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I Remember... (A Thread for Early KSP Nostalgia)


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I remember when everyone was making a big deal about docking, and there were daily fights discussions about how it was going to look.

I remember when they added the planets - wow.

I remember when I first tried Gaby's sub mod, and it changed my KSP life.

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I'll make this short.

I remember...

...When KSP was only a demo...

...When KSP only had one other buddy in the whole wide universe (the Mun)...

...When there were these super awesome mods on the one weird website and there was this stupidly gigantic rocket engine that didn't fit on the launchpad...

...When there was only (gasp) ONE SRB IN EXISTENCE...

Those where the days... ;.;

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I remember the old umbrella antenna... :D

And the bad SAS hold. R.I.P. Avionics Nosecone! :(

The SAS hold is still bad.... because it doesn't hold.

I absolutely hate that the SAS will not hold a heading, its extremely annoying when flying in the atmosphere, where it constantly resets itself, and won't fly straight or keep pointing where you can manually point it.

In many ways... I miss the old SAS...

I especially liked the old SAS when you didn't have an ASAS. It just stopped rotation -> very useful for landers, it didn't fight you.

Now it lets your input go through... but unless it was a large enough one to cause the SAS to reset its zero (it does it when I don't want it to, and wont do it when I do), it will just rotate back to where it was pointing (making small adjustments a pain)

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May I first and foremost brag about being the oldest forum member in this thread so far?

Take that, young-uns!

That done, my memories of ye-early KSP are a bit foggy to say the least. There are a few key things I vividly remember but the rest is like in a haze. I played way too much KSP for my brain to even try to put it all in context, let alone in order. I'm getting old, it seems.

Early KSP I remember most as a feeling of happiness more than actual memories. I remember the fun and the joy.

I distinctively remember thinking 'this *BEEP* is gonna become so *BEEP* big!' and now, four and something years down the line and ONE POINT ZERO just over the horizon, I can't help but think that I was right. I love KSP. I love what it was, I love what it is, and I really think I'll love KSP for a long, long time.

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I absolutely hate that the SAS will not hold a heading, its extremely annoying when flying in the atmosphere, where it constantly resets itself, and won't fly straight or keep pointing where you can manually point it.
It holds a heading in space, which means the angle relative to the planet drifts. For that matter, a constant heading and a straight flight aren't generally the same thing, because apart from the equator and the meridians great circles aren't rhumb lines.

SAS is bad for planes anyway, it has no concept of level wings or turning by banking.

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*sigh* that is not what I'm talking about

"SAS is bad for planes anyway, it has no concept of level wings or turning by banking."

SAS isn't for turning, its for holding a heading... its bad because it won't do that.

When the air produces a torque, which the SAS should compensate for by moving control surfaces, it instead decides to stop resisting, and reset its zero, like this:


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*sigh* that is not what I'm talking about

"SAS is bad for planes anyway, it has no concept of level wings or turning by banking."

SAS isn't for turning, its for holding a heading... its bad because it won't do that.

When the air produces a torque, which the SAS should compensate for by moving control surfaces, it instead decides to stop resisting, and reset its zero, like this:


SAS has a threshold for compensation. While this is not ideal for in-atmo flights, it's a real good thing to have for anything in space.

Both player input and off-canter/asymmetrical thrust/other outside influences will affect the zero of the SAS function. To keep this from happening, stronger authority and/or planing is required.

You are right, it's not ideal for spaceplanes.

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I don't see why its a good idea at all... I would very much like to get rid of it completely....

In space:

If the torque is too much from an engine firing or something, who cares.... I'll see it start to drift off the heading, and cut the engines... why is it a bad idea for the SAS to return it to the heading before the engine burn?

In the atmosphere:

If I can manually hold a heading with a 10 degree AoA.... but it takes a bit too much control input... why should SAS just keep dropping my AoA until I'm just pointing prograde?

Its ****ing annoying and I want the old SAS back.

Meanwhile, if I'm trying to land on an iarless body, and I manually change my pitch by 5 degrees... I don't want the SAS to start undoing it as soon as I stop pressing the pitch key.

The old SAS (when no ASAS module was fitted) was perfect for this... and I miss that SAS mode too.

I seem to be the only one that wants the SAS from .18 back :/

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I remember...

... looking for the magic boulder when I bought the game, only to discover it had been removed.

Also, given the nature of this thread, I suppose I should point out the threads linked in my signature. The part pack includes nearly all pre 0.18 parts, plus a few more recent ones (like the umbrella antenna a couple of people mentioned*). The old versions in the thread go from the original release of 0.7.3 to the last free version, 0.13.3

*In fact I contributed that particular part, along with a couple of others.

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I remember these versions:

0.13: The first version I played and I thought the SRBs are engines:P and I started to abandon Orbiter for kerbal space program

0.16: The first full version I played. I didn't know how to get to orbit then when i watch Kurtjmac videos. I learned how to get to orbit.

0.17: I fool around with the new parts

0.18: Docking comes and its very confusing to know how to dock

0.19: Now Ksp is getting boring

0.20: still boring..... and I experimented with Bobcats russian pack


0.22: much hype for upcoming versions

0.23: YEA raiper engines

0.24: The golden age of design has arrived

0.25: So much ideas

0.90: WOW

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The launch tower. I still get angry when I see it, years later.

I want that red iron launch tower back any day!*

See what I did there?

I bought the game in 0.16, but way playing the demo for quite a while before that.

I remember all those times of breaking up rockets in the demo, this was around 0.14 but I hadn't bought the game yet. I had already come up with a theory as to why the Kerbals are all "Kerman", even when I was playing the demo with Jeb, Bill, and Bob. (Seeing other videos with the other Kerbals, of course). The "theory" was that NASA hired them and translated them into English, but they needed a last name on records, so they're just all Kerman. I actually remember that was the first time I showed my sister Kerbal Space Program.

I remember getting frustrated with my store account with each new version until 0.18, when I finally got it resolved.

Wow, even Scott Manley's Reusable Space Program is starting to get nostalgic.

And don't get me started on Budget Cuts in the Kerbal Space Program!

I remember Capt' Skunky! He named Pol, for one thing! I remember the old KerbalSpaceP Twitch channel, the old Monday Devcasts.

I remember my first "jokes" with planes.

Interesting to note that my first Mun landing and Return with Kerbals was in 0.13.3, but actually during the time of waiting for 0.21 to release. My first Mun landing in modern KSP was an Apollo style mission in 0.21! I was not a quick learner!

I remember that same frustration with SAS not providing static torque. And that discovery common amongst noobs that you only needed 1 of those massive blue ASASs.

I was very good with orbital stuff around Kerbin. Docking stations, spacecrafts, even flying by the Mun and Minmus! Minmus of course was easy to land and return from.

I have, by now, retroactively played all the demo versions, 0.15 (from a friend), 0.16+

*Only in a way that can be toggled/doesn't get in the way.

Edited by GregroxMun
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These days when you land on a planet or a moon, you go EVA, plant a flag, gather science, have some fun with the jetpack.

You never used to be able to do any of that, when you landed that was it, it was a moment of quiet contemplation, "I made it, the worst is over, I'm here".

Then you went home...

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Lastly, I remember Novasilisko, Luigibro606, Tiberion, Kyle and Winston, Sunday Punch, mincespy, foamyesque, iamwearingpants, Tim_Barrett, GroundHOG-2010, Sordid, venku1222, zeroignite, and many more awesome forumers from 2011-2012 era, and our live forum chat hilarity sessions. Where the hell are you guys.

Oh yes, Tim and his absurdly massive crafts! They were great!

You forgot about Kreuzeung (probably misspelled his name horribly), the guy who created the very first electricity and solar panels mod.

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I've only been playing for a year, but the main thing I remember that I'm SO VERY GLAD THEY FIXED was the joint-strength stuff several updates ago.

Specifically, I remember having to strut the crap out of my designs, including "stitching" the tanks, and still having the Mainsails slip around in circles under whatever they were attached to. I'm nostalgic about that in the way people reminisce about root canals. :)

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I've only been playing for a year, but the main thing I remember that I'm SO VERY GLAD THEY FIXED was the joint-strength stuff several updates ago.

Specifically, I remember having to strut the crap out of my designs, including "stitching" the tanks, and still having the Mainsails slip around in circles under whatever they were attached to. I'm nostalgic about that in the way people reminisce about root canals. :)

Ah yeah, the Great Strengthening of 0.23.5. The old way made for some funny failures at times but it's much better not having half of your part count be struts.

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