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Everything posted by rockets-don't-make-toast

  1. Who will make the 400 page? A high five to the 400 page guy
  2. it would be nice if when researching science from the biome your in. Like you landed a processing lab in a biome and started researching the science from the biome in the biome, would give the research extra data or something or just a bit more science. because if you were in that situation you could go out and get more samples or test new ideas as soon as you have them. so what do you think?
  3. Okay thanks, it's like most mods. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't something different.
  4. Follow the module rules and wait for your turn and you'd good to go
  5. I wish I new that when I added my module to the mun station. another thing, do they still have to be connected by sr. docking ports or can we now connect by any sized docking port with our modules.
  6. You can just ask to be put on the list, you first have to add a module to the LKO station. A module on a space station, any station in orbit, Can only be 5 parts and two sr. Docking ports, more docking ports add to the 5 part limit. Once you've waited your turn and put one on the LKO station then once your turn comes again then you can go to any station you want next. You can ask to be put on the list again as soon as you've posted the new save in the Google Drive. 53miner53 is the one that puts the station cores up, but if he gives you permission you can, as long as it's around the planet or moon of his choosing. Good luck
  7. did you check if having tweakscale installed but not used is a problem?
  8. it would be better if I knew which members chose what but so far most people like cake and say they are at least good at ksp, but most people like cake in general, but you could say that very little people don't like cake and very little people say they aren't good at ksp, so I'll let you guys decide.
  9. Are we talking about the mun station, is my fuel Depot still there?
  10. what was the module? was it a habitat module, research, power, what?
  11. I uploaded a with tweakscale and a without tweakscale to your google drive. So now its time to see if having tweakscale installed but not used in the craft is an issue. what did you add? and to what?
  12. I'll add the the fuel first then the passengers. even better, both. three fuel tanks and two passengers. another thing, I just installed tweakscale, is it a problem if I have it, but don't use it at all in the module or the launcher. I uninstalled it just in case but is it a problem to have?
  13. you never said that tweakscale came with module manager.
  14. should I do five huge fuel tanks or five 16 passenger crew cabins for the eve station? and could you put me back on the list?
  15. I got 136 meters per second before it broke apart. used tail fins as hydrofins: imgur is not working: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B15BBJhJkCp8VVp6ODd3NDRBYTQ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B15BBJhJkCp8OFN4cC1aRG9WTzQ
  16. Another thing, what will happen once the game gets updated to 1.2.9 or 1.3?
  17. you aren't on the list yet, if you were, you would be 5th in line. also, add me to the list again, time for the minmus station to get some fuel. wait, do you have to do the station in order? like lko then mun then minmus then eve? or once you get lko then you can do any one. also, why do you already have the eve one up? Another thing is that once its your turn you have about 4 days to do it. so worst case scenario is that you have to wait 16-20 days to launch, or you could launch today. it just depends on how fast people are at launching there modules. also, what do you plan to add? thanks
  18. I put it on the side of the station, or I put the station by the side onto my module. I'm gonna put the file in both your drive and mine, if you see rockets don't make toast turn 28 in your drive could you check to see that the mun space station is attached to 5 giant fuel tanks, if not check my drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B15BBJhJkCp8cFRFZmZ5SXFLNGc and check that. if still not tell me and tell me what to do cause I have very little Idea how to do this. P.S. I just dragged the zip to you drive, is that the right way? if not then what is?
  19. Should I put the module on the side docking port or the back one, since it will make up most of the station. I got it on the side docking port, although I still want your opinion.
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