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Everything posted by rockets-don't-make-toast

  1. I built a really small flyer, to small for docking ports, and I put a bunch of them on a big plane and took off. I had to use radial decouplers and when I detached the decouplers were stuck to the flyers. The flyers were so small it threw off the balance. I think we should have radial seperators. Like the seperators we have now but for putting stuff on the side of the rocket or plane. that would be really helpful.
  2. you only have to manually assemble structural parts. like the parts you can use as the root part when you make a new vehicle in the vab. pretty good
  3. how about making the planets able to move so you could move gilly to kerbin or something. and what class would the sun be? like a zzzz class or something?
  4. when I say mun I mean both mun and minmus. you have to leave at least 1 part on each body you visit. you can launch several rockets to the mun to construct another rocket to launch to another planet or moon. you can launch several (construction) spacecraft to the next planet/moon but it has to be from the previous planet/moon. you can do this however many times you like. of course you can make it harder how you please but stick to the basic you have to launch spacecraft from previous celestial body please. good luck:)
  5. exactly. you can only use the rocket you assembled on the mun (or minmus) to return, you would probably have to use docking ports to assemble the craft.
  6. I was recently playing kerbal space program and I wanted to see if I could penetrate Jools surface. So I built this and hacked it into a low jool orbit. Then I gave it unbreakable joints, unbreakable parts and ignore max temperature. I then did a retrograde burn and started falling towards the surface. I turned off the sas and let it fall. It was taking a while so I turned physics warp to 4x and waited. Suddenly it spazzed out and I was flying around in empty space. The navball was going crazy. The speed was fluctuating like crazy and was is the quintillions or something and the altitude was spazzing out as well and had the letter P next to it. It did this for a while then it all stopped, the altitude said 0 and the speed said nan. I reverted the flight and when I was on the launchpad again the terrain was this spiky wavelike pattern and it covered all of kerbin. I tried it several times and it happened every time. sometimes all of kerbin was that spiky wavelike pattern, sometimes none of it and sometimes only the water. please help. it crashed once but I don't know how to copy files into here without copying all the text.
  7. every time i do an orbital encounter it's very hard to see up close the encounter with the planet or other object. if we could detach the camera from any body or object in the map mode it would make it MUCH easier to get orbital encounters much more accurate because we could zoom in on the encounter to make small changes. It would be great if you could do that. sincerely, rockets don't make toast
  8. this challenge is where you land a base on the mun using only stock parts, I've always wondered why you can't build and launch a spacecraft from another planet or moon. the challenge is to launch a base (several launches allowed) to the mun or minmus that has all the basic parts of a rocket and a way to assemble them however you like, then build a rocket on the kerbin moon of your choice, then launch and retrieve it on kerbin. even better, make several rockets and do the same thing. good luck
  9. good to know but i have a contract and I've got it almost exactly, like down to 1% of what its supposed to be. it still says i haven't got it within reasonable margin and the argument of periapsis is undefined so could someone help me out? like is there something i'm missing?
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