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Rory Yammomoto

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Everything posted by Rory Yammomoto

  1. I'm running a version from Git, and I was wondering: is the body of Cassini still under development?
  2. I'm guessing the previously mentioned real life work hasn't stopped?
  3. I think you put some bad fuel in the Scout first stages. The strap-on boosters have thrust going sideways, and the inline booster does not thrust at all.
  4. If only there was a way to make a Parachute that only slowed you down vertically, but let you go forward all you wanted.
  5. I have tried this. I do believe that particular part was cursed by satan to never be where it is supposed to (as in, it would rather be in the bottom than on the top, and that spinning the capsule around is preferable to actually being useful.) I do think your claim of being 'usable' does not apply when it is on a Gemini capsule.
  6. I always thought they were folders - Linux configuration folders are often 'config.conf.d'. Anyway, using sudo still complains about .d, but it then proceeds to make. EDIT: and then it spits out 'ERROR 1' at the end. Progress is being made, but I still have a ways to go.
  7. May I present to you: Cryo-Falcone. 9 J2-SLs on bottom, assisted by twin SRBs, a single J-2S in the second stage, & a Kane on top. Suprisingly capable in QSRSS. A modified version of this is my primary crew launcher. It has a lighter second stage and no SRBs - Perfect for pre-launch raising.
  8. Still doesn't actually work. Still complaining about the .d folders.
  9. We now have J-2SL and we will soon have 312 cm parts. I decided to combine the pair with this Hydro-Falcon rocket. Two Titan IV boosters 9 J2SL engines in the first stage a normal J-2 in the second stage Topped with an Apollo Blk IV with twin RTGs looks damn good (I did have to use TweakScale, though - Can we please speed up on the development of Barbarian?) PS: OH MAH GOURD 350 PAEEGEES!
  10. Single NK-33. Engines that actually gimbal worth a damn. Orbital modules with crew reports. Probe cores with in-built antennas. Parts with colors that do not end in 'Grey' or 'Gray'. Voshkod extending airlock. Vostok system. Voshkod system. Salyut parts. Almaz gun.
  11. I have a request - A smaller RD-180 for use in Atlas III rockets. Atlas V's engine is too big to use in the Atlas III, which some people may want to use. Shrinking the width of the engine from 250 centimeters to 187.5 centimeters would make the engine usable in this function. (Plus we could re-engine the Titan IV with RD-180s - create a new 'meta' rocket.)
  12. Well, I didn't. I went around a full orbit after re-docking. You have just given me an Idea for the next mission... Project Satan Sagan is go.
  13. I think I am? I've been running through the Dockerfile, actually - just running the commands in a normal shell instead of letting Docker f uck up. I can get to the part where I make, but then.... I get a bunch of things telling me that they want things that are in a 'build' folder that doesn't exist. Changing 'BUILD_DIRECTORY :=' from 'build/' to './' gives a whole bunch of different things it claims doesn't exist, seemingly the same files that are actually there, but ending with '.d'. I'm starting to think that we don't have enough of the things for it to work properly.
  14. What would it take to recompile this mod for 1.3, if it is possible, on Linux? I'm assuming it's not just a case of 'recompile against the latest versions of KSP's dlls', given how much this mod changes. EDIT: I was going to try and answer my own question here, but I cannot; Linux cannot run VS, MonoDevelop refuses to use Principia's .sln file (Opting instead to crash), and I cannot do as the instructions say, for I have no Powershell, and therefore cannot run .ps1 files. Adding to that the fact that I'm probably going to be building a 'useless' Windows version, I'm just going to say 'NO.' here, and run away as fast as I can from the hot mess I made. TL;DR: DO NOT BUILD THIS ON LINUX WITH THE WINDOWS INSTRUCTIONS.
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