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Everything posted by rockets-don't-make-toast

  1. I'm surprised that no one sent you the challenge submission guide yet. when I post a challenge, even if I did it and I have proof I always (except for like two of them) get the challenge submission guide. I don't send people the challenge submission guide. Because when someone sends me the challenge submission guide I get really annoyed. ESPECIALLY when I have proof that its possible. the challenge submission guide it's useful for the first two times it's sent. after that its just annoying. it feels like nowadays the when someone sends you it they just don't like your challenge.
  2. no cheats, person who gets farthest by only using the tier 1 parts wins. saw one for this but lost it, SO I made a new one. me, 404 km and 2025 mps http://imgur.com/a/xyDtf I mean: go as fast and as high as you can using only tier one parts, with powered separation and such. if you still don't understand please just ask. I try to make good challenges and I don't want the first comment to be how my challenge isn't good. so please, just ask. 1.
  3. My attempt doesn't count, it's only there so this challenge doesn't get locked.
  4. I wasn't counting build time but okay. Build time is included as soon as I get to my computer.
  5. this is a challenge to crash into the sun as fast as you can. you have to have a video of you doing it, from launch to crash, the timer will be of the real life time it took so no speeding up video and no physics warp. time warp is allowed. only rule: no cheats, stock or non stock but must be said which. it can be any controllable payload. if you just can't have a video then post a picture of the complete craft and the time, what my time is shows you what kind of time I'm looking for. my attempt, which won't count towards the leader board: leaderboard: 1. Cunjo carl with 3:15
  6. I have a challenge where you jump over a station in you formentioned challenge. heres the link:
  7. I will do only one entry from each contender. so which one would you like to be entered into the competition?
  8. I remember when there was just the now called thundersomething solid rocket booster, the now called swival and reliant liquid fuel engines, one fuel tank,a parachute and one command module. and I also remember when we had to have sas modules or there would be no sas, and when the tripod was the only one. I didn't update and I had to eventually delete it do to file corruption. at about 0.9 beta then ever I gained interest in ksp again through youtube and I finally got it again at 1.2. since then I have clocked over 250 hours playing it.
  9. this is a user desired challenge where people will take there favorite plane they have already built and turn it into a vtol. rules: 1. it has to be a plane you've already made 2. it can't be one just perfect for a vtol conversion 3. you have to have a craft file of the original and of the vtol. 4. if you do not have a craft file then just record the original and it flying and the vtol with it flying normal and vtol mode (with it switching between them mid flight) 5. it has to have a vtol mode AND a normal mode. how the competetion will work: you will do whether rule 3 or 4 (preferably 4). and after a week or two I will de-side on the best 10 converted crafts. and then I will make a pole with pictures of all of the crafts and a brief description of how they fly and then the craft with the most votes will be crowned: THE VTOL CONVERSION KING!!!! my attempt: P.S. making a vtol from a normal plane is very hard, so you don't have to make it look as original as possible, but do try to. contenders: drtricky with: https://kerbalx.com/drtricky/ABH-17-Rapture it is a modded super weaponized plane and the original https://kerbalx.com/drtricky/A-15-Big-Eagle Torquimedes Grumman F-14 Tomcat Numerlor with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZZiPRFTeHw Ozelui with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlNmHfNSEc8
  10. I tried but the save file is incompatable with the current version of ksp, but it was just two of the largest kerbadyne 14,400 fuel tanks, two kerbadyne to rocketmax structral adapters on the ends of the tanks, with docking port seniors on the ends of the adapters and then just a ra-100 relay antenna on the side about half way down, if you could recreate that and put it on that would be great.
  11. I added a large fuel depot to it, I don't know if it stayed on the station in the long run though.
  12. I changed my design, although I don't see why you have to have only 1 but o well.
  13. i had another challenge like this but you had to get to gilly and back from low kerbin orbit. didn't follow guidlines... was shut down. good luck
  14. is there a faster time warp, because just getting to jool takes FOREVER and going to another sun will take hours with the best time warp.
  15. I will give my entry of hard mode but I have to wait until saturday, so could you remind me then?
  16. I will from now on but most of my previous challenges don't so just be prepared.
  17. apparently this is my most successful challenge.
  18. even so, you hold the record for this challenge. good job for being the first to prove they done it.
  19. put a pic of the latest version of each station, I want to see what they look like now. please?
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