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[WIP] KopernicusTech - An integration attempt between Kopernicus and KittopiaTech (v0.13 - 03/26/15)


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So, with a ratio of Jool's Semi-major axis to Jupiter's, Porp's orbit would be 194,338,676,838,090m (194,338,676,838km) in ratio to Tyche (supposed orbit at 2.2 x 10^12km).... Man that's bloody far lol.

edit: Yah, just tested that, causes NaN errors in the game. Would have to be a much lower altitude, I'm guessing.

Put it at Flo's apoapsis.

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Having a problem:

I want to have a game with Kerbin as a moon of Urlum. I have the latest KopernicusTech install, and the latest outerplanets. When I recover after my first launch, and go back to the VAB (or the SPH), the editor has the engine animation firing nonstop, and nothing works except for 'new craft' which works after several pushes (and editor re-loads), and 'save craft'. i can also edit the name - if I save and them open the the saved ship file, it is blank after the first lines that have the vessel name and game version.

If I close KSP and reload, every subsequent launch has me immediately in the center of the Sun, exploding due to heat.

I will post images tomorrow later or tomorrow.

the MM code I used:

@radius = 6531000
@mass = 1.79e+25
@geeASL = 2.85556
@landedDataValue = 30
@splashedDataValue = 1
@flyingLowDataValue = 5
@flyingHighDataValue = 4
@inSpaceLowDataValue = 1.75
@inSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5
@recoveryValue = 1.5
@inclination = 0
@eccentricity = 0
@semiMajorAxis = 013599840256
@longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
@argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
@meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
@epoch = 0
%flightGlobalsIndex = 1
%referenceBody = Urlum
%inclination = 0
%eccentricity = 0
%semiMajorAxis = 112000000
%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
%argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
%meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
%epoch = 0
%referenceBody = Urlum
%inclination = 0
%eccentricity = 0
%semiMajorAxis = 345000000
%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
%argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
%meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
%epoch = 0
%mass = 2.6457897e+20
%radius = 200000
%geeASL = 0.045
%rotationPeriod = 22500
%referenceBody = Urlum
%inclination = 0
%eccentricity = 0
%semiMajorAxis = 745000000
%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
%argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
%meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
%epoch = 0

This doesn't even move Kerbin. You're moving Urlum to orbit Urlum. You also don't need all those @s. Only in front of the parts that are already in Kopernicus/System.cfg. Like this:

// Apply this patch after the Kopernicus mod is loaded
@referenceBody = Urlum
inclination = 0.375
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 745000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
epoch = 0

Edited by CaptRobau
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Thank you! I'll check it out later. :)

Btw, I just remembered about your question on how scaled spaces were generated. KT use the actual terrain height (measured from center of the body, using GetSurfaceHeight function) as basis for scaled space mesh calculation. Here is the function that does it. It simply adjusts radius of each vertices on the mesh, so they will match up with actual terrain on the same coordinate.

Interesting, it seems that it *should* be taking into account all PQS mods that modify the planet but for some reason PQSMod_VertexHeightOblate and PQSMod_VertexHeightOffset apply only to localspace. Maybe those two mods work differently than the others. I can't think of a good reason why they shouldn't be taken into account in the scaledmesh.

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It does move Kerbin:

that what this chunk does:

%flightGlobalsIndex = 1
%referenceBody = Urlum
%inclination = 0
%eccentricity = 0
%semiMajorAxis = 112000000
%longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
%argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
%meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
%epoch = 0

I put in the % (which adds if that field is not present, modifies like @ if it is) when I was trying to figure out if I had some property double-entered.

The rest of it moves Urlum to Kerbin's old orbit, and re-positions the Mun and Minmus to orbit Urlum. I also played with mass, radius, and ASL gravity for fun. I had zeroed out inclinations and eccentricity thinking the glitches might be due to having something collide ( I was wrong, apparently).

Edited by ABZB
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This isn't really a bug, but more of the PQS not being set correctly. The fading you see is the transition from scaledspace to local. Your color map is not being applied to the planet so that's why you see it fade away when you get closer. Look to see if you have a color mod on the planet that's interferring. Click the save button, and paste your planet config here.

Ok, here is the .cfg file:

name = Ethan
flightGlobalsIndex = 18
name = Tylo
radius = 550000
geeASL = 0.73
mass = 3.2606908e+22
description = A big rocky planet situated a bit farther than Eeloo.It has one large moon that is half of Ethan's size, Ron.
landedDataValue = 85
splashedDataValue = 0
flyingLowDataValue = 0
flyingHighDataValue = 0
inSpaceLowDataValue = 35
inSpaceHighDataValue = 25
recoveryValue = 10
referenceBody = Sun
color = 0.9,0.55,0,1
inclination = 3
eccentricity = 0.1
semiMajorAxis = 110984567100
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 90
argumentOfPeriapsis = 45
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Ethan_color
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Ethan_normal

And here is the Kittopia config:

// CustomData

Stock = False
AddAtmoFx = False
AddOceanFx = False
OceanLoadTextures = False
UnlitOcean = False
ModScaledAtmoShader = False
AddRings = False
AddParticles = False
DisableOrbitRenderer = False
semiMajorAxis = 110984567100
eccentricity = 0.1
inclination = 3
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
epoch = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 45
LAN = 90
RefBody = Sun
orbitColor = RGBA(0.900, 0.550, 0.000, 1.000)
bodyName = Ethan
bodyDescription = A big rocky planet situated a bit farther than Eeloo.It has one large moon that is half of Ethan's size, Ron.
GeeASL = 0.73
Radius = 550000
Mass = 3.2458694186395E+22
gravParameter = 2166293250000
sphereOfInfluence = 564844787.493308
hillSphere = 1225727357.21178
gMagnitudeAtCenter = 2166293250000
use_The_InName = False
isHomeWorld = False
ocean = False
atmosphere = False
staticPressureASL = 1
atmosphereScaleHeight = 0
atmosphereContainsOxygen = False
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 0
altitudeMultiplier = 1.4285
altitudeOffset = 0
atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1
useLegacyAtmosphere = True
atmosphereMultiplier = 1
pressureMultiplier = 0
rotates = True
rotationPeriod = 214559772.439931
solarRotationPeriod = False
initialRotation = 0
rotationAngle = 0.0113880143440973
directRotAngle = -342.320760053958
tidallyLocked = True
inverseRotation = False
inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 100000
angularV = 2.92840797255422E-08
atmosphericAmbientColor = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000)
deactivateAltitude = 330000
forceRebuildOnTargetChange = False
forceActivate = False
overrideFade = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 0
Parent = Ethan
seed = 4447895
deformity = 1000
octaves = 8
persistence = 0.5
frequency = 24
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 50
Parent = Ethan
seed = 98374
deformity = 2000
octaves = 8
persistence = 0.5
frequency = 4
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 59
Parent = Ethan
heightMap = rockymoon_height (MapSO)
heightMapDeformity = 6000
heightMapOffset = 0
scaleDeformityByRadius = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 49
Parent = Ethan
oceanRadius = 1
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 60
Parent = Ethan
deformity = 8000
ridgedAddSeed = 1530393239
ridgedAddFrequency = 12
ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
ridgedAddOctaves = 4
ridgedSubSeed = 1212096306
ridgedSubFrequency = 12
ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
ridgedSubOctaves = 4
simplexHeightStart = 0
simplexHeightEnd = 9000
simplexSeed = 1909396195
simplexOctaves = 6
simplexPersistence = 0.699999988079071
simplexFrequency = 4
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Ethan
atmosphereDepth = 8000
invert = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = False
order = 999999999
Parent = Ethan
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 999999
Parent = Ethan
blend = 0.4
lcCount = 3
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 201
Parent = Ethan
vertexColorMap = rockymoon_color (MapSO)
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 200
Parent = Ethan
useHeightMap = False
vHeightMax = 10000
createColors = False
createScatter = True
altitudeBlend = 0
altitudeSeed = 1
altitudeOctaves = 1
altitudePersistance = 1
altitudeFrequency = 1
latitudeBlend = 0
latitudeSeed = 1
latitudeOctaves = 1
latitudePersistance = 1
latitudeFrequency = 1
longitudeBlend = 0
longitudeSeed = 1
longitudeOctaves = 1
longitudePersistance = 1
longitudeFrequency = 1
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 999999
Parent = Ethan
landClassName = Base
color = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
noiseColor = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
latitudeDouble = False
coverageBlend = 0
coverageSeed = 1
coverageOctaves = 1
coveragePersistance = 1
coverageFrequency = 1
noiseBlend = 0
noiseSeed = 1
noiseOctaves = 1
noisePersistance = 1
noiseFrequency = 1
minimumRealHeight = 0
alterRealHeight = 0
alterApparentHeight = 0
altDelta = 1
latDelta = 1
lonDelta = 1
delta = 1
maxLevelOffset = 0
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Ethan
radius = 6000
position = (569917.4, -94669.8, 181300.9)
angle = 70
heightMap = saganface (MapSO)
heightMapDeformity = 50
cullBlack = False
useAlphaHeightSmoothing = False
absolute = False
absoluteOffset = 0
smoothHeight = 0.125
smoothColor = 0
removeScatter = True
DEBUG_HighlightInclusion = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 200
Parent = Ethan
debugOrientated = False
frameDelta = 1
repositionToSphere = True
repositionToSphereSurface = False
repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False
repositionRadial = (-457335.5, 388660.5, 48087.1)
repositionRadiusOffset = 2085
reorientToSphere = True
reorientInitialUp = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
reorientFinalAngle = 30
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Ethan

Edited by Candlelight
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Interesting, it seems that it *should* be taking into account all PQS mods that modify the planet but for some reason PQSMod_VertexHeightOblate and PQSMod_VertexHeightOffset apply only to localspace. Maybe those two mods work differently than the others. I can't think of a good reason why they shouldn't be taken into account in the scaledmesh.

Hmm... I think the problem is not exactly that they are not applied to scaled space. But, more specifically, they make GetSurfaceHeight produce incorrect results (i.e. it give terrain height value as if those PQS mods were not there). I believe that they are some kind already-obsolete PQS mods because of this fact alone. And for the VertexHeightOblate, I couldn't get the terrain landable. Did you successfully make it landable?

Maybe this is why Krag made some custom PQS modifications, which are analogs of them, in the first place; because they never work correctly. Personally, I discourage their usage on planets, because of what they do to GetSurfaceHeight; it will disrupt all plugins that rely on GetSurfaceHeight function to get terrain height information.

But shockingly, contrary to my own recommendation, Pol does use VertexHeightOffset! I honestly don't understand why Squad added it to the moon. It makes some plugins that rely on terrain height information don't work properly. For example, try to use HyperEdit's "Ship Lander" on Pol, with low altitude as input. You will find yourself still very high above the ground!

Curiouser, and curiouser.

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I have posted the pictures of my above above glitch in sequence. removing kittopia does not fix. removing kopernicus does fix the problem. Removing my MM file does not fix... huh.

output.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/huxwm0ia4bbpog0/output_log.txt?dl=0

MM file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tyn7c33a4bvloop/zzzmy.cfg?dl=0

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Edited by ABZB
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Ok, here is the .cfg file:

name = Ethan
flightGlobalsIndex = 18
name = Tylo
radius = 550000
geeASL = 0.73
mass = 3.2606908e+22
description = A big rocky planet situated a bit farther than Eeloo.It has one large moon that is half of Ethan's size, Ron.
landedDataValue = 85
splashedDataValue = 0
flyingLowDataValue = 0
flyingHighDataValue = 0
inSpaceLowDataValue = 35
inSpaceHighDataValue = 25
recoveryValue = 10
referenceBody = Sun
color = 0.9,0.55,0,1
inclination = 3
eccentricity = 0.1
semiMajorAxis = 110984567100
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 90
argumentOfPeriapsis = 45
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Ethan_color
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Ethan_normal

And here is the Kittopia config:

// CustomData

Stock = False
AddAtmoFx = False
AddOceanFx = False
OceanLoadTextures = False
UnlitOcean = False
ModScaledAtmoShader = False
AddRings = False
AddParticles = False
DisableOrbitRenderer = False
semiMajorAxis = 110984567100
eccentricity = 0.1
inclination = 3
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14
epoch = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 45
LAN = 90
RefBody = Sun
orbitColor = RGBA(0.900, 0.550, 0.000, 1.000)
bodyName = Ethan
bodyDescription = A big rocky planet situated a bit farther than Eeloo.It has one large moon that is half of Ethan's size, Ron.
GeeASL = 0.73
Radius = 550000
Mass = 3.2458694186395E+22
gravParameter = 2166293250000
sphereOfInfluence = 564844787.493308
hillSphere = 1225727357.21178
gMagnitudeAtCenter = 2166293250000
use_The_InName = False
isHomeWorld = False
ocean = False
atmosphere = False
staticPressureASL = 1
atmosphereScaleHeight = 0
atmosphereContainsOxygen = False
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 0
altitudeMultiplier = 1.4285
altitudeOffset = 0
atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1
useLegacyAtmosphere = True
atmosphereMultiplier = 1
pressureMultiplier = 0
rotates = True
rotationPeriod = 214559772.439931
solarRotationPeriod = False
initialRotation = 0
rotationAngle = 0.0113880143440973
directRotAngle = -342.320760053958
tidallyLocked = True
inverseRotation = False
inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 100000
angularV = 2.92840797255422E-08
atmosphericAmbientColor = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000)
deactivateAltitude = 330000
forceRebuildOnTargetChange = False
forceActivate = False
overrideFade = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 0
Parent = Ethan
seed = 4447895
deformity = 1000
octaves = 8
persistence = 0.5
frequency = 24
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 50
Parent = Ethan
seed = 98374
deformity = 2000
octaves = 8
persistence = 0.5
frequency = 4
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 59
Parent = Ethan
heightMap = rockymoon_height (MapSO)
heightMapDeformity = 6000
heightMapOffset = 0
scaleDeformityByRadius = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 49
Parent = Ethan
oceanRadius = 1
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 60
Parent = Ethan
deformity = 8000
ridgedAddSeed = 1530393239
ridgedAddFrequency = 12
ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
ridgedAddOctaves = 4
ridgedSubSeed = 1212096306
ridgedSubFrequency = 12
ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
ridgedSubOctaves = 4
simplexHeightStart = 0
simplexHeightEnd = 9000
simplexSeed = 1909396195
simplexOctaves = 6
simplexPersistence = 0.699999988079071
simplexFrequency = 4
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Ethan
atmosphereDepth = 8000
invert = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = False
order = 999999999
Parent = Ethan
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 999999
Parent = Ethan
blend = 0.4
lcCount = 3
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 201
Parent = Ethan
vertexColorMap = rockymoon_color (MapSO)
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 200
Parent = Ethan
useHeightMap = False
vHeightMax = 10000
createColors = False
createScatter = True
altitudeBlend = 0
altitudeSeed = 1
altitudeOctaves = 1
altitudePersistance = 1
altitudeFrequency = 1
latitudeBlend = 0
latitudeSeed = 1
latitudeOctaves = 1
latitudePersistance = 1
latitudeFrequency = 1
longitudeBlend = 0
longitudeSeed = 1
longitudeOctaves = 1
longitudePersistance = 1
longitudeFrequency = 1
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 999999
Parent = Ethan
landClassName = Base
color = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
noiseColor = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
latitudeDouble = False
coverageBlend = 0
coverageSeed = 1
coverageOctaves = 1
coveragePersistance = 1
coverageFrequency = 1
noiseBlend = 0
noiseSeed = 1
noiseOctaves = 1
noisePersistance = 1
noiseFrequency = 1
minimumRealHeight = 0
alterRealHeight = 0
alterApparentHeight = 0
altDelta = 1
latDelta = 1
lonDelta = 1
delta = 1
maxLevelOffset = 0
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Ethan
radius = 6000
position = (569917.4, -94669.8, 181300.9)
angle = 70
heightMap = saganface (MapSO)
heightMapDeformity = 50
cullBlack = False
useAlphaHeightSmoothing = False
absolute = False
absoluteOffset = 0
smoothHeight = 0.125
smoothColor = 0
removeScatter = True
DEBUG_HighlightInclusion = False
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 200
Parent = Ethan
debugOrientated = False
frameDelta = 1
repositionToSphere = True
repositionToSphereSurface = False
repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False
repositionRadial = (-457335.5, 388660.5, 48087.1)
repositionRadiusOffset = 2085
reorientToSphere = True
reorientInitialUp = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
reorientFinalAngle = 30
sphere = Ethan (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Ethan

In your PQS config, you didn't give the file location for the height and color map. It should be /Gamedata/blahblah/heightmap.png and same for the color map

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Am I doing something wrong when I try to set the SOI in saveload with this?:



sphereOfInfluence = 33000


The body I'm setting that for doesn't seem to load with that SOI...

- - - Updated - - -

Can you just highlight the piece of code that needs to be changed?



heightMap = rockymoon_height (MapSO)

heightMapDeformity = 6000

heightMapOffset = 0

scaleDeformityByRadius = False

sphere = Ethan (PQS)

modEnabled = True

order = 49

Parent = Ethan


There and:



vertexColorMap = rockymoon_color (MapSO)

sphere = Ethan (PQS)

modEnabled = True

order = 200

Parent = Ethan


You need to give the map locations with a format like this: GameData/Porp/Textures/Cyrus_height.png

edit: also, you really don't need a saveload config that complicated, try something easier like this: http://pastebin.com/smxSzGEk

Edited by Lillz
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Am I doing something wrong when I try to set the SOI in saveload with this?:



sphereOfInfluence = 33000


I've never gotten that to work, so I think it just doesn't work. It only seems to work when you do it in-game, but it won't load on restart.

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I've never gotten that to work, so I think it just doesn't work. It only seems to work when you do it in-game, but it won't load on restart.

Hmm so is there a way I can get around that? Right now, the GeeASL is, naturally, low for my asteroid moons. The game calculated the SOI to be too small to have an orbit possible... I could go the route where that just makes landing on them difficult (or impossible?) or I could somehow make a larger SOI. I don't designate a mass (just radius and GeeASL) for them, would that help?

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I have posted the pictures of my above above glitch in sequence. removing kittopia does not fix. removing kopernicus does fix the problem. Removing my MM file does not fix... huh.

output.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/huxwm0ia4bbpog0/output_log.txt?dl=0

MM file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tyn7c33a4bvloop/zzzmy.cfg?dl=0


Further tested - The same stuff happens with the only installed mods being this one, outerplanets 1.5.2, and Modulemanager

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I seem to be having a problem... OPM was working for a while with the KT .12 update, It was working with the 0.1 update, and then they suddenly dissapeared when I updated to .12... I have the DDS loader installed, as well as Trans-Kuptian. I'm also using the KT .dll's, but I was using OPM's .dlls for KT .1, and I also had Minor Bodies and TK working just fine. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem? or if I should just re-install OPM?

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I seem to be having a problem... OPM was working for a while with the KT .12 update, It was working with the 0.1 update, and then they suddenly dissapeared when I updated to .12... I have the DDS loader installed, as well as Trans-Kuptian. I'm also using the KT .dll's, but I was using OPM's .dlls for KT .1, and I also had Minor Bodies and TK working just fine. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem? or if I should just re-install OPM?

OPM (outer planets mod) for some reason overwrites the default KT system.cfg, with its planets added, rather than using a seperate MM file. When you update KT, the fresh default system.cfg overwrites the one that has OPM in it.

EDIT: I uploaded the Copy-&-Paste and quick edit I did to the OPM download for myself for that^ reason (1.5.2). (This was working until I tried to make Kerbin orbit Urlum, I think I did something else that screwed everything up, I am going piece by piece trying to figure out what this predates that, and should work.)


Edited by ABZB
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OPM (outer planets mod) for some reason overwrites the default KT system.cfg, with its planets added, rather than using a seperate MM file. When you update KT, the fresh default system.cfg overwrites the one that has OPM in it.

EDIT: I uploaded the Copy-&-Paste and quick edit I did to the OPM download for myself for that^ reason (1.5.2). (This was working until I tried to make Kerbin orbit Urlum, I think I did something else that screwed everything up, I am going piece by piece trying to figure out what this predates that, and should work.)


So I just throw that into my gamedata folder and MM will make it work? or do I put that somewhere else like in the Kopernicus or Kitopia folders?

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OPM (outer planets mod) for some reason overwrites the default KT system.cfg, with its planets added, rather than using a seperate MM file. When you update KT, the fresh default system.cfg overwrites the one that has OPM in it.

EDIT: I uploaded the Copy-&-Paste and quick edit I did to the OPM download for myself for that^ reason (1.5.2). (This was working until I tried to make Kerbin orbit Urlum, I think I did something else that screwed everything up, I am going piece by piece trying to figure out what this predates that, and should work.)


OPM places everything in System.cfg because it was thought it was the only way to make Eeloo a moon of Sarnus. It turns out it was possible with MM all along, which is why the next version will move all the OPM stuff out of the System.cfg file and into configs of their own, as it should be.

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Hmm so is there a way I can get around that? Right now, the GeeASL is, naturally, low for my asteroid moons. The game calculated the SOI to be too small to have an orbit possible... I could go the route where that just makes landing on them difficult (or impossible?) or I could somehow make a larger SOI. I don't designate a mass (just radius and GeeASL) for them, would that help?

Always designate a mass. GeeASL however is the biggest culprit for small SOIs as far as I know, although it depends on the situation. My asteroid moons are close to a large gas giant. If they were farther from the planet, the same settings would produce a greater SOI. This is also why Eeloo has a larger SOI than let's say Kerbin, even though its smaller. The distance from the Sun makes those smaller settings result in a larger SOI.

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