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pointy towards space..... is this right?


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Yep, thats perfectly right. Pointy end to ... somewhere.

I remember someone actually launching that way - one moooooment <quick google> - here it is:

I don't need to add that it is freaking amazing, awesome and totally Kerbal.

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Yep, thats perfectly right. Pointy end to ... somewhere.

I remember someone actually launching that way - one moooooment <quick google> - here it is:

I don't need to add that it is freaking amazing, awesome and totally Kerbal.

i immediately saw the engines on the side of the ship to turn it XD

edit: it's still a "wow" worth tough

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Bu...bu...bu.. But why?

I also did an inverted launch AND I had a reason!! This was way way back before KSP allowed you to load Kerbals into other pods (only the root pod got kerbals) and before the crew manifest mod. I wanted to take 15 Kerbals to Mun (for a party) and I really didn't want to have to make 15 Kerbals climb up a really long ladder to the top of the craft. So I built the craft with the crew pods right at the bottom to make loading all those guys easier. It lifts off on a bunch of small SRB's and then flips round and re-launches.

Here's the ancient vid:

Jump to about 50 seconds in to see the launch. (and then laugh at how much I didn't know what I was doing back then, didn't start the grav-turn till way up, noob!)

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Yep, thats perfectly right. Pointy end to ... somewhere.

I remember someone actually launching that way - one moooooment <quick google> - here it is:

I don't need to add that it is freaking amazing, awesome and totally Kerbal.

Ah.... um.... what?! :0.0:

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I will now have to make a 'ship' made out of the largest engines, turn on infinite fuel and see if I can change Kerbin's orbit. Even if it's every so little.

Scott Manley did have a video about this altho he was only speaking about moons:

Is this supposed to be funny? Because I'm not laughing.

I don't see the point either (completely accidental pun I swear)... People seem to have different opinions on what is pointy.

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Isn't that Cannikin? The H-bomb that was detonated underground in that island off the coast of Alaska? To test how nuke-induced earthquakes worked?

That's no rocket, hehe. It just got a weird shape.

its an SPFX shot from "Crack in the world" (1965) about underground nuclear detonations. for some reason the director didn't think they would lower the bomb on ropes, or just drop it, instead they launch a missile into a hole!

I had to pause the movie to laugh for several minutes.

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