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Everything posted by Frank_G

  1. Both stations have been decommissioned since KSP Version .23.5 as i thru out the KW Rocketry Mod. I am currently working on replacements using the new 3.75m parts. Kerbin LKO-S I Duna Orbital Station I
  2. Double Post, sorry. Find its contents on the next page of this thread - this one may be deleted. Thank you!
  3. Launching in insanely large rockets, surviving a fall from orbit by landing on the helmet, stay in space forever without any needs but looking at the wonders of the universe? I am in... who cares about exploding? You wont complain after exploding anyway...
  4. The solar panels are part of the future propulsion mod.
  5. I dont generally... I carefully choose the people i annoy and spam with screenshots and orbital mechanic babble...
  6. A very hard task in my opinion. I think the most critical part will be to reach the needed horizontal speed when talking about a glider. Once you are up high and fast it wont be a problem like with any other SSTO.
  7. The most complex thing that i could achieve up to this day, was landing a base near the northern pole of Duna. It is a complex base-lander including ascension vehicle, 2 construction vehicles (which can be docked together), a kethane drill with converter system, a science probe containing all stock experiments, a mobile reactor, a floodlight, KAS containers with equipment and spare parts and 4 kerbals, housed in lander cans. During landing 4 drogue chutes and 8 LV-909 engines assured a safe touchdown. I estimated, that only half of the fuel would be necessary to land, so the remaining fuel can be transferred to the 4 tanks of the ascension vehicle (worked as estimated). For the return, the base is broken into 3 parts upon launch, freeing the ascension vehicle from all unnecessary weight. It comes with 2.5k of deltaV allowing a safe ascend to orbit with lots of cross range left.
  8. Well, as stated earlier in this thread, i don´t like part clipping like hiding tanks and engines, stacking intakes or use multiple layer wings. In certain cases, as for aesthetic reasons or when clipped parts don´t clip into visual geometry, i use it without any bad feelings. And i find that in some cases, like in the shown picture of the satellite here, it even makes sense to clip.
  9. Ok... some of my favorites here: The beauty of the new .23.5 parts... i really love the NASA ARM Pack... SSTO ascending from duna ground base to duna orbital station Duna Ground Base I - Crew arrived in SSTO Duna Orbital Station - SSTO docking Bob Kerman and 3 of his fellow kerbonauts explore the surface of Duna in a mobile laboratory Duna Polar Base I - Base, equipment, construction vehicles, ascension vehicle and crew in one landing... my greatest success in KSP yet. My latest OSV - Orbital Service Vehicle for crew transfer from Kerbin to orbit and back
  10. I play KSP since december 2013. Ive been to Kerbins local neighbors and landed my first ground base on Duna a few weeks ago. Since then i visited Eve, Jool and some of its moons with unkerbaled probes. Today i launched my first kerbaled mission to the Jool system (i hope to do something to one of the easter-eggs, found on one of the moons)... and i still consider myself a beginner, regardless of the SSTOs, space-stations and stuff i have in orbit. You get used to the basics very fast, but until everything becomes predictable, its a long way. Just don´t force yourself... small things first. Watch some lets plays and tutorials on youtube... and then go for all the stuff you can imagine. It comes faster than you think.
  11. I always bring along hitchhiker containers when kerbals need to stay in space for long. For long means, for a trip to mun, minmus or orbit including timely return it is ok, to stay in a capsule or cockpit, but when it gets to stations, bases or interplanetary trips i take along enough living space outside the work environment. As kerbals are a totally undemanding and a feeling-right-at-home-in-space race, i think they really don´t care about the convenience as long as they get above the atmosphere somehow, but i like to make the mission feel good for me too. When playing KSP it is MY space program and in my space program, there is room for individual privacy and when possible even some place to spare.
  12. Ive just launched Bill, Bob and Jeb in the Kraken-Catcher Mk. I to try the Claw on the Dead Kraken on Bop...
  13. Maybe they had a real sized solar system mod installed, when making this animation...
  14. I dont know the exact english name, but it was called "Komet" in german. The series name wasnt changed in german tv so it was just "Captain Future". I watched the series, collected the comics and read all the books, Edmond Hamilton wrote back in the 1940s... and i recently got myself a copy of the original tv series... it still catches me... and the awesome soundtrack...
  15. After watching this i only wanted to launch a Test Escape System...
  16. After seeing this video, i had to do a duna mission, constellation style... It influenced the way i build stuff in KSP a lot.
  17. Ok... remembered one of my favorite scifi anime series when i was a kid and simply could not resist... does anyone recognize this ship? I needed to hack gravity to get it off the ground, but it was fun anyway . I loved that series...
  18. The Six Six Science Division does not fear the number of the kraken! And today i am re-designing the engine section of my orbital service craft:
  19. Thats the spirit. Time for high adventure!
  20. Hmmm, buying an early access alpha version of a game and then not play it because of lack of yet to be implemented features? I dont get it...
  21. Send a kerbaled craft and fit it with lander probes that can return back to the main craft. So you get surface science and crew / EVA reports. If its safe several times, send a kerbaled lander to known LZ, so there will be no ugly surprises. You can even send the lander on a test mission with a probe core attached. You can also fly redundant missions with robotic spare landers in orbit, so you can bring your guys back up, when the lander is damaged. I have done dozens of landings with kerbals on board on mun, minmus, duna and ike so far... till today i havent lost a single soul in my career game (i only sacrifice kerbals in sandbox simulation). Just make sure as good as you can... and then go for it! Whats a space exploration game without explorers? Dont let your poor kerbals miss all the exciting stuff... and PLEASE dont care them to death! They deserve more.
  22. As all staging systems in KSP seem to be named after plants and i find most asymmetric designs quite ugly... cypress staging would be my proposal.
  23. So true. My current SSTO model deccelerates so extremely, that it gets through the atmosphere without any re-entry effects. At first i thought that it was a bug in the game effects before checking the values... However i dont prefer anything special. It totally depends on what is needed for the mission.
  24. Nearly always, except for missions where i need a more compact system, then i use custom designs.
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