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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. For now you can feel free to delete the existing one. I was lazy and didn't trim out all the default textures I used - in fact most of the textures I used are the default textures ^^; I did resize some of the default textures and save them under the same filenames, so those will end up being overwritten rather than duplicated, and thus whether you erase the original one or not won't make much difference on your total file size.
  2. Yes, you do need to install EVE separately: Download EVE from the main EVE thread. Then open the archive in which this is packed. Inside is a "BoulderCo" folder; extract that into your GameData folder and overwrite the existing BoulderCo folder if there is one.
  3. Yes, please link it anywhere you like! I have not made it available on CKAN myself as I do not use CKAN. And yes, it does include the shadow effects, as they come with EVE. I imagine they are somewhat of a performance drain, but I liked them so I kept them in ^^
  4. Ah yes, I turned off shadows too. In addition to performance constraints I didn't really like them all that much to begin with. Eeloo's dust clouds are there to make Eeloo more interesting xD And Duna will have less cloud cover whenever I end up having a new cloud texture for Duna, but for now I just reused Kerbin's.
  5. 53 BK: Bop is discovered in orbit of Jool, bringing its total number of known moons to five. Due to limitations in telescope technology, a mission to send a ship to investigate up-close is planned, and construction begins on the Windward Spirit. 54 BK: Bat Kerbal's sidekick, Robin Kerman, betrays him to become the new Jokerb, but is shortly thereafter defeated. Tired of all the crazy shenanigans, Cat Kerbal retires and settles down to start a family with her husband, Kerbal Inkredible.
  6. Nice autocorrect fail xD 43 BK: Bat Kerbal hangs up the cowl for the last time and retires to live out his days stress-free with his wife and three kids.
  7. ^ I grind the hell out of "build a new station around Kerbin" and "Science data from space around X" contracts xD Lately I've been amused at the new 1.2 contracts to "explore Kerbin." Don't we, uhh... um, don't we live on Kerbin?
  8. Yes, please do! I made this pack for all those poor people, so by all means get the signal out!
  9. 42 BK: The Windward Spirit, an ambitious mission to the Jool system, is launched. The Jool system was chosen because it was reasoned that if something should go wrong and the ship should crash into Jool or one of its moons, the damage would at least be hard to notice from that far away whereas if it hit the Mun everyone would see the big crater it left. For so was the state of Kerbal astronautics at the time... However, this ruling is kept a secret for fear of public backlash.
  10. I find that reducing the texture resolution is basically ineffectual as far as the stock game is concerned. Any computer from the last three years or so, even with integrated graphics, should run at full resolution quite easily, so I say leave the texture resolution setting at Full for best visual appearance. With mods like EVE it can be another story, as while the stock textures tend to be in the neighborhood of 512x512, many EVE packs come with 4096x4096 textures or bigger. In that case, the settings menu won't do much to save you anyway, but you can manually resize the images in the GameData folder (back this up first if you aren't a 1337 H4X0R). The Max Delta-Time setting is a limit on how much time is allowed to go by in between frames. If it's very very low, then as the game renders in (up to) 60 frames per second, time will slow down in the game to ensure that the physics processing doesn't ruin the framerate. If it's very very high, then when the game isn't running at 60 fps, a long time may pass between frames (like a whole quarter second for example). If this occurs, the game will end up extrapolating the positions, velocities, and forces on various parts a long way from what they were in the last frame. In the end this results in things like rounding errors and other "bad guesses" by the physics engine, which in practical terms means you're more likely to summon the Kraken. Running the game at high physics delta-time settings is more or less the same as running the game in physical timewarp mode but still displaying everything at 1x speed. So if you notice, say, a rover's wheels jump up and down or a plane can't hold its attitude at 4x timewarp, you'll see the same thing happen if you quadruple the delta-time setting. Thus I recommend keeping the physics delta-time at a low number - personally I have it all the way down at the minimum of 0.03. This also happens to keep the framerate playably high when dealing with massive 1000+ part count ships. Hopefully this helped ^^;
  11. Today in KSP I finished and made promo screenshots for my new High-Performance Atmosphere Pack! Here's one of them:
  12. No, it does not. I may recompile it, but my motivation is low, partly because other very similar jump drive mods have shown up now and partly because I have a new mod in the planning stages
  13. 38 BK: The Windward Spirit returns from its journey to the Jool system and, after reporting they had encountered what they believed to be a malevolent extraterrestrial beast, its crew were immediately placed in quarantine. After this point they all went through a battery of tests, both psychological and physiological, to determine the veracity of their story and the effects such an encounter might have had on them. 39 BK: Communication with the Windward Spirit is lost somewhere in the vicinity of Bop. It is surmised by several of Kerbin's major electronics manufacturers that it might be wise to set up a Deep Space Network. To aid in this endeavor, competing companies Ionic Electronics, Symphonic Electronics, and Protonic Electronics merge to form the new Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics.
  14. PARA-SCI HIGH-PERFORMANCE ATMOSPHERE PACK For use with KSP 1.2 and the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements mod Since many of us are sometimes, or always, forced to play KSP on laptops and other devices with weak GPUs or otherwise not optimized for gaming, I present the Para-Sci High-Performance Atmosphere Pack, wherein I have done my best to combine good visuals with minimal graphics demand. FULL PREVIEW ALBUM: http://imgur.com/a/pKsCk Notes: - Most bodies, with the exception of Kerbol and the particularly lumpy minor moons, include a "glow" layer that enhances their appearance at long distances and fades away on approach. - Many of the glow layers make use of the original KSP planet textures; naturally credit goes to SQUAD for these and I advise against attempting to redistribute them or use them for things other than KSP, KSP mods, or KSP fanart. - None of the cloud layers have a "layer3D" (volumetric clouds) component. While this does cause us to miss out on that feature, the numerous large particles it involved rendering tend to be a major performance drain and thus they have been left out. - None of the cloud layers cast shadows either. - All bodies have a maximum of three cloud layers; most have only one. - The pack currently does not include aurorae, noctilucent clouds, or dust storms, although some of these may be added in the future if I feel up to it. - Some textures are the original textures packaged alongside the main EVE installation. Like the SQUAD textures, I advise against violating their licensing terms, etc. - Jool's glow layer uses the beautiful Jool texture painted by @Felsmak. Naturally credit goes to him for that, don't steal it, etc. etc. etc. DOWNLOAD
  15. *looks at album* Yep, Astronomer's lost it. RIP.
  16. Nah, we're doing fine. Space exploration was nothing new when the modern KSC got started, as evidenced by all those agencies who ask you to save their Kerbals stranded around the Mun within five minutes of your first unmanned flyby ;P (Oh, and also the old space center) 28 BK: "The Jool Report" hits the box office and makes millions with its gripping, if exaggerated, depiction of the adventures of the crew of the Windward Spirit and their slaying of what appeared to be the legendary Kraken. 29 BK: The crew of the Windward Spirit is finally released from quarantine and their mission report from Bop declassified. Why they went to Bop when the Mun hadn't even been explored yet, however, remains a mystery. They become instant celebrities, and first mate Vader Kerman is appointed the new general of the NKR airship armada. 29 BK: Kerbodyne Inc. is founded.
  17. Is anyone else getting warning messages when the KSP Main Menu loads about two asset bundles having the same name?
  18. How about no moons? It's about time Dres got to pass on the torch as the Designated Planet Nobody Ever Visits. ;P
  19. It's not that hard if you have some kind of delta-V and TWR readout in the VAB (I use KER) and you quicksave and practice the landing a few times. I've independently verified that the Vector and the Terrier (in a cluster) work as well, although I recommend either the Poodle or the Dart Aerospike. Here's one I built that can be stuffed in a Mk3 cargo bay:
  20. WOW! That's pretty awesome, but given how far I got in my new Career without even leaving Kerbin, and how much farther I got with just a few equatorial Mun landings, I worry I'm not going to get any use out of that feature unless the next KSP includes a lot more parts and tech nodes.
  21. What's this "anymore" business? I never used MechJeb! At first I didn't know about it, then I didn't think I needed it, and then when I found out that apparently 96% of players depend on it, it became a matter of pride xD
  22. I still don't like using it merely because it looks stupid, and thus i continue to hope it gets redone to be a Size 0 booster.
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