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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. This new feature looks great, but I feel kind of dumb because in my game, I can click the coat hanger and open a window to pick among the default, light blue, and orange suits, but I can't seem to find any further customization options. Are the extra color options an exclusive feature of the DLC suits? Do I thus need to use a DLC suit or a mod suit? Or is there a way I'm missing to edit the default suit(s) (I've tried in the VAB and in the Astronaut Complex)?
  2. I too confirm experiencing this bug. To add more complexity and confusion, sometimes fuel will transfer, but not among the currently selected group of tanks, rather the tanks that had been transferring fuel previously, continuing as if I had not changed the selection but simply hit the button again. At least one time fuel transfer failed to work to begin with when I entered the Flight scene and selected more than two tanks. Transfer only seemed to work between pairs of tanks. The F5/F9 technique restores fuel transfer functionality temporarily, but the bug remains so in order to perform multiple transfers it is necessary to do this over and over. Since KSP has various memory leaks, this inevitably leads to high memory usage and poor stability and performance, necessitating a restart of the program or inviting a crash. I do not have any DLC installed, so I can confirm this is not a DLC-related issue. I did not see any messages in the Alt+F12 window or KSP.log related to fuel transfer or any error messages appearing to correlate with attempts to transfer fuel, so in all likelihood this is not a case of a runtime exception. In 1.9.1 I did not experience this bug, so unless I'm mistaken it is a new bug originating from a change that occurred in 1.10.0. I've shared my findings on the existing bug tracker issue: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25680
  3. Over my time playing Kerbal Space Program and participating in the community, I've repeatedly either felt a need for a part that seems like it should be available in the stock game or caught wind of recurring requests for one part or another to be added, so I finally sat down and listed them all out. They're not in any particular order but are sorted into categories for parts I think are most important to add, parts that maybe aren't so essential but that I at least would find nice, and additions specific to the DLC packages. Many of these parts are already provided via one mod or another, but to obtain all of them would require downloading many different mods, creating issues with compatibility, game balance, and having tons of extra parts that change the game beyond the scope of filling in gaps in the stock parts. Having extra new parts isn't something I'm saying is bad - it's just not the goal here. What I'd like to discuss in this thread includes others nominating parts that the game really seems like it was supposed to have, but more importantly whether I should try to assemble a pack out of existing mod parts (and navigate redistribution permissions) or recreate those that exist (and create afresh the few that don't) and who else is interested in helping, largely as I'm vaguely okay but not that good at 3D modeling or texturing (evidence: my old Jump Drive mod) - certainly not up to par with those who made the game's newer part models. I essentially see this as a collaborative community project, though if it turns out I'm the only one who wants these or can't find useful common ground, I accept the risk of having to try to do it all myself or give up on the whole thing. If the curators of mods that contain these parts are interested, feel free to nominate your own parts for inclusion in this hypothetical pack. This is not a vanity opportunity and in all likelihood parts that don't closely match the stock look, scale, and functionality won't be included as-is, if at all, but if you do have a good fit, perhaps we can combine our work into a holistic one-stop package. Important: Optional: DLC-specific:
  4. Forgive me if I'm not supposed to nominate my own images but I keep this image in my signature because I think everyone should understand what it illustrates:
  5. I guess I'll just ask in here since Google is being surprisingly useless on this topic and I didn't have much success looking through the forum. Are there any master threads for discussing parts the game seems like it should have, based on what it does have, but that it doesn't actually have? Parts that perhaps are frequently requested? I've ended up making a whole list but one example is a Size 2 nuclear engine. This "filling in the gaps" seems like a topic on which the modding community would be jumping all the time, as filling said gaps with mods would require downloading multiple mods from different developers that are all but guaranteed to add a bunch of extra parts, which isn't bad per se but alters the game beyond the scope of simply filling gaps. I think I'm rambling here xP I ask here because I don't want to create a redundant new thread just to discover that there are already 99 other threads tackling the same concept and I was just blind... or that this is a forbidden topic and I didn't see the rule about it because, again, I was blind ^^;
  6. I forgot this thread existed! I should share the rough draft I made for my latest Jool-5 Challenge effort. As with the ongoing Moho mission, I'm requiring the mothership to have a delta-V of at least 10km/s and a Kerbin-gravity TWR of at least 0.20, so to carry the roughly 100 tons of payload I need, it has to be very, very large:
  7. Couldn't have said it more concisely myself. The Avengers franchise is a highly visible recent example of this: frequently characters will talk about the universe and the galaxy as if they are the same thing, for example (I believe) Rocket's assertion that Thanos cannot be stopped from destroying the universe because he has the largest army in the galaxy. Indeed, 100% of humankind thought the galaxy and the universe were the same thing until the 1920s when Hubble (I think... names and dates aren't my forte) measured the distance to the famous Andromeda nebula and discovered that it was outside the universe and also twice the size of the universe - thus the known universe at the time was re-dubbed "island universe" and eventually "galaxy," a word derived from a Latin term for milk in honor of the Milky Way.
  8. Obviously, because it's made using metals mined from Kerbin, which is also made of Osmium, or honestly something far denser.
  9. In addition to the obligatory nomination of myself... Whackjob, lord of all that is much larger than necessary, lands on legs built out of girder segments, and is named "Arkingthaad." My favorite KSP comedy YouTuber for a good while was Nexter a.k.a. Nexter's Lab, unholy architect of the Minigun Minigun Minigun Minigun and the Humdinger Zeppelin (my sides still hurt from laughing at that video). And the master of dramatic cinematic KSP story videos was Nassault. He remains active on YouTube but seems to have moved on from KSP. Has Macey Dean, creator of the Spiritwolf series, been mentioned? Lastly I'll add my adulations to the pile for Stratzenblitz75, and since apparently current active players are valid entries here, I'll mention TheBeardyPenguin and Linx whose interstellar colonization series have me enraptured lately. Oh and honorable mentions: Scott Manley is the one who inspired me to make ALL of my missions reusable, and I believe the one who originally introduced me to KSP was kurtjmac. Hoo boy, I really should have shelled out the $7 back then >.<
  10. Part Four: Recovery Now that the mission is complete it's time to recover the crew capsule and - wait a minute! The mission isn't complete! Ahem. Now that the Phthanophaneron is safely on its way to Moho, the Space Program can settle down just a little and start cleaning up from the mad rush during the ship's assembly, i.e. recover the empty launch vehicles and fuel tankers. There had actually been an incident during construction when the Space Program was down to less than 80,000 funds and unable to launch the last two drive pods, and hence the very expensive 150-ton launch vehicles had to be hastily recovered (hence my forgetting to take pictures of them). Once construction was complete, the Space Program was again rather short on funding, but thanks to managing to land all of the remaining launch vehicles vaguely near the Space Center, much of the prior expenditure was recouped. One of the two remaining 100-ton launch vehicles ended up without enough delta-V to make it all the way to a suborbital trajectory, so instead it parked itself in a 200km orbit to await recovery at a later date, while the other managed only a barely suborbital trajectory and went through multiple aerobraking passes before landing. Next the fuel tankers were retrieved. One of the large tankers had a little extra fuel left, so the space tug and small fuel tanker docked with it and took most of the remaining fuel, leaving just enough for the tanker to deorbit itself. The two smaller ships proceeded to dock with my LKO space station and then the tanker descended for recovery. Finally the second to last 100-ton launch vehicle made it to the surface and was recovered. As far as the Phthanophaneron itself, the mission remains nominal and the next maneuver is still a while out. During this time, however, the Space Program has the rapidly approaching Jool transfer window to address. Some crew rotations have begun and some orbiting clutter (such as extraneous relays and outmoded station modules) is being cleaned up, and Mission Control is searching for lucrative contracts to build up as much capital as possible before attempting to construct a ship to explore Jool. That, however, is a mission for another thread. Stay tuned here for the Phthanophaneron's mid-course correction and, later and more exciting, its arrival at Moho.
  11. Asteroids inside Kerbin's SOI are forbidden for the strict versions because they originate outside of Kerbin's SOI (at least I've never seen an exception).
  12. - I'm not familiar with that mod. Expect an edit to this or the OP after I've looked it up. If it is only used as you've described, then it merely makes gathering Science less tedious without providing any new techniques for gathering it, so it would presumably be valid up to the Strict version but not the Extra (extra) strict versions. - The magnetometer is indeed a stock part and valid for all levels of the challenge. - Stock administrative strategies are valid up to the Strict version but not the Extra (extra) strict versions. - I'll have to look up the Strategia mod too, but for now I'll say it is valid up to the Standard version but not any Strict versions.
  13. I used the advancements in fairing technology to make a derpy rough draft ITS/BFR/Starship replica. It not only didn't immediately crumble on the launch pad, but was able to deliver the crew stage all the way to orbit! Unfortunately I hadn't expected to get this far and didn't bother putting a probe core or any other control or recovery hardware on the launch stage, so the simulation ended there xP
  14. It sounds like you passed, so by all means post your save file. I'll revise the language in the opening post so it's clear that the Mun and Minmus are indeed valid destinations.
  15. Cheaty pro tip: if you have the extra launch sites from the DLC, you can just launch from the Dessert Launch Site or Airfield and then drive off the runway and back onto it.
  16. This would qualify for the Lax or Standard version, but not the Strict version. My reasoning is that you'll get Science points from a World Firsts Achievement once the object leaves Kerbin's SOI. If I'm mistaken and debris doesn't qualify for that or some such, please correct me.
  17. A simple challenge! I looked around the forum and asked Google-sensei and incredibly, nobody seems to have codified this into a proper challenge. If someone does find the "original" thread, please notify me and excuse me for missing it (I bet it's on like page two and I'm blind...). Anyway: The challenge is simple to describe and judge, perhaps less simple to execute: Complete the stock technology tree without undertaking any interplanetary voyages! To submit an entry, simply share your save file (e.g. persistent.sfs or any quicksave SFS file). If it loads a full technology tree and has no records of interplanetary voyages (i.e. no experimental results or points for recovery of a vessel from any destination outside Kerbin's SOI), it wins and you get a cool badge. Tiers: Lax version: Do not enter the SOI of any planet other than Kerbin. Feel free to visit any place on the surface of Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus, any orbit of these, or any part of Kerbin's atmosphere as many times as you like, but not the surface, atmosphere, or space in the SOI of any of the other planets or their moons. Breaching into orbit of The Sun is permitted, though experience tells me this doesn't help as much as one might hope. Science from mobile labs is permitted. Any and all mods are permitted, but use of HyperEdit or a similar mod to set orbits, manually alter Science points, etc. is not permitted. Using debug cheats to set orbits or edit Science points or similar progress is not permitted. The technology tree can contain mod parts or additional nodes, but all of the stock nodes must be where they are by default. Science rewards must be at a maximum of 100%, starting Science must be at a maximum of zero, etc. The game mode must be either Science or Career. Standard version: All above rules, but "gameplay mods" are restricted: mods that alter the technology tree so as to provide additional Science parts or otherwise provide additional ways of gathering Science points are permitted to be present, but your save file must not contain results from any such parts or activities. Strict version: All above rules, but the game mode must be Career, difficulty settings must not be made easier than those in Normal difficulty mode, and no craft is permitted to leave, nor can Science data be obtained in any way, from outside of Kerbin's SOI. This includes asteroid and comet visits and use of the SENTINEL infrared telescope. Mods that alter the technology tree are permitted, but only on the condition that no part from any such mod is unlocked before the entire stock technology tree is unlocked (though not all of the stock parts need be purchased). Extra strict version: All above rules, but no gameplay mods are permitted (i.e. only visual mods, performance mods, input mods, and similar are allowed). Science from mobile labs is not permitted. Extra extra strict version: All above rules, but no DLC is permitted for use, i.e. no DLC parts may be used and no Science points from Breaking Ground surface features may be obtained, though having the DLC installed is allowed. Please let me know if you find a cool exploit or other flaw in these rules. As I cannot commit to staying active in this thread and devoting time to judging submissions indefinitely, I encourage people to examine one another's save files for violations and courteously point them out. Honest attempts that fall short in some minor way still have a chance of qualifying, perhaps at a lower level or as honorable mentions, but egregious cheating is discouraged unless for the purpose of humor rather than as an official entry. Lastly, to prove that this challenge isn't bonkers or an expression of sadism, here is my own entry, which satisfies the requirements of the Standard version and some, but not all, of the requirements for all stricter versions: save file
  18. Most of my KSP time today was spent on my Moho mission, but also since 1.10 is out I installed it and did the obvious: play with the new magnetometer and flag decals and then catch a comet. Well... "catch" is an imprecise term to use here, since Comet Henler-Adgas 1 (It's so cute how they get the randomly generated names of their Kerbal discoverers!) weighs 246570 tons! So I guess more precisely I made contact with it. It looks more like a landing honestly, but since unless I missed something they still don't have detectable gravity, it arguably doesn't technically count as such. And just for kicks, I did it 100% LEGIT, i.e. no Alt+F12 cheats. I just constructed a fat ion probe with 22000 m/s of delta-V, used one of the new SRBs (just cuz) to put it in space, and drove it all the way to the comet. Even though I launched well before its periapsis and got pretty close to it whilst near the sun, due to its prodigious orbital velocity I didn't quite reach it until it was past Jool's orbit and I had expended most of my fuel. Plus, due to its aforementioned bulk, the meter literally said I had 0 m/s left once connected (i.e. I had less than half a meter per second, probably much less), so I guess I'm not bringing it anywhere, but hey, I did a comet landing successfully on the first try! Anyway here's the picture:
  19. Part Three: Departure Once all the pre-departure checks were completed and then themselves checked, the small fuel tanker and space tug attached to the Phthanophaneron were detached and a course was plotted. At first I cleverly set up a maneuver node that would bring the ship to Moho at its descending node, allowing me to skip an inclination correction altogether, and executed the 18-minute burn it entailed, but upon completion I discovered that not only had Kerbin's gravitational influence over the course of the burn caused me to waste nearly a kilometer per second of delta-V and caused my trajectory to be wrong, but the planned course wouldn't have even worked in the first place. When plotting the capture maneuver, I found it would require over 6000 m/s and thus use up nearly all of the ship's remaining fuel, leaving it unable to make a return trip. I could have resigned myself to performing ISRU and thus doing a lot or repetitive trips with the mining bot and spending a very long time in orbit slowly processing all of the ore into fuel with the small refinery, but one might imagine how entirely unreasonable an idea that was. I shudder to think of calculating how many trips and how much time that would entail, let alone consider doing it. Fortunately I had quicksaved just before the departure burn, allowing me to cancel it and plot a much more convenient course: The transfer window had not, as I had hoped, coincided with an orbital inclination node, but this wasn't unexpected. Despite the massive inclination correction maneuver of over 2000 m/s, this course nominally only consumed 6532 m/s of delta-V, leaving 3483 for the return trip, more than would be needed for either the departure burn or the capture burn and thus presumably plenty for a rendezvous with Kerbin, though I would have to be careful about inclination and have to perform some aerobraking and possibly a gravity assist using the Mun. Thus the Phthanophaneron departed and benefited from a shorter and more efficient ejection burn, resulting in a more precise trajectory and smaller gravity losses, even though the ship was pitched up nearly sixty degrees when the maneuver was finished. In a fortuitous turn of events, the resulting trajectory required smaller maneuvers later and thus a new projection of 3695 m/s of delta-V left after arrival, which was very satisfying. Once under way, the crew deployed the exterior solar panels, opened the payload bay to provide an enjoyable view, and settled in for the 115 days leading up to the next maneuver. Comments: I'm not 100% confident, but based on what experience I have with Latin names, I would say it thus: Stay tuned for the aforementioned recovery of all the launch vehicles.
  20. Part Two: Assembly Confession time: I didn't manage to remember to catch screenshots of every critical part of the orbital assembly process. This is something I'll need to do for the Jool-5 Challenge later, so it was a good call practicing during this mission. Anyway. The first component launched was the command and payload section. As it consisted almost entirely of an empty cargo bay, despite its size it was surprisingly light and easily handled by my 50 ton launch vehicle. It was placed in a 305 km orbit just above the threshold at which Kerbin's procedural terrain system deactivates and thus the game's performance is slightly improved. This has the added benefit of providing a generous margin for the periapsis to drift during the later ejection burn without it entering the atmosphere and causing efficiency loss due to drag, or worse. Next the Drive Core was launched. I made a small oversight here: the drive core has no command modules and is thus unable to control itself, and the command and payload section has no propulsion systems. Thus the Drive Core was carefully parked near the command and payload section in a very similar orbit so as to minimize them drifting apart over time, and then a third launch brought up a heavy-duty space tug with RCS thrusters to maneuver the Drive Core and attach it to the command and payload section. The actual launch of the drive core was my first omission here; second was the attachment operation, which consisted of very carefully aligning all five of the docking ports seen here near the bottom of the image and docking them all at once. As is normal for such an operation, it was necessary to undock and re-dock a few times before all five ports attached properly. Four more launches brought the Drive Pods into orbit. Seen here is the new 100 ton launch vehicle I developed to launch the Drive Core. Unfortunately, it was not able to launch either the Drive Core or any of the Drive Pods while they were fully fueled, and thus additional launches were planned for bringing fuel to the ship. Later, though, I instead decided to build an even larger 150 ton launch vehicle able to carry each Drive Pod all the way to a 305 km orbit and rendezvous with the mothership so that there wouldn't need to be too many extra launches, considering that the transfer window was already open and there were less than nine hours left before the optimal point in the middle of it. Disappointingly I neglected to capture any shots of the 150 ton vehicle at work. Since, like the Drive Core, the Drive Pods lacked their own control or propulsion systems, installing them was a more difficult task than anticipated. They had been designed to have minimal extraneous parts, and thus had no extra docking ports to use for maneuvering them into place. I didn't want to use the Advanced Grabbing Unit ("Klaw") if possible, as past experiences have shown me that its use carries a risk of damage to the ship due to the parts tree being reorganized and rotation errors occurring due to the hinge on the unit, even if the hinge was kept locked the whole time. Thus what I had to do was detach each Drive Pod, leaving it to float on its own, and then painstakingly maneuver the mothership into alignment with its docking ports. This again required retries at a few points, but eventually I managed to get everything attached. One last omission in this part was the launch and installation of the payload and the crew aboard it, which occurred just after installing the Drive Pods. Here, now that the payload has been installed safely, Benjamin Kerman, the engineer, has disembarked and is inspecting the docking ports, taking a close look at each pair to ensure they are all precisely aligned within a narrow tolerance. The most any pair deviated was a few barely visible centimeters, so with any luck this shouldn't be a source of issues. Now that the ship was fully assembled, all that was left to do was to top off its fuel tanks before sending it on its way. It needed a total of about 16000 units, so multiple large fuel tankers had to be sent to accomplish the task. Two large fuel tankers, including the one shown here, handled the bulk of this, and then a third smaller fuel tanker (not pictured, sorry again) took care of the last bit. Unfortunately I had made yet another oversight during this process and forgot to lock the fuel tanks on the payload or disable crossfeed on the port attaching it to its launch vehicle, and thus during the launch the vehicle had sucked most of the fuel out of it, and I didn't end up noticing until after the assembly was complete. Thus I had to have the third fuel tanker refill every single one of the numerous little fuel tanks on the landers and portable station core and then properly lock them, which was, as one might guess, very tedious and frustrating. Do ALL the fuel transfers! ...Do all the fuel transfers? BUT HEY, now it's (I'm pretty sure, I did check like four times) finally completely fueled (I even had the last tanker put a little bit of extra oxidizer in the mothership to give the scientific lander an extra load) and ready to depart for Moho! I ended up about nine hours late for the midpoint of the transfer window, which is doubly bad in light of the hours it'll probably take executing the ejection if I do it over multiple burns, but honestly it should have a minimal effect on the delta-V expenditure overall. This marks as far as I got before starting this thread, so further progress will have to come at a later time. Stay tuned for departure to Moho and then the tale of my recovery of all the launch vehicles I had to send up.
  21. Part One: Design Phthanophaneron is the genus name of a group of flashlight fish and derives from Latin words for "the first to arrive" and "visible," hence it struck me as a poetic namesake for the first interplanetary voyage in my new Career and one to the "first" and most well-lit planet and thus the one on which seeing things should arguably be the easiest... probably nothing that needed explanation. The mission concept is four basic components: A lander for exploring the surface of Moho and if possible the Mohole (and illusive southern Mohole), an orbiting station to serve as a long-term research base and home for the lander, an ISRU system to allow the station and its lander to replenish their resources, and a large mothership to carry all of the components to Moho and then return to Kerbin with the first batch of scientific results. This infographic explains more: Yes, those are the real figures. As I mentioned above this ship is very large and approaches the old Kidonia in scale and complexity. It was planned to be assembled in orbit over the course of seven launches (though in practice more ended up being needed): The command and payload section, the drive core, the four side pods, and the payload. The latter is designed to be stowed and carried as a unit, but itself consists of a number of components: The portable station core is designed to be a fully functional space station complete with relay antenna, mobile lab, housing for five Kerbals in total, reserves of all necessary resources, and a full suite of scientific instruments - and to stow within a single Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-100 with no use of robotic parts so that it can be used by people who don't own the Breaking Ground DLC. The light scientific lander attached to the core is designed to be (at least nominally) capable of landing on and ascending from Duna or any smaller object, most relevantly including Moho. It includes all scientific instruments except for the materials bay, and as a single stage, it can be refueled at the station and used again indefinitely. The Ion Surveyor is what the name implies, an ion-propelled probe that can launch from the station and perform orbital resource surveys. This may come in handy locating the Mohole or any other Easter eggs that might be present. The ISRU upgrade is a separate package that can attach to the core and itself stows within a Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25. It features a small reusable lander with mining drills to procure ore and a facility for storing and refining the ore on the station in the form of a storage tank, a small resource conversion refinery, and four radiator panels. Because the mothership would be unreasonably large and heavy to launch as a single monolithic unit, it is designed as two central sections that can be augmented with up to four side-mounted drive pods. Each of these attaches via two docking ports to ensure alignment and structural stability, while the central components join each other via a larger array of five ports. In theory this same hull can be repurposed for other missions with variable amounts of delta-V and thrust based on how many drive pods are installed. Each drive pod itself weighs over 100 tons and has the necessary thrust and delta-V to power an interplanetary voyage singlehandedly, though it lacks a probe core or any other facilities for executing a fruitful mission. At the front is a 10m Heat Shield. This isn't strictly necessary in the vicinity of Moho, but serves an aesthetic and roleplaying purpose as a debris shield and large dish to enhance the transmitting power of the communications antenna. Nestled under it are radiothermal generators, a large electric battery, the main control core, and four Science containers that allow the mothership to return to Kerbin on its own and deliver Science data from the mission. The ship isn't intended to land, but can rendezvous with a shuttle to retrieve the data and bring it to the Space Center. The command and payload section does also include an array of eight solar panels, which shouldn't be necessary due to the presence of the RTGs but serve an aesthetic purpose and may provide auxiliary power during times of high usage such as aligning for maneuvers and performing scientific research while the lab is stowed. I had the option of adding additional crew housing to enable the crew to return to Kerbin in the mothership or to bring additional crew members, but decided against it in the interest of minimizing payload mass. I can prepare crew rotation missions later to retrieve the initial crew and replace them with new members so that no Kerbal is doomed to a lifetime away from home. Any questions or suggestions are invited! Stay tuned for orbital assembly.
  22. First Light: The Journey of the Phthanophaneron It turns out I've never actually done a mission to Moho. Shocking! I call myself a veteran, with well over 1000 hours (though I don't have records of this, I'm fairly sure) of play over the years since version 0.20.2, but I still haven't managed to actually "complete" the game as far as actually visiting all the objects available. Thus, since the transfer window to Moho is the first to occur in my new Career (after spending the first 110 days or so completing the tech tree by thoroughly scrubbing Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus for Science), I'm taking the opportunity to document the adventure as a sort of refresher course for myself before taking on the Ultimate Jool-5 Challenge once more (since it's been literal years since I last put down the game). For this expedition, I had been made aware that trips to Moho and back often take far more delta-V than one would expect, especially eschewing a gravity assist from Eve and the extra mission time that would entail, so I set my goal at 10 km/s and a maximum acceleration of at least 0.20 gees to avoid excessively long maneuver burns. I prepared what I considered the necessary payload and, based on its total mass, set about drafting some hull designs in the VAB, whereupon I discovered that the ship could certainly meet my needs, but it would be very, very large. Some of you may remember my "Sights of Kidonia" thread from a few years ago wherein I built a grand mothership to tackle the Jool-5 Challenge. While I eventually finished orbital assembly and performed the ejection burn from Kerbin, while it was en route real life got in my way, followed by several updates to the game that altered part geometry and made some of the mission components unusable. The final fatal obstacle was that, once I picked up KSP again a few weeks ago, I discovered whilst doing a test run in a simple ion probe that Kidonia probably never would have been able to complete the full mission for lack of delta-V. It had been designed with just over 9 km/s in total, but that only meets the requirements of a Jool-5 Challenge mission nominally, i.e. in real life one is unlikely to pull off the mission with that much delta-V with extreme luck, extremely meticulous planning, or a lot of gravity assists and thus a very long mission time. In any case, this thing is... comparable in size and has less than half the payload mass. On the one hand, I'm pleased that this gives me an excuse to build an even huger ship for next time, but on the other, increased sophistication in KSP's code base appears to have made the game less performant when operating ships with enormous part counts, so it might be a taller order than I can handle. But enough about Jool. This is a Moho mission! In this thread I'll be documenting the progress of the mission from start to finish and sharing my thoughts.
  23. Confession time: the KSP bug bit me again a few weeks ago. Since the transfer window for Moho happened before the window for Jool in my new Career, and (more confessions) I've never actually done a real mission to Moho, I took the opportunity to us a Moho mission as a sort of refresher course before tackling the Jool-5 challenge again. BEHOLD THE MOTHERSHIP
  24. ...filled with concrete. Giant geodesic dome...
  25. I'll see what I can do. Don't expect it to show up tomorrow or anything though.
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