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  2. Here's how critical thinking works. Imagine that the lower bound was 15.5% instead of 3.85%. Here's your question modified to that situation. "Now please tell me: 10 is a number more near 155 or more near 164.8?" And of course, we get the same answer. 10 is more near 155. So we conclude that 15.5% is close enough to 1% And what if both lower and upper bound were higher? "Now please tell me: 10 is a number more near 998 or more near 999?" Of course, it's more near 998. So we conclude that 99.8% would still be acceptably close to 1% Nonsense, right? So is your original claim and your apples question and for the same exact reason. The number you are comparing 1% to is 10%. And the question is, is 3.85% closer to 1% or to 10%. Do your example with apples again, and have a think about it.
  3. The PD's not being closed either way. Private Division, while taking a significant chunk of the overall T2 layoffs, is still very much an operating entity with live projects and upcoming releases. So they can continue selling KSP2 Early Access and generating revenue this way. (Ethics aside, we're talking purely de jure here.) So the reasons for keeping Intercept open are more interesting. Just off the top of my head, there are a few possibilities. Intercept is involved in a legal dispute of some sort (or there is a risk of it) so it needs to be kept around as a legal entity for legal reasons. (Sounds plausible, but I think we'd have heard something by now...) Under WARN act, the Intercept team is still formally employed, so it makes sense to keep them part of Intercept rather than transferring them to PD directly. (Definitely part of it, but would that stop announcing upcoming closure in June? MS did that with Arkane Austin...) Some number of Intercept employees are remaining as a skeleton team continuing support of KSP2, primarily for bug fixes, etc, and to keep the knowledge intact. (In which case, Intercept not closing is the truth, but it's down to maybe 5-10 people?) Intercept is being kept around as an entity because PD expects to expand it into a full studio again, and it's easier to do this rather than spin up an entirely new studio. (But then again, why not make that public?) That's just some of the options that bubbled up from the past couple of days, but it could also be some combination or none of the above. Either way, the denial that studio is closed doesn't provide us with much information. A lot of options are still on the table, and I guess we'll just have to wait until some of the former Intercept employees are free to speak about their situation. I still don't expect us to get a full picture from that, but we might at least get a better count on whether this really was absolutely everyone, or just most of the studio.
  4. Dude, you need some sleep. And perhaps a good chat with a good friend. If I have 1000 apples, and someone says me that between 3.85% and 16.48% of them are rotten, I have a loss somewhere between 38.5 and 164.8 rotten apples. If some other dude by some reason guessed that perhaps about 1% of the apples were rotten, then that guess would be about 10 rotten apples. Now please tell me: 10 is a number more near 35.8 or more near 164.8? Anyway, I think that enough is enough. At this point, absolutely nothing that I can say will change anything, so the best option is just to... Ignore. I see no reason to keep feeding the trolls - and some people here are trolling.
  5. It's literally closer to 10% than to 1%. 3.8% is 38% of 10% 1% is 26% of 3.8% And then you claimed that it's not that far off, "given this margin of error," with the entire margin being on the opposite side - towards 10%. Again, this is either ignorant or dishonest. At best, your successful argument that you understand how percentages and errors work would make it the latter instead of the former, and I'm not sure what you're gaining with that.
  6. I'm not trying to make anything work. I just mentioned that 1% is not that far off from 3.8%, the bottom line of the estimation. I didn't said the dude was right on that 1%, I just said it was not that far off the 3.8% bottom line, I didn't claimed it was a new bottom line. I just said what I said, it was not that far off, without any judgement of value. I fail to understand why so much grudge and vitriol about something that may be, at worst, a misunderstanding about what I was meaning to say. Again, I just said that with a so gross margin for errors (from 3.85% to 16.48%), that 1% was not that off. English is not my native tongue, but as far as I understand saying that something is not THAT off is still meaning that this something IS off. As far as I seeing, you being (apparently at least) a native English speaker may be being ignorant or dishonest about the representation of what I'm saying. -- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- Apparently, this drama started with this post:
  7. This has been reported a while ago, and seems to be treated as either "works as intended" or is blocked by some other issue, as it hasn't been fixed. Given that there is at most a skeleton crew still supporting KSP2, unless this just happens to be in the version Intercept was getting ready for release before layoffs (and which might still be rolled out), then you're out of luck on it getting fixed for a foreseeable future. Maneuvering Node Controller mod might allow you to modify nodes while the game is paused. That might be your best option. (If that does, indeed, work as a workaround.)
  8. Who's Zoe, who's Kaylee, and who's Inara. (important... to me, anyway )
  9. Today
  10. This analysis is what "Lies, damn lies, and statistics," phrase was coined about. You've taken the difference between best estimate for KSP1, worst for KSP2, and said, "Yeah, 3.8% is not far off from 1%". I mean, even that is closer to 10% than to 1% in order of magnitude, and this is after you've basically taken the opposite ends of the bell curve to try to make it work. You're taking 5% of 5% in probability, and it STILL isn't supporting your claim. The lowest 0.25%-likely estimate is entirely too high to support the 1% claim. This is gross misuse of the stats that's either ignorant or dishonest. Neither of these is excusable to continue pushing after you got called on it. The fact that KSP2 likely (as in, P>90%) sold in a year more than 10% of KSP1 sales in over a decade, is a great indicator of how KSP2 was on as good of a track financially as PD hoped it would be as an EA title. Yes, they needed full marketing push and a console release to actually make it a financial success, which would require it to be in a better shape than it is now, but the risks involved are minimal. A competent team can finish it. Even if you don't think Intercept was running the team competently (highly debatable, but even if), PD just needs to put someone they trust in charge of Intercept, finish the project, and rake in the revenue. Even compared to T2 budget, which is orders of magnitude higher, you're really asking, "Should the company have invested another $20-$30M in a project they've invested ~$50M to have a guaranteed return in $50M-$200M range after console sales with no risk?" The answer is yes. This is the exact situation for which PD exists as a division within T2. There is zero sense in canceling the KSP2 project based on performance of Early Access. All of the reasoning for the layoffs and projects going on ice are in the financials that were just presented, which show monumental losses suffered by Take Two during the 2024FY. Yes, they took in record revenue, but they have way over expanded in 2022-2023FY, as shown by the huge increase in their operating expenses, far outpacing the growth of revenue. For a company of T2 size, the only sensible response is to shut down basically everything PD is working on that doesn't have imminent release. Since KSP2 wasn't planned to go 1.0 in 2025FY, it got the axe. It's that simple. It will be a little bit more expensive to restart the project in a year, but the company is bleeding money now and the loans are absurdly expensive. A year from now, federal interest rate is expected to be more reasonable, and a bit later in 2025, GTA VI ships. If nothing comes up earlier, there is basically zero chance the KSP2 isn't back in development then. And smart money is on T2 having some skeleton crew working on it from now until then - not to make the progress so much as keep it patched up and retain experience. And we see evidence of that in the movements in the game's repositories. All the nonsense about, "Take Two finally got fed up with mismanaged project," is misinformed, ignorant, and incongruent with any of the available data, from the financials, to the game's performance, to how mismanagement has been historically handled not only at T2, but at other publishers in similar situation, to messaging around the situation, to the fact that there is still some sort of activity on the game's repositories. The amount of double-think you have to get into to believe that T2 has just been twiddling thumbs for the past four years as Intercept ran amok, and then suddenly, having seen the not yet released game make something in the $10-$20M revenue, decided to just axe the entire studio for mismanagement letting go of absolutely everyone involved, is bordering on flat Earth conspiracy absurd. You have to both believe that T2 was happy to sign off on ~$50M in costs without checking in at all, and then suddenly start carrying when it turned out that it has only cost them 80% of that, decided that nobody at the studio was worth keeping hired, and fired absolutely everybody. This hypothesis doesn't survive the bare minimum of critical thought. Especially against the Occam's Razor of, "T2 just lost over $3B and needs to cut anything non-essential," which is what actually happened, and what T2 said happened, and what everyone in the financial circles reported has happened.
  11. I really need help on making Iva mods.
  12. Oh. Nice. And oops. Thanks for pointing that out.
  13. @adsii1970 I believe I’m tagged in error here.
  14. So help me, I am now imagining a bit where Kathy is the grizzled Starbase manager, Musk is the dorky rebel come to throw their weight around and Gwynne the loyal right-hand woman. "Elon, we can't deal with Leuders. She shot you." "Just a little bit."
  15. Calling 911 to get a replacement towel.
  16. LOL of course Kerbals wouldn't use "real" lightspeed! My inclination would be to go with "real" lightspeed; I don't think KSP actually redefines other speed units. Plus I think it would throw me if lightspeed wasn't the "normal" ~300,000 m/s. Now I'm wondering which one RemoteTech uses to calculate transmission delays....
  17. And that level of cheating doesn't even come close to the cheating from Legend of Zelda.
  18. I was only seeing the cost of a NASA developed scope. But yeah, it would be great gift if a billionaire decided to put up a JWST or Roman scope just because. Still, either way it costs someone something
  19. Banned for not making a South Park quote.
  20. it's in Extras/SystemHeatFissionReactors/NearFutureElectrical on the SystemHeat repo, was last touched 3 years ago according to github but seems to work
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