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Game Version Compatible With Listed Mods


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So far i have not been able to find releases of all of these mods that can peacefully coexist on the same game file.  The primary mods i want to have are Kerbal Konstructs, Kerbinside, BDArmory, North Kerbin Weapons, and Enviromental Visual Enhancements.  KIS & KAS are optional.  i think im primarily running into issues with Kerbal Konstructs and BD Armory , i cant find overlapping releases.  currently struggling with 1.3.1


any and all help appreciated

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Well BD Armory is an easy fix .... go to the OP of the BDAc thread and click on the github releases link then scroll down the list of BDArmory releases until you find the version that is compatible with your KSP version

We've done 38 releases in the past 2 years, more than double the versions of KSP in the same time so finding a version that works shouldn't be all that difficult


Edited by DoctorDavinci
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Hi the only twi mods you'd have trouble with from your list  are NKD and to some extent Kerbinside.    NKD has not been properly fixed or working since well  before 1.3.1 possibly 1.2   and the last  service for Kerbinside  was in 1.2, although Kerbinside is currently being overhauled, there is no sign of NKD  coming back to life.   All of the other mods on your list are part of my regular game build and have been for a longtime, and all except those mentioned gave good service in 1.3.1

Link for Kerbal Konstructs  1.3.1 , and if this one doesn't work there's 73 other releases on the gihub  https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/releases/download/

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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