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[1.4.*] [2.5.3] (2018-04-06) UbioZur Welding Ltd. Continued


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I was gonna make a portal cake but that joke is too over saturated right now.

Anything looking bad on the weld? I managed to get a different station welded, I am manually editing the 400~ nodes so KSP doesn't get angry with me. I am gonna try to erase all and see if srAttach works with 0 nodes. This seems like the worst idea I had today.

Always remember:

The cake is a lie!


I'm working on it right now.

Solution found

Ok that is more then dumb, I found the problem and so far welding is not able to work around that because I believe it will not be just with the bab but some other parts also.

So the actual thing is: the lab is looking for the scienceContainer in the part and expects it to be the very first module in the part, ever and always.

The easiest solution is modifiiing the partfile so that the scienceContainer is in firstplace, and make the lab the rootpart of the weldment before welding.

Here is the ready to run version of the submitted part :)

name = Rho-main1
module = Part
author = Jack
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long3 = 0.651,-0.08,0,1,0,0,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long5 = -10.637,-0.08,0,-1,0,0,1
node_stack_toputilityCabin10 = -6.408,-0.08,4.835,0.866,0,0.5,2
node_stack_bottomutilityCabin14 = -6.408,-0.08,-4.935,0.866,0,-0.5,2
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long15 = 0,-0.08,-0.651,0,0,-1,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long17 = 0,-0.08,10.637,0,0,1,1
node_stack_toputilityCabin22 = 4.835,-0.08,6.408,0.5,0,-0.866,2
node_stack_bottomutilityCabin26 = -4.935,-0.08,6.408,-0.5,0,-0.866,2
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long27 = -0.651,-0.08,0,-1,0,0,1
node_stack_bottomLarge.Crewed.Lab29 = 0,-3.938,0,0,-1,0,2
node_stack_topfuelTank.long31 = 10.637,-0.08,0,1,0,0,1
node_stack_toputilityCabin36 = 6.408,-0.08,-4.835,-0.866,0,-0.5,2
node_stack_bottomutilityCabin40 = 6.408,-0.08,4.935,-0.866,0,0.5,2
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long41 = 0,-0.08,0.651,0,0,1,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long43 = 0,-0.08,-10.637,0,0,-1,1
node_stack_toputilityCabin48 = -4.835,-0.08,-6.408,-0.5,0,0.866,2
node_stack_bottomutilityCabin52 = 4.935,-0.08,-6.408,0.5,0,0.866,2
node_stack_topfuelTank.long53 = -0.026,-0.094,2.626,-0.707,0,0.707,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long53 = 2.635,-0.094,-0.035,0.707,0,-0.707,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long54 = 2.626,-0.094,0.026,0.707,0,0.707,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long54 = -0.035,-0.094,-2.635,-0.707,0,-0.707,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long55 = 0.026,-0.094,-2.626,0.707,0,-0.707,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long55 = -2.635,-0.094,0.035,-0.707,0,0.707,1
node_stack_topfuelTank.long56 = -2.626,-0.094,-0.026,-0.707,0,-0.707,1
node_stack_bottomfuelTank.long56 = 0.035,-0.094,2.635,0.707,0,0.707,1
node_stack_topasasmodule1-258 = 0,4.027,0,0,1,0,2
node_stack_topxenon-25-12 = 0,7.557,0,0,1,0,2
node_stack_bottomxenon-25-10 = 0,-7.336,0,0,-1,0,2
node_attach = -1.25,0,0,-1,0,0,2
CrewCapacity = 78
stackSymmetry = 3
TechRequired = highPerformanceFuelSystems
entryCost = 2691200
cost = 1621224
category = FuelTank
subcategory = 0
title = My welded part
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 87.19003
vesselType = Ship
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.225
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 6.53
breakingForce = 170.396
breakingTorque = 170.396
maxTemp = 1200
fuelCrossFeed = True
explosionPotential = 0.5
thermalMassModifier = 1
heatConductivity = 0.12
emissiveConstant = 0.399993894994168
radiatorHeadroom = 0.25
bulkheadProfiles = size2
model = NearFuturePropulsion/Parts/Xenon/xenon-25/xenon-25-1
position = 0,-3.586,0
model = StationPartsExpansion/Parts/Command/crewpod-habitation-375/crewpod-habitation-375
position = 0,1.206,0
model = NearFuturePropulsion/Parts/Xenon/xenon-25/xenon-25-1
position = 0,3.806,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = -1.237,-0.08,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,0,90
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = -4.987,-0.08,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = -8.762,-0.08,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,90,0
model = NearFuturePropulsion/Parts/Hydrogen/hydrogen-25/hydrogen-25-3
position = -9.762,-0.08,0
rotation = 270,180,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -9.562,-0.08,1.3
rotation = 270,195,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -9.062,-0.08,2.5
rotation = 270,210,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -8.262,-0.08,3.6
rotation = 270,225,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -7.162,-0.08,4.4
rotation = 270,240,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -9.562,-0.08,-1.3
rotation = 270,165,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -9.062,-0.08,-2.5
rotation = 270,150,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -8.262,-0.08,-3.6
rotation = 270,135,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -7.162,-0.08,-4.5
rotation = 270,120,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 0,-0.08,1.237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,90,90
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 0,-0.08,4.987
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,0,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 0,-0.08,8.762
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,180,0
model = NearFuturePropulsion/Parts/Hydrogen/hydrogen-25/hydrogen-25-3
position = 0,-0.08,9.762
rotation = 270,270,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 1.3,-0.08,9.562
rotation = 270,285,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 2.5,-0.08,9.062
rotation = 270,300,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 3.6,-0.08,8.262
rotation = 270,315,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 4.4,-0.08,7.162
rotation = 270,330,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -1.3,-0.08,9.562
rotation = 270,255,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -2.5,-0.08,9.062
rotation = 270,240,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -3.6,-0.08,8.262
rotation = 270,225,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -4.5,-0.08,7.162
rotation = 270,210,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 1.237,-0.08,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,180,90
model = NearFutureElectrical/Parts/Capacitors/capacitor-25/capacitor-25
position = 0,-0.118,0
model = Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab
position = 0,-2.107,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 4.987,-0.08,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,90,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 8.762,-0.08,0
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,270,0
model = NearFuturePropulsion/Parts/Hydrogen/hydrogen-25/hydrogen-25-3
position = 9.762,-0.08,0
rotation = 270,0,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 9.562,-0.08,-1.3
rotation = 270,15,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 9.062,-0.08,-2.5
rotation = 270,30,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 8.262,-0.08,-3.6
rotation = 270,45,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 7.162,-0.08,-4.4
rotation = 270,60,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 9.562,-0.08,1.3
rotation = 270,345,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 9.062,-0.08,2.5
rotation = 270,330,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 8.262,-0.08,3.6
rotation = 270,315,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 7.162,-0.08,4.5
rotation = 270,300,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 0,-0.08,-1.237
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 0,-0.08,-4.987
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,180,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 0,-0.08,-8.762
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,0,0
model = NearFuturePropulsion/Parts/Hydrogen/hydrogen-25/hydrogen-25-3
position = 0,-0.08,-9.762
rotation = 270,90,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -1.3,-0.08,-9.562
rotation = 270,105,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -2.5,-0.08,-9.062
rotation = 270,120,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -3.6,-0.08,-8.262
rotation = 270,135,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = -4.4,-0.08,-7.162
rotation = 270,150,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 1.3,-0.08,-9.562
rotation = 270,75,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 2.5,-0.08,-9.062
rotation = 270,60,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 3.6,-0.08,-8.262
rotation = 270,45,0
model = NearFutureSpacecraft/Parts/Command/utilityCabin/utilityCabin
position = 4.5,-0.08,-7.162
rotation = 270,30,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 1.3,-0.094,1.3
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,135,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = 1.3,-0.094,-1.3
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,225,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = -1.3,-0.094,-1.3
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,315,0
model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankT800/model
position = -1.3,-0.094,1.3
scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25
rotation = 270,45,0
model = StationPartsExpansion/Parts/Structural/crewtube-25-375/crewtube-25-375-1
texture = crew375-1-blank, StationPartsExpansion/Parts/Command/crewpod-habitation-375/crewtube-375-1
texture = crew375-1-blank-n_NRM, StationPartsExpansion/Parts/Command/crewpod-habitation-375/crewtube-375-1-n_NRM
texture = crew25-1-blank, StationPartsExpansion/Parts/Structural/crewtube-125-25/crewtube-25-1
texture = crew25-1-blank-n_NRM, StationPartsExpansion/Parts/Structural/crewtube-125-25/crewtube-25-1-n_NRM
position = 0,2.655,0
model = Squad/Parts/Command/advancedSasModuleLarge/model
position = 0,3.777,0
name = XenonGas
amount = 201600
maxAmount = 201600
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 5760
maxAmount = 5760
name = Oxidizer
amount = 7040
maxAmount = 7040
name = LqdHydrogen
amount = 39600
maxAmount = 39600
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 19200
maxAmount = 19200
name = StoredCharge
amount = 32000
maxAmount = 32000
name = ModuleScienceContainer
reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 1.8
collectActionName = Take Data
allowRepeatedSubjects = True
name = ModuleScienceExperiment
experimentID = crewReport
experimentActionName = Crew Report
resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
reviewActionName = Review Report
useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
rerunnable = True
xmitDataScalar = 1
usageReqMaskInternal = 165
usageReqMaskExternal = -33
name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
animationName = CrewTube-25-375-Windows
startEventGUIName = Lights On
endEventGUIName = Lights Off
name = ModuleGenerator
isAlwaysActive = True
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 14.4
name = FlagDecal
textureQuadName = Flag
name = DischargeCapacitor
ChargeRatio = 1
ChargeRate = 32
DischargeRate = 3200
MaximumCharge = 32000
ChargeAnimation = Capacitor_InlineLarge
name = ModuleScienceLab
containerModuleIndex = 0
dataStorage = 500
crewsRequired = 1
canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5
SurfaceBonus = 0.1
ContextBonus = 0.25
homeworldMultiplier = 0.1
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10
name = ModuleScienceConverter
scientistBonus = 0.25
researchTime = 7
scienceMultiplier = 5
scienceCap = 500
powerRequirement = 5
ConverterName = Research
StartActionName = Start Research
StopActionName = Stop Research
name = ModuleReactionWheel
PitchTorque = 20
YawTorque = 20
RollTorque = 20
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.5
name = ModuleSAS

Edited by Alewx
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Ok that is more then dumb, I found the problem and so far welding is not able to work around that because I believe it will not be just with the bab but some other parts also.

So the actual thing is: the lab is looking for the scienceContainer in the part and expects it to be the very first module in the part, ever and always.

The easiest solution is modifiiing the partfile so that the scienceContainer is in firstplace, and make the lab the rootpart of the weldment before welding.

Oh great! Currently I am working on a funky looking refueling station. I didn't know whenever if I should have gone 2001 Discovery One look or Star Wars so I kinda meshed both up.

Since I'm new on the forums, I don't know where to post my average builds, should I make a thread on a subforum or make a blog entry or something?

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Oh great! Currently I am working on a funky looking refueling station. I didn't know whenever if I should have gone 2001 Discovery One look or Star Wars so I kinda meshed both up.

Since I'm new on the forums, I don't know where to post my average builds, should I make a thread on a subforum or make a blog entry or something?

You can post it in one of the threads of the mods you used, or in the subforum for spacecrafts and there was even an dedicated thread for showcases of spacecrafts but I can't find it right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for continuing the good work! I will try it out.

What does "final Version of scaling for models implemented to work now with every damn configuration that is possible out there" specifically refer to? Procedural Parts?

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Woah! You know, this thread has never failed to impress me. I've been doing my routine post-release mod check up and saw that Welding was unavailable for 1.0.4... I then go to the last page and see that you are actively preparing and sharing your progress and just posted a dev version earlier today. Awesome work. ;)

Avera9eJoe OUT!

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Thank you for continuing the good work! I will try it out.

What does "final Version of scaling for models implemented to work now with every damn configuration that is possible out there" specifically refer to? Procedural Parts?

It refers to tweakscale that gave me some trouble due to the different configuration offensichtlich parts that are possible.

Woah! You know, this thread has never failed to impress me. I've been doing my routine post-release mod check up and saw that Welding was unavailable for 1.0.4... I then go to the last page and see that you are actively preparing and sharing your progress and just posted a dev version earlier today. Awesome work. ;)

Avera9eJoe OUT!

Thanks mate. Well I don't know what Girka2k is doing but he is watching the forum from time to time, but not saying anything, so I can't update the thread.

Edited by Alewx
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holy .... you are heroes! I was just wondering why my 1.0.4 Version runs more slowly than my 0.25 version (same mods) and was thinking about falling back to 0.25. You sirs are 1.0.4 saver :-)

gonna do some testing with the dev Version immediatly

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Thanks mate. Well I don't know what Girka2k is doing but he is watching the forum from time to time, but not saying anything, so I can't update the thread.

Perhaps a new thread/fork for release?

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here is my welded parts, crafts and modlist which i have installed for KSP 1.0.4



crafts 000 and 001 are identical.

i send it to you as feedback.

the next trouble i have when try to orbit my crafts. when i start first (via hyperedit) - its ok. when i start second one - first is destroied totally. i hear explosion and then i see that first craft isn't here anymore)))

the same one is happened when i try to select any of these ships from tracking station - when double-click and go to it - its explode, but exploded only welded part of ship.

welded part consists of structural elements, fuel tanks, battery block, sas and unmanned module. ship in total have 3 dock port additionally to welded part.

please help - where can kraken hide? i need bust this insatiable monster...

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here is my welded parts, crafts and modlist which i have installed for KSP 1.0.4



crafts 000 and 001 are identical.

i send it to you as feedback.

the next trouble i have when try to orbit my crafts. when i start first (via hyperedit) - its ok. when i start second one - first is destroied totally. i hear explosion and then i see that first craft isn't here anymore)))

the same one is happened when i try to select any of these ships from tracking station - when double-click and go to it - its explode, but exploded only welded part of ship.

welded part consists of structural elements, fuel tanks, battery block, sas and unmanned module. ship in total have 3 dock port additionally to welded part.

please help - where can kraken hide? i need bust this insatiable monster...

Thanks for the info, may I ask before I start searching in it, did you try to weld procedural parts?

Also which mods are KerbalTek(Hyperedit, ok forgot it.) and KipEng(totally new to me)?

So far I can only see two fings that are possibly breaking your weldments, the use of kerbalpaint, and procedural parts.

Procedural parts do not contain any models, so there is nothing that can be welded.

Edited by Alewx
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Thanks for the info, may I ask before I start searching in it, did you try to weld procedural parts?

Also which mods are KerbalTek(Hyperedit, ok forgot it.) and KipEng(totally new to me)?

So far I can only see two fings that are possibly breaking your weldments, the use of kerbalpaint, and procedural parts.

Procedural parts do not contain any models, so there is nothing that can be welded.

KipEng is Universal Docking Port Set - here is thread for it:


i dont use them.

i dont use procedural parts also - i read limitation. what about kerbalpaint - i firstly add this mod, but later - remove, i dont use it. after remove i load craft and ksp dont ask me for missing mods. i use tweakscale and i manually edit welded part config and craft - via notepad. i need custom scale - it should be very big part.


i has a tho' that ships are superimposed... when i orbit them via hyperedit. and second destroy first. today i build it anew - big solid part - and check. it is so. im sorry((

now i will test with more crafts, selecting craft from tracking station and craft with docking ports

pss issue with destroing crafts is solved, but when selecting ship from tracking station - it is exploded with message "welded part exploded due overheating". ship consists of weldment and 3 dockports. only weldment is destoied.

will try to edit config to decide this problem.

Edited by mAAAd
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the problems i have wasnt in your mod i think. sorry for disturbing.

i have yet one problem with rescaling, but is your mod a reason - dont know.

i edit field "rescaleFactor" in config of weldment (set it equal 3) and part is scaling right. i orbit it succesful, but when i restart game - my craft looking as rescaleFactor sets back to 1... all crafts of this type... but dockports scaling right again, their rescaleFactor doesnt set back





Edited by mAAAd
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Sorry that I didn't answer earlier.

Spent half yesterday evening and night in hospital due to some massive hearing loss on the right side.

@mAAAd, that is something really strange, the rescaleFactor is something that is made by KSP and should always work.

I have never read of anything similar to that.

In Github I also got an Report about wrong mass and resource amounts related to Tweakscale, so maybe these things are related, but that is liekly to be just wishful thinking.

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hi, Alewx, tnx for all. i want to say one more thing - anf it is about your mod 100% :)

firstly i create a simple welded part, consists of panels 2x2 only. then i edit it manually to set custom scale for each panel and got this one


its beautiful) here is a part of config with scale values for each panel

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,23,0
scale = 72,72,72
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,14,-71
scale = 8,8,72
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,14,71
rotation = 0,270,270
scale = 8,8,72
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,32,-71
scale = 8,8,72
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,32,71
scale = 8,8,72
rotation = 0,270,90

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,6,70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,7,69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,12,70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,11,69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,6,-70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,7,-69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,12,-70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,11,-69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,270

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -72,32,0
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 72,32,0
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,91
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -56,32,-63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 56,32,-63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -56,32,63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,180,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 56,32,63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,270

then i add some parts like a fuel tanks, command modules, additional structural parts, press Weld button and in new weldment i've got the scale for each panel from first weldment set to 1,1,1 ;)

here is a screen and code for it

https://yadi.sk/i/VHYIJrmOiGmwL - its a craft before weldment. consists of panels weldment and new parts (total 56 pcs)

https://yadi.sk/i/CMFI4TqWiGnPU - weldedment from craft

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,-8.961096,-0.042138
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]72,72,72[/COLOR]
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,-17.9611,-71.04214
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,-17.9611,70.95786
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,0.038904,-71.04214
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,0.038904,70.95786
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,90

and so on

i need correct scale back to custom values after welding second craft. it is sad)

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hi, Alewx, tnx for all. i want to say one more thing - anf it is about your mod 100% :)

firstly i create a simple welded part, consists of panels 2x2 only. then i edit it manually to set custom scale for each panel and got this one


its beautiful) here is a part of config with scale values for each panel

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,23,0
scale = 72,72,72
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,14,-71
scale = 8,8,72
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,14,71
rotation = 0,270,270
scale = 8,8,72
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,32,-71
scale = 8,8,72
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,32,71
scale = 8,8,72
rotation = 0,270,90

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,6,70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0,7,69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,12,70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,11,69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,6,-70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,7,-69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,12,-70
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,270,0
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -0,11,-69
scale = 1,1,72
rotation = 0,90,270

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -72,32,0
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 72,32,0
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,91
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -56,32,-63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 56,32,-63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = -56,32,63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,180,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 56,32,63
scale = 8,8,8
rotation = 0,0,270

then i add some parts like a fuel tanks, command modules, additional structural parts, press Weld button and in new weldment i've got the scale for each panel from first weldment set to 1,1,1 ;)

here is a screen and code for it

https://yadi.sk/i/VHYIJrmOiGmwL - its a craft before weldment. consists of panels weldment and new parts (total 56 pcs)

https://yadi.sk/i/CMFI4TqWiGnPU - weldedment from craft

model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,-8.961096,-0.042138
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]72,72,72[/COLOR]
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,-17.9611,-71.04214
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,-17.9611,70.95786
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,270
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,0.038904,-71.04214
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,90
model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model
position = 0.108102,0.038904,70.95786
scale = 1,1,1 should be [COLOR=#3E3E3E]8,8,72[/COLOR]
rotation = 0,270,90

and so on

i need correct scale back to custom values after welding second craft. it is sad)

Ha now I got it, thanks to your explantation. You try to weld already welded parts, that is always getting you wrong results, you need to do the weldment in just one go, as sad as it is.

You can modifiy the freescaleing of Tweakscale for more flexibility in your parts, but that is all you can do. after a few times you get the hang out of it how to prepare the carfs best for weldment but it takes some time.

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ok, Alewx, tnx for u one more times

i have tho' that wrong scaling is a bug due to rewelding already welded parts. i thougth that it is possible to fix on mod-level by you. if no - thanks for explanation.

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ok, Alewx, tnx for u one more times

i have tho' that wrong scaling is a bug due to rewelding already welded parts. i thougth that it is possible to fix on mod-level by you. if no - thanks for explanation.

Sadly nope, so far no solution for this, there is currently only a way to handle welding weldments or welding regular parts. But both at the same time just does not work, sorry.

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Sometimes surface-attached parts are not getting a position set correctly. It's either 0,0,0 or NaN,NaN,NaN. One example where I can get it repeatedly is on this part from Station Parts Expansion


using this part from Surface Lights


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Sometimes surface-attached parts are not getting a position set correctly. It's either 0,0,0 or NaN,NaN,NaN. One example where I can get it repeatedly is on this part from Station Parts Expansion


using this part from Surface Lights


That is pretty new, thanks for the info. Before we only had the problem of NAN with small structural parts as root.

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Hey guys,

one question, do you think it is possible to reverse the process? I mean unwelding the welded part and getting a craft file. Today, I made a stupid mistake and deleted my save with the craft, only the weldpart surived.

Welding builds the part file directly from the parts in the scene not from a craft file, but it could be possible to generate a part combination from the models of the weldment.

But that is something completly different that what it does right now.

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Anyone have any ideas as to why mirror symmetry does not seem to work with welded parts? I've been working around the problem for ages now, never thought to check here :D

Actually I think I know why. It's not a problem with the mod, it's just that KSP can't really mirror a part as such it can only mirror the attachment point.

PS: If I create craft files that makes use of welded parts, am I free to distribute them and the parts? I'd like to release my mechs but they are extensively welded and edited both to keep the part count down and so that they are able to work with infernal robotics.

Edited by allmhuran
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