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I am saddened by this but, I'm getting bored.


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yes, but I still can't land on the moon, apparently I can go into orbit, munar orbit, solar orbit, out as far as duna but cannot reach solar orbit, BUT CAN'T LAND ON THE MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNN!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna try one mission, with the name M.O.B. mun or bust, I already did the bust part, now for mun.

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I barely played at all between 0.23.5 & 0.90. Sandbox just felt a bit redundant after the addition of science, yet the "career mode" was so shallow I never really got into it.

0.90 was a huge step forward for me and I'm back to playing almost obsessively. Things like the editor update has just made it so much nicer to play.

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With games like this I find making my own challenges is what keeps me playing. A simple encounter with the Mun, land and return is no longer a challenge. I moved to designing a vehicle capable of delivering a rover and crew to the Mun. Then moved on to building a base. Similar to visiting other bodies. Designing craft to explore a planet and it's moons, including landing on as many as I can, trying to cram as much Delta-V in so I can accomplish the mission objectives.

The limiting factor for me now is too many parts lag my rig.

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I got bored a while ago, I keep challenging myself to do harder things, or fun things, or whacky things. I've burned out about 4-5 times over the past year, where I take a break for 2-3 weeks. I have always returned, and mods have helped alot. I would have stopped playing a year ago, (about 2 months after I got KSP) and not come back except intermintently when there is an update if there was only stock. Contrary to some people, the modding community is what keeps the KSP community vibrant and interested.

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I'm kinda in a rut as well and I haven't played in weeks. The main problem is needing a good reason to be building all these satellites, bases, and orbital stations. I think v1.0 deep space refueling will help with that a lot, though. Having mining bases and orbital fuel stations make sense for that aspect of the game.

I'm kinda thinking there needs to be an overarching main mission storyline. The procedural contracts make great side-quest fodder, but I'd like to have an interesting story line and an ultimate goal of colonizing the Kerbolar system.

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I'm kinda in a rut as well and I haven't played in weeks. The main problem is needing a good reason to be building all these satellites, bases, and orbital stations. I think v1.0 deep space refueling will help with that a lot, though. Having mining bases and orbital fuel stations make sense for that aspect of the game.

I'm kinda thinking there needs to be an overarching main mission storyline. The procedural contracts make great side-quest fodder, but I'd like to have an interesting story line and an ultimate goal of colonizing the Kerbolar system.

This is why I think that the reward system of buying tech with "science" is sort of backwards. And the contract system is really screwy. The payer should chose the broad mission goals (Orbital Flight, or Explore the Mun), then the missions (now "contracts") for the basic science stuff should be what Linus Kerman comes up with… get samples from X, Y, and Z locations, survey others, etc. All focused on examining the Mun (in this case) in some detail. Having explored it, new Mission Goals might pop up, like "establish a permanent presence on the Mun." That would cause new missions to be generated to first locate a suitable location, then land different facilities (maybe with a mechanism of putting them within some range while landed, instead of requiring attachment).

Player selects broad goals, missions are then randomly created to fulfill those goals.

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I find it pretty funny that just as KSP is about to be released, the community starts clunking on about how boring the game is. :)

What about throwing some realistic ideas around about what could make the game more interesting.

For instance setting up bases that mine different resources on different planets, and creating trade networks between them. (Yeah I'm an OpenTTD geek)

Also, I don't know why if you've completed career mode why you don't just go sandbox if you hate the grind?

This forum is *full* of those suggestions, I doubt anyone is going to think up something new at this point. And mods to do practically everything you'd want, but you can't install all of them at once and they take considerable effort to turn into a coherent whole experience - which is not playing a game, it's making one.

It's a game about learning how to get to space - that's cool, most people have no idea how to get to space! unfortunately not much to do there once you get there. A lot of people ( in this thread even ) have been playing it since before there even was a career mode, and tbh what was presented as career mode made me stop playing for quite a while, it was that disappointing.

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unfortunately not much to do there once you get there. A lot of people ( in this thread even ) have been playing it since before there even was a career mode, and tbh what was presented as career mode made me stop playing for quite a while, it was that disappointing.

This. Definitely.

My main bugbear is that the science is so shallow, there's little to motivate surface exploration, not a lot of worth to stations, etc. Though I still hope Squad will continue to relase expansions as they go. Or some generous and dedicated modder makes something like my suggested revamp for science.

That, and the fact that they've set up game mechanisms which are finite. Most of the games I've enjoyed the most have been ones where there's always something new, like Simcity- you can always find a better solution to your traffic problems, or balance for your taxes. Kerbal could have been made about growing and sustaining activities in space, but instead we got unlock the parts and buildings.

If you're getting bored, try something completely different. Ignore 'how you're supposed to play it'. Or, take a break. It will still be there should you feel like coming back.

IMHO, kerbal is most fun when you ignore any game like incentives, and do something crazy, or sit back and cruise over some planets.

Player selects broad goals, missions are then randomly created to fulfill those goals.

Though I'd prefer the opposite. The problem I see with most contracts is the player is following, not leading. I would have prefered a mechanism like in my blog linked which provides advantages for setting things up on your own, not ticking of someone else's boxes.

Edited by Tw1
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Getting bored happens to every player on every game. Every. Single. One.

It doesn't mean the game is shallow, or that the game no longer has that special something that drives you. It just means you've put way too much time into it and way to quickly.

Take a break.

I've been playing since .16 and there have been many times where I wouldn't play KSP for months at a time. I think I even skipped an update entirely, choosing to experience it through other's exploits rather than my own.

Just take a break, man. After awhile, you'll find yourself recharged. And once that happens, all that "trivial" stuff becomes exciting again.

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This forum is *full* of those suggestions, I doubt anyone is going to think up something new at this point. And mods to do practically everything you'd want, but you can't install all of them at once and they take considerable effort to turn into a coherent whole experience - which is not playing a game, it's making one.

It's a game about learning how to get to space - that's cool, most people have no idea how to get to space! unfortunately not much to do there once you get there. A lot of people ( in this thread even ) have been playing it since before there even was a career mode, and tbh what was presented as career mode made me stop playing for quite a while, it was that disappointing.

It is what it is, and it's awesome for what it is. and as far as I can tell it's only going to get better! I will go out on a limb here and say that it's biggest limitation is your own lack of imagination or attention span. (BTW I'm not saying 'your' directed at you, more of a general 'your' ;) )

There's no way, it's completely impossible, that you have exhausted every last possibility in this game, especially with mods.

I for one am VERY solutions oriented. I disapprove of complaints in general. It irks me when I read something like this, that might possibly be read by someone who hasn't tried the game, and influence them enough not to try.

The obvious quickfix to this problem is 'Go do something else' because banging on about how boring you think it is, is in fact, quite boring.

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I've been taking a break. All my mad machinations started looking similar, and then I found out my inspirational coffee was all brewed from the same batch, and simply reheated. Was even starting to leave the grounds in the bottom of me cup.

Take a breather, brother. It's all good. Sometimes you just gotta sit back and open a different bag of coffee.

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Yes. Took a ~1 year break, started playing again and the game was fun again like when I started.

There's something weird about KSP that makes me overplay it until I'm bored or frustrated or something.

Going with this. From early 2013 until mid 2014, I didn't touch KSP.

Picked it back up in August 2014 and I've been playing pretty much non stop since.

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Well, you are experiencing the burnout. Just go play something else.

I usually play 3-4 games in a cycle so that whenever I am bored with one thing I got something else, until I miss the other ones. Currently I am quite stuck with bugs and crash in KSP due to my huge amount of mods, so I play starbound in the mean while till I get it sorted out.

Edited by RainDreamer
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Yes, of course. There are quite limited set of interesting things in KSP and when you have been on all planets and returned, made stations, drove by rovers etc. it is natural to get bored. Then I keep a break of couple of months. After that there will be new version, maybe new interesting mod or I get some new ideas and want to play again.

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My tip for those getting bored: challenge yourself!

Look into the challenge section of the forum. There are plenty of interesting ideas in there.

Try to recreate some iconic spaceships from fact or fiction. I needed 3 attempts to create an Endurance replica from "Interstellar".

When I had 370 hours into the game, I mostly did ludicrous giant Cruisers. It was kind of my thing. Then I got bored.

Now I still do them, but I build them with a certain purpose. "This craft has to complete a mission to planet X and do task Y" or "This is a carrier for my Rover Crane that can land a science rover complete with lab on Mun, Minmus and Duna (and probably Moho, Dres, Vall, Bop, Pol, Eeloo, Gilly and Ike as well. Haven't tried yet)"

What helped was drafting missions on paper and then realizing them in game instead of just jumping right into the VAB and then smack stuff together.

I now have more than 1100 hours in KSP and I still want more.

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