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Your best landings


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My most hair-raising landing was a mun mission so badly mis-staged that the bottom 3 stages detonated when I hit space.

Following a 20 second slideshow of atomic flame, there was absolutely nothing left but the topmost stage, which was just...  hovering there, perfectly balanced on a 1.0 TWR.

I landed it, spacex style.

Edited by Corona688
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I don't think i have pics of this one, but I was early in a career game, re-entering a ship with 4 large, articulated winglets. I was nose-down, coming in too fast, so I held down one of the directional controls, miraculously, the rockets pulled up, I missed the ground by about 10 metres, and landed safely shortly after.

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I'll have to look to see if I have any good screen grabs of stuff on Kerbin but I was dang proud of myself for this (Tylo landing from the Jool 5 challange):






I wish I had been recording because there was some hilarity involving burning in the wrong direction, landing on slopes that were too steep, and generally running out of fuel followed by a crash.

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22 hours ago, I_Play_On_Steam said:

What I mean by 'best' is not literally 'best', it can be your 'craziest', 'weirdest', most horrible but funny landing, just anything.

Now, with my limited 16 hours of gameplay, this is the 'best' landing I have achieved:


It is the little 'Flea' wedged in the staircase.

Very nice, short trip to report after mission, I try to avoid the space center on return, not only can you destroy buildings but you can also kill expensive kerbals. 

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I have once landed a 1440 kerbodyne tank a few meter from the runway, after an orbital reentry without any control surface or chute! (a true flying brick:cool:). 


Edited by -DDD-
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Good idea for a thread! My entry: a spacecraft carrier (there are several ships in an internal hangar bay for the various Joolian moons) landing on Pol for refueling. The landing zone is a 20m by 80m flat patch in a good mining zone; a crew came down earlier in one of the ship's boats to mark the boundary of the flat area with flags.


It wasn't easy... the ship massed 650 tons at that point (fueled, it's over 1100) so the vernor thruster RCS system had very little effect. I also had to constantly change throttle settings on the belly engines to keep her balanced. Also I knew from experience that anything over a couple 1/10 of a meter per second landing velocity would shear off parts of the superstructure. But, the crew (and I) nailed it on the first try, just a few meters from the center of the zone marked by those flags.

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I've done the odd wacky contraption:

Landing burn


I quite like my retro-future VTOL interplanetary shuttle:

Watch out for that treeeee!


And sometimes things just get a bit Gilly. Especially if you deorbit and then do nothing. Jeb bounced five times before coming to rest.

There are no words


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By far the most fun I've had recently wasn't landing a ship, but a Kerbal instead.  From a station 50 km over Minmus, I halo jumped one of my girls and landed her at the front door of my colony, and nailed it the very first time without almost no RCS to guide her in!  I've never halo jumped on Minmus before this, and you should have heard me cheering when I stuck the landing!  Great fun!   :cool:




Oh, ignore the eyes... she's sort of a zombie... more or less...  :rolleyes:

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I had Valentina delivering a load of radiators to my Mun miner which, due to a design flaw, had none at all.

She had enough dV to cancel her orbital velocity, and I figured the landing margin would be made up by surface velocity.

Unfortunately, the surface velocity of mun is around 10m/s, so she came in about 20-30m/s short of fuel after the suicide burn.  The entire craft including the kerbin-return vehicle was used as a crumple zone, leaving just a capsule, TACLS canister and a docking port, plus Val with three radiator panels in her backpack.

Mission Successful!

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It wasn't a landing, but I shipped a 'Progress' resupply craft to my Minmus Station.

Since it was a robo launch and one that I've done a couple of times, I just slammed some tanks, a poodle and a generic-ish lifter and shipped it off.

The boosters dropped off without taking out the main, the main dropped off just in time to keep the payload from overheating.

The launch topped out at 72k and the circularisation burn was a whopping 56m/s, 0.02 degrees off Minmus orbit.

Asked MJ for a Hohmann transfer to Minmus and next window is 90s away.

Looking at the map view it looked like a perfect intercept so I skipped the mid course burn and shifted target from Minmus to the Station.

Once inside Minmus SOI I clicked on MJ's rendezvous AP and it performed a 0.2 m/s correction.

Then went directly from fly by orbit to intercept and ended up 55m from the station in one single burn.

It was quite a perfect drive by docking.

I was just sitting and watching with my hand over the 'abort' button waiting for it to go wrong, but it never did ...


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