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Drew Kerman

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Everything posted by Drew Kerman

  1. ok I got it backwards, 3531.6 is the *correct* value, which KSP is outputting, and somehow the bodies .ini file I've been using normally has the 3531.47300361997 value. Weird!! Yea I have no clue how that got that way
  2. yes I am good here. sweet. Don't miss my post about the SOI propagation tho. Def something wrong there I've also got more evidence as to how large orbital changes after encounters (like this one) can throw off MA by hours or days moving past them. But that may be a bigger issue you're not ready to tackle yet
  3. holy cow this whole time I've always converted Longitude from -180/180 to 0-360 when inputting it to KSPTOT. I just realized I absent-mindedly pasted -74.557677161204 for Longitude into LVD and it stays like that after saving and LVD is okay with it
  4. head canon it with one being early exploration and the other being late exploration. Same purpose but better measurements the second time
  5. if you want your patch to be the last to run for a part, use FINAL
  6. not that I know of I failed to mention keeping them in chronological order. Never tried to not do that but makes sense to do so since that is how they would be generated and how the mod would expect to parse them
  7. yes, works fine from what I've seen under 1.9.1. Haven't expressly used it tho
  8. that could be it - sounds familiar to the issue where if you don't handle the thrustTransform of engines as case-sensitive you can lose the ability to gimbal or show effects
  9. *waves hands in the air* I've got some rough guidelines written down as to how the weather behaves on Kerbin, some from doing basic research some from just a perspective of interesting story telling. I try to keep things as consistent as possible over the course of the KSA's history but it's all just decided based on how I want things to go. It's useful for creating suspense during launches, or delaying them if I have an IRL issue that forces me to take longer than planned to get the launch ready. That's basically it
  10. open your SFS save file, search for "halloffamescenario" and the format is pretty simple ENTRY { time = [number of seconds since game started] name = [full name of crew member] code = [ribbon to award] data = [used for some ribbons, but not for any First ones] } You can find the codes for the ribbons by clicking the Config button in the main window and then in the upper left is a button to show the codes. In this case though since you're awarding ribbons already given out, just copy all of the ones awarded to Val and change the name for each other crew member you want to give them to
  11. I had to workaround my workaround Anyone able to tell me how this antenna gets the field in the red box? Here is the part config for the high-gain dish on the left from the MM configcache: UrlConfig { parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Misc/AsteroidDay/HighGainAntenna.cfg PART { name = HighGainAntenna module = Part author = Andrew Cassidy rescaleFactor = 1 node_attach = 0,0,0,0,-1,0,0 category = Communication TechRequired = electronics entryCost = 7500 cost = 1200 subcategory = 0 title = Communotron HG-55 manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics description = The Communotron HG-55 high gain antenna allows for blazingly fast directional data transmission, and was originally designed for deep space probes. Please note that Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics is not liable for any damages that might result from prolonged exposure to RF radiation. attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 mass = 0.075 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = srf tags = aerial antenna asteroid day dish radio signal transmi MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableAntenna showStatus = false isTracking = false pivotName = Pivot animationName = Deploy_Radial extendActionName = Extend <<1>> retractActionName = Retract <<1>> extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>> } MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = DIRECT requiredResource = ElectricCharge DeployFxModules = 0 antennaPower = 15000000000 antennaCombinable = True packetInterval = 1 packetSize = 0.200 packetResourceCost = 0.125 } MODULE { name = ModuleAGX } MODULE { name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace passable = true passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true surfaceAttachmentsPassable = true } MODULE { name = ModulePAWS } MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free_square } MODULE { name = WBIPartScrapper scrapSkill = RepairSkill minimumPartRecycleSkill = 2 minimumVesselRecycleSkill = 4 recycleResource = Equipment recyclePercentPerSkill = 10 } MODULE { name = GeometryPartModule } MODULE { name = FARAeroPartModule } MODULE { name = FARPartModule } MODULE { name = HotSpotModule } MODULE { name = ModuleKaboom delay = 0 } MODULE { name = KOSNameTag } MODULE { name = CNConstellationAntennaModule } MODEL { model = ReStock/Assets/Communication/restock-antenna-radial-3 } MODULE { name = ModulePartVariants baseVariant = Axial VARIANT { name = Axial displayName = Axial themeName = Gold primaryColor = #fccb0a secondaryColor = #707070 GAMEOBJECTS { Dish_Normal = false Dish_Axial = true } } VARIANT { name = Radial displayName = Radial themeName = Gold primaryColor = #fccb0a secondaryColor = #707070 GAMEOBJECTS { Dish_Normal = true Dish_Axial = false } } } MODULE { name = PlannerController title = transmitter considered = true } MODULE { name = Reliability type = ModuleDataTransmitter title = Data Transmitter redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 extra_cost = 1.0 extra_mass = 0.1 rated_radiation = 0.14 radiation_decay_rate = 1.4 } MODULE { name = Resourceful active = True } MODULE { name = ModulePartInfo originalPartName = HighGainAntenna } } } And this is for the low-gain antenna I modified to have the same properties as a Communotron 16-S: UrlConfig { parentUrl = BoxSatAlpha/ScienceandAntenna/Antenna_Tape2.cfg PART { name = surfAntennaDeploy module = Part author = DasPenguin and Orcmaul rescaleFactor = 1 node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 TechRequired = advElectrics entryCost = 650 cost = 250 category = Communication subcategory = 0 title = Communotron 16-S Deployable manufacturer = Kerbal Rocket Development description = This antenna uses technology commonly found in your hardware store tape measure to make an antenna that unfolds and extends straight but collapses into a compact fairing. The yellow paint on the metal tape is so that it is more visible and definitely not because we made this from a tape measure. attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 mass = 0.015 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 8 maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = srf tags = aerial antenna radio signal transmi MODEL { model = BoxSatAlpha/ScienceandAntenna/Antenna_Tape2 scale = 1, 1, 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetSize = 0.0022 packetResourceCost = 0.020 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaType = DIRECT DeployFxModules = 0 antennaPower = 500000 antennaCombinable = False packetInterval = 1 } MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableAntenna showStatus = false isTracking = false pivotName = Antenna_Tape2 windResistance = 1 animationName = Deploy extendActionName = Extend <<1>> retractActionName = Retract <<1>> extendpanelsActionName = Toggle <<1>> } MODULE { name = ModuleAGX } MODULE { name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace passable = true passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true surfaceAttachmentsPassable = true } MODULE { name = ModulePAWS } MODULE { name = WBIPartScrapper scrapSkill = RepairSkill minimumPartRecycleSkill = 2 minimumVesselRecycleSkill = 4 recycleResource = Equipment recyclePercentPerSkill = 10 } MODULE { name = GeometryPartModule } MODULE { name = FARAeroPartModule } MODULE { name = FARPartModule } MODULE { name = HotSpotModule } MODULE { name = ModuleKaboom delay = 0 } MODULE { name = KOSNameTag } MODULE { name = CNConstellationAntennaModule } MODULE { name = PlannerController title = transmitter considered = true } MODULE { name = Reliability type = ModuleDataTransmitter title = Data Transmitter redundancy = Communication repair = Engineer mtbf = 72576000 extra_cost = 1.0 extra_mass = 0.1 rated_radiation = 0.14 radiation_decay_rate = 1.4 } MODULE { name = Resourceful active = True } MODULE { name = ModulePartInfo originalPartName = surfAntennaDeploy } } } I can't see any obvious difference between the two. The BoxSat mod is several years old, could it be something missing on the model? Some newer animation or transform property? That's all I can think of. I'm just using the Communotron 16 antenna modded to not fall off - I chose this antenna because aesthetics. But I also would like to know about this for enabling support for additional antennas in the future if I need to
  12. open the hall of fame window, click on the kerbal name, in the upper right corner above the ribbon box you'll see a button to award a ribbon
  13. oh man, the Adjust Variables window is soooo close to being really useful here tweaking values. One big problem tho - I can't see the changes. I see that the script re-runs every time I make a change, but because the dialog is modal, I can't hover over the "Optimization constraints are active or violated..." warning to look at the pop-up text and see what the new values produced. So to use it I have to open the window, make a change, close, check, open, change, close, check... Another suggestion - replace the GA option for Show Maneuvers that is disabled with Show Event Termination, which would put vertical lines where each event in the launch sequence ends
  14. @Arrowstar as a simple exercise in using the new Objective Function interface, I've setup the same launch vehicle coming off the pad at a constant angle, and I'm using the optimizer to find which angle would give the highest apoapsis. MAT file. Is this the general idea of how to set things up? Because it doesn't seem to want to work at all, just quits after 0 iterations. The constraints I have setup in the Initial Steering reflect some experimenting I did with the launch vehicle in the game to see how fast it could turn over before clearing the towers and going full throttle (event 3). The -0.32 max linear term is the quickest turn rate the rocket has. Oh fuuuu - I just realized that I can't start turning at the Initial State cause the launch clamps are holding the rocket down for 6 seconds... derrrrp Okay, here is the new MAT file with the turn setup to start at launch. The optimizer seems to be working as expected now. This also screwed up me trying to optimize constraints my pitch profile! Oh man, I am out of practice with this tool after only 2 months yikes
  15. Derp, wasn't even considering case sensitivity. the error made me think I wasn't supposed to be directly assigning searched keys to edited keys, but that's what I saw in examples and thus was like "wah?" Can it be changed to make it more obvious it couldn't find the part it was searching for?
  16. // copy the surfAntenna properties to a retractable antenna +PART[Antenna_Tape2]:FINAL { @name = surfAntennaDeploy @title = Communotron 16-S Deployable @mass = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/mass$ @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @packetSize = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]/packetSize$ @packetResourceCost = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]/packetResourceCost$ @antennaPower = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]/antennaPower$ } @MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] { @windResistance = 100 } } I get the errors in the log: [ERR 23:23:37.377] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key mass = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/mass$ [ERR 23:23:37.382] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key packetSize = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]/packetSize$ [ERR 23:23:37.387] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key packetResourceCost = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]/packetResourceCost$ [ERR 23:23:37.391] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key antennaPower = #$@PART[surfAntenna]/MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]/antennaPower$ Looked again at the docs for variables and not sure how to work around this
  17. yea, that's a deal breaker. But I just realized the 16-S has PhysicsSignificance = 1! This means it's not drag calculated by itself so I have no problem MM patching its data transmission properties into a retractable antenna of a different shape/size, making it the same mass and also setting that to PhysicsSignificance = 1
  18. I gave it a try just to see but as I suspected it didn't make any difference. The problem is that the antenna isn't drawing from the commEC resource even when the tank is there (added to the antenna since the resource is no flow) - it's still draining EC despite the fact that I changed the property, which is why I'm looking to confirm that Kerbalism has completely overridden the data transmitter and is doing its own thing based on its values, ignoring the requiredResource and assuming all antennas will use EC
  19. wow, good luck with the project Still tho, how to you consider the current state of the patch? Balanced or still in need of some assessment? Just want to get an idea of where you left off so I can continue as needed for the experiments I plan to use. Thanks!
  20. default mode of mod development. Best way to keep motivated
  21. @Sir Mortimer @Gotmachine does Kerbalism not respect the requiredResource property of ModuleDataTransmitter? I'm trying to make the Communotron 16-S have an on/off switch so I can take better control of my comms (remove it from action so I can use a higher-power dish without suffering the data rate hit). So I decided to try this to starve it of power when I want: RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = commEC title = Communication Electric Charge abbreviation = EC(Comm) density = 0 unitCost = 0 hsp = 0 flowMode = NO_FLOW transfer = NONE isTweakable = false } @PART[SurfAntenna]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = Antenna Power StartActionName = Power On StopActionName = Power Off ToggleActionName = Toggle Power INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 1 FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = commEC Ratio = 1 DumpExcess = false } } @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @requiredResource = commEC } } But even when I have it off, the antenna still shows its active and I'm able to send data. Turning it on says "CommEC Full" so it's not drawing any power. I guess I can understand if you assume all antenna use EC, because normally they all do. If that's the case, bummer. I'll just have to do an SFS edit after getting into space and deploying my high-gains to replace the 16-S with a dummy part unless anyone has another idea as to how to switch them off. Tried using the deployable antenna module but couldn't find a transform it would accept
  22. in the VAB I only have two options, KSPSkin and GameSkin. In flight I only have three options, KSPSkin, KSPSkin(Clone) and GameSkin. None of them are successful at showing Vessel data although the (Clone) skin does remove the windows - but as I recall only the HUD data was transparent in past builds. If that's a change it's no big deal. I don't use the HUDs anyways just thought I'd mention it as an issue since I recalled them being transparent in the past I also tried downloading from SpaceDock too just in case the GitHub repo didn't actually have the latest release. And I also took out both expansions
  23. say what? I only had the two options shown in the screenshots. Something is very screwy here I downloaded from the Github repo
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