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  1. Hi everyone ! Following my last post (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/164409-a-new-type-of-mouse/), I gathered all the information I wanted in order to prepare my gaming mouse project. I want to thank you all for your answers, there were so many ! This time, I'll try to answer to all of you, promise Now, I only need one thing to perfect my presentation : the configurations of the mouse for KSP. So I ask for your help again ! Here is the list of the buttons and X, Y, Z axis : - Left and right clics - 2 side buttons - Joystick button (you press the joy) - Analog joystick 360° : config on 4 directions - Analog tilt 360° : config on 4 directions - Translation up, down, left, right - Scroll wheel up, down - Scroll wheel button - Lexip button (under the scroll wheel) - Scroll wheel sensitivity - Mouse sensitivity - DPI (01 to 5040) You can set up all these buttons with the Control Panel. You can do what you want (keyboard keys, shortcuts, macros…). How would you configure the mouse ? Thanks again !
  2. This is basically my thread for posting my videos on, hoping that someone sees them, views them and likes them (Not like button like but like as in it's good content) My channel on YouTube is HojozVideos, and amongst other stuff I post random KSP videos and Cedara Fighting Competition ones, which is oriented at fighters made using BD Armoury continued. Please excuse me for any mistakes, I'm new to the KSP forums.
  3. I bought KSP on my main Windows 10 PC but when I am on the go, I normally take my Mac with me for PC games but this is an older Mac and due to memory isues, cannot go any further. I want KSP on here but I have it on Steam but I only have 10.6.8, can't download the Mac Demo either because the demo site is down (and has been for several months now, pls fix this KSP team). What do I do? Is there an possible way to transfer it to Mac? -MK
  4. When I have landed my ssto or any other craft I cant recover it or go to the space center and I am forced to kill ksp_x64 and restart the game. And my console keep saying this: http://prntscr.com/ga9ujz PLZ HELP
  5. Post whatever special moments you like, when you first landed on the Mun, when you first got into orbit, or landed on Duna! I will show my oldest screenshots my first orbit, in mid-2015; back then I loved the 1.25m parts and hated the 2.5m ones, it took me months to actually do it. [I had EVE and scatterer installed already].
  6. Hello everyone! Inspired by the XenonISRU mod, made by @Xyphos, I've decided to make a simple CFG file that adds the ability to make Xenon Gas, Solid Fuel and Ablator to all ISRU units in the game. The config file just steals the Monoprop making MODULE, and copies it a few times. In theory, it works with mods too (I've tested it with the Stockalike Mining Extension mod made by @SuicidalInsanity). Implementing other resources (Community Resource Pack) is a possibility for the future. License-wise, you are all free to do anything with it. Download here!
  7. I need to make an engine which has fuel input controlled by an external throttle part. Any ideas on how this can be done?
  8. Hi I work in a company which has created a 3D mouse designed for graphic designers and 3D designers. I find the format suitable for video games and I would like to know your opinion on the subject. Our mouse is called "Lexip 3D", it has a joystick and a tilt allowing movements in 3 dimensions on 6 axes. Companies like Dassault Systems have had the opportunity to work with. Today, we don‘t sell this product anymore but we are working on a new basis for our professional target. On my side, I would like to present some mouse’s configurations on video games to my superiors to propose the development of a Lexip gaming mouse. I had the opportunity to do some tests on your game: You can set the tilt, the joystick, the buttons as well as the classic keys of the mouse. As regular players, what do you think of our mouse? Would it be interesting for KSP? Do you have any configuration ideas? Thanks !
  9. Hello and welcome to meh little space programme! Here I will be weekly uploading about my space program. Maybe I should tell you about my status as a space program. Ok, I'm not a real space program owner but hey, maybe one day I will be! Ok, back to the topic, I live on a farm with a airspace that VERY rarely planes pass across.this kinda means that for my rocket launches, I will not need to have airspace cleared or anything. so that means I won't really have a time restraint, meaning I won't have to finish a rocket on time. Also, because I live on a farm, many chemicals are available (because they are used for put killing), but this doesn't necessarily mean they are perfect for using rocket fuel. Also this thread is linked to my other thread: Ok, now lets cut to the chase, and I will start posting my status as a space program! PROLOGUE Back a few months ago I built these mini match rockets and they, because of limited time, flew 30 feet(only half of the expected 60 feet). I then, in the afternoon of that hot day, built these bottle rockets flying 40 metres! (80 feet?) they were made of soap, water and local air(dat stuff you breathe in). We did so many launches that I could not even count!!!(I'm guessing like 80 launches or something) then we started experimenting with petrol! *evil grin* to put it, the petrol we used was not explosive, between it came out it burnt everything it lands on because of the Bunsen burner used to light the petrol up. After this I went into a period of long research... August 13th So today I was looking in the ol' PVC and adapters parts and I found the perfect piece for a hybrid rocket motor! Then I burnt one end with a Bunsen burner until it was alight. then I quickly used an O2 tank as an oxidiser which then created a very hot exhaust... The flame actually turned blue at a point too! I think hybrid rocket motors are the way to go if you are beginning a space programme!!! Sorry I’m discontinuing this ...
  10. HELP ME GAME CRASHED BUG ALL MODELS 1.3 BUT ALWAYS BUY THIS HAT BUG FİLE : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6pNiIxsE7JfTk1sZ0NlZjFXcFE
  11. I want to make a modular engine mod. The idea is to add a group of parts made up of engine nozzles, combustion chambers, engine base plates, and some other engine parts which function as one engine when assembled. I know how to model and add new parts to the game, but I need help with getting the "combined engine" functionality working, hopefully without adding/coding plugins. Also, tips on texturing will help. Thanks for reading!
  12. We all have that one rocket, that one spaceplane, that's a bit, well, different. Admit it. KSP is made for stupidity! This is a place to share those creations, so get posting!
  13. In the year 2525, if jeb is still alive If kerbals can survive, they may find In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie Everything you think, do and say Is in the snacks you ate today In the year 4545 You ain't gonna need your command pod or rcs You won't find a thing to fly Nobody's gonna care if you die In the year 5555 Your arms hangin' limp at your sides Your legs got nothin' to do Mechjeb is doin' that for you In the year 6565 You won't need no kerbal engineer, won't need no VAB You'll Get your science, And your rockets too From the bottom of a long glass tube In the year 7510 If Jeb's a coming, He oughta make it back by then Maybe He'll look around Himself and say Guess it's time for explosion day In the year 8510 Jeb is gonna shake His mighty head He'll either say I'm pleased where kerbal has been Or blow it up,, and start again In the year 9595 I'm kinda wonderin' if kerbal is gonna be alive He's taken everything this old kerbin can give And he ain't put back nothing Now it's been ten thousand years kerbal has cried a billion tears For what, he never knew, now kerbal's reign is through But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday In the year 2525, if Jeb is still alive If kerbal can survive, they may find
  14. Hello, and I want to know what the dimensions of the MK1-2 command pod are because I'm making a mod with a pod that needs to fit inside the SDHI BPC. Thanks, Bottle Rocketeer
  15. Dust storm Chapter 2-VOYAGE Against the slowly stopping wind... Against the freezing night...Against the weakness, kerbals go.. Bob looked around the rover.. Jeb was resting, looking into the void-dark sky... Bob got closer to observe the rover. To his upset he saw nothing valuable. Bob pushed the rover really hard! And then the wheels began to work! The happiness of accomplishment overwhhelmed Bob and Jeb.. Rover went on, automaticly.. Rover stopped. And then, Jeb suddenly got off the rover, it seems like he got better, Bob didn't want ot question that. Probably because Bob was doing something else. Kerbals went sleeping.. But then, suddenly Jeb woke up at the Dunian midnight. Jeb's personality began to crack under the pressure of the situation, much to Bob's surpise.. Kerbonauts finally found their calm, and began sleeping, dreaming about their homes.. Eearly,early in the morning. Morning starts with a proper routine, even in the extremal situation.. Crossing the remaining 9km was not easy, especially for Bob.. Finally, after a long time reaching the base, kerbals, or kerbal, to be clear, saw the base in the distance.. They have reached the safety for now, but that is just for now.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song: The second part is reached! Our little voyagers have reached the base! Awaiting trials of the future! Now, i sincerely ask @Vanamonde, not to merge this one with the previous one. I want to merge it after i will be done with the third part. I will send a message!
  16. Hi everyone! I would like to show you my lastest mission to Moho. It may help new players who have some issues reaching this body, or some of you looking for design ideas. Before beginning, note that this was done in Career mode. Transfer Window Planner and Kerbal Engeneer were the only mods used. This mission is completely stock parts. Let's get it started ! First of all, here's the goal of this mission : Fulfill 'Explore Moho' Contract. I'm using an 'apollo style' design in 3 different stages : - Main engines & liquid fuel - Hab module - Moho lander. The whole ship is approximatly optimized for this mission, in terms of weight and delta-V required, but some adjustments can still be done. My personnal challenges on this mission were : Create a 'half-reusable' asparagus nuclear cluster, made with mk3 LiquidFuel parts => using it for this mission, then refueling and reusing it for a closer one. Use high efficiency of the nukes to bring the less fuel possible on our cluster. There won't be any 'interplanetary kick' stage made of size 3 parts. Remember : less is more ! Bringing all the science done home with the crew. Enough talking, let's show you what it looks like ! The trick to catch up Moho is to slow down at your solar periapsis to reduce your injection burn in a significant way. This mission is a single example, feel free to comment or post yours ! Hope this will help !
  17. What are the weirdest ksp related things you have ever seen? For me it's that role play is banned. It makes you think why....
  18. Hi guys! I just wanted to share with you the new project I'm working on. It's a YouTube series called "The Story of Space Exploration". In this series I'll talk about and explain the most important missions in the story of Space, with some help of Kerbal Space Program. I made 2 trailers and just published the first episode, "How does a rocket work?". I'll put the links below just in case you're interested: Trailer 1 Trailer 2 How does a rocket work? The Story of Space Exploration ep 1 Please let me know what you think
  19. NOTE: PHOTOS ARE LINKED FOR EASIER VIEWING AS EMBEDDING CAUSES ISSUES CHAPTER 1: K.S.S Valiant The EVA From Hell The Mystery Of Monban Station, Or How Jeb Wasted Millions In Five Minutes Icy Ike, But Catla Wants Ike-Cream The Duna Descent Work, Work, Work Home Away From Home Exploration, Part 1 Exploration, Part 2 Shuttling All The Way Icy Ike, But Catla Gets Ike-Cream A Grey Turn Of Events CHAPTER 2: Hello To Nowhere, Part 1 Hello To Nowhere, Part 2 It all happened one day... Jeb, Nacy, Catla, and Jonlong set out for the 'big orange thingy' in the sky. Boarding the 'Vixen', they soared through the atmosphere and into space, leaving Kerbin behind. It was going to be a long time... https://photos.app.goo.gl/KEjxauXMc7oocOSi1 'Yippee! I'm going to space!' Jonlong blurted out. It had been his first time in space. In no time, they had reached a stable, 97 - 103km orbit, and could rest for a few hours. https://photos.app.goo.gl/CLJcLdsa3r6mIVig1 'Hold on, we need to dock with KerbPort to resupply and refuel', Nacy, who was the mission commander, instructed them. 'But until them, we can float around in here, if you want'. 'Yay!' Jonlong enthusiastically replied. Soon, they broke out the cans of Jool-Aid, Crater-Cookies, and of course, snacks, and were floating around the crew cabin. After what seemed like five minutes (it was really five hours), Nacy informed them to get ready for docking. 'Docking in 1 minute, open port'. '30 seconds, Jeb, engage RCS'. Jeb engaged the RCS, and small white puffs came from the thrusters. 'And....we're docked!'. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tpTYwoLMwNJZqvYP2 Now, they would refuel and re-supply, switch to another craft (The 'Valiant'), and be on their way to Duna.
  20. Essentially, it would be an extension of Procedural Parts. To prevent it getting overpowered, It would work like this: You enter size, propelant used, whether or not it requires pressurised fuel tanks (This would would be done with RF) Nozzle size, amount of time engine turns off and on (Or infinite) AND then using those calculations, it comes up with a range of thrust. You would select what thrust. Say, my pressurized, 0.5 meter, Aerozine and NTO burning engine has a thrust range between 5-20 KN (just an example) and I then select which thrust I want. from THAT, the computer figures out efficiency. What do you guys think? Can anyone make this? (preferably for 1.2.2, so I can use it with my RO save)
  21. So I have a modded install of KSP(I will list mods below) and when I go to open the solar panels, there isn't an option to. I will post a screenshot below. Help please! Mod List: B9PartSwitch CommunityResourcePack(Also TechTree) Distant Object EVE FShangerExtender Interstellar Fuel Switch Planetary Base Systems Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Kopernicus MechJeb2 NearFutureElectrical NFPropulsion NFSolar NFSpacecraft PersistentRotation Scatteerer SVE Tweak Scale Warp Plugin Screenshot Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1079029199
  22. Hello, I am having issues with some mods that shouldn't conflict with each other and yet some mods are not working properly. I have tried countless times to assemble a certain number of mods together and in one case it did work but ksp updated and now it's not working again. I understand that reproducing some mod content requires special permission from the mod creator, and I cant ask for a download, possibly an email would not violate their terms. I have the mod list below. If anyone can help thanks, BTW I just want a single gamedata folder. B9 Aerospace Community Category Kit Community Resource Pack Extraplanetary Launchpads Firespitter Interstellar Fuel Switch JSI KAS Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KerbetrotterLtd KIS KWRocketry Magic Smoke Industries (Infernal Robotics) Mechjeb2 Embedded Near Future Electrical Near Future Propulsion Near Future Solar Near Future Spacecraft OPT Planetary Base Inc Planet Shine RCS Build Aid SCANsat Module Manager ASET
  23. This is a summary of the previous exchange between @KSK, @Bottle Rocketeer 500, and myself. KSK origionally said To which I replied BR500's reply... My Reply KSK's Reply Again BR500 replied My sadly reasonable response KSK responded And besides my last response that is what we come up to. What do you think?
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