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Everything posted by problemecium

  1. Heh. My concerns about cost have always led me to just go SSTO. Not spaceplane, necessarily, but basically all of my launch rockets since very shortly after I started are a single stage that parachutes back down into the ocean for recovery. It admittedly makes for a lousy payload fraction, but I at least like to tell myself it makes for a much cheaper cost per trip.
  2. I dunno how it is that I just found this thread but these are sweet! I'm sad QuickEngineer is in the "dead" list though. Is there any way we could get you to change your mind and update (at least recompile) it for 1.2?
  3. Year 9 BK: Construction is completed on the secret Munar nuclear reactor, but its first test run is postponed amid scares of sabotage by a society of Flat Kerbinists. Year 8 BK: Vader Kerman's daughter Leia runs away from home and steals the plans for the new Kerbal Space Center, intending to sell them to the Flat Kerbinists. Year 8 BK: A coalition of Jeb's Junkyard, Rockomax, and Zaltonic Electronics forms to build the first experimental nuclear power plant based on a hugely scaled-up version of the LV-N rocket motor. To quell potential concerns of an environmental catastrophe, an extremely expensive mission is begun to construct the reactor on the Mun.
  4. Perhaps I should have left my bug report up there after all. The game throws an error message saying it can't load the "KSPUtil" assembly and the toolbar icon never appears. I suspect that just recompiling will fix this, but I haven't had time to try my hand at it.
  5. 83m length x 33m diameter. ~300 parts. ~1300 tons. ~8000 m/s delta-V with 100 tons payload capacity. Accommodations for up to 128 Kerbals. ...and counting.
  6. Post removed as the problem bring reported has been solved. P.S.: For those of us on laptops or otherwise without a NumPad Asterisk key, could the next version please ship with some other key as the default?
  7. PSA: Regarding @bwheatley's recompile, I have (unsurprisingly) found a bug! When I open KSP, after the loading screen completes I find myself instantly transported to the Tracking Station in my default Career save (the first in the list). No exceptions or warnings are thrown and from what I've seen so far KSP behaves normally after that, but, uh... odd o_O And worth putting on the to-do list for @TriggerAu or anyone who'd like to have a go at making an interim patch.
  8. Well yes, you can do that with the console, but more specifically I meant discovering the "/b4d455" command and the little Easter egg caption it makes.
  9. Ah yes, I forgot to mention the log. The log is nominal for me - no error spam or anything. The game's just being slow. I'm aware that KSP's stock shaders may be more advanced, but I was curious as to whether Scatterer itself had changed its shaders. I have an integrated Intel GPU (and before you go "oh, that's your problem there, git a gud card skrub," note that I had a perfectly fine framerate with Scatterer in 1.1.3) so I'm concerned about ways the mod may have become more graphically demanding and whether it's possible to re-optimize back from that.
  10. ^ Indeed. Hence me providing advice now so major changes like that can be made before too much work gets done
  11. I was wondering if they were meant to be crew tunnels, but from what I can see in the image there's no way for Kerbals to actually get from the center fuselage into the spokes, unless there's something hidden on the bottom.
  12. So for me the 1.2 prerelease version is working as advertised, except for one thing: my framerate is terrible. I ran a test by putting a simple probe on the launch pad with only two parts and somehow only got 10 FPS. Moving it to space helped a little, but the game's still performing way below the level at which it does without Scatterer. What major changes have been introduced other than 1.2 compatibility? Does Scatterer use more advanced graphics features now?
  13. The hinges and spokes seem a bit too heavy-duty to me. That thing looks like it could be used as a giant car wheel, when all it really needs to do is maintain its shape in zero-G.
  14. Actually you just reminded me what the other one was now: through. "Thru" isn't really a word and was more or less made up by advertisers.
  15. Ah. For one, yes, perhaps your setup has an OS problem in which KSP is failing to recall the terrain preset and sticking itself on "High." Make sure you have the proper permissions set up for the files in the KSP installation folder. I don't know how it works on Linux (sorry), but on Windows it's common for the OS to mark certain folders for access only by Administrators or certain special programs, in which case a game like KSP might be unable to access the files for reading. Also, not to be insulting but please double check that you're actually running the KSP executable that corresponds to the settings.cfg you edited. Perhaps you have a shortcut pointing to the wrong place or whatever. It's an easier mistake than it seems (I've done it myself). And yes, please do post your settings.cfg. I can't speak for the other settings, but it's possible KSP is having trouble if your custom preset has a problem with brackets or something.
  16. In the meantime, ksp.olex.biz has been mentioned but I find more helpful is KSP Launch Window Planner by alexmoon.
  17. Year 2 BK: Kerbodyne Inc. develops the KS-25 rocket engine and releases it as part of two production rocket modules, the KS-25 "Vector" high-gimbal-range engine and the KS-25x4 "Mammoth" heavy lift engine. Unfortunately no launch pad currently in existence is capable of supporting or launching rockets large enough to employ the latter, nor most designs using their existing Size 3 tank lineup, so Kerbodyne puts together a lobby group to push for the construction of the new space center. Year 2 BK: Vader Kerman successfully captures his daughter Leia Kerman and from her extracts the location of the stolen plans for the new Kerbal Space Center. (Yay, a response! I was getting worried this thread would die right off the bat)
  18. I too have found that while Eve gravity assists may be a boon for moderating returns from Moho or the outer planets, the speed at periapsis after returning to Kerbin is still almost invariably well upwards of 4 km/s.
  19. I'm not exactly anxious for multiplayer, but I'd rather it happen than not, particularly because I recall SQUAD saying they did indeed decide to put it on the roadmap. Hopefully that hasn't changed or has merely been delayed. And on the topic of visual upgrades, I'd say the modding community has been doing "well" considering their status as modders without low-level access to the game's architecture, but by professional game production standards the visual enhancement mods have a poor track record for performance and reliability. I remain of the opinion that before SQUAD washes their hands of KSP they devote one major patch to bringing the game's environments up to the same quality standards as the rest of it (and maybe add one or two new planets...).
  20. Ven's is certainly more complete, but I like what I've seen so far of Porkjet's better. The parts are more than just more HD versions of the existing ones, and they're designed to make use of the shader improvements and new part configuration features of KSP 1.2. I really hope Porkjet finishes the engine revamp, at least as a mod.
  21. I'm 100% absolutely and completely on board with free expansion packs like the Kerbin Cup "official mod." I'm not so sure how I feel about paying for more KSP features after having already paid for KSP. So it depends. ^^;
  22. I volunteer! No seriously. I'd be glad to review your stories and proofread them. You don't even have to pay me
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