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[1.5.x] Engine Tweaks for Making History [Deprecated]


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I've been playing with the updated MH engines and I'm wondering if changes are necessary at all any more.

My test criteria are "Will the engines let me build historical rockets that work in a 2.5x scaled system". I picked these criteria because a stock system is clearly too easy even with the stock parts and 2.5x appears to be a point where stock rockets have to look like real rockets - you need 2 stages to orbit or 3 stages to the Mun.

This is loosely defined, but if I can build something that looks like a Saturn V and fly the Apollo mission or something that looks like a Gemini/Titan II stack that gets into LKO, then I feel like I'm able to "Make History" and the parts are doing their jobs. So, I did that. I had to use shorter 2nd and 3rd stage fuel tanks for Saturn V because LFO is more dense than HydroLox, but I built the rocket, the TWR's were in the right ballpark and I could fly the mission.

I'd love to get others' opinions, because I'm still entertaining keeping this live with some adjustments, but if people are happy with the stock changes I'm also equally happy to shut'er down.


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Hey all, thanks for your feedback and support for this mod. I just don't think it's really necessary any more for reasons I stated in the previous post. I'll leave it up in support of players on 1.5.x and earlier. 

If people feel there's still a need for this mod I'm willing to re-open development in the future.

- Tyko -

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