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In rememberence of Space Shuttle Columbia


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Today marks the 12th anniversary of the shuttle Columbia breaking up in reentry.

Personally I was very young when Challenger exploded, back in 1986. It was the first time we had seen the loss of an entire crew, so that is the incident that has really stuck with me over the years. However, Columbia's loss was no less significant.

In some ways, it's extremely tragic to think back on the details, when you consider that the entire 16-day mission was doomed from the start. The foam strike during ascent saw to that.

Columbia was the first of the shuttles to reach space, and had a very successful mission history until then.


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I was exactly 12 years old when Columbia broke up. Its faint, but I remember it dominating the news for a good while. I didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation back then though. Now, today with a proper understanding of the physics. It scares the crap out of me. I don't know what the crew went though in their final moments. But since I was 12 years old and to this day I have a very over-active imagination. I can picture things very clearly. So much so that its become a double edged sword. I can close my eyes and put myself into a seat on Columbia in its final second as it lost stability, rolled over and disintegrated around me. Scary stuff. Kinda stuff that gives you nightmares. I wasn't around for Challenger, but that one haunts me even greater. The fact that some 02 sensors were shown to have been switched on after the incident. The fact that some of the people survived the initial breakup...awful. Just awful.

And yet the show must go on. And like they said with Apollo 1. If we were to stop these people would have died in vain. We have to continue doing this stuff. More people will die in the future with spaceflight. its gonna happen. But I suppose its progress. In the most black and white way I can think of. These accidents make us stronger.

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I lived in East Texas at the time. I remember hearing the rumble from the multiple sonic booms. It wasn't until fifteen minutes later that I found out what it was. That was a very long day, and only the first in a long string.

Now, today with a proper understanding of the physics. It scares the crap out of me. I don't know what the crew went though in their final moments.

My father said that the engineers reviewing the telemetry would be in a meeting looking at some data: "At this point, the vehicle experienced a left roll of <high number> degrees per second, that must be when the vehicle lost the wing. <pause> My God, the crew must have..."

They'd stop for a moment, and think about what the crew had been going through at that point. There were quite a few silent moments in the meetings as they each kept reminding themselves that the numbers they were dealing with represented the final moments of seven lives.

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Anyway, tomorrow, I will plant a flag to commemorate this tragedy.

A poem to go with a plaque to go with the flag:

In Terra's fields, the poppies blow

Between the headstones, row on row

Our crews, still bravely working, fly

Oft seen wherever nothing glows.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Terra's fields.

Take up our cause to boldly go:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Terra's fields.


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