no-target the active dishes (but not the Communi-16s).

5. 100x time acceleration, see no Kerbin relay contract.

6. Alt-F10, hit Recheck (nothing happens), hit Reload All (or whatever it's called), get a second Altimetry Kerbin contract (from the SCANSat pack) on top of the one I already have accepted, but no second Kerbin Relay contract.

Attempt two:

1. Visit each satellite and disable and unorient the dishes.

2. Cancel the contract.

3. See a Minmus network contract immediately available. Reject it, watch as it disappears.

4. 10000x time acceleration. Watch as contracts slowly vanish from my listing.

5. 1x time acceleration. Contracts appear for Mun and Minmus networks, but not Kerbin.

I'm a bit stumped. I've tried hitting Alt-F10, but I'm not completely sure what I'm doing in there.

I've had something of an idea of trying to start a new game, getting the contract to generate in there, then copying (some of) the contents of it over in to my current save. Not entirely sure if that'd be safe or functional, or if there isn't an easier solution.

EDIT: Oh! I've just had an idea. I'm going to restore the old CFG file, load up my save, disable the dishes, quit, copy the new CFG file in, and see what happens.

EDIT2: Nope. Same result as attempt 2, contracts for Mun/Minmus but nothing for Kerbin.

Edited by Moleculor
Ideas! Failure. :(
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  Moleculor said:
Kay. That makes sense with KAS in existence anyway. Well, I've made two different attempts. I've been backing up the persistent.sfs file and restoring it after each attempt.

Attempt one:

1. Cancel the contract.

2. Immediately see contract available for setting up Minmus network (I don't have a Mun or Minmus network yet, just those four satellites in Kerbin orbit).

3. 100x time acceleration, seeing if the Kerbin relay contract comes back. It doesn't.

4. Visit each satellite and disable and no-target the active dishes (but not the Communi-16s).

5. 100x time acceleration, see no Kerbin relay contract.

6. Alt-F10, hit Recheck (nothing happens), hit Reload All (or whatever it's called), get a second Altimetry Kerbin contract (from the SCANSat pack) on top of the one I already have accepted, but no second Kerbin Relay contract.

Attempt two:

1. Visit each satellite and disable and unorient the dishes.

2. Cancel the contract.

3. See a Minmus network contract immediately available. Reject it, watch as it disappears.

4. 10000x time acceleration. Watch as contracts slowly vanish from my listing.

5. 1x time acceleration. Contracts appear for Mun and Minmus networks, but not Kerbin.

I'm a bit stumped. I've tried hitting Alt-F10, but I'm not completely sure what I'm doing in there.

I've had something of an idea of trying to start a new game, getting the contract to generate in there, then copying (some of) the contents of it over in to my current save. Not entirely sure if that'd be safe or functional, or if there isn't an easier solution.

EDIT: Oh! I've just had an idea. I'm going to restore the old CFG file, load up my save, disable the dishes, quit, copy the new CFG file in, and see what happens.

On my phone, so this will be short on details...

In the debug window expand the contract. You'll see a list of requirements. Click the button beside each one (I think it's an X). That will disable it and turn it red. Then force the contract system to generate new contacts by cancelling any contract.

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Another approach is to make the same modification to your save file that I made in the config. Make a back up of your save file (just in case), then open it using a text editor and search for the contract (Ctrl + F, Commsat). Under Commsat III, remove the requirement for connectivity to Commsat I. Delete this:

name = VesselConnectivityParameter
id = VesselConnectivity
state = Incomplete
disableOnStateChange = False
values = 0,0,0,0,0
ContractIdentifier = RT_KerbinRelay
allowStateReset = True
title =
hasConnectivity = True
vesselKey = CommSat I

That should allow you to complete it. Adding a requirement for the fourth satellite isn't necessary, it's just there as a suggestion.

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  nightingale said:
On my phone, so this will be short on details...

In the debug window expand the contract. You'll see a list of requirements. Click the button beside each one (I think it's an X). That will disable it and turn it red. Then force the contract system to generate new contacts by cancelling any contract.

They were all checkmarks. I tried clicking all of them until they were Xs. It did then generate a contract, but the contract had no completion goals. Reenabling them all to checkmarks again didn't change the contract if I'd taken it, or if I left it in the available contracts.

No other combination of clicking all the boxes accomplished regeneration of a completable contract.

  TCFirebird said:
Another approach is to make the same modification to your save file that I made in the config. Make a back up of your save file (just in case), then open it using a text editor and search for the contract (Ctrl + F, Commsat). Under Commsat III, remove the requirement for connectivity to Commsat I. Delete this:

name = VesselConnectivityParameter
id = VesselConnectivity
state = Incomplete
disableOnStateChange = False
values = 0,0,0,0,0
ContractIdentifier = RT_KerbinRelay
allowStateReset = True
title =
hasConnectivity = True
vesselKey = CommSat I

That should allow you to complete it. Adding a requirement for the fourth satellite isn't necessary, it's just there as a suggestion.

Yeah, I'll try that next.

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  Moleculor said:
They were all checkmarks. I tried clicking all of them until they were Xs. It did then generate a contract, but the contract had no completion goals. Reenabling them all to checkmarks again didn't change the contract if I'd taken it, or if I left it in the available contracts.

No other combination of clicking all the boxes accomplished regeneration of a completable contract.

Yeah, I'll try that next.

Sorry - should've been more clear. You want to uncheck the ones named REQUIREMENT - those are the prerequisites to generating a contract. PARAMETER is the "goals" - so if you disable those, there won't be much of a contract. :)

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