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Everything posted by rockets-don't-make-toast

  1. so if I use https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/time-control-2-0?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=253059 will it affect the save file in any bad or unusable way?
  2. good job wait! is a mod that doesn't effect parts like it improves time warp bad for the save? tweakscale works but does time warp 2.0 work? and does mech jeb work?
  3. make sure to take pics of each station when your done, even though i'm next.
  4. I'm gonna launch my module. but can you lift 5 kerbadyne 14-400 tanks, the largest in the stock game? and could you put up pics of each station? both
  5. Tweak scale makes launching very easy, almost cheaty, yes it is okay on a it won't break the game standpoint but shold it be denied for making too easy?
  6. I thought you already put the duna one up. oh well. wait. did anyone actually test the tweakscale thing?
  7. so what are you going to put a core around next? and can I suggest Dres? since it usually doesn't get much attention. and then the next one could be around moho or close enough to the sun to be in danger of over heating. or a under water base on kerbin.
  8. thank you @0111narwhalz for showing me that, I was looking at the posts counter, I forgot that it included the op, so I am the 10,000 person to comment on this thread, not including the op.
  9. but it can make some things annoying. like when you want to talk to 2 different people in two different comments but they get merged and its akward. @53miner53
  10. probably to save on forum clutter. @53miner53
  11. just so I don't seem like a bad sport. has this become a race? I think that someone will see the 9,999 and try to snag it. but maybe not. will the hands of luck like us today? @53miner53 dangit, I keep trying to make another post but they just keep being merged.
  12. I would be kinda mad but I wouldn't say anything, I would probably congratulate him. @53miner53
  13. what would you do if someone snuck in and took that 10,000th post? @53miner53
  14. we are at 9986 post so far, only 14 more to go. @53miner53
  15. I used the UI for the mod, when I did stock physics warp I used the hotkeys.
  16. it changed sometimes but was very slow, and it had trouble going back to normal time, when I set it to normal time it stayed the same so I had to enable normal physics warp and then back to real time to get it to work.
  17. if we keep going on like this one of us will be the 10,000 poster, unless someone's been watching and snags it at the last moment. @53miner53
  18. the slow mo has been a little weird, when I set it to 1/64 when I was just getting used to it, when I put it to 1/5 it stayed at 2% so I went to realtime and then back to 1/5, you know whats up?
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