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What's your favorite day in "The Daily Kerbal?'


Favorite day in "The Daily Kerbal"  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite day in "The Daily Kerbal"

    • Modding Mondays
    • Devnote Tuesdays
    • Video Wednesdays
    • Twitch Thursdays
    • Fanwork Fridays

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This is just a bit of curiosity that struck me one day, and I wanted to see for myself what everyone would choose. For me, Devnote Tuesdays and Modding Mondays come in pretty close, but I seem to like Tuesdays a bit better. It's just a whole day to see what the people down at SQUAD are working on and anything that's happened to them in their lives.

Post your favorite day and why you chose it! :D

P.S. This is my first official poll, bear with me if things aren't quite working right

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Can't we do a poll with the least favorite day? (Thursday IMO)

P.s. With papers i alway's prefer the Saturday edition, cause that one kind of tells u everything that happend during the week.. Would love to see a ''saturday'' version of the DK.

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It was a tough choice between Modding Mondays and Devnote Tuesdays, but the Devnotes won out. It finally came down to which one do I actually get anxious waiting on, and definitely the Devnotes, every Tuesday.

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