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Keeping Steam from updating my game


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25 minutes ago, kspnerd122 said:

Ugh fine i will keep a downgraded version of ksp until Kopernicus updates will steam delete progress if downgrading to a version the save was made in with mods the save used.

Could you please explain that more clearly?

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On 3/30/2020 at 10:14 AM, kspnerd122 said:

Ugh fine i will keep a downgraded version of ksp until Kopernicus updates will steam delete progress if downgrading to a version the save was made in with mods the save used.


You can have multiple installs of KSP on your computer, even through steam.  Steam is not required to make KSP work.  Just to download it.

Step 1:  Find where KSP is installed.
Step 2:  Rename the KSP folder.
Step 3:  Tell steam to uninstall KSP.  This will allow you to then install a new copy.  Since you want to downgrade, make sure to switch to the old version you want in the beta branch and then install.
Step 4:  Install your KSP of choice.
Step 5:  Repeat steps 1 and 2 so that Steam can't touch your KSP folder.

Make shortcuts on your desktop for every install of KSP.  I prefer to just open up the KSP folder and use the launcher there. I tend to move mods in and out so I tend to have the folder opened anyway.



I'm going to take this time to thank everyone working on Kopernicus for their time.  Thank you for your gift to the community.  I and many others appreciate your hard work.  You guys are awesome.

Edited by Geonovast
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i am just going to safe my modded versions so steam cannot touch them also when you downgrade does it delete your stuff or can you save your main copy of the game where you still want updates as the main mods i have ignore the updates they only cause minor lag in a version they should not be in, and im on a laptop.

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1 hour ago, kspnerd122 said:

i am just going to safe my modded versions so steam cannot touch them also when you downgrade does it delete your stuff or can you save your main copy of the game where you still want updates as the main mods i have ignore the updates they only cause minor lag in a version they should not be in, and im on a laptop.

When downgrading in Steam, Steam only replaces the game files that Steam installs - i.e. it doesn't touch any of the installed mods, nor the save game directories. If you want to ensure you're not going to have problems, do the following:

1. Copy the "saves" subfolder to another location FIRST. Don't touch this copy. If you need to do anything with it, copy the copy, and work with that second copy. ZIP the first copy if you need to - this ensures that you have a known good backup of your save games.
2. Screenshot the directory list in GameData, so you know what mods are associated with those save games. Put that screenshot with the save folder copy.
3. Copy your GameData directory from Steam->steamapps->common->Kerbal Space Program to another location. Now you have known good copies of "GameData" and "saves". Also copy your Settings file from the KSP root directory.
4. Right-click on the KSP app in Steam, select Properties. Go to the "BETAS" tab. Select the desired version (ex. "1.8.1 - Kerbal Space Program"). Click "Close"
5. Steam will update to the selected version. When it finishes, copy the whole directory somewhere else - this is your "play" copy. It will never update on its own.
6. If there are problems with either the mods or the game saves, copy from your backups into the "play" directory of KSP to resolve.
7. Change your Steam copy from the BETA version back to the current version. This directory will now update and remain current.

Steam doesn't care about anything it didn't install, and the default behavior is to not mess with mods.

8. Learn how to edit the settings file, config files, the persistence file in your game save, and about the various utilities people made to do that easier. The particulars are beyond the scope of this post, but if you're going to play a modded game and not use CKAN, then you owe it to yourself and the community to educate yourself about how the game works and how to fix simple and medium-complexity issues. That's not a slam on you or anyone individually. I've been playing KSP for over 6 years, so the hard part for me is remembering what's automatic for me isn't for everyone else. Some of us had a hard time with the learning curve, but we did it, and our game experiences are far greater as a result.

Above all, let's treat each other with kindness and respect. It's easy to get upset when a game doesn't work, especially when one pays for it, and it's easy to get frustrated with modders, even though we're getting those for free. They don't have to do this, and it's a seriously thankless job to make mods, take over mods, do beta testing, or moderate forums. Our first response in any of these threads should be to assume that the other person is a decent human being who is not deliberately trying to antagonize us or ruin our game. Because they're not - we're all just trying to enjoy it.

Edited by panarchist
correct errors, clarify one point
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so we should copy my entire game as i still want a game with updates rather than ending updates(as in, i want to get updates on my main file but on my modded save i do not want them because i still want the modern version of ksp that recives updates as normal.

also i do not use CKAN but i know how to install mods by inserting them into ksp files

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14 minutes ago, kspnerd122 said:

so we should copy my entire game as i still want a game with updates rather than ending updates(as in, i want to get updates on my main file but on my modded save i do not want them because i still want the modern version of ksp that recives updates as normal.

This is absolutely the normal way to do things. This used to be common knowledge among people who use mods. Modded KSP really should always be played out of an isolated folder for minimum drama.

Let's not forget that it's a good thing that less computer literate people and younger people are playing and modding -- KSP should be accessible for everyone -- and the issues arising from this will always congregate in the Kopernicus thread.

Edited by ExtremeSquared
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