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  1. Hi All, So little of context first for my question. I have Breaking Ground DLC and I have unlocked small scanning arm. I got contract to go on Minmus and scan the Olivine formation with the small scanning arm. No problems, I build rover and man it with two kerbals and send it to mission. After few minutes of roving around I find the Olivine formation and scan it. Now while I was scanning it I notice in the science window a message written in orange letters saying that I should come later again with better instrumentation to recover more science as small scanning arm gives you only 33% of total science. Before I left the place I left there a flag, the rover and surface mystery goo observation. Once I unlocked medium scanning arm I send a mission to Minmus and land a lander next to old rover and previously found Olivine formation. Using KIS/KAS I install medium scanning arm and scan the same rock again. Surprisingly this time around I got 0 science from it and this confuses me as initial scan with the small arm I was told to come back later with better instrumentation. Am I doing something wrong or I need to start roving again and find new Olivne formation and I cannot rescan the old one?
  2. Hello Kerbals! Apparently, sport makes you healthy and strong, increases your life expectancy and all that. Well, seeing as your life will probably end in a dubious construction before you die of old age, it probably won't be much use to you. Sport does seem fun: however, physical exertion is boring. Our R&D team has spent lots of time and a mediocre amount of effort in finding the solution - slap on some giant robot parts! For this challenge, you must build a contraption that gets a Kerbal from one end of the KSC airstrip to the other 0. The start is considered where the contraption spawns at launch, the end is the end of the airstrip. 1. You may use NO rockets for propulsion, as this is sports after all. Instead, you must use the Breaking Ground robotic parts (e.g. rotor, servo, hydraulic piston) to somehow get the contraption across. If you somehow manage to find a way without the Breaking Ground DLC, go ahead! 2. RCS can be used, but only for rotation and not as a means of propulsion. 3. The contraption must cross the finish line along with the Kerbal. 4. Propellers aren't allowed either, rotors are though. 5. Structural blocks and all other non-propulsion blocks are OK. 6. No motorised wheels. You can use non motorised ones, or custom (rotor) ones, but no powered stock wheels. 7. No mods please! 8. I don't care how you go cross the line as long as you comply with the above rules. Bouncer? Wheels? Exoskeleton? The only thing that doesn't count is making the construct so tall that you only need to fall towards the finish line to cross it, or gaining an advantage that way. Post your submissions below as a video with your supposed time next to it, I'm excited to see what you all make!
  3. https://youtu.be/bt5p_knRMps This video goes over how to create a walking rover that can both turn in place and steer while walking. A basic Kerbin Version is covered in detail, then a more advanced Duna version is briefly covered. This design uses four legs each pointing at diagonal angles. This allows each leg's walking animation to be the same (aside from flipping the directions of some things), meaning you only have to animate one step. Each leg gets its own controller, and then multiple master controllers synchronize those stepping animations to create walking and turning movements. This video allows you to build a specific rover, but once you get the idea you could probably modify the design.
  4. Calling all Console Kerbonauts! This Wednesday the 16th, Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition Complete launches for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We want to highlight the most creative Console Kerbonauts from the community in anticipation of the release. Upload your best console capture footage by September 16th using either or both of the History & Parts Pack and Breaking Ground DLC's, and we'll feature our favorites, plus contact you individually. Happy Launches!
  5. I would like to be able to hear the signature chopping sound from the helicopter blades. It would really add to the immersion, it feels kind of weird to have a massive chopper flying around that makes no sound at all. Bonus points if the chopping sound becomes quitter on Duna and disappears in a vacuum. Here's a concrete list of additions I would like: Blades make "chop" sound effect that depends on the speed and atmospheric pressure Electrical engines have a slight electric hum, bigger engines could hum louder I was actually really surprised when I discovered this wasn't in the game already Thanks for reading
  6. What's going on: having KVV and RCS Build Aid active at the same time draws the standard coordinate axes (longitudinal, lateral, vertical) through the COM, in both the screencap previewer and the build scene. You can use the previewer in KVV and watch as you manipulate whatever part you need to manipulate to move the rotors about: the preview and build scene will update the axial lines as the COM moves live as you move the part/s as well. Orthographic view in KVV squashes everything in the previewer into a 2D plane perpendicular to the viewpoint, which greatly assists in getting things lined up. Please note that the lines will only draw through the COM, despite RCS Build Aid being able to track the ACOM and DCOM. For quadcopters/tandem birotor craft, the crossmarks through the axes can be used to gauge distance from the COM to balance things out without using differential thrust. I am not sure if having Hangar Grid is essential in getting the lines to draw (as can be seen in my mod toolbar), as it draws its own guide lines for part rotational assistance.
  7. Hola gente! Me surge esta situación de imposibilidad de escaneo con los brazos robóticos del DLC breaking ground. Estoy al lado del monolito del KSC y no es posible hacer el escaneo (el brazo lo instalé torcido) Desconozco si se me está escapando algún requisito básico o tal vez sea por incompatibilidad con algún mod, pero pregunto aquí por si a alguien más se le ha dado la situación. Gracias.
  8. Design a SSTO that uses propellers or rotors instead of jets during atmospheric ascent I like useful challenges, and I hope this one may be considered as such. The goal, besides challenging oneself, is to create a new type of SSTO that can explore atmospheres with props or rotors, thereby saving fuel and enabling the exploration of oxygen-free bodies, like Duna. This would enable a craft to biome-hop for science or transport resources much more effectively than slow rovers and fuel-guzzling rocket planes/landers can in said atmospheres. While these kinds of biome-hopping and transport crafts do exist, they don't seem to exist in reusable SSTO form, it seems. Props and rotors, unlike jets and intakes, also have the benefit of not being dead weight on Duna. So while props may offer worse performance on Kerbin, they'll pay you back during Duna ascent. Or at least, that's the theory. Requirements: No airbreathing engines. The craft must be capable of flight using rotor/prop power alone in the destination planet’s atmosphere, but you can obviously use rockets to get to and fly in space. Self-sufficient SSTOs only. So, ISRU mining is allowed, but no assistance from external ships (asteroids are OK). You may not jettison any parts other than payloads that don’t help the main vessel in any way. Normal difficulty or harder, but for convenience, you may ignore commnet—pretend a network is already in place. The SSTO must be useful in career mode. There’s no point in a spacecraft if you can’t bring any Science, Kerbals, or payloads along. Carry at least one kerbal (chairs allowed), OR if you wish not to carry kerbals, carry at least 0.2 tons of parts from the “science” category, OR deliver a payload weighing at least 0.5 tons. You may drop payloads once you are landed at your destination. If your destination is Jool, you may drop it low Jool orbit or into the depths of Jool. Payloads must be attached/detached using docking ports, not decouplers. No mods or part tweaks other than official DLCs, FAR, aesthetic mods, and piloting or planning assists. Challenge Tiers: Tier 0: "Proof of Concept" (Normal): Build a prop/rotor SSTO that makes it to Kerbin orbit. Must be capable of takeoff/landing in Kerbin’s atmosphere on rotor/prop power alone. Example: Reddit user u/chargan’s Orbital Chopper Tier 1: "Practical Problems, Sober Solutions" (Hard): Fly your prop/rotor SSTO to Duna's surface and back. Must be capable of takeoff/landing in Duna’s atmosphere on rotor/prop power alone. The challenge is simple in concept, but hard in practice. But, if you manage to accomplish Duna, there are other destinations to try, where almost no SSTO crafts have ever gone before... Bonus Badges: Within each tier, entries can receive the following awards. Ordered roughly by importance in career mode. (ISRU comes last as you are strongly encouraged to use it.) V: Heaviest payload delivered IV: Greatest tourist capacity (No chairs - tourists can’t go on EVA) III: Cheapest craft II: Lightest craft (Wet mass, excluding payload mass) I: No ISRU (Multiple entries can earn this.) Leaderboard: Good luck! If you have any trouble completing the challenge, browse this thread or just ask for help—there are many posts here with tips and links and instructions.
  9. Hello, first time posting here I'd like to know if it's possible to change the direction of a motor in flight with the controller. I noticed in the KAL-1000 controller there's an option to "toggle motor direction" but I don't know how to use it. I included an image below: https://imgur.com/a/GigkXF0 I've tested it in flight and it doesn't change the motor direction when I play the rail. Any ideas?
  10. I bought KSP when it was still early in production, so i automatically get all the expansions (Making History, Breaking Ground). I love that . But for some reason unknown to me, I do not seem to be able to open my Kerbal inventories, or deploy the deploy able experiments. Can someone please tell me how to open the Kerbals inventories, and how to deploy the deploy able experiments in the 1.9 version.
  11. Hello everyone! Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1 is live! This patch focuses mainly on solving issues encountered in the base game and both the Making History and Breaking Ground Expansions. Check out this patch's Changelog for further details: =================================== v1.9.1 ============================================================ 1.9.1 Changelog - BaseGame ONLY (see below for Making History and Breaking Ground changelog) +++ Localization * Fix Drain Value Resource Names Localization in PAWs. +++ Bugfixes * Fixed an NRE when the warning "Warning No Control!" and player was able to click another facility while the dialog is open. * Fix altimeter dropdown in flight from being locked under certain incorrect conditions. * Fix some issues on Kerbin texture atlas for Ultra Detail Shader. * Fix broken propellant tooltips for abbreviated propellant names in stage icons. * Reverted Wheel Friction and Brake changes to 1.8.1 behaviors. * Fix Ground physics material settings for EVA kerbal interactions. Stop that sinking feeling. * Fix for kerbal helmet safety not being applied after cheating a vessel to airless world * Fix unable to drag maneuver nodes on future patched conics. * Fix Set position cheat overheating vessels set into position within an atmosphere. * Fix error in Intake air resourceDefinition config that marked it as drainable. =================================== Making History 1.9.1 =================================== +++ Localization * Fix unlocalized text in the Intermediate Tutorial. +++ Bugfixes * The VAB and SPH should not be open in the stock Meet me in Zero G mission. =================================== Breaking Ground 1.4.1 =================================== +++ Bugfixes * Fix non-motorized robotic parts being free moving. Remember that you can help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker and that you can also upvote reports to make them more visible. Happy launchings!
  12. Whenever i try to load up kerbal space program it gets to the end then stops. and says, "Loading expansions/Serenity" and it just sits there log file?:https://drive.google.com/file/d/177jjnAjfy-5eb1a_MtEZdUneud7YEAf4/view?usp=sharing I am not very experienced So let me know if you need anything else I will put a picture in soon. Picture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ol0oG2UddmC97k8F0daJp-PzDgtf7yHX/view?usp=sharing
  13. Okay, so I set up my deployed science on Eve. After reaching orbit I noticed I had no communication device set up. Okay, sending a rover with a relay and regular antenna to get some distance. Then I noticed that the basic module has a first hop distance of something like 33 Mm. It just directly communicates with a satellite in Eve orbit. Now my question is: Why is the science not transmitted? Weather analyzer and Mystery Goo station have 100% science generated, but still at 0% transmitted data. I have two RTGs with a total of 6 power set up. The modules are powered, but not "enabled". I really don't understand how that stuff works and I am a bit bummed out because I have contracts open for those things. I am on 1.8.1, if that's important.
  14. So I've landed on Duna and I have a contract telling me to get some science from a Duna Sand Dune. I've found pictures and such on the web, but I'm still unable to find one. Is there a specific biome I have to be in (I'm in the Duna Midlands), or something like that? Here's a link for an image (I don't know how to properly insert images): https://imgur.com/SISCsHN SOLVED: I have found one. It was sorta glitched into a normal rock. It seems to look more like a rock with a dune texture. They stand out cuz they're slightly lighter than the rocks and surface of Duna (that's how I found mine).
  15. So I'm building an insectoid walker and for some reason the game refuses to keep the ordering I've assigned to the different tracks: I've lost count how many times I've tried to re-order "L B Hip 1" to appear below "L M Ankle" and "L M Pad" the game simply refuses to keep the ordering I assign them whenever I load the craft. I've tried deleting/re-saving the craft, saving under a different name, opening the file in a stock game... no avail. The weird part is that if I open the .craft file in Notepad++ and go looking for those entries, their rowIndex is consecutive (even if their physical location within the file is a little jumbled up) and as I'd expect them to be: L M Ankle = 10, L M Pad = 11 and L B Hip 1 = 12... Granted, this isn't a huge issue, but it's annoying, and it's bugging me.
  16. I have made a helicopter that works except for one part. Once it gets up if it rolls one way i cant get it to roll back without changing the pich of the intire copter. How would i fix this problem??
  17. I have been making a vehicle transporter, but i need a gantry rail that can attach radiallyto move a docking port. The pistons are good and all, but after a certain distance they become posessed by the noodle syndrome.thanks for your time.
  18. Hello everyone! A new patch for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is live! This patch contains some bugfixes for both the base game and the Breaking Ground Expansion. If you want to continue helping us out by providing us with feedback and bug-reports, you can do so through our Bugtracker or Private Division’s customer support platform. Check out this patch's Changelog for further details: KSP EE Patch 1.10 +++Bugfixes * Fixed parts duplicating in the research and development building when unlocked with funds in the VAB/SPH during gameplay * Fixed various old models and parts appearing in the parts list when viewed in the VAB/SPH throughout gameplay * Fixed updated parts reverting back to their old versions when launching the vessel during gameplay * Fixed the go to astronaut complex prompt losing functionality when switching tabs in the VAB/SPH * Fixed parts being duplicated in the research and development building when unlocking parts then saving and loading into the saved game during gameplay ---Breaking Ground--- * Fixed corrupted textures on the scanning arm preview animations when previewing scanning range in the VAB/SPH * Fixed deployable science experiments displaying science messages every ten minutes when deployed throughout gameplay Happy launchings!
  19. Breaking Ground, the second expansion for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is now available for players to enjoy on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4! Breaking Ground is all about exploration, experimentation, and technological breakthroughs. Study mysterious surface features on all of the celestial bodies in the Kerbolar system. Set up a base and deploy experiments for long-term study and test your creativity with brand new robotic parts. Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: Breaking Ground will help you and the Kerbals reach new horizons, all in the name of Science! Robotic Parts Take your creativity to the next level! Brand new robotic parts include hinges, rotors, pistons, propeller blades and rotational servos. These parts come with new control mechanics and allow you to create all sorts of inventive vehicles and crazy contraptions to aid the Kerbals in exploring their universe! Surface Features Find interesting surface features like mineral formations, meteors, craters and other curious planetary features across the Kerbolar system. Study them and collect valuable scientific data with a brand-new rover arm! Deployed Science Bring equipment for experiments with you from Kerbin and deploy them on the surface of a celestial body to take measurements over time. Set up a science station and put your crew to work. From seismometers to weather stations, there are plenty of experiments for you to try out! And more! Free Update Coupled with the expansion, Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is getting a content-filled console-optimized update that will contain long-requested features like the Improved Burn Time Indicator, the Delta-v per Stage and Delta-v Tool App, an Altitude toggle function to the Altimeter, Axis Group binding, dozens of Part revamps, as well as performance improvements, bug fixes, and more! Check out the Changelog for further details: ========================= KSP Enhanced Edition Patch 9 ======================= +++ Improvements · Added DeltaV Indicators · Added Axis Groups · Added New Parts · Added ASL/AGL altimeter toggle · Kerbal Portraits now available in EVA · New idle animations for Kerbals standing on ground · Added navigation icons for launch sites · Added extended burn time information · Added cargo parts and inventories +++ Bugfixes · (Xbox) Fixed the B button not returning the player to the space center when pressed with the part list window open in the science archives · (Xbox) Fixed the Xbox One cursor preset control list not displaying the delete part functionality when viewed in the VAB · Fixed an issue where the custom category can still be interacted with when changing region in simplified preset · Fixed the button display for looking around being switched when entering the control prompt screen from Simplified control preset · Fixed button prompts overlapping with the controls menu overlay when opening it during EVA · Fixed astronaut complex inaccessibility from the VAB when there are no available Kerbals within the crew tab of the editor · Fixed the game paused prompt dismissing when reconnecting a controller and dismissing the controller disconnected prompt while launching a ship · Fixed the loss of functionality when using fundraising campaign and patents licensing in the administrative building in campaign mode · Fixed gameplay performance stutters when making small adjustments while using the RV-105 RCS thruster block with SAS active in flight mode · Fixed players not being able to interact with the action groups when creating a new craft in the simplified preset · Fixed the loss of functionality when changing the preset from radial to simplified with the warp or apps region highlighted at KSC · Fixed an issue where an NRE is generated and the second vessel disappears while rendezvousing · Fixed an NRE that was generated when returning to the main menu from gameplay · Fixed an out of memory loop that occurred when turning the biomes visible cheat on and off from the map · (Xbox) Fixed an NRE that was generated when opening the KerbNet access throughout gameplay · Fixed an issue where crashing the Stratolauncher into the ocean after separation would not properly destroy all parts · Fixed a loss of camera functionality when the more info panel is open but the cursor is not on a part in the VAB/SPH · Fixed IVA assets that were missing when using the Mk2 Lander Can in flight mode · Fixed a loss of functionality when opening various stock vessels in the VAB/SPH · Fixed category icons jittering when scrolling tabs in the VAB/SPH · Fixed missing text when viewing the altimeter in flight mode · Fixed the save prompt not receiving focus when selecting Return to Space Center from the pause menu in the VAB · Fixed the PAW opening unintentionally while trying to reset any parts orientation in the VAB/SPH during gameplay · Fixed conflicting controls when viewing the controls app and rotation prompts when using the simplified preset in the VAB/SPH during gameplay · (PS4) Fixed the camera not recentering when pressing the right stick button with the cursor over the KSC throughout gameplay · Fixed Valentina’s suit appearing with corrupt blue textures when viewing the Kerbal model on the main menu · Fixed an issue which allowed the player to open the pause menu when the manage launch sites menu is open in the VAB/SPH during gameplay · Fixed an issue preventing the shortcut for map view from being used when time warping while in radial preset during gameplay · Fixed loss of acceleration and alignment functionality when leaving the physics range of the vessel and returning in gameplay --- History and Parts Pack --- · Fixed an issue preventing progress in the Dawn of the Space Age mission after building the K-7b during gameplay · Fixed missing parts from the Sally-Hut 1 mission after resetting the mission from the main menu · Fixed an issue preventing the change suit functionality from displaying when viewing the crew tab throughout gameplay Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition and the Breaking Ground Expansion are available on the Xbox Marketplace and the PlayStation Store. Remember that if you encounter any bugs and/or issues, you can help us out by reporting them in the Console Project within our Bugtracker and/or the Technical Support Thread for consoles in our Forum. This will help us with any future patches for the game. Want to comment and discuss the Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition free update and the Breaking Ground Expansion? Click here to enter this release’s Grand Discussion thread. Happy launchings!
  20. Breaking Ground, the second expansion for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is now available for players to enjoy on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4! Breaking Ground is all about exploration, experimentation, and technological breakthroughs. Study mysterious surface features on all of the celestial bodies in the Kerbolar system. Set up a base and deploy experiments for long-term study and test your creativity with brand new robotic parts. Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: Breaking Ground will help you and the Kerbals reach new horizons, all in the name of Science! Robotic Parts Take your creativity to the next level! Brand new robotic parts include hinges, rotors, pistons, propeller blades and rotational servos. These parts come with new control mechanics and allow you to create all sorts of inventive vehicles and crazy contraptions to aid the Kerbals in exploring their universe! Surface Features Find interesting surface features like mineral formations, meteors, craters and other curious planetary features across the Kerbolar system. Study them and collect valuable scientific data with a brand-new rover arm! Deployed Science Bring equipment for experiments with you from Kerbin and deploy them on the surface of a celestial body to take measurements over time. Set up a science station and put your crew to work. From seismometers to weather stations, there are plenty of experiments for you to try out! And more! Free Update Coupled with the expansion, Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is getting a content-filled console-optimized update that will contain long-requested features like the Improved Burn Time Indicator, the Delta-v per Stage and Delta-v Tool App, an Altitude toggle function to the Altimeter, Axis Group binding, dozens of Part revamps, as well as performance improvements, bug fixes, and more! Check out the Changelog for further details: ========================= KSP Enhanced Edition Patch 9 ======================= +++ Improvements · Added DeltaV Indicators · Added Axis Groups · Added New Parts · Added ASL/AGL altimeter toggle · Kerbal Portraits now available in EVA · New idle animations for Kerbals standing on ground · Added navigation icons for launch sites · Added extended burn time information · Added cargo parts and inventories +++ Bugfixes · (Xbox) Fixed the B button not returning the player to the space center when pressed with the part list window open in the science archives · (Xbox) Fixed the Xbox One cursor preset control list not displaying the delete part functionality when viewed in the VAB · Fixed an issue where the custom category can still be interacted with when changing region in simplified preset · Fixed the button display for looking around being switched when entering the control prompt screen from Simplified control preset · Fixed button prompts overlapping with the controls menu overlay when opening it during EVA · Fixed astronaut complex inaccessibility from the VAB when there are no available Kerbals within the crew tab of the editor · Fixed the game paused prompt dismissing when reconnecting a controller and dismissing the controller disconnected prompt while launching a ship · Fixed the loss of functionality when using fundraising campaign and patents licensing in the administrative building in campaign mode · Fixed gameplay performance stutters when making small adjustments while using the RV-105 RCS thruster block with SAS active in flight mode · Fixed players not being able to interact with the action groups when creating a new craft in the simplified preset · Fixed the loss of functionality when changing the preset from radial to simplified with the warp or apps region highlighted at KSC · Fixed an issue where an NRE is generated and the second vessel disappears while rendezvousing · Fixed an NRE that was generated when returning to the main menu from gameplay · Fixed an out of memory loop that occurred when turning the biomes visible cheat on and off from the map · (Xbox) Fixed an NRE that was generated when opening the KerbNet access throughout gameplay · Fixed an issue where crashing the Stratolauncher into the ocean after separation would not properly destroy all parts · Fixed a loss of camera functionality when the more info panel is open but the cursor is not on a part in the VAB/SPH · Fixed IVA assets that were missing when using the Mk2 Lander Can in flight mode · Fixed a loss of functionality when opening various stock vessels in the VAB/SPH · Fixed category icons jittering when scrolling tabs in the VAB/SPH · Fixed missing text when viewing the altimeter in flight mode · Fixed the save prompt not receiving focus when selecting Return to Space Center from the pause menu in the VAB · Fixed the PAW opening unintentionally while trying to reset any parts orientation in the VAB/SPH during gameplay · Fixed conflicting controls when viewing the controls app and rotation prompts when using the simplified preset in the VAB/SPH during gameplay · (PS4) Fixed the camera not recentering when pressing the right stick button with the cursor over the KSC throughout gameplay · Fixed Valentina’s suit appearing with corrupt blue textures when viewing the Kerbal model on the main menu · Fixed an issue which allowed the player to open the pause menu when the manage launch sites menu is open in the VAB/SPH during gameplay · Fixed an issue preventing the shortcut for map view from being used when time warping while in radial preset during gameplay · Fixed loss of acceleration and alignment functionality when leaving the physics range of the vessel and returning in gameplay --- History and Parts Pack --- · Fixed an issue preventing progress in the Dawn of the Space Age mission after building the K-7b during gameplay · Fixed missing parts from the Sally-Hut 1 mission after resetting the mission from the main menu · Fixed an issue preventing the change suit functionality from displaying when viewing the crew tab throughout gameplay Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition and the Breaking Ground Expansion are available on the Xbox Marketplace and the PlayStation Store. Remember that if you encounter any bugs and/or issues, you can help us out by reporting them in the Console Project within our Bugtracker and/or the Technical Support Thread for consoles in our Forum. This will help us with any future patches for the game. As with every release this thread will be used to bundle all general discussion about the new version so that the forums can continue to actively host threads on other topics as well. Click here for the official release announcement for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: Breaking Ground Expansion. Happy launchings!
  21. Breaking Ground, the second expansion of Kerbal Space Program is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on Dec 5th! Console players will be able to enjoy this content-filled downloadable expansion at its fullest, all from the comfort of your couch, so get ready to join the Kerbals in exciting new scientific endeavors! Collect data with brand new deployable science experiments, explore mysterious surface features across all of the moons and planets of the Kerbolar system, and test your creativity with a new suite of robotic parts. Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: Breaking Ground will help you and the Kerbals reach new horizons, all in the name of Science! These are the most significant features coming to this DLC: Robotic Parts Brand new robotic parts will add a whole new level of creativity to your craft. These parts will include some fresh control mechanics and will allow you to create all sorts of inventive vehicles and crazy contraptions to aid the Kerbals in exploring their universe! Surface Features Scattered across the Kerbolar System, you’ll find interesting Surface Features, like mineral formations, meteors, craters, and even more curious planetary features. Study them and collect valuable scientific data with a brand-new Rover Arm! Deployed Science Bring equipment for experiments with you from Kerbin and deploy them on the surface of a celestial body to take measurements over time. Set up a science station and put your crew to work. From seismometers to weather stations, there are plenty of experiments for you to try out! New Space Suit Kerbals are also getting a fresh new space suit to wear for their scientific endeavors! This sleek futuristic suit will make your Kerbals look flashy while they explore the canyons of Duna, the shores of Laythe, or any other exotic destination. The suits also allows for customization where you can choose which color emanates from the suit’s light panels. Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition: Breaking Ground Expansion will be released on December 5th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for $14.99 USD. Free Update Coupled with the Expansion, Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is getting a content-filled console-optimized update that will contain long-requested features like the Improved Burn Time Indicator, the Delta-v per Stage and Delta-v Tool App, an Altitude toggle function to the Altimeter, Axis Group binding, dozens of Part revamps, as well as performance improvements, bug fixes, and more! Do you want to learn more about the upcoming DLC and free update? Then make sure to stay tuned for our next KSP Loading… where we’ll take a deep dive into the content and features of this exciting addition to Kerbal Space Program Enhance Edition! Happy launchings!
  22. Hello everyone! Kerbal Space Program 1.8.1 is live! This patch focuses mainly on solving issues encountered in the base game and both the Making History and Breaking Ground Expansions. Check out this patch's Changelog for further details: ===============================v1.8.1================================ 1.8.1 Changelog - BaseGame ONLY (see below for Making History and Breaking Ground changelog) +++ Localization * Fix missing Chinese characters on main menu. * Fix missing units in the Maneuver editor UI in Chinese. * Fix a few dV KSPedia slides showing corrupted characters in Russian. * Fix autoloc instead of vessel name appearing in target set screen message. +++ Bugfixes * Fix game settings being reset every time game is started. * Fix Linux mousewheel scroll direction. * Fix bug with interstage fairings not occluding everything within. * Fix the mk3 shuttle cockpit lights. * Fix duplicating module info on part extended tooltips in editor and RnD scenes. * Fix shroud shading on disconnected sub-assemblies in editor scene. * Fix FloatEdit and ScaleEdit UI prefabs. * Fix KSC vessel markers becoming too persistent and not leaving the game when switching between buildings at the KSC until game is restarted. * Fix NREs in Portrait Gallery when kerbals die in flight. * Fix T-100 fuel tank clipping on surface attach node. * Fix kerbal helmet/heads becoming unclickable when on ladders. * Move the CB cast shadows game setting to the graphics section of settings where it should have been. * Fix Easter eggs, monoliths, randoliths not receiving CB shadows. * Fix parts still being considered shielded from airstream after deploying a fairing in some use cases. * Fix Action groups icon not appearing in Editor scene when switching between facilities with different upgrade level. * Fix Altimeter and Staging tumblers disappearing at some scale values. * Fix walk paths around Level 3 R&D building. This includes texture artifacts for the Linux version. * Fix material artifacts in level1 and level 2 grass tiles. * Fix error when pressing undo while holding a radial symmetry part. * Fix Ocean on Eve. * Fix DragCube generation discrepancies in partdatabase - was affecting drag and thermals. * Fix NRE in editor scenes when reverting from flight and using transform gizmos. +++ Mods * FloatEdit and ScaleEdit PAW prefabs fixed. Making History 1.8.1 +++ Bugfixes * Fix unable to select "Create new mission" button on Mission play dialog the very first time. +++ Missions * Fix mission "Meet Me in Zero G" does not complete in certain conditions when landing back on Kerbin. * Fix Manufacturer name on engine plates and tubes. Breaking Ground 1.3.1 +++ Bugfixes * Fix items in PAW switching positions in a group depending on state of fields. * Fix generation of free Electric Charge for robotic parts if stopped with the PAW closed. * Fix setting robotic part motors to disengaged in editor and then persisting that way when vessel is launched. * Fix bug related to being able to delete endpoints on KAL-1000 tracks by disabling ability to delete them. * Fix bug when removing parts from vessel and they have multiple actions mapped in KAL. Remember that you can help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker and that you can also upvote reports to make them more visible. Happy launchings!
  23. I have the money for one of the expansions, but I have no clue which one I should get. I’m leaning towards Breaking Ground for the robot parts and science stuff, but I’m not sure. Any advice?
  24. Bug: I am not sure where to post a bug, I have never posted a bug or been on the forums before today, but here seems like the best place. I have encountered a bug with the LT-2 landing strut. When ever I put one on a robot part from breaking ground its feet clip into the ground and make the whole craft wobble. If the strut is under significant weight the whole spacecraft jumps into the air and the landing strut becomes possessed by the kraken. I know this is a 1.8 issue because I had a Mun lander that used LT-2 landing struts on hinges in 1.7.3 and it worked fine. But now after the update everytime I land everything blows up. Bug Replication: Step 1: create a craft with some considerable weight Step 2: place a robot part from breaking grounds dlc on your ship Step 3: place a LT-2 landing strut such that it comes incontact with the ground on the robot part you placed previously Step 4: have fun as your ship bounces, wobbles, or slides as if it was in an 80s disco club Videos: unfortunately i couldn't find a way to insert videos into this post so i created a link to a google drive folder with all the videos https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1znXCZ6mAPUEfhA7yj8Ssy-FT8bZJGqMF?usp=sharing
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