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Most foolish thing you heard in movie or tv series ? :-)


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On the subject of Fast and the Furious...

Vin Diesel: "I've never driven her. She scares the (&^( out of me."

I can see why. Full frame, steel coachwork, roll cage, 5 point harness... who wants to risk their neck in that deathtrap when you can street race in a hopped- up econobox?



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Pretty much everything in the first GI Joe movie. If it wasn't the writing it was stuff like sinking ice, fireballs underwater, nanobots that can magically multiply, etc.

I'm all for the willing suspension of disbelief but this movie went full r3tard.

Edited by bdito
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  GoSlash27 said:
On the subject of Fast and the Furious...

Vin Diesel: "I've never driven her. She scares the (&^( out of me."

I can see why. Full frame, steel coachwork, roll cage, 5 point harness... who wants to risk their neck in that deathtrap when you can street race in a hopped- up econobox?



I really hate doing this...but I have to defend Vin Diesel there.

The thing had a monstrous amount of horsepower. I can't remember what it was, but it was a lot, and in a 60s-era muscle car to boot. Handling that much power is difficult, particularly when the car it's put in was never designed for it. Also, being a 60s era muscle car, it lacked a lot of the safety features that the roll-cage and 5 point harness only partially made up for - no crumple zones, no traction control, no airbags.

He was right to be afraid of that thing.

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  Overfloater said:
Star Wars 4: "We're orbiting the planet at maximum velocity".

Is that supposed to be a smart-ass way to say "we're at periapsis of a highly eccentric orbit"? :-/

I think that it'd mean that they're on the very edge of escape velocity but haven't quite reached it. Like 20 M/S is EV and they're at 19.9999 M/S.

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Actually, a maximum velocity could be achieved by constant thrust radial in. If done at the perhaps is of a eccentric orbit, a circular orbit could be artificially achieved through constant centripetal acceleration that would be faster than a standard orbit at the same altitude. Inefficient, but manageable for Star Trek tech.

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  Flymetothemun said:
I think that it'd mean that they're on the very edge of escape velocity but haven't quite reached it. Like 20 M/S is EV and they're at 19.9999 M/S.

But the thing is, it was said when they arrived at the planet. And now they're orbiting it at max velocity? W.T.H. x-D

I was also thinking about the constant radial in, but just whyyyyy.... LOL

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Most foolish thing in movies or tv?

The captain / commander of anything speaking to the weapons / gunnery officer: "prepare to fire"

seems to me that given his position, he should always be prepared to fire.

yeah, it's a small thing but still it grates my nerves every time I hear that phrase.

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  TinfoilChef said:
seems to me that given his position, he should always be prepared to fire.

Depends on the situation. If you've not reached the point of firing, you may say it to remind your weapons officer to double check that everything is in readiness, last minute tasks like opening whatever firing ports need opened, disengage any safeties that may still be engaged, etc. It could also be to alert other crew members to stand by to execute whatever post-firing duties they may need to carry out.

Granted, in most cases it is unnecessary, but it's not pointless every time.

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