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The unofficially official 0.24-Kerbapalooza Thread - Now extra #HYPETRAIN!


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gotta do homework now, ksp better not update whilst I'm gone....

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I really don't think massive ASCII blocks is any more better than reaction gifs, guys.

It's considerably easier in the server load. I don't think the mods are here to exact a 'no fun allowed' attitude to those who are excited, just to try and prevent the 502's.

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Can I ask a wee favour of the mods?

If it's *not* going to be out in the next 24 hours could you say as much?

With they hype ramping up, 50x bad gateway errors hurt the rest of the forums - hurt people not aboard the train but merely browsing Gameplay Questions & Challenges, hurt potential new customers looking for further info before deciding to purchase, hurt media outlets looking to get a feel for the community etc.

Bad gateway messages don't indicate to the rest of the world that your customer base is super-hyped for the next release. That's not a criticism of your infrastructure - scaling forum infrastructure to cope with release blips would be pointlessly funding the extreme outlier. But allowing that degradation to continue for too long can harm both outside impressions and those who aren't fully aboard the train but just want to continue enjoying and exploring their adopted cute green community.

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