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Do you prefer efficiency or safety?


Do you prefer efficiency or safety?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you prefer efficiency or safety?

    • Who cares about efficiency? I love these green guys too much!
    • I throw out efficiency quite a lot in order to increase safety.
    • Safety is a bigger priority than efficiency for me.
    • I sometimes design and execute missions with safety in mind.
    • I balance the two
    • I have efficiency in mind and I try to not overbuild things, but not always
    • I usually prefer efficiency and usually cut things to save weight
    • I cut my delta V budget to only slightly higher than what I need
    • I put efficiency over safety all the time.
    • I don't put parachutes at all.

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Do you prefer efficiency at the cost of safety or safety at the cost of efficiency? For example, this:


is a very efficient way of landing (due to the Oberth effect and other factors), but is obviously dangerous (I missed a mountain by 1 craft length :P).

Other examples of this are cutting deltaV to the bare minimum required, not using escape systems, etc.

A few examples of cutting efficiency for safety are adding multiple parachutes, using escape systems, overbuilding launchers, and (in the case of life support mods) adding more than enough life support for the mission.

Edited by mythbusters844
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I like to think at one point or the other I have been on both ends of the spectrum. Quite recently my command craft for a Munar landing mission had 10000 DV just so I could get my lander into position, break off, and go home. On the other hand, the lander had JUST enough delta V to destabilize the orbit, slow down to avoid crashing, and land with a little less than forty fuel remaining.

I'd say it depends on the situation to me.

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I show my Kerbals tender love and care.

To hell with the blasphemous "efficiency."

I build my crafts as efficiently as possible, but I fly them as safely as possible at the same time. As such, I feel I do not experience increased benefit of one over the sacrifice of the other.

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I tend to overbuild my stuff and fly to avoid mission failure. Kerbals be damned I just don't want to screw up and explode. If the command pod was detachable and I could pilot the rest home with a probe core, I could care less if I kill them, just as long as I finish the mission.

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There's way too many choices in this poll, and it's missing a "I never let Kerbals out of the house!" option.

I try to err toward safety. This means not sending Kerbals when not necessary, and having a working abort in case something goes wrong (I play with FAR and don't revert, and I've definitely had launch failures). I do love Kerbal Construction Time's simulate feature though.

This does cost me a lot extra, because it can be unwieldy and difficult to put abort modes on a giant space station module, so I usually launch those unmanned, and launch the crew up in a safer, more tested rocket. This is pretty similar to real-life.

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Safety and efficiency are not as mortal of enemies as you may have been led to believe when it comes to space travel. That said, I do tend to favor more efficient methods over particularly plodding safety measures. Since arbitrary failure is not a "thing" in stock KSP, for example, an escape tower is pretty well unnecessary as long as your upper stage can safely land on Kerbin. And from a reasonable height, the low-pass method of landing on an airless body is not really dangerous while still losing relatively little dV to gravity.

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Safety is the priority for me. I'm playing with DRE and TAC ls so thete are couple of thungs I have to keep in mind. I do have a few safety rulesthat I learned the hard way. They might be a little overprotective but my 0.90 hard career has zero losses so far :D I design my vessels with significantly more fuel than I need (at least 10%, depending on the mission) and I keep the twr high in order to be able to perform emergency maneuvers. I don't recover much more than the pod (I even decouple the science equipment after extracting the data), because I'm afraid the pod might spin during the reentry due to FAR and burn up. All that extra mass and equipment left behind is quite expensive as you might expect ;)

In order to get cash I do a lot of satelite contracts with crap-sats (yep thats how I name them) straped ontop of the cheapest srb stage I've come up with so far. Agressive negotiation is my best friend :D

And munar orbits/fly by/last minutebrakings at altitudes lower than 5000m are absolutely out of question :P

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Safety first! I love my Kerbals and would be heartbroken should they die. Among my measures are:

-Rounding all dV costs up to the nearest hundred

-Launching in proven, reusable vehicles with escape systems

-Orbiting and ascending prograde to planetary rotation

-Quicksaving and quickloading

-Listening to or humming only soothing music during tense maneuvers

-Deactivating probe core battery until emergency use

-Omnidirectional solar panel coverage

-Large emergency budgets for rescue craft


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