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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. I used to read music at a mediocre level when I played cello, but that was a long time ago and in a different clef. I got the reference anyway ^^
  2. Is it the case that the canyons have been replaced? I'm still investigating, but my new Career Mun mission in orbit around the Mun is reporting Science from the Mun's Lowlands when (I think) I'm flying over that one equatorial canyon. o_O
  3. After watching the gag translation linked at the end of that video I'm seriously worried for the safety of Kerbalkind...
  4. Ah-HA! So THAT's how all those Kerbals can live for 200+ years so easily - even in human years they're not even 70 by then. ^^ As long as I have the talking stick, is there a specific reason you keep calling them "Kerbins" instead of "Kerbals?"
  5. Well the hard part isn't getting it to orbit (in some cases it can just launch itself) but carrying it all the way to Laythe. I could of course just slap it on the side of the mothership, but why do that when I can make it unnecessarily complicated? ;P
  6. I heard that the idea was originally meant as a joke and when people looked into it for the lulz, well, it went too far too fast xD
  7. Very nice. I nominate this for linking in the Open-Source Construction Techniques thread, if it hasn't been linked already.
  8. I nominate Option 5: Start a new Career from scratch, complete with new Kerbals, but keep the previous installation stashed somewhere as a backup or for nostalgic purposes. Oh, and keep your screenshots too.
  9. Now that 1.2 is out "for real" I'm power-grinding through the tech tree and prototyping the components for my next Jool-5 Challenge attempt, which in keeping with my personal tradition will dwarf the previous one.
  10. ^ Heh. I was just about to come by and post basically that myself. I'll try kludging it into my 1.2 installation and seeing if it crashes or not. UPDATE: Well that was... nothing. I poked my nose around GitHub and found this: https://github.com/ayan4m1/Kronal.VesselViewer ...which as far as I can tell is the most recent version of the plugin. Unfortunately upon entering the VAB I got an exception message about being unable to load a "KSPUtil" assembly, and the button to launch KronalUtils wasn't displayed, which prior experience has told me means the mod just needs to be recompiled for 1.2 - or at least that someone's going to have to recompile it before we can find any other problems xD EDIT: Actually further sniffing has revealed that ayan4m1 is busy working on a 1.2 version already as visible here: https://github.com/ayan4m1/Kronal.VesselViewer/tree/feature/1.2 So here's hoping that branch gets compiled sometime soon so we can get back to making epic infographics!
  11. Epic! I dunno how I didn't find out about this until just now but now I have to try it out!
  12. Year 17 BK: A rather clunky but expensive-looking spacecraft crash-lands in District K, its crew of "Tall Pink Men" mysteriously unable to restore its functionality. For some time they try to make a living amongst Kerbalkind, but prove unable to subsist on a diet of "snacks" and die off one by one. Year 18 BK: The New Kerbal Republic, or NKR, declassifies its data on induced nuclear fission, enabling the development of the LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor. Despite the NKR's grandiose claims, most of the "cutting-edge research" that was done was simply the stuffing of a radiothermal generator into a liquid fuel tank. Nevertheless, an exclusive license for mass production of the new engine is secured by C7 Aerospace and huge amounts of capital are invested in it.
  13. I have an observation: Today is Kol Nidre, i.e. the eve of Yom Kippur, which means a lot of KSP's Jewish fanbase is going to be occupied all evening and miss the stream.
  14. I'd recommend getting used to long ejection burns and design the ship to not spontaneously disassemble at 4x physics warp.
  15. I'm in the process of field testing my largest SSTO lift rocket yet: The estimated payload to-orbit capacity is 250 tons. Unlike all of my previous rockets, this is so large that the necessary amount of parachutes to land it unpowered is prohibitive in terms of weight and part count, so it is only capable of powered landings on solid, level terrain.
  16. I made something similar myself recently. It uses junior docking ports to hold the wings on, which I initially tried to have in pairs to ensure proper alignment, but for some reason that caused too much drag during ascent so now I just have to be really careful assembling it :\ EDIT: Scratch that! It turns out I DID make it work with doubled ports after all and had forgotten. Here's some screenies: http://imgur.com/a/zr5xT
  17. My latest boat, a simple two-Kerbal dinghy designed to be packed in a cargo bay and taken to Laythe.
  18. Dammit. I 100% was not trying to be a grammar National German Socialist Party member but I literally opened the thread expecting to see a plane shaped like a fist SWDennis-style xD
  19. I say we already have a 2.5m cockpit (okay, "cockpit") and crew cabin, but some 2.5m liquid fuel tanks would be very nice.
  20. Reserving this post so I remember to submit to this challenge. I don't expect first place, but I do expect my latest prototype to score well in the single-stage reusable crewed lander category.
  21. Year 12 BK: C7 Aerospace narrowly avoids bankruptcy when its acquisition of PorkWorks pays off and their new line of aircraft components turns out to be really popular. Year 13 BK: Vader Kerman is promoted to general by the NKR president Palpatine Kerman. Year 13 BK: C7 Aerospace falls into economic hard times and is forced to liquidate most of its assets, which are for some reason primarily bought out by Jebediah Kerman, a billionaire and daredevil test pilot.
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