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  1. There should be an easter egg, or something at the center of Jool. The planet is so interesting and so... Kerbally. There should be something inside of Jool.
  2. I'm planing a manned Jool mission for my career save. The focus will be on extracting as much sweet, sweet science as possible from the Jool system before returning home to Kerbin. I'm going to use a NERV powered main mothership with 3 daughter landers to cover all the moons. (The Tylo lander will be an unmanned one-way trip!) Since this will be my first visit to Jool, I'm not sure what to expect for dV requirements after I capture into the Jool SOI. For a conservative estimate, I could simply add up all the numbers from the KSP delta-V map to get intercepts with each moon including the plane change amounts. This assumes (1) that the parent body will be Jool every time (2) no gravity assists from the other moons and (3) no daughter vehicles. With this in mind, do people have a ballpark number for the delta-v requirements to encounter all Joolian moons? I'm looking for rough estimates as a gut-check for my planning purposes, preferably from those who have done similar missions. I should also mention that I'm not planning to do any resource extraction, but I might need to if the dV requirements are too high.
  3. I am having trouble getting large payloads to Jool. My payload is a 50 tonne base segment that I want to land on Vall. The payload is capable of landing itself from an orbit of Vall, but my problem is getting it there in the first place. With a 50 tonne payload, adding LV-N's on a stage below it usually results in an extra delta V of around 1000 maximum. Adding more can get that up to around 3000 Delta-V but by then I am lifting around 150 tonnes into LKO which I cannot seem to do even with the large Kerbodyne parts. I've thought of some ideas, such as breaking it into multiple sections, brute-forcing it with loads of Kerbodyne engines, and Asparagus, but have not tried any out yet. I would like to keep the overall cost relatively low, anything under 1mil will be fine. I do have refuelling depots at Minmus and Duna, if those are of any help. Any ideas on how I could get large payloads to far places like Vall?
  4. Hello. I don't have any experience with making mods AT ALL, but i do have an idea. A mod that kinda adds a surface to Jool. Its actually just clouds, but it acts like water. It is not flat, just random clouds starting at a height of approximality of 1KM. If you manage to have such a heavy ship or use engines, or just somehow sink until 100M, the clouds will stop, and you will fall out of them. and on 50M, an ocean appears. This ocean is the last layer of Jool, and continues until the -250M mark, then your ship will, as always, explode on that height. BUT there is even more! if you manage to somehow accelerate to 200m/s and go through -250M, you will appear on a tiny rock, 10KM the size, and is the core of Jool. it's small, but if you take a surface sample,you will get 7.000 science points. Let me know what you think!
  5. Outer of My Ideas: Rings For Laythe One or Multipes Moonlets For Laythe a Flag For Laythe a New Continent (Called Brazilen) a New (unnamed)Mon for Jool a Empty Space Station(Easter Egg) Montains For Laythe and a Great Spot For Jool
  6. I have been playing for KSP for about 5 years and I finally managed to do a manned trip to Jool! My trip:
  7. Simple enough, got inspiration from the Jool 5 mission. All you have to do is land on all of Voon's moons. Required: KSS (duh) Scatterer EVE Yeah so. Do it! P.S: After you are done, throw the probe into Voon, protocol demands that there is no space junk!
  8. Laho Butterfly Challenge This one requires some mods: Kerbol Starsystems Near Future Tech Scatterer EVE Pretty basic, the challenge is to do the to following: 1) Unmanned flyby of Laho 2) Unmanned orbit of Laho 3) Returning research probe from Laho 4) Relay around Laho 5) Manned flyby 6) Parachuting probe 7) Lander probe 8) Manned orbit 9) Probe mine 10) Return probe landing 11) Probe refueling station (needs at least 2 modules. Cargo holds are accepted if you have KIS, but there is no real need. You could also use the other low gravity moons for that. 12) Manned station 13) Manned landing 14) Base and planet a flag next to it, take a screenshot (F12) and post below! 15) Terraform it? Step 6 example.
  9. BROWN DWARF JOOL CHANGES JOOL INTO A BROWN DWARF AND REARRANGES ITS SYSTEM TO LOOK MORE LIKE A SYSTEM OF PLANETS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestial Bodies: JOOL: Jool is now a small T-type brown dwarf. TYLO: The first planet is Tylo, a hot, atmosphereless, and dead world orbiting closest to Jool. LAYTHE: The second planet is Laythe, a sanctuary for Kerbalkind around Jool. POL: Laythe's moon, Pol, is tidally stretched by both Laythe and Jool, creating a small yet volcanicly active moon. VALL: The third and final planet is Vall, a small, cold world with no atmosphere orbiting far from Jool. BOP: Vall's moon, Bop, is a relatively large asteroid orbiting closely to Vall, but since Vall is smaller than Laythe, it isn't pulled and stretched too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit to: Nobody, I just had an idea and played around with it for a few days, and voila! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1265/Brown Dwarf Jool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dependencies: Kopernicus (Packaged with mod)
  10. Hello! EvilEmotaku here. You can probably tell by the title that I am inexperienced in Kerbal Space Program. I want to go to Jool. So. Let's make it happen. In this thread I, along with any potential readers, will with follow the journey to Jool. I'll skip past the initial game. Y'all won't need to read any of that boring stuff with the Flea SRB or anything. I'll start posting updates and a summary of the prior events once LKO has been achieved. Please note that these updates will be irregular, as I am still in school. Writing, homework, and missions take take time, too, so again, don't expect daily updates.I hope you enjoy the accomplishments and blunders that will follow me along my way the the big, green planet. I also want to say that any constructive criticism is welcome, as it will help me to gain experience, and speed up the trip to Jool and its moons. Again, enjoy this thread. So basically, my mission is to land at least one manned and unmanned mission on each of Jool's moons.
  11. NOTE: I play in Sciene Mode, with Cheats, because of my time. Hello! I love space, and space projects. I am very interested in so i decided a project like this, Let's get started! Laythe is very very likes each other with Kerbin, like Earth and Europa-Ganymende and Io moons. But I can't trust the moons geography, so i send a Lander here named Gaia II (it is my second build of another probe) And, here is Laythe, ı use four parachutes for stabilised landing, it is too difficult landing on continents, to my luck, i have succes landing on continent named "Dansen" There is no chance to communicate with mainworld without any Relays, so i make Uranoos. It is orbitting in Jool now. I transmitted all of informations about Laythe for Space Center. I gain lot of TP's after transmit Tomorrow, i'll try send a passenger file and edit this thread. I plan build first village in here. I wait your proposals and comments! Have fun! Regards.
  12. Even though I have 15,000 excess science.. it's not enough. I found I had not yet landed on any of the Jool moons. Bad Kerbals! So, i decided I would take a lab with me, and make a single lander that can hit all the moons except Laythe (requires a specialized design). Tylo being the biggest challenge, because of its very high gravity/size, it's like landing on Kerbin without an atmosphere. So I designed a lander with some jettisonable fuel, with the idea I would go to Tylo FIRST, and then wouldn't need those tanks for Vall, Pol, or Bop. I would bring my lab with me as an undockable section, with its own fuel, RCS, etc. Unfortunately, I forgot to put a probe controller on it, but that's OK, I'll just have the lander always dock to it. The small docking ports are for refueling (note that I can't refuel the lander without the lab until I jettison the tanks, but might have been nice to put one on an external tank just in case.). The lab acts as the big com relay back to Kerbin, if needed. And, of course, I need to refuel constantly, so I made a one-piece driller/ISRU/fuel transport, with a small docking port for refueling the lander/lab sections. Small engine to just handle interplanetary and landing on Pol. Checking out the dV for the lander, the DV maps *say* I need about 2280 to land and take off at Tylo, with 4750, I *should* have enough, right? (more on this later). It may take a low starting orbit, but on paper, it should work. So, first we get up into Kerbin orbit, and head to Minmus to refuel everybody for the long drive to Jool. Note that I was able to keep the lower booster from Kerbin, so it took two refueling runs, but the landing section would come into Jool with plenty of fuel, while the driller would come into Jool orbit with maybe only 800 dV, probably enough to get to Pol on its own, but this added extra insurance. Turns out I had plenty, transfer, orbit and landing is maybe 500-700. We refuel everyone at Pol, and head to Tylo. Now, I begin to worry- if I start my landing low (say 17km), and get back to a low orbit, can my fuel ship dip down that low to refuel (before landing and after re-orbit), and climb back out the gravity well and get back to Pol and land? The answer, it turns out, is yes. I leave about 1000 dV for each run back to Pol. So, we try our first descent from 17km. We learn two things. (1) You can't start from 17km because you can't slow down fast enough before gravity sucks you into a mountain. If you thrust downward enough, you use too much fuel. So we raise the descent to about 30km. That works well, but we land with only about 2100 dV left, not nearly enough to get back into orbit. It turns out it takes about 2500 dV to get to a roughly 10km orbit. Yep, this looks bad. So, after failed attempts, I realize I need help. So I built another fuel/engine "top" component to provide more fuel (and the thrust to counter its extra weight). Note that I added a decoupler to the docking ring, because those BIG docking rings have enough magnetic attraction they don't come loose easily. I am still granted the proper dV, but I didn't want to have something that might crash on top of me and explode after landing. With this component and some careful piloting, I'm able to land with about 2561 dV left. Note that I hit hard when I landed and broke a strut, but I should still be fine for Vall. 2561 was enough to put us back into a 9kmx20km orbit, with enough dV left to re-dock with the science section. Then the refueler only had to make one stop! So, the major lesson learned is- don't trust the dV maps. It took about 2600-2800 dV to land and 2300-2400 to reach stable orbit, and that's with optimal piloting. But other than that, the "two ships, single lander for four moons" project is so far a success, and has passed the toughest test.... Tylo, with only one landing strut as a casualty.
  13. Even though I have 15,000 excess science.. it's not enough. I found I had not yet landed on any of the Jool moons. Bad Kerbals! So, i decided I would take a lab with me, and make a single lander that can hit all the moons except Laythe (requires a specialized design). Tylo being the biggest challenge, because of its very high gravity/size, it's like landing on Kerbin without an atmosphere. So I designed a lander with some jettisonable fuel, with the idea I would go to Tylo FIRST, and then wouldn't need those tanks for Vall, Pol, or Bop. I would bring my lab with me as an undockable section, with its own fuel, RCS, etc. Unfortunately, I forgot to put a probe controller on it, but that's OK, I'll just have the lander always dock to it. The small docking ports are for refueling (note that I can't refuel the lander without the lab until I jettison the tanks, but might have been nice to put one on an external tank just in case.). The lab acts as the big com relay back to Kerbin, if needed. And, of course, I need to refuel constantly, so I made a one-piece driller/ISRU/fuel transport, with a small docking port for refueling the lander/lab sections. Small engine to just handle interplanetary and landing on Pol. Checking out the dV for the lander, the DV maps *say* I need about 2280 to land and take off at Tylo, with 4750, I *should* have enough, right? (more on this later). It may take a low starting orbit, but on paper, it should work. So, first we get up into Kerbin orbit, and head to Minmus to refuel everybody for the long drive to Jool. Note that I was able to keep the lower booster from Kerbin, so it took two refueling runs, but the landing section would come into Jool with plenty of fuel, while the driller would come into Jool orbit with maybe only 800 dV, probably enough to get to Pol on its own, but this added extra insurance. Turns out I had plenty, transfer, orbit and landing is maybe 500-700. We refuel everyone at Pol, and head to Tylo. Now, I begin to worry- if I start my landing low (say 17km), and get back to a low orbit, can my fuel ship dip down that low to refuel (before landing and after re-orbit), and climb back out the gravity well and get back to Pol and land? The answer, it turns out, is yes. I leave about 1000 dV for each run back to Pol. So, we try our first descent from 17km. We learn two things. (1) You can't start from 17km because you can't slow down fast enough before gravity sucks you into a mountain. If you thrust downward enough, you use too much fuel. So we raise the descent to about 30km. That works well, but we land with only about 2100 dV left, not nearly enough to get back into orbit. It turns out it takes about 2500 dV to get to a roughly 10km orbit. Yep, this looks bad. So, after failed attempts, I realize I need help. So I built another fuel/engine "top" component to provide more fuel (and the thrust to counter its extra weight). Note that I added a decoupler to the docking ring, because those BIG docking rings have enough magnetic attraction they don't come loose easily. I am still granted the proper dV, but I didn't want to have something that might crash on top of me and explode after landing. With this component and some careful piloting, I'm able to land with about 2561 dV left. Note that I hit hard when I landed and broke a strut, but I should still be fine for Vall. 2561 was enough to put us back into a 9kmx20km orbit, with enough dV left to re-dock with the science section. Then the refueler only had to make one stop! So, the major lesson learned is- don't trust the dV maps. It took about 2600-2800 dV to land and 2300-2400 to reach stable orbit, and that's with optimal piloting. But other than that, the "two ships, single lander for four moons" project is so far a success, and has passed the toughest test.... Tylo, with only one landing strut as a casualty.
  14. Jool has the thickest atmospheres of all planets in Kerbol system. All atmospheres of gas giants are unique and may contain different elements. Such difference is very important ,when materials condensate into clouds! It makes material sepperated into different layers! Lets take a look at Layers of Jool's atmopshere- (not to scale)(i know my drawings is awful, but what can u do with touchpad and paint!) First, ionized layer is always interacting with light and radiation! It makes it look different from most of the atmospheric layers.It glowes purple during the twilight and sunshine. Then we have main layer, It the layer we use to aerobrake at and it is also the most visible one! Next is dynamic layer! it is also the first part of hot atmopshere. It is called so due to extreme temperatures that this part of the atmosphere contains. We can see how it moves acros Jool! It is also responsible for different streams(lines) of Joolian atmosphere. Next is first cloud layer! It is where gas condence into clouds. Soon these clouds will produce powerful thunderbolts that cross all the atmospheric layers below.This is also a place where powerful storms appear. Second cloud layer is not such a difference with the first layer. Except the density,it is much higher than in the first cloud layer. And the last part is a theoretical layer made of liquid hydrogen. It could be a result of hydrogen under extreme pressure and heat, nor some kind of different chemical reaction. Appearently Jool's atmosphere is made of 3 main components!(despite a lot more different materials, they are the most) Hydrogen,Helium and Chlorine(which makes the atmosphere look green) Phew!I hope you liked this topic! Though it involves science, it is a theory related to KSP so it belongs in KSP discussion thread! And again i am asking you to mark my mistakes, if i have some! It is just a theory!A KSP theory!
  15. So, in my Visual Mods save, I have (among other mods) EVE, SVE, scatterer, and SVT. I doubt that SVT has anything to do with it, but in many videos and pictures, Jool looks really good. It's in higher detail than stock, its greens are more accentuated, etc. For me, Jool still looks pretty, but its bands are white. Like this: How do I go about making the bands green? I found the config file for clouds, and under Jool-Bands1 and Jool-Bands2 there's a colour value. It's currently set at "210,180,170,455" for Bands1 and "180,170,150,255" for Bands2. What colour should I use for green? I'm particularly fond of the colours (These are HTML codes) #306754 and #254117. What are the appropriate colour codes for those? Thank you in advance for any answers.
  16. Jool-5 NAVIGATOR &/or SSTO Challenge Your challenge is to accomplish one or both of the following classic challenges during a standard Jool-5 trip: 1.) Elkano Circumnavigator Challenge of Jool's 5 moons. 2.) SSTO However, your circumnavigation only needs to satisfy 2 requirements, and can be accomplished in either order: 1.) Cross the equator at least once. 2.) Touch every degree of longitude. (This may be accomplished by heading for a pole and twirling around like your Kerbal may technically be an idiot) The difference is that you do not have to return to your landing location, although doing so may help. (I think this change adds a little strategy and speeds things up a little bit) Be sure to plant your bread crumb trail of flags as you go. No gameplay or part mods. Keep your resources tab open; other information mods are appreciated. Some part clipping is allowable, but let's not get ridiculous. We should be able to at least account for your fuel tanks. Post your submissions below and claim your badge. Videos are best; Imgur albums of important moments (takeoffs, landings, flag-plantings, etc.) are acceptable. If you've already done a SSTO that satisfies the Jool-5, go ahead and post it. Jool-5 Circumnavigator w/ SSTO 1.) Your Name Here! 2.) Harry Seaward 3.) Jool-5 Circumnavigator 1.) 2.) 3.) Jool-5 SSTO 1.) 2.) 3.) Let me know if you have any suggestions. I don't think that an identical challenge exists, but let me know if there is. My submission will be up in the next day or two. Good Luck!
  17. Mission Briefing JoolSatTM (Werner said we needed the TM to make us sound more serious, and not ludicrously stupid with this mission) is a mission about placing orbital surveying satellites around Jool, because the moons weren't enough. Call it overkill, I sure did, but in this mission three satellites must be consecutively launched. Without refuelling. From an SSTO. And the satellites must form a pentagonal shape because here at the KSC we have OCD, and a variety of other acronyms we pass off as qualifications to make us sound more... qualified. Mission Objectives Build an SSTO capable of holding 5 satellites that can perform orbital surveillance. Or at least try, we don't really mind. Take off, and survive the ol' spinning-out-at-25000-meters-and-crashing scenario, or avoid it completely. The latter is a better choice, I guess. Reach Kerbin orbit. From here you can go anywhere, but we want you to go to Jool. Or die trying. (We aren't responsible for any deaths). Go to Jool, and reach low Jool orbit. Avoiding the thick, hot atmosphere of Jool is advised. We don't want the SSTO returning home half melted, or not returning at all. Deploy the satellites, all three of them, in the shape of a triangle. (Summoning the Kraken is optional, the shape is a gift, he won't mind. I think). Return home, and land at KSC or the airfield next to it on that island I can't reach with my helicopter. If possible, post an image or a video of it. This is optional too, Jool is camera-shy sometimes, and so am I. The Rules The only mod you may use to assist you is the Mark 4 Spaceplane mod. Nothing else. Reason being, the Mark IV Spaceplane parts are BIG and have BIG engines. Really nice. The height of the satellites in relation to Jool should be 300,000m high. All three satellites must be in working order. We'll try our best on the ground to build them that way. You may make good use of gravity assists. Or die trying. No cheats allowed. That upsets Werner. How do I win? Get your satellites as close to Jool as possible (300,000m above the surface to be precise), and as circular in orbit as possible. Should you succeed, post your apoapsis and periapsis with a screenshot (or video, those are fancy). There are two leaderboards, one for the most circular orbit, and another for how close your satellites are to the target. Good luck, and try not to blow anything up! JoolSatTM Leaderboard for Most Circular Satellite Orbit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. JoolSatTM Leaderboard for Closest Satellite Orbit to Target (300,000m) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  18. This is "edited" photo of Jool Lets name the belts of Jool! example:equatorial dark line- Kopernik region, and so on... A little bit of eye candy for you!: if you are a proffesional mapper i would like to know how to do this properly!
  19. I just installed a bunch of mods onto a new copy of the game, and I immediately got some glitches. First, upon loading up a save file, Kerbin was invisible, but reloading the save file fixes it. Another thing: when I looked at Jool in the tracking station, its orbit line was invisible and it had a new moon, courtesy of the To Boldly Go mod thinking it's one of its own procedurally generated planets. I have several other mods installed, such as TAC Life Support, infernal robotics, KER, DPAI, and others. Full list of mods and some footage of all glitches encountered coming soon, as I am currently on my tablet and don't have access to my computer right now, and probably won't be able to get on until tomorrow. EDIT: Here's modlist: FuelTanksPlus, Hangar, Interstellar Fuel Switch, Kerbal Engineer Redux, KerbNet Controller, Kopernicus, Infernal Robotics, Docking Port Alignment Indicator, SETI Greenhouse, TAC Life Support, To Boldly Go, Trajectories, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner, TweakScale, ModuleManager, Community Resource Pack, Community Category Kit, Configurable Containers, and Modular Flight Integrator. And here's a link to footage of the glitches: srry not embeded vid EDIT 2: srry about dropbox, I am new to this kind of addition to a post.
  20. Hi all, I'm attempting my first ever Jool mission. Not one for half measures, it's going to be a Jool 5. I've got a very large spaceplane with about 1100dV remaining as it plunges to its doom in the Jool system, and .38 TWR. It has IRSU and if we can get into Laythe's atmosphere in one piece, i am very confident of being able to land the thing (even dead stick) , get mining, and complete the mission. The problem is that whilst i think i've got a fair understanding of stock aerodynamics and can fly decently, I'm terrible at orbital mechanics. Was very pleased with myself using only 2200 or so to get an encounter with Jool from LKO, normally i use 2 or 3 times the estimates. Now the capture burn would be another 2k dV if doing it propulsively, and you're looking at the same again or even more to get into Laythe. Now I hear that all the smart kids actually do it by using gravity assists. This is where i'm struggling - On the Kerbin-Jool transfer burn we hit an AP of 77 billion then arced back down to this encounter with Jool. We swung around the back of Jool itself, and as luck would have it, can pass just in front of Tylo to get a massive gravity braking assist. Do i need to tune this to be a bit less aggressive? As you can see, it's going to have us plunge to our doom on Jool. Miraculously (some would think it intentional) we get another encounter with Laythe, on our way down to oblivion. But we're going 5300m/s plus at this point, and Laythe's atmosphere goes from thick enough for jet flight at 40km to zero at 50, so setting PE high enough to not blow up the ship means you're only in the atmosphere for a second or two. No appreciable braking possible. As for the gravity assist, it can substantially affect our trajectory, but only after we've smashed to bits on jool.
  21. Werner : "What do you mean, 'Inventory Problem' !" Gus: "One of our warehouse staff caught a bag of Nachos with his bar code scanner by mistake. Turns out they use the exact same SKU codes as the Rockomax Conglomerate. Threw our stock control all out of whack." Werner rolled his eyes. "So what do we actually have?" "Well doctor, we've just finished the manual audit. Four NERVs, two Rapiers, Two Whiplash, a Panther, and a Poodle, also", said Gus, rustling through some papers, " we found a some Twitch motors in the creche facility. They were being built into some kind of toy, but they still look serviceable". Mortimer pulled out his credit card, "What's the Rockomax sales number again? 321-800-800-?" Gene : "No time for that Mort, launch window in three days" Werner : "Well, that's it then. We'll just have to make do with what we've got. Tell your boys to keep everything small and light, if we follow good maths it should be possible" Gene : "We'll need a spaceplane for Laythe" Werner : "That too, just for goodness sake keep it light. The smallest wing you can get away with to reduce drag. Simple and quick to build". "At least they'll have plenty of Nachos" added Gus. The following morning, Gene stepped into the hangar with Werner. It took his eyes several seconds to focus on the towering leviathan in front of them. He read the stats off the sheet, "255 parts, 187 Tons.." Werner stood, ashen-faced. It seemed like an age before he spoke. A pen fell from his hand in slow motion, bounced once, then clipped through the floor and disappeared in a puff of smoke. He knew that near the singularity of a black hole, time itself was slowed by the intense gravity, but this is the first aircraft he'd seen to have that effect on its surroundings. "You'd better give the launch to Val", drawled Werner, his voice sounding like he'd just inhaled a balloon of sulphur hexafluoride, "She's been spending some time in the Kessna, and just got her PPL". "Private Pilots Licence?", replied Gene. "What about instrument rating, multi engine?" "Won't need it, clear skies forecast. And we're not planning on having any engine failures. Separations, maybe, but those are much easier." "I'll tell 'em to pack", said Gene.
  22. PROJECTJOOL Complete Revamp of the Joolian System. [WIP] Estimated Percentage Done: 8% Estimated Time of Release: TBD(Possibly In 3 months Time, Maybe More) Sorry for the Lack of Updates, Schooling and other issues with PQS have gotten in the way, but now that that's over I will be continuing working on the Project! Currently Working On: Problems with PQS and correcting problems with Hoffnu. Possibility of Scratching Hoffnu as it was intended as a Textures for Kaya and Perle. What Does This Mod Do Exactly? ProjectJool completely reorganizes and revamps the Joolian System which will Reposition the two moons of Pol and Bop to account for a realistic Joolian System, and is set to have atleast 20+ moons of Jool. It will also add N-Body Physics, which will stabilize the Joolian System. This feature will be added later on. (Of course, there may be more as time continues, after the final release.) Can I contribute? Of Course, I would always like help with Moon names and Variants! If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below and I will give you credit if it is accepted. Current Moons/Ideas: Hoffnu(Textures and BiomeMap Done, Only need to fix a few bugs, calling vote to remove Hoffnu) Hoffnu was one of the first moons to be discovered due to its contrasting color to Jool. Being a Desert moon, it seems there was once a decently sized Atmosphere. Some say there might still be remnants of it, however very small. Kaya(In Selection Process) Kaya is an interesting Moon, mainly due to the small ring system that resides around it. Interestingly, there seems to be only one crater on the Moon, and it is of great size. Perle(InDev) Perle is covered with blue sand, which is peculiar. It is believed to have formed from Lazurite, and has eroded away by a once great atmosphere. Photos: Special thanks to: @The White Guardian, for his amazing PQS and Kopernicus Tutorials, and inspired me to become apart of the modding community. Scott Manley, to introducing me to KSP and giving me hours of entertainment.(And More) And To the great community here at the KSP forums with helping me with other issues.
  23. So Gleno-Space decided a while back that it was going to go to Jool. This is what I wanted to bring: Jool 2 Long Range Communications Probes 2 Atmosphere Drop Probes Laythe Manned landing and a few hours Two Large Unmanned water probes with Submarines One land explorer with rover One Space-station. Communications probe x1 Vall: Two Unmanned small landers One manned landing and a few hours on the surface - DONE Communications probe x1 Tylo: Manned landing and a few hours Bop Large base exploration vehicle Two Unmanned large landers One manned landing with time spent in base Several Landing steps to refuel the main vehicle Communications probe x1 Pol Small base on Pol with exploration vehicle Two Unmanned small landers One manned landing with time spent in base One large Unmanned lander Communications probe x1 I've now got it mostly figured out, and its time to launch everything. Once all the equiptment is at Jool, the Kerbals will launch and go through each moon before returning safely to Kerbin. The idea of this mission is to figure out how easy/hard it is to land on each moon, what their compositions are like, and how best to colonize the Jool system. From afar, Bop or Pol look like the best locations for a fuel depo, and Laythe looks like the most Kerbal friendly...only time will tell. Here is the first video, with the Jool payload: 3/11/2016 I've gotten all the hardware into orbit. No Kerbals onboard. I'm planning to send all the Hardware there before sending any brave Kerbals. Here is the prep video, showing me getting them all into orbit.
  24. Note: This isn't being played as part of a campaign, so there pretty much isn't any RP. I'm coming at it as an engineering exercise, since that's pretty much my play style. So there's going to be a lot of dry reporting on engineering, testing, and development. Comments and questions are welcome! A week or so back, I came across a mention of the Jool 5 Challenge. I've played KSP since 0.19, so it's not like I haven't heard of it before - but for some reason, this time the bug bit. I decided to take on the Challenge, even though I've never attempted anything nearly so big before. Since the Challenge requires some form of log or report, I'm starting this thread to first keep track of my design decisions (in case someone is ever interested) and then to eventually serve as the required report. My current plan is that even if I don't fly it as a Challenge, I'm going to fly it as flotilla mission. I'm going to start with a series of posts detailing how I got to where I stand today, then I'll follow with updates daily or as warranted. Next up: The Tylo lander.
  25. So, I think everybody knew about Vall's orbital instability in N-body space already, but my simulation in Universe Sandbox2 revealed more than orbital instability of Vall. PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION MASS = original * 102 SEMI-MAJOR AXIS = original * 101 START OF THE SIMULATION: 3.88 HOURS (due to time spent to make the game recognize the orbits, so I can edit the orbits.) OBJECTS INCLUDED: JOOL, LAYTHE, VALL, TYLO The result is pretty spectacular. At first, Vall and Laythe interacts, pushing Vall outward and Laythe slightly inward. (This would cause Laythe to have even more volcanoes.) Then, in the final encounter, Vall is thrown outward. In other n-body simulation, Vall would get slingshot by Tylo to eccentric orbit, but this? http://imgur.com/a/xR9sN (Idk how to embed) A spectacular COLLISION. R.I.P Vall 14 days from the beginning of the simulation. Note: I did not included any other objects in Kerbol system, so it is possible that Vall will survive the fate, but in any case Tylo's tidal force would shred Vall apart.
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