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Everything posted by Eskandare

  1. I bought all the DLC back when they have a sale for $1 a piece. I think $5 for the big ones.
  2. I like getting old games on gog.com X-wing works pretty good for the most part. I'm sure my old X-wing copy on floppy is still at my parents house. :-p
  3. Ahh yes that one was awesome too! I always forget about that game.
  4. I'm right there with you. They still are two of my favorites. (Super excited about the XWVM mod that updated X-wing to modern graphics)
  5. To put it casually I'm an X gen, I never felt the false sense of entitlement that some may feel nowadays. Because of this sense of entitlement is the reason why we have a forum rule banning demands at modders to update mods.
  6. So the mid 80s? I don't expect additional content, but I will pay for additional content if it happens with a favorite game.
  7. 1992 X-wing, add-ons, Imperial Assault and B-wing about $25 per add-on 1998 Starcraft, add-on Brood war $30 (Really the list is far too long but I put a couple of my favorites) Granted this was before stream downloading became fast and efficient enough to distribute via cloud alone, but additional content has always cost money.
  8. I am totally looking forward to swing wing aircraft and ditching some of the planned parts for Eskandare Aeronautics (or at least make better ones for wings). Also, I'm looking forward to making construction and drilling mechs. I may have to make Eskandare Robotics, parts like feet, arms and legs for mechs and construction vehicles. I'm so excited and inspired.
  9. Oh cool! Sorry that it's pretty dated though. I'm working on an update that should make everyone happy.
  10. Regarding scale. Would you all rather have all carriers in 1/1 scale, or the approximate KSP 2/3 scale? I generally prefer the 1/1 scale as most KSP fighter cockpits are 1.25m in diameter. In actuality they should be 0.625m to be roughly in scale but it is what it is.
  11. Yeh I like SEP as it is one of the core mods I use in my non-dev install. And of course WBI (which I need for the new rotors mechanics and the helicarrier in CVX.
  12. Currently without computer or internet beside mobile during move, but here is a brief update. Additions being done before release: (resuming after move) -Remodeling the observatory -Remodeling radio telescopes -Adding an AN/FPS-24 radar tower. -Adding a static based on the Onizuka Air Force base (Blue Cube) That was once in Sunnyvale California. That should be it for Ver 1.0. I figured I may as well finish 1.0 KSR, I hope to have it done by mid June.
  13. So basically like an GPU (Ground Power Unit) I believe use the resource converter from the ISRU and have it require for example air and liquid fuel. I guess the best example would be on the fuelcell part. You could give it a resource intake for air and use liquid fuel from a tank. Anyway that should point you in the right direction
  14. The ability to attach a sequence to the A W S D keys would be great, atleast W and S for forward and reverse like the rover wheels. Oh mech-rovers and 'swing wing' aircraft here I come!
  15. The obvious answer is: yes! Actually it would be more like 1.7.x
  16. I must have missed that somehow. I'm on mobile right now and I'm under something odd tons of steel, so not all things display clearly.
  17. @UomoCapra Will this be available for free to those who had bought into KSP during the beginning, as it was with Making History?
  18. Perfectly fits sections! Another thing, all 4 azimuths automatically set them selves.
  19. I wanted to add jet bridges, but since everyone builds crafts differently in KSP I didn't want to force a standard height for the bridges and there wouldn't be a way to manually adjust the animations for the bridges. Everyone will just have to use air-stairs instead.
  20. Agreed! If anyone is interested in making Kerbal Konstructs statics get in touch with @Omega482 or myself @Eskandare and we'd be happy to explain the dimensions of how buildings are created. Omega and I have gone over @bac9's notes extensively. Here is a great write up on the creation of the KSC buildings: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/developerarticles.html/the-making-of-the-new-ksc-r71/ Checkout the Kerbal Konstructs mods. Omega's mod, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169891-wip-omega482s-dev-thread-omegas-stockalike-structures-no-textures-required-alpha-now-available/ My mod (It'll be better after the next update): https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174336-kerbin-side-remastered-14x/& and damonvv's mod: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/174368-145-170-tundras-space-center-v11-april-13th-stockalike-ksc-launchpads/&tab=comments#comment-3366232
  21. Bingo! You get it now. It's a pain in the exhaust to do any edits to the PQS, you'd really need to make the hard mesh become a part of the cache and some how marry the two together upon generation. (when I mean hard model, I mean it is predetermined by the modeler and isn't being generated by code.) To be honest I would love to have tunnels because it would create a new level of design for bases and cities for Supply and Demand (right now S&D is planned to have some tunnel networks but in the model above the PQS generated terrain. @Lisias If you're good at coding here is the PQS Class reference: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_p_q_s.html I'd take a crack at it but I haven't coded for 20 years so I'm pretty rusty.
  22. @Lisias no worries, don't feel bad that you don't know, I've been playing around with KSP since 2013 and There is a lot to learn when it comes to VG design and development. As you asked me questions I was thinking on possible work-arounds. Remember, video game design is the art of illusion. Remember, ROBLOX is a completely different engine and uses some level of voxel graphics mixed with hard mesh. Here in KSP, planets use PQS (procedural quadtree sphere) where the program projects a height map over a sphere and procedurally generates the mesh against the sphere. This is hard coded into KSP and cannot be changed. Well former developers Harvester and MU explain it better here in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXTxQko-JH0 Here is the only possible workaround, make a new PQS decal (for KK to layer on top of the PQS height map) per haps only a few pixels wide. Create a large mesh with a tunnel going through it and some sort of grass texture that would blend well with the default grass texture. and put said fake tunnel on the terrain where you placed the map decal. That is similar to Kerbin City except, Kerbin City is a fake peninsula and island.
  23. I don't think you entirely understand how it works. No the ground cannot be transparent.
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