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Everything posted by Notsure_jr

  1. No they have not, SAS still over compensates and fights itself. Only temp fix I found is to designate specific surfaces to pitch, roll, and yaw so they only have one axis they affect. Then decrease authority on the surfaces until they stop oscillating. They did say that the new joint system helps due to planes and rockets being less wobbly. I guess we will see how that works.
  2. fixed by nuking drivers with DDU and reinstalling them.
  3. Eager to try out the new patch I hopped into a new campaign and it was fine until I went into top orthographic view of the craft I was building. That then pulled up the settings menu however I was only able to navigate the bottom corner of the screen. Figuring this was a bug I restarted the game and tried loading back in to which it crashed. verified game files which steam said 2 were unverified and downloaded them same issue. deleted and uninstalled the game twice though the issue still persists, also restarted computer. Something interesting I did notice was that changing to boarderless allowed it not to crash loading a campaign, but it would then be stuck on setup "OAB Part Seed Counter" I do have the latest drivers for my GPU. https://imgur.com/itqfcBZVideo of phenomenon DMP player log
  4. probably because it just a stock craft with no autostuts I'll check out that new version though.
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ozvotzbnuhqy5a/Aeris 4A.craft?dl=0
  6. Here's an Areis 4A I used Editor Extensions Redux I'm used the version you linked above 1.6.0
  7. It doesn't seem this fixes the problem. I still can't autostut without being a burning flame on the launch pad.
  8. I have rx480 8gb+ i7 4770+ 16 gb and get around 30-60 40 at ksc 30 just drops around kerin 60 in space/ looking up while in flight
  9. 1. download North Kerbin weaponry 2. put into gamedata and delete the version number which is like v0.83 3. Download BDArmory v0.2.1.2 - Armor Update 4. Install BDArmory 5. Profit ???
  10. rx 480 should be good enough right I get good frames it just crashes. Cpu is a i7 4770.
  11. You must be looking at the 1.1 bd armory thread. BDArmory v0.2.1.2 is the one compatible with 1.3 and this version of NKD.
  12. it's compatible just not with the current bd armory and people can't seems to remove the version number.
  13. Have you deleted the numbers after Korth Kerbin Weaponry in gamedata? Also bd armory had a new release and I'm notsure how it affects the current NKW.
  14. Demonstration Videos Note - parts for these vessels are mainly found in SM Marine and Large Boat Parts There is a new torpedo and sonar parts included in this release also looks like scatter and eve.
  15. That link works fine for me. there's no impolite language but it's kinda funny.
  16. I copied scatter's Sun.config asset path into Dwarf and then deleted Sun.cfg and renamed Dwarf to Sun. then put the flares where scatter keeps its flares. It shows the flare but again it's still the stock sun over it. I'm just trying to make the sun appears smaller in the sky and I like the flares.
  17. I'm using the dwarf config but it doesn't change it's still the stock sun. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  18. Delete city textures in Astronomer's Visual Pack>EVE to remove city lights. If you press alt+0 in game you can turn off the Aurora and glows for mun and Minmus in the clouds manager. Those weird flashes are meant to be Lightning.
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