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Yay, KSP unplayable again for 4-6 weeks.

Pixel Kola

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As usual, a new patch = total obliteration of the fun in the game unless you are into bland, boring, incoherent, illogical stock. What do they do that blows up so many mods so completely? Do they really change THAT much in the workings? Now we must wait for each mod to trickle in, and get updated constantly for weeks and weeks.

No point in even trying to enjoy it until 1.1 which I'm sure will 2x the destruction of fun/mods, and then it will be another couple of months for things to finally settle and the game to once again be enjoyable and playable.

Does Squad need someone to give them guidance and purpose in the game? A game designer perhaps? I'll start a Kickstarter and raise capital to buy the product and take it to where it should be going. just give me a number Squad and I'll be glad to take it off your hands. As it is now it would be the beta for what I would have in store. It's underwhelming and uninspiring at every turn.

So we have buoyancy.. so what. Give us a reason to use it or even care. So we have an air breathing tiny set... so what. now you can go less distance and get there slower. Yeah its fun to play around the ksc with a seat and a kerbal... Just more uselessness and unplayability. I've never seen a product try so hard and not having a purpose. No, I don't like sandbox. What's the point of doing anything if you can do anything?

I'm just gonna step back for a few months until its playable again.

Post all the typical responses with attempts at humor and humiliation you desire.. just understand that I do not care and your attempts to aggravate me are futile. In fact, I'm just going to step away from the game for a few months until it appears to be at least somewhat playable again so I won't even be reading your responses.

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well the boyancy fixes the problem of landing on oceanus planets usually you would just get destoyed. the tiny jets those are for making smaller aircraft and fix the problem that some people have with some jet engines being too big for their crafts. and they're changing it to be more realistic and challenging for people to make space craft in the game, before this people could just make whatever they want and see it fly. now there is a bit of challenge with new aerodynamics system its always fun to have a little challenge to overcome.

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And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have the disconnect between the so-called 'iPhone compulsion' and typical enterprise adaptation strategies.

Nothing says you have to update. Indeed, it's generally saner to only update after the early adopters are all saying, "Come on in, the water's fine."

You might make jokes about how some places are still on Windows XP, but at least they're still in business.

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New version comes out.

Hundreds of people play it and provide feedback, most of which is positive.

One person goes on the forum and declares it "unplayable."

I understand your concern, but might you perhaps consider stepping back a bit, weighing your actual complaints, and then telling us what is bothering you? And perhaps titling the thread accordingly? ;)

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Then don't update. Problem solved.

Stop whining for attention, and just go away quietly. Instead you choose to whine about a supposed problem with an easy solution. I think you're reading the replies, but you don't reply.

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...I understand your concern, but might you perhaps consider stepping back a bit, weighing your actual complaints, and then telling us what is bothering you? And perhaps titling the thread accordingly? ;)

This: "Unplayable" is a very dubious claim, look at me, I'm playing it, and I'm having fun!


Myth that 1.0.5 is unplayable, busted. The only bugs I've gotten so far were carryovers from previous versions, and not that major. If the complaint is that "mods are broken" then really, that's to be expected with any update to almost any game; if you don't want it to auto-update set Steam to not update it for you until you need it to. If you're not using steam then.. Didn't you update it yourself?

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The way I read this complaint is "KSP updates should be so minor that they are fully reverse compatible with software Squad has no control over".

I have no idea how anybody would be able to do this.

All I can suggest is

A) Play 1.04 with mods until the mods are updated for 1.05

B) Play 1.05 stock


C) Go do something else until the mods for 1.05 are ready.



/this is one of the reasons why I don't do mods

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Whats funny is that after a day the vast majority of mods have already updated. Only a few holdouts, and some of those still work even if they're buggy. Only found very few that don't work anymore period with 1.05.

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All I can suggest is

A) Play 1.04 with mods until the mods are updated for 1.05

B) Play 1.05 stock


C) Go do something else until the mods for 1.05 are ready.



/this is one of the reasons why I don't do mods

I play heavily modded, and I agree totally... But on the flipside, this is THE reason why I don't update KSP.... I wait about 2 mos to update KSP, so Squad has a chance to work out all the bugs, and mods have a chance to catch up... :D

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1.0.5 looks fine, fine to kill some time till 1.1 is out. Only thing is if you play like me only hevilly moded linux 64 version. Its in my head but I find stock KPS to easy. RO and kerbin x10 or RSS and we are talking. Thats, hard career on hard is so FUN. But yes, 7-14 days will need to pass untill all the must have mods are updated to new version and thats no fun :P

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I really feel this kind of post should be ignored, responding, even to fight back just gives it more credit than its worth. Ultimately the OP has won, he achieved the attention he was seeking, he got people to "look at me" and, as a consequence will not hesitate to do it again.

I don't want to tell people what to do... but my advice is don't respond to substance-less whines.... argue against people who outline a substantial gripe all you like, debate is fun. But giving posts like this your attention serves nothing, except the gratification of the OP.

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What I do is play the new release stock, and play the one before it modded until enough mods are updated. For me, stock is only a few things added...

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If you can't think of anything fun to do with KSP without your mods, you probably shouldn't be playing KSP. I know they add fun stuff to the game, but if you can't find ANYTHING to do without mods, that's an issue. Build a SSTO. Start a space station someplace you never have before. Do whatever random stuff pops into your head.

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If you can't think of anything fun to do with KSP without your mods, you probably shouldn't be playing KSP. I know they add fun stuff to the game, but if you can't find ANYTHING to do without mods, that's an issue. Build a SSTO. Start a space station someplace you never have before. Do whatever random stuff pops into your head.

I do agree, but with 1.0.5 I have had a very good time with just mech jeb and a couple camera tool things.

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