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What was the First thing you did when you got KSP?


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I'd seen a gameplay video of an earlier version, and thought "I'll have to try that out someday." Couple days later, I was reading somewhere I don't even recall anymore, and learned the new update added a moon you could land on, and spaceplanes were possible with a particular modpack. So I downloaded the game then. (Not possible to buy the game at that point because the KSP store was a WIP, so it was a free download. A few weeks later the store was declared open for business, so I spent the absolutely best, most value-filled $20 of my whole life.)

Installed and launched the game to be sure it would run. Put together a pod, fuel tank and engine to be sure I understood how it worked. Closed the game without seriously trying to reach orbit. Downloaded and installed the C7 Flight Pack. Read the instructions about how to make the control surfaces work.

Built a simple spaceplane in the VAB, launched it. Was very pleased that it flew perfectly on the first try! Landed the little plane and noted it tended to balloon along, floating just above the ground much longer than anticipated. Took off again, climbed a little bit, and tried to find the stall speed... was slightly horrified when the plane refused to stall. It slowed way down and then started magically levitating, actually climbing higher and higher without any thrust from the engine. Learned later that this was called "infiniglide."

Made a plan to fly a spaceplane to the Mun and back, hooked up the microphone and started recording.

edit: Hang on, wait... I did make one conventional rocket after that little plane, to learn how to orbit. But I honestly don't remember any details about building or flying it...

I am so very very pleased that the first bug I was aware of in this game will finally be squashed! Infiniglide finally vanquished!

Edited by White Owl
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Very first thing, tbh I can't remember it was so long ago, but I'm guessing that it was; pressed-space, watched rocket suddenly produce limbs that flailed everywhere before exploding. Leading to the realization that everything had to be strutted to everything else. This was of course way back in the day when it was the "Kerbal Strut Program", so glad part-joints are stronger now!

I sometimes look back at some of my early vids and laugh at just how wrong my approach was. First Mun landing I killed all horizontal velocity while still at an alt of over 100km and then descended vertically!!

Similar for me, it was a while ago and I can't remember the first thing. I remember that I spent a month docking before I discovered the RCS parts. I thought docking was just really hardcore and now I know why it is very very easy.

The main thing I do remember is trying to do things the way it is done in real life (thin aerodynamic rockets that start a turn fairly quickly) and having to unlearn all that and ascend to 7-10km before turning then turning 45 degrees all at once in a flat pancake.

i'd forgotten about how wobbly the rockets used to be.

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I blasted 1 kerbal vertically upward and out of sol's influence... The rocket was a beast but had no reaction wheels or control surfaces. once i realized I couldn't steer and I'd massively overestimated what it took to get the Mk1 module into orbit I just let her to go...

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back in 0.18 - How does this work...hmmm. Tutorials - noooo, I don't need no stinkin tutorials. I know space. New game...SRB, capsule, chute...what is a de-cup-ler? Never mind, we'll find out eventualy. And this icons on the bottom right? Ahh, to *ell with it. 3,2,1, LAUNCH...err... how do I launch...(preses space) WHOOOOO here we...What the..why is the chute...eject engine (maybe I shuold have put that de-cup-ler thingy on my rocket)...BOOOOM...RIP Jeb. Opens up tutorial, doesn't learn anything useful, finds Scott Manley.

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Strapped together some rocket parts, went on lanchpad where I was figuring how to start an engine for about 10 minutes and then... Wohoooo 5000 metres!!! I was so happy :D

Later in tech tree I was trying to get more science by putting Mobile Processing Lab on orbit. I launched it like 20 times and then, finally on orbit I found out that goddamn thing doesn't produce science and needs 2 kerbals to work!!! :D :D

Good ol' times...

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All of you are wrong - you all installed it first, demo or otherwise.

Now, if the question had been "what was the first thing you did after launching KSP for the first time?" then ....

Launched a capsule to about 6000M, came back down on chute.

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All of you are wrong - you all installed it first, demo or otherwise.

Now, if the question had been "what was the first thing you did after launching KSP for the first time?" then ....

Launched a capsule to about 6000M, came back down on chute.

I didn't install KSP my brother bought it and installed it while I was at work for my birthday, so you are wrong. first thing I did was launch a SRB into the VAB.

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i did the typical "strap the small srb to the capsule and use the mk 16 chute to come back down"

but dude, i remember my first orbit! it was made by using a type in it was a spaceplane because it had air breathing engines but i would shed them every no and then i at the central stage it was a liquid fuel space engine. only to come back later to see that it had disappeared. my guess is that one point of my orbit was under 69.9 km and that it just slowly started to chew away at it.

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