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Everything posted by RockKrawler

  1. So would anyone be interested in something like a Surface to air missile pack to add on to BDA? I’ve recently started to work in blender and I’m designing a SA-1 “Guild”(First Soviet SAM) Mainly because it has a fairly simple body to build...This would be my first real project so the learning curve is steep, I’ve only partly modified cockpits in unity before so building something from the ground up is new.
  2. Well damn....Looks like I need to restart my realistic jet cockpits project again lol
  3. Cool cool yea I was trying to make more realistic cockpits for aircraft using the ASET parts about a year ago. I’m a pilot too so was looking to make some nice commercial cockpits with a whole lot of instruments and warning lights etc....I haven’t opened unity in a while. Can’t even remember how to import and open the files lol
  4. Sweet thanks! Wasn’t sure if unity created the config file...I’ve been thinking about just adding some more weapon types to BDA...I know they have the 9mm submachine gun a Kerbal can have in their inventory. I think it would be cool to equip a Kerbal with a MANPAD (man portable air defense) launcher such as the US stinger and or the Russian Strela...I’ve also be thinking about more Surface to air missiles such as the SA-2 guideline. I used to work with these weapon systems when I was in the Army so just trying to put my knowledge of them to practical use..I know nothing about plugins and what not so just looking to add weapons and have them utilize the existing BDA program, those guys put a lot of great work into it so I couldn’t imagine trying to out do it lol.
  5. Awesome thanks!....I was thinking about making a few BDA compatible parts...Is there any resources on the coding? I’ve messed around in the config files to adjust things but writing one from scratch is something totally different.
  6. Ok so question...I’m tweaking some of my config files and just wondering, can you add a targeting reticule to rockets? I’m doing it for another BDA compatible mod but can’t seem to add a reticule to Target...It seems AI won’t fire unless it has a reticule...Is it in the config files? I’ve been searching through all of them but just don’t see a line for it. Thanks.
  7. I’ve been kicking around maybe creating MANPADS like the stinger and strela or even a version of the Harpoon but I’ve never modded before...I have the unity program but what program would you use to creat the 3D models?
  8. Ok, so I’ve been playing around in the config files for the HVAR and Tiny Tim rockets...Got them to work for the most part...The problem lies in the lift factors I think...I replaced the HVAR lift factor with the hellfires and replaced Tiny Tim’s with the maverick lift number...I also boosted the HVAR boost phase to 50 KN...I’m still tweaking the Tiny Tims boost setting to make it more realistic...The HVAR was designed to reach around 400 m/s on launch...The boost phase seems correct at 1.5 secs with 0 thrust for cruise...I also changed the weapon type to ballastic rather than bombs...If you keep the bomb setting the AI will fire when the target is in the bomb reticule but it will overshoot...I’m not sure how to add a targeting reticule though, AI won’t fire but it does line up correctly in a shallow dive and if I manually fire it’s pretty close to target if you fire in the realistic range of about 2,000 meters away.These rockets only had a 1-2 second boost on there engines anyways and then coasted on a ballistic trajectory to the target. I think 4,000 meters to way to far to fire it..The Tiny Tim has a max effective range of 1,500 meters, it was fired at point blank range with only a couple seconds of boost and then coasting to the target...You can watch some YouTube videos of aircraft firing the rockets...Other than this the mod seems to work in 1.9 fine. I’m just a stickler for realism but I’m not a modder and I’m just experimenting at the moment....Does any one know how to get a targeting reticule added? I think the AI will fire the rockets if it had a targeting reticule, but I’ve noticed in BDA that the hydras and S-8 rockets are never fired by the AI so maybe it’s hard coded like that.
  9. I noticed that too..I went into the config files to see if I could tweak it for myself..The HVAR has waaay to high of a lift setting, same with the tiny Tim...I lowered it quite a bit and now they are acting like rockets but not accurate...It’s listed as a bomb so BDA is treating the rockets like bombs...I don’t know much about config set ups so it’s just trial and error at this point
  10. Where were you based at?
  11. I much rather be in controlled airspace, I work at a G and it’s the Wild West most days.
  12. Should have just jumped and launched it all “I’m still gonna send it” style.
  13. Gliders would be sweet, here in Florida we have plenty of thermals to keep you up all day.
  14. Haven’t played Destiny 2...I never liked the first one..Mainly because I can’t rain death from the skies like I do in battlefield....Nothing like going 40 to 1 and having the entire enemy team trying to bring you down....Muwahaha!
  15. I have my instrument rating too but in the heli world we just say IFR means I follow roads
  16. It’s a normal procedure you have to learn...I probably do at least three autos a day with my students.
  17. Nice! Well if you need any input from a current pilot then hit me up...I could give you some ideas on the current functions currently used on some of the systems.
  18. Yea I’m a heli instructor, trying to get some fixed winged ratings as well.
  19. RockKrawler


    Hey all, So how many real world pilots do we have here? I’m a commercial helicopter pilot and flight instructor.
  20. I’ve discovered that page with MAS kOS it’s pretty useful...You’ve created tons of options and I’m discovering new things every time I put something new in..Its a good problem lol. I haven’t even converted and other ASET props over to MAS because what you already have seems to be more than sufficient for a traditional jet cockpit. Hopefully I’ll get my first IVA wrapped up soon enough.
  21. Not sure if it exists because I’m still learning with your system but maybe mechjeb setup for aircraft autopilot (heading and altitude holding) through IFMS...I’ve just seen orbital options and haven’t quite figured out how to make the buttons active at the moment...I do love the primary flight display for space planes with the attitude indicator and altitude and airspeed tapes. I’m a pilot in real life so I do love the realistic set up.
  22. That’s why I live in south Florida lol.
  23. I figured it out, I’m liking the interfacing of MAS. Do you have any suggestions for a plugin tutorial?
  24. Hi Ruby! Hmm I like a lot of other games, battlefield and some other FPS and real time strategy games too like the total war series but KSP is my favorite lol.
  25. I’m just jumping into IVA creation and I was using RPM but now I’m switching to this because it looks awesome! Although now I have to relearn everything so UGH lol.
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