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Flush Foot

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Everything posted by Flush Foot

  1. I just hope, especially before we go Interstellar in v0.4, that a stock 'alarm clock' comes back into the game! I know expect that modders have already corrected that oversight, but I prefer to play pure-vanilla (at least during the dev phase) so it is easier to do reproducible, uncomplicated bug-reporting for the devs.
  2. Now that is something I wish could be adjusted / selected in the maneuver planner... (as long as time-warp is not engaged, mind you) "I want to burn prograde for the next 30 minutes" vs "I want to burn for the next 30 minutes pointing in the same direction throughout the burn, even if that is suddenly a retrograde burn"
  3. Given that the devs want acceleration-under-time-warp to be possible (still buggy at times) especially for hyper-efficient engines doing week-long interstellar burns, the game does need to be able to take into account the duration of the burn and the (likely) changing TWR throughout said burn.
  4. I will touch the sky! And they're not gonna hold me down no more No, they're not gonna change my mind
  5. Silly Flush Foot! I somehow didn't even clue in that today wasn't FRIDAY!!!!!!!!
  6. They haven't explicitly NOT improved docking, at least not yet...
  7. PQS (and planetary surface graphics more broadly) were covered in a prior Dev Update / Diary, if you want to take a look:
  8. Give a starving person a tasty sandwich, there's no reason to think that they might not ask for another
  9. Too much cloud; can’t see where I’m going now /s
  10. They’ve gone and communicationed! Even did it “early”! (Closer to 11:30 am their-time)
  11. No worries! I just knew I had last refreshed more recently than ~28 minutes when it appeared pre-aged
  12. Posted ~28 minutes ago (and only just now visible)... Do @Dakota and @Nerdy_Mike need to approve Nate's posts?
  13. And even if not as quickly as with top-tier contracts, you could also park a station with a science lab in orbit above Minmus (or I suppose even just make it a science-lab-rover) and have it churn out loads of science from the data, which you've told the Administration Building to convert all/most of the science directly into funds.
  14. There have been theories (in real life) that when [if] we reach widescale adoption of nuclear fusion as an energy source, we could become a post-scarcity society where money wouldn't really matter anymore. I believe that fusion (energy, not just engines) might be coming in some future update (Colonies? Interstellar?), which might be why no money in KSP 2. The constraints that will be placed on players though are regrettably 3 roadmap milestones away... Colonies > Interstellar > Resources / Exploration... With Resources, the thinking right now (I believe) is that while you could launch basically as much as you want from the KSC 'for free' (at least of the somewhat more basic/common building materials/fuel-types), once you want to start using larger and/or more exotic fuels/parts and want to produce them off-world (unconstrained by Kerbin's gravity well and atmospheric drag), then you need to have an adequate supply of funds resources at that colony in order to do so, as well as in order to start/expand new colonies.
  15. That post cited another post, which is actually a bug report (Solid fuel engines not producing reported thrust -- March 12)
  16. In a sense, this is already available to you in-game… Make electricity via KSP 2’s fuel-cells and regardless of demand, they’ll chew through your Methalox reserves: So if you have only batteries, tanks, and fuel-cells, your craft have finite “lives” without resupply. NOT that this is the way I want the fuel cells to function, just that given they are working this way now…
  17. @DoomsdayDuck555, what I believe @ArmchairGravy is saying is that if you had a solid-booster that could output 1000 kN of thrust and you chose to limit it to 50%, you'd expect to be getting 500 kN of thrust instead, but the game has decided to apply that 50% value twice (but shows TWR relative to that expected 500 kN output) resulting in only 250 kN of thrust.
  18. Likewise... I went from 1.25m empties up to even 2.5m empties as 'pontoons' and it barely had my cockpit out of the water. :-\
  19. That's what I was wondering last night too... I occasionally managed to get (and stay) airborne from a water-launch but had (slightly) more success lifting off from the runway and then gliding down to the water just beyond the runway to see if I could survive a water landing. /summon BuoyancyMasters
  20. If in video form, will it be prefaced by footage of a certain dev "highlighting" what day it is?
  21. Hopefully the Kerbals get EVA / evacuation parachutes before ejection seats get enabled
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