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A really long train...


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You stick some wire, a switch and a battery on it, your colleages are impressed by your circuitry ingenuity...

Wagon 32: You find a big red arrow pointing to the door that leads out of the train and on the arrow it says "he went that way !"

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Nobody likes ice caps anyway. They are cold, and instead of protecting you from the sun in summer, they just melt on your face.

Wagon 36:

You find hyper compressed tanks full of air and stryrofoam. They are labeled as having a pressure of 20 atmospheres.

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I make a rocket out of them & fly to the moon and back.

Wagon 37: This is the empty wagon where i stored all my lunar surface samples. They're really fragile, and if you scrape them by touching them in the slightest, i'll sue you for every penny you've got!

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I sabotage everybody by blowing out the connection between Wagon 23 and Wagon 44 (since i'm secretly conspiring with the criminal)

Wagon 44: Is currently drifting away. In order to progress, you must jump onto it before it drifts off!

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Me and my SWAt team manage terrorize them out of the meeting room. GIC is no more.

Room 48: Comic Sans Takeover discussion room. Comic Sans aliens plot to claim our entire forum!

Edited by Souper
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