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Everything posted by Climberfx

  1. Maybe. So much to do first. But i'm on other project these days... The Tower House.
  2. Chegou a 11k de download do mod (no Curse) e desse vez antes do fim do ano! huhuhulll. Sem falar nos mais 700 no Spaceport, que logo chega no 1k também. Tem mais uns 750 no Orangedox também. Logo retomo desenvolvimento, por hora estou em outro projeto, a casa torre.
  3. Updates: Displays for Life Support (TAC). Displays for Battery and Fuel undergoing too. (analogs) Prograde, retro, normal, antinormal, target, etc too. Display blue above gear and light indicators will have TWR, dV, Time to, etc. (Digital)
  4. Update 0.6.5 with Functional Cockpit Panel.
  5. Update 0.6.5 with Functional Cockpit Panel.
  6. Done, for the cockpit window C. Will be on next update! Redone intakes nose faces too.
  7. Light update on Cockpit Window type 3.
  8. Ahauahuhauhauhuahua, to me matando de rir aqui. Aspargos, ahuahuhauhuahuahuau Cebolinha, ahuahuahuhauhuahuhau Mano, depende muito de cada caso, o Aspargatus tende a ser mais eficiente, mas se não tiver TWR suficiente, não vai funcionar. Ai tu vai para o por camadas. Por que mais eficiente no aspargatus? Por que tu tende a precisar de menos motores, o que deixa o geral mais leve, ai gasta menos dV. Asparagus é quando tu põe tanques extras do lado, que são sugados primeiro, antes dos principais, e quando vazios, tu ejeta para deixar tudo mais leve e ganhar dV extra. simples assim. Sem ejetar o motor. Mas depende muito, pois se tu tiver em Atmosfera, vai acabar gerando mais resistência aerodinâmica, o que pode ter efeito contrário, gastar mais dV. Já no vácuo, sempre é vantagem. Já no caso do camadas, cada tanque/estágio leva seu próprio motor. É o convencional. Exemplo de camadas, os foguetes da SpaceX. Exemplo de Aspargatus, pode ser o próprio ônibus espacial, com seu massivo tanque laranja principal, que alimenta os motores do ônibus, que queimam em paralelo com os dois sólidos. Ai no fim, ele ejeta o laranja, mas os motores continuam queimando com o combustível interno do Ônibus. Agora volta lá e descasca umas cebolinhas pra por no Aspargo!
  9. Cheers pilot! Soon to have update with cockpit panel release.
  10. Yep @MoonstreamInSpace. You need to install only the Dll from firespitter. You can find his Github using a simple google search with the keywords firespitter Dll Ksp. Probably in the next update, but maybe in the other subsequent one, i will remove this dependency from it and incorporate the on Omicron Mod. But for now, is just that way. Good flights... link: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases You only need the DLL in sub folder Firespitter/plugins
  11. Out of oven another development episode of Omicron. Hope you all enjoy .
  12. Coming out another episode from Development of Omicron. I hope you enjoy.
  13. Saindo do forno mais um vídeo de desenvolvimento do Omicron. Espero que gostem, logo tem release com os avanços...
  14. More Updates! Speed and Altitude now finished, Apoapsis, Periapsis, vertical and horizontal speed indicators, will have a logarithmic analog vertical speed too soon. Escape and atmosphere indication, vtol attitude control and vtol engines know use proprietary Omicron Mod, Comm, RCS and SAS done! Throttle done. Code for implementing all the stuff i'm using with other mods to inside Omicron mods evolving. And so much more done. Still a lot to do yet, but will release soon partial update. To do, battery, fuel, break, lights, gears, vtol on off, air/rocket indicators, etc...
  15. More Updates! Speed and Altitude now finished, Apoapsis, Periapsis, vertical and horizontal speed indicators, will have a logarithmic analog vertical speed too soon. Escape and atmosphere indication, vtol attitude control and vtol engines know use proprietary Omicron Mod, Comm, RCS and SAS done! Throttle done. Code for implementing all the stuff i'm using with other mods to inside Omicron mods evolving. And so much more done. Still a lot to do yet, but will release soon partial update. To do, battery, fuel, break, lights, gears, vtol on off, air/rocket indicators, etc...
  16. This is Super! Thank you @Fengist. Solved the digital part of Omicron Cockpit panel thanks to you. Good Karma for you!
  17. Updates: Here how it is going. Normalized Altitude done. In between other things too. (like evolved on pointers for Navball, but not finish it yet.) Next the same for Speed, than Ap and Pe when in orbit condition, and the list go on. Update 2: Speed done too.
  18. You and a bunch @Cdodders . But has nothing to do with it. So, manage to solve the puzzle that is digital numbers on mod. Thanks to @Fengist and his good soul. Here his marvelous share that i custom it on Omicron. Thank you Fengist! Here how it is going. Normalized Altitude done. Next the same for Speed, than Ap and Pe when in orbit condition, and the list go on. Update 2: Speed done.
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