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  1. Hello. This is my first challenge here. Challenge: - 150 tun ssto - 4 Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank - 2 FL-R1 RCS Fuel Tank - Plane that will carry it to orbit. Allowed mods: - Mark IV Spaceplane System - B9 Aerospace - Quiztech Aero Pack - Adjustable Landing Gears - Mechjeb Post pics here P.S.: BTW I have done it my self, but in old version. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4xXHWEm81OlM0hvUjQ3WVkzR2c https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4xXHWEm81OlRzZpejNwYUxHUlk (I know awesome quality)
  2. This is the report on my 2nd entry to The Incredible Double Mun Double Kerbin Landing Challenge My first entry was a three man vehicle with lots of room for improvement and this time around I decided to go for a single seater, with Jeb at the controls. https://imgur.com/a/eqLY5 The order of events in this flight were. Placed Kerbin lander and Mun package (composed of Mun lander and transfer vehicle) in a 76km orbit around Kerbin Mun package detached then moved to higher orbit where a partially fueled tank module was dropped off for later use (wasn't needed in the end) Mun package sent to Mun orbit where the side tank modules where detached (one was about half fuel and used later) Mun lander detached and headed to the surface Flag planted and lander headed back to orbit Rendezvous with the transfer vehicle Headed back to Kerbin and used aerobraking and fuel burn to rendezvous with the Kerbin lander Separated the Mun lander and transfer vehicle, refuelled the transfer vehicle and docked the Mun lander with the Kerbin lander Descended to the surface Planted flag Headed back to orbit and rendezvous with the transfer vehicle Another trip to mun orbit Separated the lander and head to the surface Landed and planted flag number 3 Headed back to orbit and rendezvous with the fuel tank dropped off in orbit on the first trip to Mun After refueling the lander it burned for home Re-entry and landing Planted 4th flag Apart from losing one of the landing legs on the Kerbin lander when one of the side motors that I'd detached from it just before landing, gently drifted down an a chuts next to the vehicle then exploded, there flight when without a hitch and with a fair amount of fuel to spare.
  3. This mission report details an entry to The Incredible Double Mun Double Kerbin Landing Challenge in which a a brave crew of three Kerbals was launched from Kerbin, flew to and landed on Mun, then returned to surface of Kerbin, only to head off for another Mun landing and finally returned home to Kerbin again. The vehicle at launch from Kerbin weighed 684 tons. The album of images for this mission are here. Here is a listing of the phases of the mission. Launch from Kerbin Once in a 79km orbit the Mun package (a Mun transfer vehicle and a Mun lander) were separated from the Kerbin lander vehicle that was to remain in Kerbin orbit The Mun package travelled to Mun orbit In Mun orbit the Mun lander detached from the descent vehicle and descended to the surface Kerbals ran around having fun and planted a flag The Mun lander returned to Mun orbit and rendezvoused with the transfer vehicle The Mun package returned to Kerbin and using a mixture of aerobraking (about half a dozen passes) and some fuel burning was placed in a 170km orbit Once partially refuelled from the transfer vehicle, the Mun lander rendezvoused with the Kerbin lander and docked inside its cargo bay. Here it was fully refuelled from the lander The Kerbin lander descended to the surface of Kerbin The Kerbin lander ascended to an altitude of 241km, with the Mun lander leaving its cargo bay once above the atmosphere to rendezvous with the transfer vehicle The Mun package returned to Mun orbit The Mun lander visits the Mun surface for a 2nd time Kerbals had more fun, planted another flag and had ice cream The Mun lander rendezvoused with the transfer vehicle in orbit The Mun packaged departed Mun for Kerbin, with the transfer vehicle burning until its fuel was depleted, then the burn was completed by the detached Mun lander After some more Aerobraking fun and games (only a couple of passed this time) the Mun lander descended for the surface of Kerbin The crew lands on the surface of Kerbin for the last time… and had more ice cream (possibly strawberry, details are sketchy) Overall this mission went pretty smoothly although when I deployed landing gear on the Kerbin lander, those of the Mun lander (that was tucked inside the Kerbin lander) were destroyed. Between launch from the surface of Kerbin and the deployment of the Mun lander high above Kerbin, the remaining leg met the same fate. I had originally planned to use the Kerbin lander to bring it and the Mun lander in its belly up to an orbit of around 100km and then send a lightly fuelled Mun lander from there up to the higher orbit that the transfer vehicle was parked in. However I realise on the way back from Mun for the first time, that it would be more efficient to fully fuel the Mun lander from the tank that supplied the upper stage of Kerbin lander, then release the Mun Lander once carried above the atmosphere, but not actually into orbit, for it to then burn for the rendezvous. This allowed me to bring about ½ a tank of fuel back to the Mun package, which made the final return burn to Kerbin supplied with plenty of fuel.
  4. Hello, I tried many times build some flying wing that really fly, but I've never force it to fly for long time without some emergency parachutes before big crash into ground. All my flying wing desings ended with some sort of big yaw rudder. So I decided to make this challenge for you! I'm looking foward to your amazing flying wings that can really fly. I searched challenge part of forum long time and haven't found and flying wings, so I decided to make this. It's my first challenge so don't be bad at me for problems/incomplete informations in topic. You can submit any plane within parameters! don't be afraid! It will be for sure still better than mine. Mods: Required: FAR BDArmory (you can have any of BDA addon) KAS ProceduralParts TweakScale P.E.W. Allowed: B9 Procedural Wings or Procedural Wings (I prefer B9) ProceduralParts Adjustable Landing Gear BD Mk22 Cockpits or AoA cockpits Bahamuto Dynamics Vectoring Engines Firespitter KIS KerbalJointReinforcment ModularFuelTanks Rules Rules? Who want rules...you can build whatever you want! Except... - It must be in 1.0.x version of game. - It must fly with FAR. - It must be flying wing....1 lifting body, tailness, no yaw rudders/wings(vertical stabilizers). - It must be able to take off and land again (safely :D). - It can be drone. - It can't have rocket engine, except R.A.P.I.E.R.S and SABRE(which isn't really rocket engines..) - Maximal number of parts are 100. - After submit of your plane, you can't change your submissions/plane. - You can build your plane with your friends, so it's not needed to build it on your own. - It must stay in air for 2 minutes without big stalls or spinning. Points There is pointing system, you get points for different areas of your plane. The best plane win! Categories are this: Speed(For max speed at 1km, 10km and 22km) Meneuverability(For max-G force, turning rate and ) Payload(For weight and size) Distance(Max flight duration, max distance) Stability(For no stalls, spinning, big sideslip) Military part - Additional points is for shooting down enemy plane and enemy ground radar. After I'll see first plane, I'll decide if for every subcategory and category will be 100 or 10 points....I plan to have 10 points for every subcategory... Submitting - The end of submission is April 30th - Your flying wing must be available to download on Dropbox, Google Drive or KerbalX - You can't submit more than 2 planes, but you must submit it in one post for clarity. FAQ Will add as soon asi possible. Good luck and be patient with crashing! Take it easy. Ave! Toonu
  5. Ok the challenge is try to make a world war 2 aircraft,But it must be really realistic looking if you made one put a screenshot here and you can use any mod And here is my supermarine spitfire And the P-51 Mustang
  6. Here's my idea for a challenge: Use as many distinct parts as possible, and do not use a part twice, and score points by traveling to different locations. RULES: You must have only one instance of parts. That is, your rocket cannot have two of the same part No modded parts (exceptions: Asteroid day) No cheating with hyperedit, alt-f12, etc. Launch clamps or other structures that stay on the ground do not count, either for the points or for duplicate parts. (This is so you can use more than one launch clamp on your unwieldy rocket.) SCORING: Points are calculated for each milestone, plus the part count of the vessel at the time of the milestone completion. Does not explode on launchpad: 10 pts. Lifts off successfully: 15 pts. Suborbital trajectory: 30 pts. Orbit: 50 pts. Return one Kerbal to Kerbin safely: 50 pts. Return all command pods (including the command chair, not including any probe core.)(They don't have to be crewed) to Kerbin safely: 70 pts. Mun fly-by: 100 pts. Mun orbit: 125 pts. Mun landing: 175 pts. Minmus landing: 150 pts. Solar orbit: 100 pts. Duna fly-by: 150 pts. Duna orbit: 175 pts. Duna landing: 225 pts. Ike landing 200 pts. Return from Duna system to safe Kerbin landing: 75 pts. Craft is a spaceplane: 100 pts. Jool orbit: 200 pts. Vall fly-by: 100 pts. Laythe fly-by: 100 pts. Eeloo fly-by: 175 pts. If any of you get farther, than that, we'll work something out. SCOREBOARD: @NightshineRecorralis, adding four new scoring objectives, and getting 2316 points! @purpleivan, with 2026 points! @5thHorseman, doing a livestream and getting 1444 points! @Racescort666, with a spaceplane and 1114 points! @Mad Rocket Scientist, With 264 points My attempt: One with everything, with 95 parts. Creative thrust limiter tweaking allowed me to fly an almost straight trajectory, to ~7000 m. Creative timewarping broke the ship in half, allowing for crew recovery. 10 + 94 + 15 + 94 + 50 + 1 = 264
  7. We were puzzled to find that Kerbals can only retrieve flags from their knapsacks when landed on a planet or moon. This dashed our hopes to place the Kerbian flag in orbit... but maybe not. That's where you come in of course! Mission: Place a flag, like those a kerbonaut can place on the Mun and elsewhere, into orbit around a star, planet or moon. Rules: Using normal mods is ok, but bonus if you do it without them. No actual cheats like hyperedit or debug menu etc. People who've done it: Martian Emigrant
  8. Some extremely wealthy and vain tourists have demanded that they be able to sunbathe at a space station. Being tired of dealing with complaints, you decided to make them literally sunbathe. RULES: Stock parts only, (mechjeb is allowed, however) You have to have at least ten Kerbals in command chairs "outside" the station, facing the Sun. You have to be close enough for EVA reports to say "in space near the Sun". The closer you are to Kerbol, or the Sun, or Sol, the better, and the more tourists facing the Sun, the better. Don't cheat, and try not to abuse bugs. --- Other than that, anything and everything is allowed. Video or picture proof is needed, however. --- LEADERBOARDS (Score is crew divided by altitude) : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
  9. Briefing: The Space Program gone bust. All their benefactors had pulled out, leaving them with no contract work and therefore no way of making a profit or even breaking even. Unfortunately, there was a problem. A big problem. All the long term interplanetary missions were still flying with no chance of return before the Space Center shut down. Lucky for them, Billy-Bobbles Kerman had had a small stake in the Space Program which he had cashed in before it had become completely worthless. He knew that he had to help as many of the stranded crews as possible. So, on the very last possible day, he cobbled together a small rocket that would allow the scattered craft to dock and refuel eachother so that they could all come home safely. Your mission: Launch a Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector, along with a docking port on all attachment points, to another body for less than 50,000 funds (or roots, money, dollars, Kerbin Standard Monetary Units or whatever you want to call them). Scoring: (50,000 -(Mission Cost ) * (Direct DeltaV / DeltaV Expended) * (1 + (Planetary Systems Visited * 0.5) Bonuses (added to score): SSTO: 10000 Per Kerbal (No seats): 5000 Mods: Informational mods, visual mods and parts mods that aren’t overpowered are allowed. Other mods are banned unless you ask me and I approve them. Leaderboard: Nobody yet My Attempt: This is by no means a good attempt and should not be interpreted as the best possible. http://imgur.com/a/EyOnp My score: Direct DeltaV: 5076 m/s Actual DeltaV: 5546 m/s Mission Cost: 23330 funds (50,000 -(23330) * (5076 / 5546) = 24409.4229035 Notes: Cheats are banned, questions are appreciated and will be answered as soon as possible and any suggestions just PM me or put in this thread. The "Direct DeltaV" is the optimum DeltaV to perform the transfer(s) that you did, calculated by Alexmoon's Launch Window Planner in the first 10 years from the start of the Space Program. Use the orbital heights actually used by your mission. For example, if you went to Jool using two Eve gravity assists, then went to Duna with help from Tylo, you would enter a Kerbin - Jool transfer (making sure to set the latest departure date to Year 10, Day 1) including circularisation. If you go from an 80km Kerbin orbit to a 210km Jool orbit, this will result in a DeltaV of 4,881 m/s. Repeat this for the Jool - Duna transfer (60km Duna orbit), getting 4,345 m/s of DeltaV for that. Finally, add the two values as well as the 3400 m/s (the DeltaV needed to get into orbit in 1.1.3 according to the DeltaV map) to get 12626 m/s as your Direct DeltaV. Visiting the Kerbin System does not count towards your score. At least one other system must be visited to qualify.
  10. Okay. Here goes. I present to you The 'Belly of the Beast' Challenge! This challenge is for the best of KSP'ers, but all are welcome to try! You've been everywhere in the system? Landed, returned? Done the Jool 5, the grand tour? Pfft. That's cute. But you haven't done THIS! Here's what it entails: 'Easy' Mode: Enter Joolian Atmosphere from an orbit of your choice, descend to 150,000m, return to an orbit that does not enter the atmosphere. HyperEdit enabled to get into orbit in the first place Intermediate: Enter Joolian Atmosphere from a stable orbit of your choice, descend to 100,000m, return to an orbit that does not enter the atmosphere. HyperEdit enabled to get into orbit in the first place, but not as EPIC Watney mode: Enter Joolian Atmosphere from a stable orbit of your choice, descend to 50,000, return to an orbit that does not enter the atmosphere. HyperEdit disabled! KRAKEN mode: Enter Joolian Atmosphere from a stable orbit of your choice, descend to whatever you feel is badass enough or MORE (you insane magician), return to an orbit that does not enter the atmosphere. And impress me, if you feel daring. HyperEdit disabled! (Note: Hyperedit or any other software / file editing may be used to get into a stable orbit to begin the challenge from, but you MUST evidence you have not used cheats in a breach of these rules, through screenshots or a video, and you MUST remove any mods before beginning the challenge) So there you have it! I've challenged you to this feat. I do not doubt that it has been done before, but in THIS version? With re-entry heat, drag and other factors to count for (did I mention crushing gravity?), this is no challenge for the faint of heart. But this challenge is what I think should be the pinnacle of excellence. Record it, screenshot it, just let me know your stories! Whether you fail or you succeed, I want to hear what YOU did. Even if you failed, to take on this task writes you into the legendary history books and earns your name the strength and honour anyone daring enough to attempt this challenge deserves! And even if you don't wish to take part, share this challenge around, or just comment on what you think! I want to see some Youtubers taking on this challenge like the weekly Reddit challenges, so lets let them all know! If people start to do this challenge, I'll make a badge for each challenge mode for you to put on your signature, and your name will be written into the list below! If this challenge has been done before than please tell me, but I have seen NO attempts at anything like this in 1.0+. Please try to use the latest version of the game, the idea is that the latest changes give it the challenge factor. And to all those who dare to venture into the belly of the beast... Good luck... You'll need it. Hall of Fame: -YOUR NAME HERE! Honourable mentions:
  11. The Outer Planets Mod is a well-made planet pack that has been around for a while, but has anyone actually gone to them? This thread is all about changing that. your mission: -land on all planets and moons in both the stock and OPM systems -complete as many of the challenges below as you can -return your kerbals alive (if possible, don't sweat it) -wrap it all up into a pretty youtube video or AAR, or even a pdf Rules -no cheating (seems pretty obvious but I thought I'd put it in anyway) -you can skip moho, eve, tylo, laythe, slate, and tekto if you really have to, but if you can land on them, do. -this is not about "getten er done," have fun with it and build all sorts of crazy ships -no mods set in the future, such as Near Future Technologies or Interstellar Extended. Unless of course, you are on science/career mode. Leaderboard challenges (in descending order of difficulty) 1. No ISRU/refuelling ( jk , of course) 2. life support (I don't care which mod you use) 3. single launch (hope you like asparagus) 4. low launch mass (how low can you go?) 5. Re-useable get it assembled in orbit with SSTOs or some sort of re-useable launch vehicle, and return as many pieces as possable 6. Jetpack joyride land on as many bodies as you can using the jetpack completers: some resources: https://i.redditmedia.com/lsWcSwBOc3p3uynh9swc5eyJNrK5eQLZXo3o4TA3I2M.jpg?w=1024&s=04d3f3ae3586f6e609ed9136a2d02561 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrec-V19udA dres makes a good re-fueling base with OPM so consider completing the dres awareness challenge with a massive re-fueling base:
  12. Welcome to the Ida/Dactyl Challenge! This challenge is meant to be a difficult quest for, well, making an asteroid have its own moon! But not just any asteroid... GILLY This challenge is to give Gilly a Moon(s) of it(s) own! Now here is the Inspiration for this challenge. The Ida/Dactyl system was first discovered by the Probe Galileo in 1993, being one of the first Minor Planet systems that comes to mind. This system was an excellent discovery, showing that even objects with extremely small amounts of gravity can still have their own Satelites. Ida measures about 23 Miles across, while Dactyl is about 1.5 miles across. Dactyl orbits at about 96 miles above Ida's surface in a Prograde orbit. Now enough of the science, (Even though we all appreciate some amount of it), lets get to the Details! Your objective is to [For the Normal Difficulty] to get a class-C to E asteroid in orbit around Gilly, the very similiar in size hunk of Carbon. The end result of this is Gilly having a Trojan moon! [A moon of a Moon] The rules: 1.The use of Hyperedit or any other mod that does things similiar is strictly prohibited. Your craft gets attacked by the Kraken? No exceptions. 2.The only mods that are allowed are Graphical, Shader, utility [Kerbal Alarm clock], and a small list below. 3. You are not allowed to mine from this asteroid, sorry, but if you feel like bringing an extra one for fuel, go right ahead. 4. This can be probed or manned, but if manned, you must bring the Kerbals back. [If probed, destroy the Evidence of it so Conspiracy Kerbals don't get suspicious...] 5. Any mode is allowed for this, but for difficulties higher than Medium, Career mode is required. 6. An orbit in between 16 and 47 is required for a passing mission. This is to make it look more like the real thing. [Km is the distance] 7. If the asteroid somehow manages to crash into gilly, you gotta bring it back up and into place. No getting a new one. [For those hardcore Challenge beaters, Quick-saves can override this rule!] Mod list:[For mods that didn't fall into parameters above in rule 2] KIS, KAS, OPM, Kerbal Planetary systems [Dunno why, maybe a Fuel Base?], Asteroid Day, Any Life support Mod [Again, just for future clarification] OUTLAWED MODS [Shoot on sight with Flea boosters] Tweakscale, any Future Tech Mod [CURRENT TECH PLS], any part modifier unless listed otherwise [Like KIS or KAS] Difficulties: Easy: For you people that want a quick, easy job, but dont care for the fun of challenge All class Asteroids allowed, Any Mode, Allowed to take Ore from Asteroid, Probed or manned, Outlawed mods are *Sigh* allowed, only 1 Asteroid is required Normal: For those people that want a fun challenge, but without the glory or hassle! Classes C, D, and E are allowed; Any mode, Not allowed to take ore from Asteroid, Probed or manned, NO OUTLAW MODS, only 1 asteroid required. Medium: For those few who want a nice, hard challenge, but without the Unnecessary Hair Pulling of the ones above. Classes D or E allowed, Any mode, Not allowed to take ore from ANY Asteroid, Probed or Manned [Probe has to be Destroyed at the end, manned has to return home], no Outlaw Mods, 2 Asteroids Required Hard: For those that don't mind doing the occasional fit of rage or passing out from exhaustion... Only Class E allowed, Career mode only, No refueling from Asteroids or Moons; Major body fuel only, Probed; but has to return home for Specialized Deconstruction; manned; bring back home in area surround KSC, 3 Asteroids Required [Getting crowded up here...] Very hard: You asked for it buddy; don't blame me if your computer dies, breaks, gets punched by angry owner, or gets thrown INTO space. Only class E allowed, Career mode only, No Refueling from out of system; only Eve Fuel is allowed for refueling, Manned only; has to land within KSC property OR on the Abandoned Island, 5 Asteroids Required. Rage Quit mode: WARNING, DO NOT PLAY THIS MODE IF YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM: High Blood Pressure, Strokes, Anger Issues, A recent Break up, Depression, or Heart Attacks Only Class E allowed, Career mode only [Hard Mode for game], No refueling PERIOD, Manned only; only allowed to land within KSC grounds [The Cement or upper grass areas, or Runway], 5 Asteroid Required [Felt like 5 was the upper limit people can handle, didn't want to overwhelm people], Orbit Threshold LOWERED to between 8 KM to 15 KM; Lowered to JUST above surface; made not to be accurate, but for the SHEER challenge of it. If any of you have any questions, just ask, I will always be available after 4 PM on weekdays, and from 10 AM to 9 PM on Weekends unless stated otherwise. Happy Orbiting
  13. Spirit of St. Louis As you can tell from the title, this challenge is about the first non-stop transatlantic flight. Your job is to replicate the Spirit of St. Louis and have it fly across the Kertlantic and land in Keurope (A pic is provided). Rules and submissions are below. Badges currently in the works Rules 1. No cheating (this means debug menu, HyperEdit) There may be some exceptions 2. No mods (KJR, any other autopilot mod, FireSpitter, KAX, and any other mod with propellers are allowed) 3. You must takeoff from KSC and fly straight east 090 degrees until you land in Keurope. 4. Required pictures: Takeoff, In-flight, and Landing 5. I must be able to recognize the craft, this means make it look as close as you can to the real thing. How Submissions Will be Judged Craft that are able to fly and land will be submitted and the craft that is most efficient and uses the least amount of fuel will win a badge. Any other submissions will be rewarded a Participation badge (which is similar to the winners badge - both coming soon) Images Submissions 1. Martian Emigrant - http://imgur.com/a/NVE6J 2. 4d4Garrison 3. The Optimist 4. NightshineRecorralis Thanks for taking a look!
  14. The space program is bankrupt from a ludicrious mission involving 97 Mammoth engines, 100,000 units of rocket fuel, and a sparking Z-100 battery. However, Rockomax has given them 5,000 funds in bailout money and has created a "Score Sheet of Awesome", where 1 point is 1,000 funds for the KSC. Their list is below (and quite long): Here are the general rules: Your craft must cost no more than 5000 funds. Your craft must have at least one Kerbal on board for each lander. A single ISRU refuel is permitted. Mods and debug menu are forbidden. If you do not return, your score is halved. Science Route: You may do science along the way to perform a 100%-committed Research Rights Sell-Out for additional money when you get home. Transmitting science is forbidden. The start: Medium-mode Career save, all tech unlocked, 0 science, 5,000 funds. Rockomax's Top Roadtrippers @ManEatingApe with 130 points and an initial cost of 4,976, which means 125,024 funds recovered! Christ on a cracker...
  15. Gene Kerman watched The Si-fi X-15 North American. So she wanted to have a plane go over 2020 m/s. The challenge is to make a rocket powered plane still in the Atmosphere and get over the speed. You can upload and show a vid if you want to.
  16. Kerbin Decathlon Summer Event! The following 10 events are designed as tests and stretches of what kerbals can do! The following rules apply to all the events: You may not use any of the hacks or cheats. You must use stock KSP (No mods, not Kerbal engineer, not FAR nothing!) Sub note you may use a custom flag for your crafts Max ship size is 255 parts for all events And here are the events! High Jump – Using just one flea for propulsion, reach the highest height you can, while returning intact to the surface of kerbin. No ejection stages allowed – F3 on landing to determine max height. Parachutes are allowed, you may use any probe core. Long Jump – Using just one flea again, and just the stayputnik probe core (no sas/rcs control) reach the furthest ground distance covered from the launch and land intact. You may land in water, and parachutes are definitely allowed. Again, no ejection stages allowed and F3 on landing to determine max ground distance covered. Aerodynamic parts are allowed but realize without SAS that might be tricky! Runway Dash – Reach the end of the runway (starting on the runway) without going airborne in the fastest time. You must stop before the end of the runway, ending between the number 27 and the end of the runway at the stop. Any combination of parts are allowed here, just no leaving the ground and no going over 255 parts. Shot Put – Using only decouplers and a probe core (launch platform must be stuck to the ground with launch clamps and be static – no moving parts) reach the furthest distance you can in ground distance covered. The probe core must land intact. Heavy Lifting – Put the largest mass object you can into valid kerbin orbit. Orbit must be at least 70 km and be a stable orbit. You may not leave kerbin's SoI or enter Minmus or Mun SoI. Mass is determined by the total mass of the ship once it is in stable orbit. Air Height Event – Using only air breathing engines reach the max height you can, max 255 parts and must land intact. You may jettison parts along the way but no rcs or any thing other than pure air breathing engines (No rockets, solid boosters or rapiers) Javilin – Using only 5 liquid fuel (use a mk 0 liquid fuel tank and reduce it to 5 liquid fuel) and no other fuel reach the furthest distance from the KCS as you can, landing intact. Landing in water is fine. No using decouplers to push the distance or leave craft behind. Parachutes are allowed. You'll be surprised how far you can go on 5 liquid fuel!!! Marathon – Using only a single Z-400 battery and carrying 3 kerbals make as many laps as possible around the KSC. You must start on the runway and leave the runway going west. Once you are off the sloped area you may go either direction around the KSC. A lap is considered complete once you pass the west end of the runway again. You may not go up any of the slopes around the KSC. No using any other fuel, no using RTGs, solar panels or fuel cells. Any probe cores or craft parts used must be emptied of electrical current. Total starting current must be 400, from the battery alone. Speed Swimming – Reach the runway island – you do not have to actually get on to the runway, just touch land. You may not go airborne and must start from the runway. You may use up to 255 parts in any way you want as long as you do not go airborne and go into the water to get there. Archery – Launching from the launch pad land as close as you can to the black monolith near the KSC. Note you can see this thing from the main KSC screen it is just to the north of the runway. You may only use solid rocket boosters and may only use the stayputnik, no SAS/RCS control allowed. You must land the probe intact. You may use decouplers and parachutes. Closest to the monolith for victory! (I expect to see someone who landed on the monolith to be honest!) And that is the 10 events! Feel free to post your results! Screen shots encouraged with the F3 results. As a side contest try to come up with your own flags for the event! Get creative and have fun! Good luck in your kerbal events this summer! Hope to see some great results! I will start on these events myself on KSPTV on Thursday morning at 11 AM EST! Hope to see you there and hope to see some great entries!
  17. How to win: You need to earn points and the one with the most points is then obviously in the first place. What to do: You need to fly kerbals into different situations. For example you have 5 kerbals and you put one onto the ground then you put 2 in low and high kerbin orbit and then you somehow manage to have the other 2 in both the lower and the higher atmosphere with a vtol or a suborbital trajectory. You get 10 points for each kerbal. This is just the base value. It gets multiplied by the scientific multiplicator of the situation. For example: If you have one kerbal in a low Eve orbit you get 10x Points. For another kerbal in the same situation you get 5 points base and for additional kerbals after that just 1 point. You also get another x2 multiplier if your kerbal is in atmosphere. Then the total points of a kerbal who has landed on a celestial body gets multiplied by the gravity(measured in g) of the corresponding planet/moon x10. Optional tasks: If you dont use any mods that show useful information(e.g. Kerbal Engineer Redux, MechJeb2, etc.) then you get 10 extra points You get a x2 multiplier if you do your launch with an ssto(could be a rocket, could be a plane) You get an extra 1000 points if you do the mission only in IVA(except ofc when you park your kerbals on and around a celestial body, then you need to go eva) and if you deposit atleast 5 kerbals outside of the kerbal system The rules: No cheating 100% stock Everything must be done in 1 launch Size doesen't matter No bugusing/exploits Please tell me if you find anything thats unbalanced I didn't test this, I jut wrote it down. I myself don't want to participate in this challenge right now because -funny enough- momentarily I don't play KSP actively Sources: Kerbal Space Station Tracking Station, http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page The Leaderboad 1. - 2. - 3. -
  18. Permanent Worlds Challenge Permanent Worlds is a mod Challenge created by me, GalacticVoyager. this challenge has 1 simple goal, construct anew civilization from far, far away from kerbin. Different challenges will be present on worlds like the mun and minmus, while others to eve and duna, and even harder missions to jool and other (modded*) solar systems. This challenge is continuous, meaning its constantly updated. the challenge has no speed records ect. The idea is to make the largest colony possible in the time period given, so you must be quick before each disaster strikes... Offical Badge [Credit to Anex for this incredible badge] To The Munnes! "One day while doing their work, scientists peaking through the `really long telescope` found a spot somewhere in space, after 3 desperate attempts to wipe the speck off the glass of the telescope the scientists realized it was a asteroid. further studies showed the asteroid was on a collision course with kerbin, and the asteroid was as large as a mountain. in a desperate attempt to survive the upcoming disaster, the scientists decided to send the population into space to kollonize the nearby mun system around kerbin. and so begins the mun kollonize challenge... " Time limit = 6 kerbal months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to the mun. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 25 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to minmus. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 30 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Kerbin. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Mun. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 35 points challenge No.5: Construct a Orbital city above Minmus. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 40 points Additional Challenge No. 6: Land your colony near one of the Mun Easter eggs. - 20 Challenge No. 7: Land your colony near the Minmus Easter egg. - 20 Challenge No.8: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around kerbin. - 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.9: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Minmus. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.10: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around the Mun. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.11: Launch a rover from your colony onto mun -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Challenge No.12: Launch a rover from your colony onto minmus -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Completion - 125 points Forgotten Twin "A large dwarf planet from the outskirts of the kerbol system has been knocked of course, sending it onto a nearby pass with kerbin, due to this, it will send all of kerbin`s munnes, and a extreme amount of asteroids, spiraling across the kerbin system, destroyed both kerbin and its 2 munnes. due to this, the kerbals need to launch their rockets to eve, the sister planet of kerbin, to kollonize it and survive the apocalypse." Time limit = 3 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Eve. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 60 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Gilly. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 35 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Eve. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 50 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Kerbin. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Additional Challenge No.5: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Eve. -Surface: 30, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.6: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Gilly. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.7: Launch a rover from your colony onto eve -Surface: 5, Orbit: 25, x the amount of rovers Challenge No.8: Launch a rover from your colony onto Gilly -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Completion - 200 points The Hugger "A rouge gas giant from the outer reaches of space has swept into the kerbol system, disrupting jools orbit, causing it to enter the inner solar system. Due to this, most of the planets in the inner solar system will be disrupted from their orbits, however, 1 world will remain the same, Moho. Its distance from kerbol allows it to stay in a highly dominant gravitational pull, even jool`s gravity wont disrupt it, and so the kerbals had set their eyes on it..." Time limit = 5 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Moho. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 25 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above Moho. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Moho. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.4: Launch a rover from your colony onto Moho -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15, x the amount of rovers Completion - 75 points The Red World "Moho`s orbit has became unstable, and due to this, caused it to collide with Eve, destroying both worlds. this event sent trillions of asteroids across the kerbol system, and due to this, kerbin has 6 months till the expanding asteroid sphere reaches it, subsequently destroying it. luckily, Data shows the asteroid sphere wont reach duna`s orbit, allowing the kerbals to find a new home close to their cradle." Time limit = 6 months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Duna. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 40 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Ike. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 20 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Duna. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Ike. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Additional Challenge No.5: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Moho. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.6: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Ike. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.8: Launch a rover from your colony onto Duna -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.9: Launch a rover from your colony onto Ike -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No. 10: Land your colony near one of the duna Easter eggs. - 20 points Completion -175 points The Lonesome Drawf "Kerbol, which had provided light and warmth, is becoming chaotic. its just a matter of time before its radiation levels increase to levels so high that even duna would be roasted. However, kerbals set their eyes to a small drawf planet on the outskirt of the kerbol inner solar system, a world forgotten by the community and scientists alike, Dres" Time limit = 6 months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Dres. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 30 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above the Dres. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.4: Launch a rover from your colony onto Dres -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Completion - 100 Green Giant "A small, brown dwarf is approaching the kerbol system, and will pass through its inner solar system, disrupting practically every planet in orbit around kerbol. However, calculations show that Jool would not be affected by this event. allowing a small door of survival to the giant of the system for the kerbals..." Time limit = 5 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Laythe. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 60 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Vall. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 40 points Challenge No.3: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Tylo. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 70 points Challenge No.4: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Bop. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 15 points Challenge No.5: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Pol. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 15 points Challenge No.6: Construct a Orbital City above the Jool. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Challenge No.7: Construct a Orbital City above the Laythe. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Challenge No.8: Construct a Orbital City above the Vall. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Challenge No.9: Construct a Orbital City above the Tylo. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 35 points Challenge No.10: Construct a Orbital City above the Bop. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 5 points Challenge No.11: Construct a Orbital City above the Pol. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 5 points Additional Challenge No.12: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Jool. - 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.13: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around laythe. -Surface: 20, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.14: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Vall. -Surface: 30, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.15: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Tylo. -Surface: 25, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.16: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Bop. -Surface: 5, Orbit: 2, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.17: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Pol. -Surface: 5, Orbit: 2, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.18: Launch a rover from your colony onto Laythe -Surface: 5, Orbit: 30 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.19: Launch a rover from your colony onto Vall -Surface: 5, Orbit: 30 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.20: Launch a rover from your colony onto Tylo -Surface: 5, Orbit: 35 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.21: Launch a rover from your colony onto Bop -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.22: Launch a rover from your colony onto Pol -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No. 23: Land your colony near one of the Easter eggs that exist within the Jool system - 30 points Completion - 500 The Empire on Hel "Kerbol, a bright star in the middle of its life, has suddenly went supernova, due to this, kerbin has 3 months till the explosion reaches it, destroying it. From there, kerbals calculated what worlds would survive, but all the planets would be affected one way or the other, however, 1 kerbal remembered of another world, far, far away, eeloo. Soon calculations showed that eeloo would not be affected, and so the kerbals set their gaze on it..." Time limit = 3 months weeks Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Eeloo. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 100 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above the Eeloo. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 75 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Eeloo. - Surface: 15, Orbit: 5 , x the amount of satellites Challenge No.22: Launch a rover from your colony onto Eeloo -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Completion - 200 time limits are the amount of time it is given for you to construct rockets, once the time limit is surpassed, you cant build anymore rockets UNLESS you have set up extraplanetary launchpads.. Completed is when you do all the main missions, additional missions don`t count More Challenges coming soon! Required Mods: Mechjeb - you want to launch multiple rockets at the same time to make large space stations in a fast pace. TAC - This is the main mod, use this to give life support to ships! Better Time Warp - to speed up journeys to other worlds. would be boring to wait 20 minutes JUST for your orbital city to eve to reach moho to get a orbital assist. 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine - Adds faster propulsion systems, another way to stop boring trips to other planets. Extraplanetary Launchpads - To built cities easier, and expand colonies at ease. Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - Self-explanatory, actually helps make a proper base. --- Any mods required for the mods above stated to work --- Optional Mods: --- Interstellar revisited mod, New horizons or any other mod that adds another star system --- --- Any planet packs that don`t change the stock system (orbits, planet textures etc.) --- --- Any Calculation mods --- Suggestions on mods are allowed! Prohibited Mods: --- Any mods not listed on the required mods or optional mods --- Stock Version: Due to some demand, i have implemented a separate gamemode for the challenge, the stock Version! In the stock version of this challenge, instead of modded food, civilians ect. you must use everything as stock. Food and water is replaced by ore, 1 kerbal needs 50 ore to survive for a year, the more kerbals you have, the higher the demand is (2 = 100, 4 = 200 etc.) this gamemode is for those who like challenges to be stock, no mods. so this part is a way to counter-act the demand of no mods. Rules: 1. You must show video or picture evidence that you DID NOT CHEAT 2. Docking is allowed, heck, i would be impressed actually. as long as you prove you have done it 3. Be kind to other contestants etc 4. Any mods used that are not allowed means you get DISQUALIFIED! 5. no limits, no time limits. go crazy. Just don`t go TOO crazy... Leaderboard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mod Leaderboard: (If you used optional mods for the challenge, you will be put here) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  19. Well, I decided to make an absurd challenge: beat my personal record in sending Kerbals to the Mun in one flight. If you can shove more than 36 Kerbals in one spacecraft, and SAFELY land them on the Mun (without docking or refueling on the way there.), then you win the challenge. A vehicle can qualify for multiple challenges. Re-entry heating must exist, and the craft must have flown in 1.0.5 or later. Any inappropriately shaped (offensive or mature symbols) vehicles are disqualified. Only mods such as Mechjeb, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and similar "utility" mods may be used. For extra insane points, do this for any of the Jool Five. --- MUNAR LEADERBOARDS: 1:Jebisdead: 201 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: MINIMUM: 36 --- SSTO LEADERBOARDS: 1: Evermore Alpaca (Laythe/Jool): 564! 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: --- JOOL LEADERBOARDS: 1: Evermore Alpaca (SSTO): 564 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10:
  20. I recently was looking ino the 'scenarios' option on the ksp menu and looked at 'station one' al the way on the bottom. When i opened i was looking at the space station but i wanted to go back; and if you don't know you have to go to the space center first and then i pressed on the tracking station because i wanted to take a look. And there was this manned craft orbiting Duna with one Nuclear engine and a lot of fuel/rcs and a radial mount parachute. I was like; maybe this thing is setup to go back to kerbin but no- so i decided crashing in duna is always fun right? And there i went, but i actually tried landing it, this is what happend! It rolled down the hill! That's easy mode of the day, crashland that son of a gun normal mode is: Land it straigt up on the engine hard mode is: land it on kerbin (i don't know if it has enough delta v tho because i don't have kerbal engineer redux installed; tell me) extreme mode: land it on/arround the space center I ONLY NEED A SCREENSHOT! Good luck everyone! Leaderboards: Easy mode, 1st place: Condo Carl Normal mode, no entries Hard Mode, 1st place: Foxter Extreme mode, no entries
  21. Bomb challenge! (I just like explosions) Make a craft the flies and drop bombs...(Yes that's all) Use mods if you have to, please tell me the names of the mod Send a video, download link or images in the reply section. IMPORTANT: The bigger the exposition the better! My bomb:https://mega.nz/#!cAo2HQYR!Pjdl81qWxzFX37TLSYwDsQKJitvk8SNe-Lblk1Byfv4 https://youtu.be/MzofSTCnSGU
  22. It's true that KSP is not finely balanced in terms of gameplay; you can easily unlock all the tech tree without leaving the Kerbin system, so going to the outer planets is not needed in terms of science. And heavily modding my game is not an option, as I am playing on a not so powerful laptop that can't cope with a lot of mods. That's why I have challenged myself; I should get a Surface Sample from every biome in every body (planets and moons) and bring it back safely to Kerbin. It also gives me a reason for creating manned base with MKS-Lite, so exploration can be done locally instead of from Kerbin. Anyone has done this challenge before?
  23. After months of planning, the Kerbals decided that they needed something to do. Something that would shock the whole of Kerbin... They decided that they would send something to every planet in the Kerbol system. Levels: Basic Send a probe to orbit every planet in the Kerbol system. Advanced: Send crew to orbit every body in the Kerbol system. Expert: Land crew on every body (except Jool and Eve) in the Kerbol system. Bob level: Expert + collect as much science as possible. Val level: Expert + with a plane. Bill level: Expert + with as little fuel as possible. JEB LEVEL: Expert + EVE LANDING! (and no, HyperEdit isn't allowed.) Allowed mods: MechJeb Infernal Robotics DMagic Science Any life support DeepFreeze OPT Space Plane (but not the dark drives) KIS and KAS Modular Rocket Systems RLA Stockalike Hullcam Vessel Viewer Kerbal Engineer RasterPropMonitor FAR Tundra Exploration ToolBar Kerbal Krash System Dang It! Idiot Lights Docking Port Alignment Indicator Universal Storage Fuel Tanks Plus Deadly Re-entry Scatterer/E.V.E Banned Mods HyperEdit Vessel Mover UKS/MKS Stockalike Mining Expansion Any mod not mentioned (unless you ask) Good luck and have fun! Post screenshots and level attempted, and whether any crew were lost!
  24. Greetings to all Kerbalites! Having decided to undertake the Elcano Challenge, it's necessary to chronicle the success (or, more likely, failure) of your attempts. So here goes....... Elcano Challenge - Pol [Complete] My first rover design consisted primarily of the brown rover wheels, an inline cockpit, solar panels, and a whole pile of struts and girders to hold the thing together. Unfortunately, for me, Pol's "gravity" is so low that I got almost no traction from the wheels, and maxed out at a top speed of around 7 m/s. It would be a supa-long challenge if I stuck with that design. My second design relied on landing gear and an ion engine for propulsion. Unfortunately, I was again beaten by Pol's low gravity, spending more time in flight and near-orbit than I did on the ground. But I got better speed out of that one, so I decided to stick with it. My third attempt was similar to the second, except I had two ion engines (front and rear) set vertically to provide some much needed down-force. This is the story of that rover... My fourth attempt at the Pol Elcano Challenge went very differently. Probably because Valentina Kerman was in charge. After initially beginning a polar circumnavigation attempt, the presence of invisible walls that insta-murdered my rover persuaded me to change, mid-attempt, to a horizontal circumnavigation. Apart from a few completely random and unexplained cockpit explosions (thank goodness for F9) the horizontal circumnavigation went relatively smoothly, with an exhausted Valentina completing the 80-day drive around Pol. Herewith follows the imgur containing all the not-so-juicy details: If you're interested in completing the Pol challenge, here is A Bunch of Stuff I Learned Driving Around Pol to help you. In no particular order. YMMV. Do not save while moving. Loading up a moving vehicle generally gives you a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly. Keep your speed between 10-15 m/s on average. Exceeding 20m/s is asking for a RUD, while below 10m/s is really, REALLY slow to get anyplace. Thou shalt not timewarp your rovers on pain of RUD. Also, they start to drift around like they're aquaplaning if you use timewarp. More time is lost from redoing stuff after an accident than was saved by going faster. Take it slow. Save OFTEN. Also, don't rely completely on quicksaves. That's what primarily blew my third attempt. Go back to the Space Centre and create a proper save trail. Ions are great for propulsion on low-g planets/moons, but you'll need OODLES of electricity to make them go. When you're as far out as Pol, you're not going to get much from solar panels. If you're using mods, you might have a neato little nuclear reactor. If not, learn to love the fuel cell. Just because you're using fuel cells, doesn't mean you should skimp on the solar panels. They provide additional juice and, if you break your array or run out of fuel, without solar power your attempt is over. I found the optimal balance between fuel and xenon to be about 2 cans to 1 (of equal sized 1.25m tanks). You'll go through fuel way faster than xenon, and waiting for the solar panels to recharge your batteries is a PITA. For my circumnavigation, I used a total of 150 fuel, 180 lox and 7,700 xenon. That should give you a starting point. Down-thrust. Use it. Also batteries. Use 'em too. Don't drive at night. Even if you have lights. Waiting for daytime is as easy as hitting a button, so don't let yourself become RUD-bait. You WILL be jumping, because Pol's "gravity" is way too low to avoid it. Learn to plan your landing angle to be as near as possible to the landing site to avoid RUD-inducing cartwheel landings. Nobody likes cartwheel landings. Use SAS. I figured my cockpit would provide enough torque, and I was wrong. I completed the challenge, but lost progress on several occasions when I simply couldn't correct an angle in time. Allow the terrain to dictate your path. Fighting the terrain is a losing battle in KSP. I used landing gear as wheels, and you probably should too. Normal wheels don't get enough traction in Pol's low-g environment to be useful. Also, they break on jumps a whole bunch more. Once you're up to speed, you should kill your engines to avoid going too fast. On average, except when hill-climbing, you can probably spend most of your time coasting. It also saves on fuel! All in all, I really enjoyed the Pol challenge and am looking forward to completing others! Elcano Challenge - Ike [Complete] My attempt at the Ike Elcano Challenge went off very smoothly. Ike's gravity is nearly three times that of Pol, so using ordinary wheels for mobility is now feasible. I put together a basic Rover consisting of a cockpit, metal structural supports and wheels (and a few batteries and RTG's) and went to town with it. Once again, I put Valentina Kerman in charge, so the project went smooth as butter - No invisible walls, no unexplainable RUD's, nothing. Ten days of driving, and Valentina Kerman has completed her second circumnavigation. As always, Imgur follows: If you're interested in completing the Ike challenge, here is A Bunch of Stuff I Learned Driving Around Ike to help you. In no particular order. YMMV. This follows on from my Pol list, so duplicates will not be repeated. Ike's gravity is higher than Pol's, and it has much smoother terrain, so I'd advise you keep your speed in the 20-30 m/s zone. Much faster than 30 m/s, and braking becomes... tricky. However, if you have a long, flat plain with a hill on the other side that you can use to supplement your brakes, you can safely bomb along at 40-45 m/s. Because of Ike's smoother terrain and higher gravity, jumps are lower, shorter and overall less punishing. I found that I could safely timewarp at x2 with no hassles. x3 or x4 started bringing unexplained wobbles, so I generally avoided those two. Wheels worked perfectly for me on Ike, so there was no need to rely on engines (which eliminates a need to pack fuel as well). A couple of batteries and RTG's to keep them supplied and you're good to go. I didn't have enough SAS on Pol, so I probably overcompensated on Ike. Too much SAS is a thing! Ike's terrain is much smoother than Pol's, so you can easily use an autopilot set to your direction of choice and just go! There's much less need to account for terrain in your route planning. Watch out for downslopes. I found that 's' or "slow down" didn't help all that much, so had to use the brakes more often. Brake carefully to avoid unpleasant cartwheeling. Compared to Pol, driving Ike was an absolute pleasure. I'm looking forward to completing more Elcano's soon! Elcano Challenge - Eeloo [Complete] My attempt at the Eeloo Elcano Challenge went off just as smoothly as the Ike challenge. With decent gravity and being, on average, smoother than Ike, Eeloo was dead easy to drive. I kept the same Rover build I used on Ike, with only minor tweaks (like a touch more ground clearance to avoid the occasional RUD). As is becoming traditional, I put Valentina Kerman in charge of the Eeloo Rover and, apart from a couple of instances of invisible walls, no unexplainable events occurred. Seven days in the cockpit and Valentina has completed her third circumnavigation! Imgur follows: I didn't encounter anything new of significance during this circumnavigation, so there will be no "A Bunch of Stuff" for Eeloo, although everything from Ike still applies. I did tend to run a little faster (25-40 m/s) and warp a little higher (x3), but paid for it with a few more near-disasters and broken wheels. Overall, I still think the speed was worth it. Eeloo was a nice, easy drive, and I'll be completing more Elcano's soon. Elcano Challenge - Gilly [Complete] My attempt at the Gilly Elcano Challenge did not go as smoothly as my previous two Elcano's. Dealing with Gilly's terminally low gravity proved much tougher than I expected. Given the low gravity, I'd decided to try a new rover design - an ion-powered quad-bike..... it did not go well. In principle, the idea was good, but the implementation was somewhat lacking. I didn't have nearly enough downthrust - deciding to rely on my main engine for downthrust proved to be... flawed, at best. It worked, but it was a massive pain in the posterior to drive that way - Orient to direction, pick up speed, orient downwards, add downthrust, orient prograde before you crash so that the wheels take the hit, orient retrograde, 'cause now you're going to fast and you're nearly orbital. Orient, orient, orient! Bullpucky! Towards the end of the run, I was seriously considering ditching the rover and completing the Elcano on foot. Still... Valentina pulled through for me, like she always has, and the Elcano attempt was completed. Fortunately Gilly is as small as it is annoying, so at least it was over quickly. Overall, this was not a fun Elcano, and I will not be revisiting Gilly for the pleasure of driving it! Imgur follows, as always. If you're considering a Gilly Elcano, here is A Bunch of Stuff I Learned Driving Around Gilly to help you: There's basically no gravity, so basically no traction. Engines and landing gear is the way to go. You literally cannot have enough downthrust. If you think you've got enough, double it. Keep your speed below 10 m/s. Much more than that and the first bump is going to put you orbital. Contrary to my previous advice - don't bother to save much. To save you need to be stationary. To get stationary is a massive pain. Gilly's tiny - just complete the run in one go. You will spend a bunch of time ?airborne? (<--- dunno what you'd call it in a vacuum). Gravity is too low for anything else. You can easily and safely go up to x4 timewarp while jumping because the low gravity makes for long, slow jumps. Consider locking your suspension. Just the kickback from suspension is enough to put you nearly orbital. Overall, Gilly was not a pleasant place to drive. While I'll certainly be back to do more Elcano's later, I'm going back to my Jool-5 challenge attempt now. Elcano Challenge - Vall [Complete] Another successful Elcano attempt, this time of the Jool moon Vall. As usual now, I put Valentina Kerman in charge - with Val going to Vall, what could go wrong? (See what I did there? ) Compared to Gilly, which was my previous Elcano, Vall was way easy to drive. Decent gravity and unobnoxious terrain make all the difference in the world. That said, it certainly wasn't as smooth as my Ike or Eeloo runs. I found very few instances of invisible walls or unexplained RUD's occurring on Vall and overall it was a smooth, if somewhat long, ride to completion. As usual, Imgur follows. Pretty much all of the stuff I said about Ike and Eeloo applies to Vall, so I'm not going to spend much time here. Two things I will note is that: a ) Vall is much more rugged than either Ike or Eeloo, so you'll spend a lot more time either going around hills, or crawling up them and frantically braking down them; and b ) There's something dodgy about Vall's terrain. Seemingly smooth surfaces will frequently cause your rover to shake, rattle an' roll (Oh God, I'm old!) for no good reason, even with SAS on. Without SAS, you'd be in serious trouble. Overall not especially dangerous, but really annoying while trying to keep yourself pointed in the right direction. While easier than Pol or Gilly to drive, overall Vall just doesn't compare to the pleasure of driving on Ike or Eeloo. Elcano Challenge - Tylo [Complete] HellTylo is absolutely awful to drive on. Let's get that out of the way right at the start. The lava terrain hates you and will destroy your rover at random intervals for no apparent reason. Trying to get any decent speed going results in your rover trying to breakdance on what appears to be perfectly flat terrain. That said, it was next on the list, so I made my attempt at Hell Tylo. As always, I put Valentina Kerman in charge, and it was a darned good thing I did. No other Kerbal could possibly have pulled it off. Those other Elcano's I complained about earler, they were cakewalks compared to Hell Tylo. Anyway, here's the Imgur. If you're crazy enough to be considering a Tylo Elcano, here is A Bunch of Stuff I Learned Driving Around Tylo to help you: Respect Tylo at all times. It hates your guts, and will kill you the second you give it an opportunity. Limit your speed to between 10-15 m/s. You can often go faster than that and nothing will happen. On the other hand, going faster than that can and will get you exploded without warning, and for no good reason. All in all, it's faster to drive slowly. Despite the speed limit, you can safely run your time acceleration at the maximum of x4. Just be ready to kill the dilation and brake frantically if your speed passes 20 m/s. Your rover will shake, jiggle and dance for no apparent reason on perfectly flat terrain. Ignore it. Except for the times it randomly flips out and explodes you. But since you can't predict those times, just F5 OFTEN. Although I've just mentioned it, its worth it's own bullet point. Save OFTEN. I saved at least ever 25 km and still lost more time that I liked to having to repeat stuff after a crash. Tylo was far and away the most unpleasant place I've Elcano'd. I will not be back.
  25. The Government has been keeping an eye on the Space Program's ludicrous spending lately and has decided to cut their funding! They now give them these limitations (ie. the challenge rules): If reusable craft are present, no new craft may be manufactured. If not, one new craft void of fuel may be manufactured. All craft will use fuel from one (1) Government provided Kerbodyne S3-14400 tank. Said tank may be modified once in a facility. At least 200(normal mode)/400(hard mode)/800(Jebediah mode) Science must be brought back to KSC for the Government to analyze. The Science must be received in whole. (no transmitting) ISRU is allowed, provided the craft used Government fuel originally and it is not within 10 kilometers of KSC. There will be no manufacture of new parts allowed. (no parts mods) Any number of launches may be made, however all Science must be delivered on one craft. The crew at KSC are squirming under these inane new regulations, but Gene thinks it might (might) be possible. Can you step up to the plate and get their funding back? Start: Normal Science save (to actually get and track Science), all parts unlocked, 0 science remaining. Badge: Your score is the amount of Science you bring back, it's simple. Top Government Scientists: Jetski with 2,140.2 Science (This could be you!) with (number) Science (This could be you!) with (number) Science (This could be you!) with (number) Science (This could be you!) with (number) Science Feel free to voice any comments, concerns, or criticism; I'm not the best challenge maker.
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