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Valentina's Day community contest


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Here is my submission, I'm pretty proud of how it came out, as I didn't know I could draw. This is as far as I got. Original idea was to have her skiing on Minmus or something. influenced by this pic. <- feel free to steal this idea folks, I am not talented enough to get that far. Sorry for the poor quality, I don't have easy access to a scanner atm.

Edit: I added an attempt at what I was thinking, and improved the original a bit. :-) Still stinks, but hey, I tried. :-)



Edited by gondras
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  Kyasarinn said:
I thought about it all day. I want to do second entry but still not sure. I got few concept sketches (they aren't entries!! Only sketches, messy sketches) you can tell me what do you think and what concept is best



You MUST make a proper entry. This is really good.

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<object width="450" height="529"><param name="movie" value="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf?1"><param name="flashvars" value="id=514885896&width=1337"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://backend.deviantart.com/embed/view.swf?1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="529" flashvars="id=514885896&width=1337" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br><a href="http://terrencep.deviantart.com/art/Valentina-Kermin-514885896'>http://terrencep.deviantart.com/art/Valentina-Kermin-514885896">Valentina Kermin</a> by <span class="username-with-symbol u"><a class="u regular username" href="http://terrencep.deviantart.com/">TerrenceP</a><span class="user-symbol regular" data-quicktip-text="" data-show-tooltip="" data-gruser-type="regular"></span></span> on <a href="http://www.deviantart.com">DeviantArt</a>

My idea. I know it's probably not what they were thinking but this idea was in my head, had to get it out.

Edited by PsykoticCreations
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  legend1986 said:
First woman in space - valentina vladimirovna Tereshkova%7Boption%7Dhttp://i.imgur.com/bVT1pks.jpg[/ IMG] [/ IMG]


May I use the second image as my new favorite KSP avatar image of all time? :)

  PakledHostage said:
Just curious: Am I the only one who thinks these Kerbals look like Maggie Thatcher?

I think Maggie Thatcher looks like Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.

(Not really, but c'mon, it's just a hairstyle that was more popular in the mid 20th Century.)

I also think it's remarkable how often female Kerbals, unlike male Kerbals, have eyelids.

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I like this one because it's serious. No makeup, no huge eyes with big reflections in them. It's a female Kerbal on a typical day at work. Why should female Kerbal pilots have elaborate hairstyles, when the males have such God-awful coiffures?

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  Old Man Jenkins said:
No offence, but i dont really like any of them. they just don't look like womam like or feminine to me, some of them are just a standard kerbals with lipstick and long hair. But thats just my opinion

The only one i really liked. was this one


It actually looks like a woman.

<snipped by moderation>

It does seem most woman like of em all.

It seems like the eyes were the reason.

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  Kyasarinn said:
I thought about it all day. I want to do second entry but still not sure. I got few concept sketches (they aren't entries!! Only sketches, messy sketches) you can tell me what do you think and what concept is best



There are three types of art here. "Good", "Oh, for Kraken's sake no!", and "Would feel feelings in my heart too much if they were killed." Yours goes under the latter.

Kerbals are redshirts, female or not!

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  LitaAlto said:
May I use the second image as my new favorite KSP avatar image of all time? :)

I think Maggie Thatcher looks like Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.

(Not really, but c'mon, it's just a hairstyle that was more popular in the mid 20th Century.)

I also think it's remarkable how often female Kerbals, unlike male Kerbals, have eyelids.

yes,you can . my pleasure:sticktongue:

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  KerbMav said:
OK, I give up - what am I not seeing? :confused:

Look in the lower-right corner: one of the kerbals is Valentina. Way back in 0.13.3!

I believe it's a joke, because it's pretty easy to edit the .sfs file to change the crew names, especially back then. For example, I have somewhere a screenshot of a rocket crewed by three names in my team. Good job, GregroxMun! You had me fooled until I thought about it for a while.

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  Zephram Kerman said:
Look in the lower-right corner: one of the kerbals is Valentina. Way back in 0.13.3!

I believe it's a joke, because it's pretty easy to edit the .sfs file to change the crew names, especially back then. For example, I have somewhere a screenshot of a rocket crewed by three names in my team. Good job, GregroxMun! You had me fooled until I thought about it for a while.

Nope. You couldn't change Kerbal names back then, i did it in photoshop.

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