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what kind of ksp DLC would you like?

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How about a solid middle finger to DLCs?

DLC isn't necessarily bad. It's the execution of DLC you have to watch out for.

As far as something I'd like to pay for: some kind of telescope to find additional systems and realistic interstellar travel to said system. None of that Star Trek Warp drive tech, but maybe something like near future tech to get there.

I'd pay extra for that. Not saying that I'd be "omg thrilled" to have that in KSP, but if they offered it as DLC, I'd throw down some scratch.

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How about a solid middle finger to DLCs?
If you've purchased KSP before May 1st, 2013, you are entitled to the above, plus any Expansion Packs released for KSP.

By 'Expansion Packs' we mean software released as a separate title, but that requires and ties into the original KSP software to expand the game by adding content, features and bugfixes.

what about a solid middle finger?

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How about a solid middle finger to DLCs?
We already have pick-and-choose downloadable content, no need for Squad to make their own.

Yeah, pretty much.

The culture of DLC and microtransactions is killing gaming. Games used to be about the game, not about how much money you could milk out of your blindly loyal fanbases.

Edited by Nitrous Oxide
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I'll second/third/x the notion of a middle finger for DLC. Especially for a game like KSP, unless they're going to lock out mods some how, I just can't see the appeal of paying for more planets or something when you can get the same thing from a mod for free.

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Yeah, pretty much.

The culture of DLC and microtransactions is killing gaming. Games used to be about the game, not about how much money you could milk out of your blindly loyal fanbases.


It's slightly tolerable when done right (as in a lot of new but non game essential features), but pulling jokes like CA does with Rome II deserves a direct bankruptcy.

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I'd be okay with free DLC (basically mods from SQUAD), provided it was made separate either because it differs from the main purpose of the game (say, a story mode) or because it would add a large amount to the regular download size and possibly see little use by a lot of people (say, another star system.). I'd probably download most official DLC if that was the case.

I'd be against paid DLC. I dislike the feeling of only buying half of a game that comes along with the existence of paid DLC.

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Lest not forget that SQUAD had to make an amendment to the... EULA? Whatever its name was, back in 0.18 days, clarifying about who would get free DLCs and who wouldn't. So DLC were and I'm sure still are on their minds for sure.

EDIT: I wouldn't pay for it neither, but according to that amendment, I get it for free.

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We already have pick-and-choose downloadable content, no need for Squad to make their own.

I agree with this. The only way for Squad to get me to buy DLC would be for it to not be a mod already, and/or have a really good execution of the main idea of the DLC. I would pay for a plugin API, and a make your own planet API. I would also be willing to purchase new gameplay mechanics, like telescopes, fog of war, etc. even though some have been done by mods. So not a 'solid middle finger' to DLC, but certainly not a solid thumbs up.


I think I heard that Squad was going to give the DLC to players who purchased early on (probably before 1.0) for free. As long as that's the case I don't mind. I guess that DLCs should be things that fundamental change the way the game is played, i.e. FAR, so that way it is easy to pick and choose, but again I'm pretty indifferent.

Nope, it's before May 2013.

Edited by Robotengineer
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I think I heard that Squad was going to give the DLC to players who purchased early on (probably before 1.0) for free. As long as that's the case I don't mind. I guess that DLCs should be things that fundamental change the way the game is played, i.e. FAR, so that way it is easy to pick and choose, but again I'm pretty indifferent.

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i think ksp can have soooo much DLC's.

even an community mod pack DLC! (if it is gonna be a dlc the mods included won't be available for download of course)

a story DLC is a must in my opinion!

what do you guys think?

DLC = downloadable content. Why don't we call them what they really are - heavy advertised in game purchasing.

What do you think . . . a person that:

-paid $13 for the game

-has been playing for year and a half

-downloading free player made content

-modding like hell his own content

-with the tools to build de-novo content

Is going to appreciated in-game avertising? or downloadable content?

I think the better thing would to be make KSP model 1

and then have expansion models (like alien systems and the engines to get you there) as additional games.

You could have alien worlds that specializing in Blimps or balloons craft, airplanes, floating stuff.

You could also have paid interaction areas where players could pay up front or yearly for access to game servers.

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Maybe I'm just old, but I don't see "DLC" as being intrinsically evil. There are plenty of examples of DLC that were/are nasty and exploitive, sure, but it doesn't have to be that way. They're basically just expansion packs, right? Like the ones that used to come in a box way back in the day? :)

Game developers need to eat too.

Expansion packs for KSP are going to be difficult, in light of the number and quality of the free mods available. I would probably pay for an in-game "kerbalizer", a solar system editor, and some sort of functional multiplayer. Hmm. . .oculus rift support? And while this is an extreme stretch, if Squad can somehow crack the Windows 64-bit problem, I wouldn't mind kicking some more money their way.

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To be fair, things like DLCs are sort of a requirement if you want a company like Squad to stay in business and keep working on the same game. Without alternative streams of revenue and new content, eventually the numbers of people purchasing the game will dwindle, and the company will make less and less money.

We don't pay subscriptions to keep playing KSP. Games like Eve Online, WoW, etc. get constant revenue and new subscribers (and renew old ones) when they kick out an expansion. KSP can't do that, and so DLCs and expansions make a lot of sense when the company looks at the bottom line.

I dislike DLCs too, but they aren't that bad and in a lot of ways could be very good for Squad and the game in general.

Or they could just scrimp along and wait to be bought out by EA.

As for what I would pay for? I'm not sure. It's a tricky subject because as noted above: almost anything can be acquired through a mod.

Maybe expanded content that is difficult to mod. Stuff like explorable cave systems or submarine exploration. Strange moons with layers like Europa. Expansions on the level of the NASA asteroid thing maybe.

Tough to say.

In any case, it's easy to rattle sabers at DLCs, but the truth is nobody wants to work for free, an you have to put milk on the table somehow. DLCs are *one* way Squad can do that.

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